I am beginning to feel like Joe Btfsplk. The Li’l Abner character that walked around with a black cloud over his head. He seemed to have bad luck. His endeavors jinxed.

My television debut yesterday had a sense of Joe Btfsplk about it. I lasted 4 minutes. Then taken off the air. No, I did not say anything bad. There was no audio. It took several hours to determine the cause. A cable problem some where in the back room.

So there was no first television show for me!

Watch again next week. Please.

There is humor in all this. I moved to the TV station because my previous internet show did not always work. Some weeks, no voice. Others, no picture. Some weeks, nothing at all. I figured that was all behind me. I was going to be broadcasting live from a for real TV station.

Such is life!

While the tragedy was unfolding yesterday, I asked Jenna if she knew who Li’l Abner was. I knew I was in a Joe Btfsplk moment. She did not. Too young.

Al Capp was a cartoonist. From the mid 1930s to the mid 1970s, he drew the Li’l Abner cartoon. It was syndicated world wide.

The setting for the cartoon was the imaginary Dogpatch in the hills of Kentucky. Li’l Abner was a young hillbilly. His girl friend was Daisey Mae.

Joe Btfsplk was a part of the Dogpatch community. He appeared in the cartoon about once a month. Seldom because Joe was considered bad luck. He was a small runty appearing guy. Wore a big flappy hat. Always had that black cloud over him.

I visted with Lisa after the show. She lamented with me. Larry Smith telephoned several times with his critique of the 4 minutes.

I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed. There was a need to drown my sorrows. I knew the perfect place.

I headed over to Blossoms for a Cuban cheese toast with tomato and a large cup of Cuban coffee. I felt better afterwards.

My afternoon was committed to writing next week’s KONK Life article. It’s called Honor Killing. The subject matter concerns Pakistani parents who threw acid over their 15 year old daughter because she was looking at boys. It took two days of agonizing pain before the girl died. It is questionable whether she received medical attention.

Honor killings are common place in Pakistan. Last year there were 943 such deaths. Young girls killed by family members. Acid was used in each instance. Of the 943, only 20 received medical attention

To further compound these heinous deaths, most of the girls were first subjected to gang rape.

Honor killings are tied into religion. My article explores the subject, including the religious aspect.

I got involved in a two hour telephone call around 5. By the time it was over, I was not in the mood to go out last night. I stayed home and watched TV.

A brief comment regarding General Petraeus’ resignation.

The man had an extramarital affair. That in and off itself would not justify resignation in my opinion. His problem was his girl friend had obtained access to his personal emails. Cannot have a girl friend sneaking around and reading emails of any kind written and received by the head of the CIA.

Had it not been for the intrusion into his personal emails, Petraeus hopefully would have stayed on the job.

The United States is no longer the puritanical society it once was. Most of our churches and places of worship are empty. The moral wrongs of yesterday are the rights of today. Let he who is without sin cast the first stoned should prevail. People who live in glass houses likewise should not throw stones.

Enjoy your Saturday!


Ho ho ho! The day has arrived! The Key West Lou legal Hour on TV for the first time!


TV throughout the Keys on Comcast Channel 87. Available world wide on the internet. www.tvchannel19. Ten in the morning my time.


Thank you Deanie for bringing the error to my attention.

May I break a leg with the show this morning!

I spent a good portion of yeesterday fine tuning today’s show. Drove Jenna crazy on the telephone. She is my TV guru.

Last night bocce.

I should have stayed home. I played that poorly.

We played two different games on two different courts last night. We had a make up game. We lost 2-1 in each match. Not good.

In our game against the Bubba’s, two games were close. Within 1-2 points. We won one and lost one. Proved once again that we can play with the best. The other game we were beaten badly. That was the game I played in.

I mentioned yesterday that the nor’easter had a name. Athena. This moring I hear the Artic storm about to hit the west coast referred to as Brutus. Then I read that the Weather Channel was now naming all storms. If we ever have one again like Sandy when she hit New Jersey, it will be very confusing. When Sandy hit, four storms merged. Can you imagine Sandy joined Rudolph and Sweet Pea this morning and all three moved on to meet Harry?

I hope you will be able to join me this morning for the Key West Lou Legal Hour. Television or internet. I promise you a good show.

Enjoy your day!


There is much I want to share this morning. A lot of little things that made for a full day yesterday.

First however today’s weather.

When I woke about an hour ago, the sun was brilliant. Though it was cold. Sixty two degrees. And a bit windy.

An hour later, the sun is buried behind black clouds. The water is moving swiftly. Larger than normal white caps. And still cold!

It is the effects of the nor’easter being experienced up north. I finally learned how to spell nor’easter correctly. After all these years. I thank my friend Dee from up north somewhere for telling me on Facebook. She is a college prof so she must be correct.

It is cold in my home town Utica. Forty one degrees. Temperature there has dropped below freezing on occasion the past few days. Maybe snow from the nor’easter today.

The nor’easter has always been the nor’easter regardless of how I spelled it. This morning I notice the nor’easter has a name. Athena. Something new! Must be copying hurricanes.

A lot of talk on the street yesterday regarding the election results. All favorable. Every one voted for Obama. It has always amazed me. The day after an election it is almost impossible to find any one who voted for the loser.

I started my day with a pedicure at Lee Nail’s. Tammy is the traditional Asiatic. Her appearance beautiful. Her demeanor solemn. I enjoyed my time with her.

Then a vist with Lisa. We talked about tomorrow’s TV/Internet show. She provided advice.

Worked with Jenna a bit. She is my primary TV guru. We were fine tuning the mechanics of the show.

I spent some time researching and writing. Did additional prep on the Greek story for tomorrow. It’s wild! Published an article on Amazon Kindle: Pet Cat Euthanizwed By Mistake.

Last night started with Don’s Place. Knew I wouuld find Don there. Wednesday is golf day. He returns to his bar afterwards and stays into the evening.

Had good conversation with Don, David, Herschel, and Stan. Bocce big. We play the Bubba’s tonight. The best of the best every year. They are going to kill us! Our team captain is David. He will chastise me tonight for not having confidence.

Herschel and I had a good one on one. He is a political junkie as I am. Loved our talk!

I was introduced to a couple at the bar by Don and David. The female was once a bartender at Don’s years ago. Now she and her man own a small guest house in southern France. David and Karen stayed there when they visited France last year.

Nate stopped in. A nice guy! A terrific golfer. Played a couple of years on the pro circuit. He is now helping John Lucas out at his new sports bar.

No one wanted to join me for dinner. I love these guys. No one ever wants to spoil their buzz by eating. Must be I have never been there. I do not understand.

I went to the Marriott Beachside’s Tavern ‘n Town for dinner. Figured I might as well have a good meal. I did. Prime rib.

Wednsday is flip the coin night. If you win, the meal is on the house. You only pay for your drinks. I won!

Melanie and Michael were having dinner at the bar aso. They own Michael’s Restaurant. I keep running into Melanie. The last time was at Publix this week. Key West is a small town. Our lives are exciting!

Robert Spottswood stopped by to say hello. He and his family were the developers of the Marriott Beachside. Robert is first class.

Donna wrote. She and Terri are in Dusseldorf, Germany. Terri is performing with the Dusseldorf Symphony. Donna writes…..They LOVE us!

Tomorrow is the big day! My first TV show. Also carried world wide on the internet. Watch, if you can. The material is terrfic. Today topics. Interesting and thought provoking.

The show is at 10 am my time. Available on TV throughout the Florida Keys on Comcast Channel 87. Available world wide via the internet. Make sure you get the period after tv in. It is channel 19. The l and 1 look the same.

I have already heard from far away places about tomorrow’s Key West Lou Legal Hour. Via e mail wishing me well and planning on viewing. Rita from Calitzdorp, South Africa, Jimmy from Crete, Greece, and Jackie from Jakarata, Indonesia. Amazing!

I’m Louis Petrone and I approve this message.

The previous line is a ho ho. Some national columnist ended his article this morning in that fashion. I thought it was funny.

Enjoy your day!


Blame Godaddy! Not me! I just got things straightened out. My whole Key West Lou system was down.

It is late afternoon. This blog will be short.

Obama won! I am pleased. Whether you agree, I believe we will be better off as a Nation under his leadership than Romney’s.

Cooperation/aisle crossing are required. I do not know whether it will occur. Obama has to invite the boys over for a drink or two. Maybe play basketball with some of them. The Republicans have to understand compromise.

Between now and the end of the year will be a good indication of what the next four years will be like. Recall the budget deal made several months ago. There was something in it called sequestration. It is going to bite every one’s ass. Those of you that are deficit cutting crazy will be very satisfied. The deficit will be cut significantly. So will everything else.

I understand a northeaster is arriving up north. I figured as much. When I got up this morning, it was 65 degrees. Cold in Key West! There was a freezing breeze from the northwest. Whenever the northeast is buried with bad weather, we feel it here with a strong wind from the northwest.

The day time weather is fine. High 70s. Weather man says even worse tomorrow morning. Sixty two degrees. Makes for a 15 degree drop over two days.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour. I apologize for stressing every day this week the show. I moved broadcasting studios, however. I want to make sure every one can find me. I can be seen on television at Comcast Channel 87. Throughout the Keys. Elsewhere and world wide, I can be watched on the internet. Ten o’clock my time friday morning either way.

I have been sharing the show’s topics with you as I put them together this week. I worked on two new ones yesterday.

One involves a woman who drove around a stopped school bus. She did it by driving on the side walk. The Judge is making her carry a sign for two weeks telling the world how stupid she was.

The other involves a 15 year old Pakistani girl. I talked about her yesterday. However, I dug up some further information about her last night. The girl died from acid which was poured over her head and face by her mother. Her transgression: looking at boys. To a Muslim, an honor killing. This 15 year old was one of 943 such deaths in Pakistan in 2011.

Enough for today. I have to get ready to go out. Missed the election party last night. I have a need to be with people tonight.

Enjoy your day!


This is the day. Election day. Presidential election day.

After years and months of campaigning, it is over. Fortuantely! It can and does get to be a bit too much.

I am an Obama supporter. I early voted for him last week. I am not sure he will win. For the past months, I have had doubts. On the other hand, it is incomprehensible to me why people would vote for Romney. His political affiliation has nothing to do with it. The man is basically a liar. He is also a non supporter of women’s rights. If he wins, it will be because of the economy. Things are still tough. People desperate. The desperation will drive the Romney vote.

I think Romney would make an inept President. Although of some concern, it does not bother me that much. We have survived incompetent Presidents before. My concern is whether we can survive the people who will have elected Romney. I refer to the 2 per cent and the corporations. I fear they will rape the governmental process to satisfy their own economic ends.

Whatever. We shall see.

I have been invited to an election evening party. Should be fun. I am looking forward to it.

I spent a couple of hours at the Chart Rome last night. It was Monday. Mary’s night to bartend.

Fortune befell me. I met Jennifer. We had a stimulating political conversation.

Jennifer is visiting. She is a Parrothead who came to Key West for this past weekend’s festivities. She is staying a few extera days. Jennifer is from outside Philadelphia. Bucks County. She is employed by Bucks County. Its Health Department. She is a Preparedness Planner. Her job is to deal with a disaster, if one occurs.

Sandy, New Jersey and the Presdidential election all came into the conversation. She is a Democrat who plans on voting for Romney if she gets home in time tonight. I asked why. She skirted the issue a bit. When it came to push, it was the economy.

I learned a lot about FEMA and how disasters should be handled from her perspective. Jennifer believes the federal government’s involvement should be limited to providing funds. Money. Her County and State she said are ready and trained to handle disasters. However with a major disaster, more monies are required than are available at the State level.

I learned from her. I raised the issue concerning the firemen who came in from out of state to help New Jersey. The Jersey firemen would not let them participate unless they signed a paper which in effect made them a part of the Jersey firefighter’s union. I thought that sucked.

Jennifer corrected me. The reason for the signing was to protect the out of staters in the event they were hurt. Their home states had no responsinility if an injury occurred. New Jersey had none either unless they signed up to be covered by New Jersey. The out of state helpers were volunteers. Jennifer told me this problem reared its ugly head during 9/11. Many came to help from outside New York and were injured. Many of those are still waiting for compensation.

Jennifer was proud of her job and the state of readiness she and her co workers were in. She was also proud of an additional item. Her 15 year old daughter. Her daughter frequently was mentioned.

The balance of this week is big! The Power Boat Races aka Super Boat Races. The World Championships here in Key West. The races will be Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Big expensive boats. Whole teams here. Racers and crews, wives and girl friends. The races are spine chilling to watch.

My new TV show this friday at 10 in the morning my time. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Comcast Channel 87. Available world wide via the internet. The internet connection for world wide viewing is important since the show is now watched in 38 countries.

I worked a bit yesterday on the show. Two additional topics have been prepared.

One has to do with the Greek vote next week to approve further austerity cuts. The people are pissed big time. The unions have called for two days of strike before the Greek legislature votes. No one works. Not even medical staff. People have already started protesting. The demonstrations are averaging 10,000-15,000 persons a day. Tens of thousands more are expected next week.

The other topic involves Pakistan. A Muslim father threw acid in the face of his 15 year old daughter because she looked at a boy on a cycle. The thrust of the discussion involves the fact that the Quaran does not provide for such a punishment. The acid thing is the result of man made law / custom which has developed in a male dominant society that considers women possessions.

Enjoy your day!


A political Sunday of sorts.

My morning started with the TV talk shows. Meet the Press and Chris Matthews, amongst others. Only one item discussed. The Presidential election.

Afterwards, I continued work on Friday’s TV/Internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Additional topics include differences between the Catholic Church and a Polish coffin maker, an expensive Anaconda, recent U.S. Supreme Court activity involving police drug sniffing dogs, Jack the Ripper, the 1965 blackout, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and John Kennedy.

Remember, I have changed broadcasting studios. As of Friday, I will be broadcasting via TV and the Internet. The show will be available on Comcast Channel 87 through out the Keys. It will be available world wide on the internet.

Ten o’clock in the morning my time.

Decided to get some beach time. Grabbed my sand chair and headed over to Higgs Beach. A lot of people. More than I had expected. It is getting a bit cooler. The coolness did not disuade any one from swimming. Except for me. I put my foot in and decided the water was too cold.

I brought Sunday’s Key West Citizen and a book with me.

The Key West Citizen is a good and interesting local newspaper. Never many pages. However whatever its weight, it compensates with thought provoking material. Yesterday’s editorial was no exception. I was provoked.

The editorial came out in support of Romney for President. That did not bother me. Although I am an Obama supporter, every one has a right to their own opinion.

What disturbed me was the manner in which Romney was supported. Both candidates have warts. The editorial found Romney free of warts. The editorial was a boiler plated recitation of his alleged virtues. Romney was made to appear as the seconnd coming of a Messianic figure.

The editorial disappointed me not as to its conclusion, but the manner in which it was arrived at.

Sunday dinner was the best! With Lisa and the family. Politics was a part of our evening. Political discussions amongst Lisa, Corey and I are interesting. We are not always in accord. As to Obama however, we are.

Turned out Robert and Ally had been involved in the Presidential election this past week. Both attend Montessori. First and second grades. The school conducted a mock Presidential election. They both voted for Obama. The results will not be announced till Wednesday.

I have always considered such school elections as representative of the thinking of the community. The youthful votes cast generally reflect parental poitions. Such elections are a good barometer of the real result locally.

Enjoy your day!


Clock changing time!

It is nice to see the sun up and shining when getting out of bed in the morning. The problem is the evenings. It will be dark around 6. Within a month, 5.

Spent most of yesterday’s afternoon working on next friday’s show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Up to this point, it was an internet show. The show has graduated. Henceforth, it will be a TV/Internet show. New broadcasgting station and everything. New call letters. The show will be available on Comcast Channel 87 for television viewing throughout the keys. It will be available world wide via the internet.

Ten in the morning my time.

Prepared for discussion is female viagara. Yes, it’s on its way! The purpose is to provide and/or enhance the female orgasm. The pharmaceutical industry leaves no stone unturned where a profit may be made.

I wonder if when the new prescription is available, whether it will be free to women under Obamacare? If so, what will the position be of the Republican right and Catholioc Church? Recall that the Church’s position is that sex is for procreation and not recreation.

Other topics include Oklahoma’s open carry gun law which went into effect November 1, the death of a World War II code talker, and gas shortages in the 1970s from a personal perspective.

My Saturday evening date was the lovely Jenna. A beauty inside and out! Jenna is a local TV personality and person about town.

The evening started at the Chart Room. Where else! Sheila and David at the bar. Chatted with them a bit. Jenna and I enjoyed a couple of drinks and good conversation.

Then to the Hot Tin Roof.

My Mother enjoyed mussels. She would devour them at every opportunity. The Hot Tin Roof has mussels as an appetizer. I asked for a double order. That was my meal. They were prepared in a light tastety red sauce. The bread dunking type. Delicious!

Jenna does not eat. She is a cheap date. I doubt she is even a size 2. If there is a zero classification, that is her size.

The Hot Tin Roof has a macoroni and cheese appetizer. The women seem to love it. Jennna does. She always orders the dish. Nothing else. It is a small portion. She doggy bags most of it.

After dropping Jenna home, I stopped at Don’s Place. Convenient. Jenna lives a half a block from Don’s. Chatted with Don, Herschel, Erika, Stan, and others.

Don introduced me to a new couple. Dan and Betty. Dan has been playing golf with my golfing buddies recently. The couple is from Tampa. They vist Key West often. They have a mobile home.

Dan is an Army veteran. He is able to park his mobile home at the Navy base. A good deal. Cheap. Even the bar that serves alcohol is cheap. I have been a guest a few times. Every thing is $1.

Lisa just telephoned. Daddy, come to dinner tonight.

Enjoy your sunday!


Before the announcement, I want to apologize for doing the blog so late this morning. It is a God’s in His Heaven, all’s right with the world day! I woke to the cool breeze coming through the open windows. Could see the shine of the sun and the blue sky. Decided to languish in bed. It was saturday. I got hooked on a stupid 1938 movie. The result, it is after 10 as I start this blog.

Yesterday was my last internet show with KONK Broadcasting. My last show was a great one. Unfortunately, I was the only one who heard it, no one saw it. Due to technical difficulties, everyone saw a rerun of Guy de Boer’s earleir news show. My cell phone rang incesstantly after the show. Where were you? Could not see you? Could not hear you?

Yesterday’s drama has nothing to do with my moving over to Comcast Channel 87 to do the show. The move had been in the works.

I shall however continue to do a weekly legal article in Guy’s KONK Life.

KONK Broadcasting was a beginning for me. I thank Guy de Boer for letting me do the show and I thank him for all the support he has given. He’s first class.

Ok… friday morning at 10 I will be broadcasting on Comcast Channel 87 aka TV channel 19. The TV portion of the show will be available through out the Florida Keys. In addition… show will continue to be available world wide on the internet. Plus…..the show will automatically be archived on You Tube.

Wait till you see the set up friday! It’s a new world for me!

I am excited!

I wrote next week’s article for KONK Life yesterday. It has to do with when life begins. An Oklahoma anti-abortionist group sought a ballot vote to amend Oklahoma’s State constitution to read that life begins from the moment the female’s egg is fertilized. Conception. At that point, the fertilized egg is entitled to all civil and due process rights as a person. The fertilized egg is a person.

The United States Supreme Court did not agree.

This fertilized egg concept is referred to as parenthood. The case was Parenthood Oklahoma v. Barber.

If there had been a contrary result, women’s rights in Oklahoma, such as the right to choose, contraception, in vitro fertilization and the like, would have gone down the tubes. Regressed to the 1950s.

Busy day today. Sloan will be over in the afternoon to work with me. Jenna is my date tonight for drinks and dinner.

Enjoy your day!


Today is friday. Friday means the Key West Lou Legal Hour. My internet broadcast. World wide. Ten in the morning my time.

Needless to say, the week has been exciting. And sad. Joy and tragedy. I have many today topics to share with you. Comments regarding Sandy and the Presidential election, of course. Plus Panama’s desire to get into the euro, how brothels are financing Greek football clubs, Auschwitz, the first gay Episcopal bishop, the 1948 Presidential election, and the New York City police officer charged with planning to kidnap, cook and eat a woman.

In addition, a Chinese exam story, more Silvio Berlusconi, Muslims bombing a Catholic Church in Nigeria, the failure of the Personhood Amendment in Oklahoma, and more.

Please join me. Guaranteed you will not be bored!

My yesterday started with a haircut with Lori. We discussed my new beard. It is now entering its third week. Decided it was too soon to do any trimming.

Stopped at Blossoms for lunch. The best Cuban cheese toast with tomato in Key West! Stayed and read a while. Three young ladies work the place. Very young. Twenty one or under. Energetic. Helpful. Enthusiastic. Always a smile on their faces. Made me wonder if a person has to be young to smile all the time.

Publix next. Needed some groceries. I enjoy grocery shopping. I who never did it in my other life. I meet people I know. Make new friends.

Bocce last night. We played the #2 team. Prior to last night, we were ranked #5. They were good. Beat us decisively in the first game. The second game was close. We lost by a point. We were down 10-2 and came back. The third game we won. By one point.

Someone brought what was represented to be moonshine. I never tasted moonshine. Tried a bit last night. About a half inch in a cup. Commented before drinking it that I hoped it would not make me blind.

The moonshine or whatever had no effect on me.

Met an interesting couple at bocce. Jack and Var. I may not have the wife’s name correct. If not, I apologize.

Jack and Var are from Dublin, Ireland. They are here on a three week trip. Have been here before several times. A daughter resides in Key West.

Jack and Var are friends of Don. Don introduced them to me.

Jack is likewise retired. Seventy five. We are birds of a feather. We spoke of health issues. Especially heart ones. And fortunately, the vitality still within us. We spoke also of golf. Jack is a player.

Jack owned his own business in Ireland. Another daughter now runs it. The business has to do with tool making and specialized high production items. He spoke proudly of his accomplishments work wise, as he should. Boeing was one of his customers.

We also discussed the euro. Ireland got into the euro at the beginning. Still is in it. Jack said money was easy and plentiful at the beginning. Now Ireland cannot pay back its debt. Germany and the Euro Nation are on Ireland’s ass. The story much the same as with Greece, Italy and Spain.

Taxes came into the picture. Federal taxes. Jack paid 49 per cent of his salary in taxes. And our successful business people, the 2 per centers, do not want to pay 38-39 per cent!

I enjoyed my time with Jack and Var. Hopefully, we will be able to spend a bit more time together before they return home.

Remember to watch my show.

Enjoy your day!


My morning yesterday started with a visit to Montessori. Robert and Ally were in a Halloween historical presentation. Each student played some historical figure. Costume and a recitation of the character.

Robert was Michael Phelps. The Olympic swimming star. Robert looked the part. A white rubber skull cap, googles, bathing suit, towel drapped over his shoulders, and all the gold medals Phelps won. Robert made each and every one of the gold medals he wore.

Ally was Clara Barton. She was dressed like a nurse. Looked like a nurse. White cap, white long dress, big red cross on the front of the dress, white stockings, and white shoes. Her hair was fixed with a bun on the back of her head. It showed beneath the cap. Ally is only 7. She looked 30. Terrific!

Both walked up to the microphone with confidence and recited their parts with no difficulty. My grandkids!

I was one proud grandfather. Lisa and Corey proud parents. Corey’s parents were in town for the event. They were beaming as well.

Afterwards, I voted.

I cast my vote at the County Office Building on Whitehead in Key West. A good crowd. Steady. The line always 5-6 persons long. Plus the 10-12 people voting.

Everyone was friendly at the polling place. I refer to the workers. Spirited and cooperative. Voters generally quiet, even where they knew each other.

A long ballot. Besides candidates, there were 8 amendments to vote on. The ballot was 4 long pages, print on both sides. Actually 8 pages of ballot material.

The amendments were too long. Were it not for TV warnings, I might have voted for a couple of things I was against. Titles were misleading. Like an amendment labeled RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. It had to do with permitting State funds to be provided churches and other religious groupos. To me, a violation of the separation of Church and State.

I felt solemn as I voted. I felt as if this was the most important Presidential vote I have ever cast. This election the most important.

I voted for Obama. I must concede that midway during the campaign, I began leaning towards Romney. Shock of shocks! However, the Romney campaign developed into one of lies. I could not live with a President who approved of deviously prepared messages.

The General Motors thing bothered me. Romney was for letting General Motors go down. He said it on TV for all to see and hear. Then he twists it to say oh no, not me. This recent Jeep thing was a disgrace. About Jeep moving to Japan. A lie again. Even Jeep’s CEO came out and said Romney was not correct.

Last night’s news justified the reasoning for my vote. The day before Romney had held a helping hand meeting in Ohio. He had people bring food which was put in a truck to be delivered to Sandy victims. Romney was shown accepting bags of goods from people and saying thank you. Turns out the Romney peoople had purchased $5,000 worth of granola bars, canned foods and diapers from a Walmart the night before. The goods were bagged and handed to people to hand to Romney. Bad!!!!!

Stopped after voting at the Plantation Coffee House. Read the newspapers and enjoyed my coffee. Smiling Diane working.

Diane told me something interesting. She has many customers. Only three drink decaf. Everyone else the real thing. She told me becausee I have to wait for a pot to be made every time I order it.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening writing and watching TV. Maybe someday a book. I don’t know. I keep plodding along.

Television was at its best. Delivered the drama of Sandy to the world. A tragedy. Sad.

Weather wise, yesterday was perfect. From the high 60s to the mid 70s. Sun bright. Air perfect. No humidity. Drove around town with the windosws open enjoying the cool breeze blowing in. No need for air conditioning.

Today will be the same. Whereas yesterday there was a slight movement in the palm trees, today there is none. Nothing is moving outside. The water still also. Like a mirror.

Enjoy your day!