Big crowd at Blue Heaven last night. Terri White was singing. Everyone wanted to hear her perform.

She was her usual outstanding self.

It was ladies night for me. Unexpected. Jean Thornton and I had agreed to meet at Blue Heaven and make a night of it. My friend forever!

Jean arrived first. When I got there, she was seated with several lady friends. Two I knew. Stephanie Kaple, my newly discovered comedian acquaintance, and Debbie.

Debbie does not reside in Key West. Visiting with Sharon. Debbie’s monumental claim to fame is she discovered gold and emeralds with Jean back when. She too is a Key West Golden Girl.

The group also included Mary from Connecticut and Megan. Megan is a Key West local. She has been a pharmacist at Winn-Dixie for 15 years.

Spent some time with the ladies. Then moved to Donna and Terri’s table. Two of Donna’s concierge coworkers at the table. Karen and Maria.

Karen is concierge at the Hilton and Maria at the Fairfield. Karen’s husband Dan operates Salty Goat at the Galleon.

Karen showed me a picture of her dog. A cute little thing. He was lost for 3 weeks. If he could talk, what a story he would have to tell!

A third concierge arrived as I was leaving. Never caught her name.

Women are from Venus and men are from Mars. I found the conversation at both tables different. I must talk to men most of the time. Recall I was the only male at both tables. Women are different. They converse differently. I felt out of place. Awkward.

Jean and I headed over to Blue McCaw for a bite to eat. Sat at the bar. Blue McCaw a comfortable place. Many locals. Food and drink cheap.

John was enjoying a late night dinner at the bar. Paul and Ron holding down their usual corner.

A Joe Phillips came up to talk with me. He has been in Key west only since June 2. From Orlando.

Joe expressed a concern about the Post Office. He was aware I had in the past few months written 3 times re the Post Office. Congress screwed up the U.S. Postal System and have made it difficult for postal workers and people (us).

Love Irish Kevin’s! One of the best bars in town. Always packed. A night does not go by where a number of women get up on the small stage and flash their breasts. The place is made for an old guy like me!

Unfortunately, I rarely go. Irish Kevin’s is for young people. Really young. I am way too old and feel out of place.

That is twice today I have mentioned feeling out of place. Strange.

Today, Irish Kevin is having a special event. A Christmas in July celebration. From 2:30-5:30. Go and enjoy! I might. The exposed breasts an 83rd birthday present to me.

I already did my Key West Lou Live video on Facebook this morning. You may want to take a look. Titled Return of the Caesars. About what I perceive to be a return by people to strong leaders that they will obey. Not necessarily a change for the good. The leaders not necessarily good.

I have wondered why the Thai soccer team and coach got 2 1/2 miles into the cavern. Read an article this morning that explained it. While exploring the cave, water levels began to rise. As the tunnels flooded, the group was forced further and further inside.

The U.S./China tariff war I fear. All tariff wars need be feared. China could be the one to cause international monetary havoc. For which we will have Donald Trump to thank.

China has the big card to play. Turn the tariff war into a currency war. Cause the U.S. dollar to devalue.

China holds $1.2 trillion of U.S. Treasury bonds. All China has to do is stop buying new bonds as the old ones mature. The dollar will fall. Major panic in world markets will occur.

If China wishes to retaliate swiftly against the U.S., it merely has to begin selling some of the $1.2 trillion in bonds it holds.

Another great Key West day in the making. Time to forget about Trump, Putin, China, tariff/currency wars, etc. Merely enjoy the day.

Join me. Lets all enjoy Sunday!




This day in 1946 a significant one regarding female beach attire. The bikini was born. A two piece bathing suit. Skimpy. Exposed the navel and much of the buttocks.

Available female bathing attire even more skimpy today. The thong bottom leaves little to the imagination. The top piece lucky to cover the areolas

Prior to World War II, female bathing suits were generally one piece and skirted. The War changed that in the United States. Fabric was rationed. As a result, the skirt panel and other superfluous material were removed.

Not as dramatic as the bikini which would come later.

The navel was considered sacred. Always covered. The two piece bathing suit born in the U.S. covered the navel. The bottom panty would be described as granny panties by today’s standards. The top a full bra.

I recall the Virginia Slims cigarette advertising of the 1970’s: You’ve come a long way ladies! As to today’s bikinis the saying applies also. No question. The next step in the progression, if there is to be one,  total nudity.

I have decided on next week’s KONK Life column. ICE. Began my research yesterday afternoon.

We hear the term, but know little about it. It has become a forceful police agency. People should be aware. My column will tell the story of its rapid growth since just after 9/11 when it was born.

This week’s KONK Life is available. My column this week: Hurricanes and Key West Cemeteries. Not boring.

The Chart Room, Hot Tin Roof and then the Chart Room again last night. I was to meet Fran and Tom Dixon and their daughter at 6 at Hot Tin Roof. I was early. Hot Tin Roof does not open till 6. Ergo, a Chart Room stop first.

John bartending. Good friend Ollie at the bar. Met John. I will refer to him as New John so as not to confuse him with the two John bartenders.

New John had lived in Key West years ago. He returned the day before. He assumes he will remain for at least 5 years this time. He is a liquor distributor. We enjoyed an interesting conversation re Key West.

Then to the Hot Tin roof.

I love Tom’s wife Fran. She is the absolute best. Cooks for me in Buffalo and brings the goodies with her each time she visits. About 4 times a year. Last night, 4 jars of sauce with meatball, sausage and pork. Home made fudge and another type candy.

Always good to meet with them. Tom and I reviewed Syracuse football for the coming season. He is a die hard Syracuse fan, also. He reported the season is not anticipated to be a good one. It has been years since we have had a good team!

Their daughter with them. Her name escapes me. I apologize. Old age.

A smart woman. Retired from the Army a major. Recently received her MBA from Harvard. Has a job already in Boston with a big time company. She starts monday.

She and her husband recently purchased a home in Wellesley.

We ate, drank and had a good time.

They left at 8. Tom had made reservations to be on the FURY to watch the fireworks.

I am not into fireworks. Seen one, seen them all. I stopped back at the Chart Room, enjoyed one drink, and headed home.

BOB tired. Stayed up late watching the fireworks. Taking today off. Tomorrow will be the finish of the Bum Farto trial and saga.

The tariff war with China begins tomorrow. Midnight July 6. China and the U.S. in different time zones. Our July 6 is midnight. China 12 hours ahead. Their July 6 midnight noon today.

Tariff wars are devastating. Everyone seems to know it, except for Trump. There are no winners. A world wide depression probable.

China advised it will not start the tariff war with the U.S. So it will wait till midnight our time to see if Trump backs off. If not, bad shit will follow over the next several months.

Key West has one industry that will definitely be hit. Florida lobsters. Referred to also as spiny lobsters. South Florida ships millions of dollars worth each year to China. A major Key West business will take a big hit.

Yesterday, July 4th. America’s birthday. Two hundred forty two years old. The Declaration of Independence was adopted.

Most of us recall the beginning words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident…..” The document obviously contained other passages of equal importance and significance. One dealt with the right and duty of citizens to raise up and abolish governments that “becomes destructive.”

The paragraph written from a long time ago. However, its words may have special relevance today. I leave such to your judgment: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to their ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…..when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is the right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security…..Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

Thank you, Thomas Jefferson.

Enjoy your day!



Happy Fourth of July!

Independence Day. The birthday of our country.

Two hundred forty two years old. It was July 4, 1776 at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia that the Declaration of Independence was adopted.

We are a young nation. Compare our age to that of European nations. Still growing. Tensions abound. The Trump era crazy and dangerous.

America celebrates. Tonight, fireworks! In Key West, off the White Street Pier.

This past week has been strange politically. Relatively quiet. We have not heard from Rudy Giuliani and other Trump cohorts who were making the news. Are they quiet because of Michael Cohen on the verge of possibly flipping?

Cohen is making noise like Trump when he wants something. He is using the media. Cohen seems to be telling the Second District he wants to jump fence and play on their side. Thus far they have not picked up on his offer.

Spent yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Thoroughly enjoyed doing the show. Covered a multitude of sins. Wish I had had more time.

Casey joined me for dinner before the show. At Roostica.

Casey and his 70′ x 30′ catamaran sit in the water off Hogfish. Casey new to Key West. Been here all of 10 days. Yesterday, he took his dingy and visited Wisteria Island. He is interested in Key West lore. The day before he went out into the Gulf a bit and did some diving.

Jennifer waited on us. It has been two years since I last saw her. She was pregnant at the time and due any day. She proudly showed me her son’s picture. Two years old. A handsome little man.

Good friends Fran and Tom Dixon have arrived. Buffalo their home. They visit four times a year. Stay at Ocean Key. Tom is on the Board.

We are doing dinner tonight. Meeting at 6 at the Chart Room. My turn to host. Probably the A&B Lobster House. Plan on calling for a reservation since today is a holiday.

Fran is concerned for me. She thinks I am not well fed. She brings me food from Buffalo. Tonight, I will receive at least 4 jars of homemade sauce containing pork, sausage and meatballs. Plus low carb bread and home made candy.

Love the woman!

You have to believe in guardian angels! God, too! Two examples evidencing why.

A few days ago, the cruise liner Norwegian Gallery was 28 miles off the northwest of Cuba. A crew member fell off the ship. His fall seen. The ship backed up and searched. Could not find him. Authorities notified. Air and sea searches proved fruitless.

The next day, the cruise ship Carnival Glory was traveling in the opposite direction. Twenty one miles off the north coast of Cuba. Saw the crew member in the water. He was rescued. In good health.

The man had been in the water 22 hours. Treading. No life jacket. Fortunately the water is warm and calm this time of year. Even more fortunate, a shark did not come upon him.

Did the man have a guardian angel? No question in my mind. God was looking after him.

A Thailand event the other example.

A 12 member soccer team and their coach got lost in a mountain gave in north Thailand. The boys 11-16.

The cave is part of a huge mountain. Full of corridors of all sizes. Some entrances small. The boys had to squeeze to get through. The team was able to get down into the heart of the mountain about one mile.

Then stuck. Water all around them. The caves have flowing water in various depths.

They could not get out. Spent 10 days in the dark and without food. Searchers and divers arrived from all over the world. A total of 1,000 looking to provide assistance. Two British divers found them over the weekend.

All basically in good health. Food, water and medical assistance provided.

At this point it is clear the kids and their coach had a special guardian angel looking over them. God directing their rescue.

The rescue is not complete however. It has been raining since the team got lost. The rainy season. Every day. The rain sometimes six inches in an hour. Cave passage ways flooding.

The team will have to swim and dive in order to get out. A mile.

None know how to swim or dive. Present plans are to teach them how to swim and dive. Then take them out. Two professional divers guiding each team person.

It is estimated the plan will take months. However so far the only way determined to get them out.

Hope the guardian angels and the good Lord stay with them.

Children detained in chain linked cages. We should be ashamed! I do not understand how Trump supporters find nothing wrong with the scenario: “They broke the law.” “They brought their children into the U.S.” “They invited what is happening to them.”

For shame!

The Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis is expressing its concern and disagreement. Statues of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus sit on the lawn of the Church in a chain linked enclosed cage.

BOB says it is a holiday. He is not writing today.

Enjoy your Fourth!