We have had a crocodile sighting on a rock off Fort Zach Beach. Purportedly not a human biting one. There have been other croc and alligator sightings recently. Now we learn of Nile crocodiles.

Nile crocs are not native to Florida waters. They come from Africa. Big things. Grow to 20 feet. Eat humans.

So far three Nile croc sightings in Florida swamps. No one can explain how they got here.

As to native crocs and alligators, State authorities say we have shared Florida waters with them for centuries. The intimation being we should not be concerned. It is their territory as well as ours. We must learn to live together.

Hard to buy when one is discovered feet off For Zach Beach.

Today is day one of mini lobster season. It is off to a slow start.

I was up early this morning to sit on the deck and watch the boats rushing out. Fifty by my deck easily. For 16 years. not this year.

The water is choppy today. Cloudy and gray. Only two boats have gone by.

The weather is screwing up everyone’s fun.

My blog talk radio show last night. The topic I spent most time discussing involves protests at the Republican and Democratic Conventions. Outside protests. Little media reporting re same.

Black Lives Matter were out in the hundreds in Philadelphia yesterday. Marched to the fence of the convention center. Things a bit rowdy.

No comment from the media.  One TV reporter did comment last night that things were heating up a bit outside. He thought they were Sanders dissidents who had walked out.

I worry demonstration news is being kept from us intentionally.

The Mosquito Control Board members are an inept bunch. Their values misplaced. The Zika situation has removed their scab.

I wrote a few days ago that the Board paid its employees extremely well. They were in the process of beginning construction of a new $4.4 million building. And…..had approved a 45 percent tax hike

Now, I find out that being a Board member is a good deal. Each board member is paid $24,000 a year. Twelve meetings. Plus, they are part of the State retirement system and receive hospitalization.

Vote them all out!

Hillary officially nominated last night.

The Democratic Convention more enjoyable and better organized than the Republican one. Reflects how one would run the government.

Trump may be getting in trouble over his Putin relationship, if one exists. The rumor is he may have received financing for some of his enterprises via Russian banks.

Wikipedia causing many to sweat. Even Hillary. Money laundering the issue. Involving the Hillary Victory Fund and the DNC.

Today is wednesday. Screw off day for me. I spend saturday, sunday, monday and tuesday researching, writing, etc. Wednesday, thursday and friday are my days off. I even slept better last night.

Enjoy your day!


Pope Francis is unique. He is different. He fights in the trenches.

Over the weekend, the Pope named 19 new Cardinals. Cardinals are one step below him in authority. Followed by Bishops.

A synod was held a few months ago. A Bishops thing. Some Cardinals in attendance. They gave the new Pope a hard time on homosexuals and Catholics who divorce and remarry.

It will not happen again if and when a new synod is held. Or any meeting of Cardinals and/or Bishops. The Pope is packing the Cardinal group. Appointing those who would be supportive of him in the future. Even a Pope has to play politics.

No U.S. Catholics were nominated. Unusual. The U.S. has long been a strong arm in Vatican politics. It was the U.S. contingency that obstructed the Pope at the Synod. Not the next time. The Pope has no time for clerical politicians. He is going to ride roughshod over them. The first step was stacking the Cardinal deck.

Yesterday’s Key West Citizen ran a major front page story on alligators and crocodiles. They are moving down the keys. Small ones have been observed south of the Seven Mile Bridge. Additionally, authorities have received 9 calls in the past 3 years re sightings between Big Pine and Key West.

Canal swimmers beware!

I learned something interesting from the article. Alligators and crocodiles cannot exist together. It is one or the other. Not in watery areas south of Miami and through the keys, however.

How lucky can we be!

Got out again yesterday. I had thoughts of Boondocks. Put the top down and away I went.

I have always liked Boondocks. Thirty miles up the road on US 1 just south of Big Pine. The food and prices a step up from Hogfish and Geiger Key. The ambiance also. I sat quietly and comfortably at the bar reading the Sunday newspapers.

Party time coming! Don and Chris arrive Saturday. Don already sent me an e-mail advising the Sunday night Syracuse game. Where will we watching, he asked. Don says Skaneateles Dan has already arrived.

I have been watching the games from home and bed recently. For whatever reason, I can get the games on one of three ESPN channels. If I am to go out, and I would enjoy doing it with friends, I suggest Don’s Place. Inside or outside bar.

Enjoy your day!