I just completed my Key West Lou Live show on Facebook. Three minutes of rambling on a particular object. This morning…..Humpty Dumpty. The Mother Goose rhyme.

Remember the words: “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, / Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.”

In 1925, the song I’m Sitting On Top Of The World was written. It was later popularized by Dean Martin, Doris Day and Bobby Darin. A phrase in the song: “…..just like Humpty Dumpty, I’m gonna fall.”

Donald Trump is Humpty Dumpty. He’s gonna fall!

Even though 89 percent of his party love him and a good percentage of the American people do also, his failures are mounting. Most recently, Kim at Singapore, Putin at Helsinki, and the tariff wars.

I have been predicting the tariff wars would take their toll. A recession by next year. It is beginning. Soy bean farmers, lobster fishermen, potato farmers, and car manufacturers, amongst others, are complaining. They are hurting and will hurt worse.

The Mueller investigation is at Trump’s door.

He is in his last mile.

Dueling Bartenders last night at Aqua. Terri my date. She was not working. A customer, though she did sing a song or two. Donna arrived later. She had been working.

Rick Dery and Heather-May performing. Tom Luna not for some reason.

Jean Thornton was there. My friend forever. I am indebted to her.

The girls from saturday night at Blue Heaven. Debbie, the other half of the Golden Girls, Sharon, Megan and Mary. Kevin and Holly experienced Dueling Bartenders for the first time. Good friend Joseph arrived with Linda and Barbara.

Hank came over to say hello. He was in the Hemingway Look-a -Like contest this weekend. One hundred fifty one Hemingways participated.

He said we had met 5 years ago at the Chart Room. Hank has been participating for 25 years. Says he will never win. But fun!

He gave me a gift. A Hemingway chain he received during the competition. Inscribed on it: “Write drunk, edit sober.” Signed, Ernest Hemingway.

A pleasing gift. I will wear it on occasion. I an Italian-American who never wore neck jewelry in his life!

Thanks again, Hank.

Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe with Donna and Terri. Ribs. So good! I could not finished them. My lunch later today.

Tonight, my podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A slew of interesting subjects. Join me for a quick moving half hour.

Lauri, Lauri, Lauri. Seventeen years worked at Aqua. She gave her notice. She is moving on. To the Rum Barrel. She will be working the bar wednesday, friday and saturday nights.

A new watering hole for me.

Key West is experiencing budget problems. In all my years in Key West, this is the first time I have heard it. Irma a contributing factor.

City Commissioners are doing the right thing. They are cutting the budget. I have no objection. Every now and then, we all have to tighten our belts.

My concern is that if one is to suffer, all should suffer. Ergo, I do not understand why City employees are scheduled to get a 4 percent pay raise.

BOB is recovering from last night. Says he plans on completing the Fantasy Fest portion of his story tomorrow. Recommends it be read.

One portion will cover that time when women walked about nude with their bodies covered only with paint. From the hairline down to the toes. Breasts and genitalia merely painted over.

Trump is upset with Kim. The results of the Singapore summit not as Trump thought or reported. What really got to Trump was that he and Kim shook hands on whatever was purportedly agreed to.

Makes me laugh. How many hands did Trump shake in construction deals and then screw people in the end. Not making full payment, claiming work was improperly performed, etc.

His way of doing business. Kim’s also.

The Singapore Summit is turning out to have been a colossal failure and utter waste of time.

When Pompeo flew to North Korea to see Kim and straighten things out, Kim did not meet with Pompeo. He was busy in the fields picking potatoes.

I wrote recently that if China were to sell off U.S. Treasury bonds or fail to purchase new ones as others reached maturity, it would have a dire impact on the American economy.

If we are to believe Trump, Putin is our friend. Friends help, not hurt each other. In March, Russia held $96.1 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds. In April, that number was down to $48.7 billion. In May, $14.9 billion.

Friend Putin is selling us out!

Enjoy your day!








Amazing! I go weeks without falling. Thought the problem had been corrected. Apparently not. One of the reasons I was falling is because I was not paying attention when using stairs. My falls were always either going up or down stairs.

The fall yesterday morning was going up stairs. I know why it happened. I was not paying attention! I was in a hurry and failed to look and lift my feet sufficiently.

Old age!

My rib cage on the left side hurts like hell. All night. Could not find a pain free position. Did not sleep one moment all night. I started this blog at 4:30 this morning. There was no sense in staying in bed any longer.

No bruising. Which surprises me. I am on blood thinners.

Fortunately, I see my doctor at 8:30 this morning to do blood work and get a flu shot. I will have her check me out. I believe I am ok.

Volkswagen recently owned up to cheating on their diesal vehicles big time. Bad Volkswagen! However, I must compliment Volkswagen in one regard. I have a 2010 Volkswagen Beetle convertible. Never checked out the spare tire till yesterday. A whole tire! A regular sized one!

This morning’s Key West Citizen in its History section states that on this day in 1994 B.O.’s Wagon was physically moved from Duval to its present location on the corner of Caroline and Williams Streets. Locally owned all these years. A great attraction. Does a big time business. A touch of old Key West.

The only body comfort for me yesterday was sitting straight up in my desk chair. My left arm and fingers hurt when hitting the  computer keys.

I spent the afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. Boudicca, Warrior Queen. A 60 AD story. Interesting. A woman leading the armies, as in Joan of Arc. Brutality big. Similar/comparable to or more than that being perpetrated in recent years by al Qaeda and ISIS. Also, gender discrimination.

I opted to write about Boudicca because of the similarity to today’s war brutality and the gender discrimination issue.

An observation. We seem to be having more crime than usual in the lower keys this year. Three recent murders come to mind.

Saturday night, a deputy sheriff was shot in the chest by a robbery suspect. A bullet proof vest saved his life.

The robbery suspect got away following a shoot out. He was discovered at a home on Von Phister sunday. He surrendered to the Key West police after a negotiation. The suspect had two bullet wounds from the shoot out the night before.

Larry Smith plays again! All over Key West. Monday nights at the Little Room Jazz Club. Music and people just like the Wine Galley. Larry is also playing monday through friday afternoons from 4 to 6 at Chicago.

Bocce standings came out yesterday. In spite of recent losses. we are tied for 3rd place with two other teams. All with records of 19-8. Larry Smith’s team is one of those tied with us for 3rd place. We play Larry’s team thursday evening. A blood match!

I am finishing this blog at 6:30. It takes roughly 1.5 to 2 hours each morning to get out.

Enjoy your day!


Good Friday

He is dead.

Good Friday. The day Christ was crucified.

The Catholic Church notes the crucifixion/death with a three hour service beginning at noon. I assume Catholic Churches world wide will be packed for the three hours. Priests will speak, the laity pray.

I said assume because I have not attended such a service since high school. Shame on me! Attending a Catholic high school meant attendance was mandatory.

It was not my favorite time. The three hours took forever! Being in my teens, my mind was not necessarily where it should have been. I was prone to admire the lovely girl across the aisle.

My ribs hurt like hell yesterday. I was uncomfortable from 3 in the morning till 10 last night. Pain! Kept me on edge. I am waiting for x-ray results. My admonition….Don’t fall!

Obviously, I did not attend bocce last night. No way could I squat or throw the ball. I was not needed. Spoke with Keith this morning. We won all three games. The team is now 20-4. Hard to believe! We are tied for second.

The #1 team has lost only one game. We have not played the #1 team the the team tied with us for second place. Those games will be the moment of truth.

The Key West Library speaker series has turned me on to the Key West Library. There is a book sale saturday at the Library in the Palm Garden next door. Most books will be priced at $1. Some, a $1.50.

Libraries were a part of life when I was young. Computers and the internet did not exist. Through college and law school, it was the same. Much time spent in libraries. Took tons of time to research everything.

The internet is a wonder! A joy! Quick response to an inquiry. All the detail immediately available on screen.

A different day!

I screwed up yesterday. I admonished the Key West Citizen for failing to publish the Citizen’s usual Fools’ Day front page. Keely Brown commented that the April Fool portion of the Citizen was a whole section of the paper. It ran at the end of the usual paper. Following the want ads.

Before I start writing the blog, I first read the Citizen, E-Blast, peruse the New York Times and Washington Post, and three other news sources. Time becomes a priority. I stop reading the Citizen at page two of the Sport Section. Nothing after that is of interest to me. Yesterday was the wrong day to stop.

Thank you Keely Brown for your comment!

Enjoy your day!