No internet show this morning. The Key West Lou Legal Hour is off to next week. I feel like I am on vacation this morning. Normally, I would be in the studio at this time going over my notes. The morning is mine!
Yesterday began with a walk along Smathers Beach. Lovely! Nothing but blue ocean as far as the eye could see. A couple of shrimp boats off in the distance. Calm. Peaceful.
Then to Publix. Just a few things.
Follwed by a visit to my heart doctor. A regular check up. He spoke to me of a 5 year study involving fish oil and triglycerides. I signed up for it. Nothing to lose. Plus, I get free blood work and a mini physical every two months.
I only played the first game of bocce last night. Captain Dave gave me permission to leave early to watch the Vice Presidential debate.
What a game! We were getting slaughtered! Like 10-3. I figured we were a loser. All of a sudden the score was 13-12 in our favor. Game is 16. We were rolling. Don had the last shot. The other team had one ball on the polina. Don blasted. When the dust settled, we had three points. What a shot! We won the game!
The debate. Better than the Presidential one. Clearly a philosophical difference between Biden and Ryan. Each made their points. I thought Biden came out ahead.
Whatever. I evaluate the Vice Presidnetial race from one perspective. Who would I want for President? One of them could be. I ask myself who would I want to take that telephone call at 3 in the morning advising that Iran had just dropped a nuclear bomb on Israel. The answer is obvious.
What did and does disturb me are not the candidates themselves. It is the political pundits on TV. Between last night and this morning, American viewers got an education in Public Speaking 102. What bullshit! Discuss the issues and responses. Not who may have smiled too much.
Today the Mykonos photos! Eleven of them.
Let me start by saying I was not thrilled by Mykonos. The beauty of the other Greek isles was there. That was it. I found Mykonos to be a money hungry island. Everything expensive. Restaurants moving patrons in and out swiftly. Natives curt.
Mykonos was once the playground for the rich and famous. Like 50 plus years ago. No more. Now it is the home of wannabes.
I cannot deny I had a pleasant time. In spite also of being hit by a car and thrown skyward over a stone wall. However, the other islands were more to my liking.
The primary town on Mykonos bears the name Mykonos. It is a Greek custom. The biggest town on a Greek isle carries the same name as the island itself.
Two interesting pieces of information regarding Mykonos. First, the 1989 movie Shirley Valentine was shot totlally on Mykonos. The other involves drinking water. Most of Mykonos’ water is derived from desalinization of sea water. The island’s fresh water supply is extremely limited.
The first photo is of me looking at Little Venice off in the distance. Little Venice is where the town meets the sea. Back in time, the Greeks on Mykonos were taken by Italy’s Venice. They wanted homes on the water, also. Little Venice was constructed. The buildings were built on the sea’s edge with balconies over hanging the water.
The next photo is three of the many windmills on Mykonos. Landmarks. Constructed back in the 16th century. They provided power and graining use then. Some are still used for power today.
Mykonos is primarily an old town. There are some modern buildings on its perimeter. However the significant part of the town of Mykonos was built more than a thousand years ago. The old town portion is called Chora. Sometimes, Hora. The next photo is of me walking down a Chora street. Notice how narrow the street is. No cars back then.
It was hard to find top shelf gin in the Greek isles. No one had Beefeater. A few sold Tanqueray. Most sold Gordon’s. A terrible gin. It can be drunk all night with no effect.
I was walking Chora one evening and came upon a restaurant that specialized in serving Tanqueray. I was over joyed. You can tell from the next photo.
The next pic is of me sitting at an outside Greek restaurant in the evening. I had just started growing my beard.
The next photo is of me resting by the hotel pool. The sun was extemely hot that day. I covered up.
Though I was not happy with the commercial parts of Mykonos, the beaches thrilled me. Great beaches! The next photo is of me suning myself on Elia Beach. My stomach shames me. Elia’s sand and water were black. The remnants of a volcanic explosion.
Paradise and Super Paradise Beaches in the next two photos. Separate beaches miles apart. Both terrific! Fun places. Some nudity. Good for the soul! Huge semi circular bars that jumped from 5 on. Patrons dancing on the bars and that sort of thing.
The next photo is me sitting in the shade of a tree at Super Paradise Beach waiting for the bus to take me back to my hotel.
The final photo contains bird houses. All Mykonos buildings, whether old or new, have them. They are represented in the photo by the triangular openings on each side of the blue door.
Doves are a loved and protected species of bird on Mykonos. I do not know why. Mykonos also has a huge number of eagles, vultures and falcons. You can understand what was happening. The big birds were attacking and dining on the little doves. The small triangular openings provide the doves protection.
There is something going on at the home next door to mine. A TV series is being filmed. The show is called The Quest.
A Key Wester is involved. A Denise Jackson. I will tell you more about The Quest tomorrow.
Enjoy your day!