Normally this blog consists of several different topics. This morning, only one. The story so horrible and sympathetic required it stand alone.

Ed Bledsoe, his wife Melody, and their two great grandchildren, lived together in Shasta County, California. Ed and Melody were raising the great grandchildren who referred to them as Grandpa and Grandma. The great grandchildren four year old Emily and five year old James.

Ed talked to his wife and great grandchildren before they tragically died in one of the California fires.

Last thursday, Ed left home to keep a doctor appointment. The raging fires were of no concern. Not near his home. Neighbors not concerned. Never advised by authorities to evacuate.

Ed was at the doctor’s office. He received a call on his cell phone from his wife Melody. She could see fire!

Ed rushed home. Drove, ran, drove again. Got close, but not close enough.

He spent his families’ final seconds with  them on a cell phone.

Five year old James: “Grandpa, come and get me. The fire is coming in the back door.”

Grandpa: “I’m right down the road.”

Four year old Emily: “I love you Grandpa.”

Grandma: “I love you. Come and get us.”

Grandpa: “I’m on the way.”

James was the last to talk to his grandfather. He talked to him till he died.




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