Finally met Barb last night. Iowa Barb. A devout blog reader. She had written she would be visiting Key West and wanted to meet. Also wanted me to sign her copy of Irma and Me.
We finally got together last night at the Chart Room.
Barb a charming woman. She has been a librarian for 39 years at the Iowa State University Library. Has visited Key West 9 times in the past 10 years. Loves Key West! Knows her way around.
Interested in politics. Dislikes Trump. Understandable. Her father was a Teamster for years.
Her sister Debbie with her. Debbie’s first Key West visit. She is the Cambridge, Iowa City Clerk. Made sure to tell me her politics were different from her sister’s. Debbie a black hearted Republican.
I had not planned on going out last night. Spent the afternoon researching for this week’s KONK Life column. Rudy Giuliani’s recent comments about Stormy Daniels motivated me to look up Giuliani’s sex history. People in glass houses should not throw stones.
My intent was to write the column last night. It has to be to the publisher today.
John called and said a Barb was looking for me. Would I come down? Ergo, I will not be writing about Giuliani and his sexcapades till this afternoon.
My today a busy one. Have to finish the blog. Watch Robert in a tennis competition at one. Write the Giuliani column.
I definitely will not be going out tonight.
Dorothy Downs was at the bar. I have not seen her in a couple of years. Her husband was a dentist. He had an office in Miami and one in the Keys. They frequented the Chart Room often.
Dorothy told he her husband had passed away last year. Sad.
We talked at length. I learned more about her last night than in all the times we had met previously.
She is a writer. Five books. Dorothy is an art historian, specialist in American art, wrote and produced the PBS documentary Pillars of Power about Seminole and Miccosukee women.
Dorothy’s most recent book is Canoe Back In Time. The story of a special Miccosukee girl who was given the gift of being an artist.
The book is selling.
My handwriting is poor. Dorothy’s worse. She wrote down her e-mail address for me. Impossible to read. Dorothy, you have mine. Write me soon so I will have yours.
Three pirates came in. Two men and a woman. One of the guys was soon asleep head down on a table. They had been doing the Duval Crawl.
I spoke with the two sober ones. Explained I had recently written about the pirate Black Caesar and also the pirates of Port Royal.
The three were part of a pirate group. A nightly thing in Key West. Called Eat Drink Discover Key West. An eat and drink venture.
Sounds interesting. If you are, the group can be booked online at
Everyone was gone, except for Kevin and me. We chatted a while. He is recovering well from his horrendous accident.
Needed to eat. Stopped at Hogfish on the way home. Sat at the bar and enjoyed hogfish. What else!
It began pouring on the way to Hogfish. Continued raining when I left. Fortunately, I am always prepared for rain. Two umbrellas. One at home and one in the car. Large black ones.
A BOB comment about waking in Key West: “A cat fight has set off the dogs. The dogs have set off the roosters. The din moves back and forth across the island in waves. Human sounds join in. There is no way anyone is sleeping through this, that’s it, I’m awake… looks like a nice day. Another beautiful day in Paradise.”
The Belmont later today. Hope Justify wins.
Trump’s words yesterday re his summit meeting with Kim and the degree of his preparation: “I’ve prepared my entire life for the North Korea summit.”
I worry.
Trump is on a high. He has screwed up G7. He is on his way to meet with Kim. He figures the world and the Nobel Peace Prize are his if he succeeds with Kim.
I do not see it happening.
Weather around 90 this past week. Heavy humidity. Weather man says some thunder today. Describes it as “rock ‘n’ roll thunder.”
As Porky Pig was wont to say at the end of his cartoons of yesteryear…..That’s all folks!
Enjoy your day!