I wanted to visit the National Archive. Home of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. I arrived. The line waiting to be admitted wrapped around the block. I joined it. Fifteen minutes later, I was still standing in the same place as when I arrived. That was it! I would not be visiting the National Archive.

Across the street was the Smithsonian – Natural History Museum. It was not on my itinerary. My second stop was to have been the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. However, it was several blocks away and Natural History was more convenient.

If it has escaped you, I was getting tired. The Memorial tour the day before had been a killer.

The first thing that hit me when I entered Natural History was a huge prehistoric elephant. Daunting!

My grandchildren Robert and Ally would have enjoyed the dinosaurs. Many of them. Big. Their bones reconstructed.

There was also a Bone Lab. Old bones probably found in some dig were being cleaned up. Reminded me of Key West’s Mel Fisher Museum. Workers sitting around in a huge sealed enclosure wearing white coats and pants. Many with ear phones and dentist like drills. Drilling away in the process of cleaning million year old bones.

I saw two I MAX films. Actually, I was tired. This gave me the opportunity to sit and rest. First time I had seen an I MAX. Impressive! In 3D. One had to do with butterflies and the other the ocean. I had butterflies all around me during the first film. I was underwater with fish in the second.

There was a mummy on display. Royalty from the distant past.

The big deal at Natural History is the Hope Diamond. There it was. Gleaming and sparkling. Everyone stretching their necks to get a view.

Time to go. I walked outside. There is a huge stone overhang between the door and steps leading to the sidewalk. I was on it. The door had  closed behind me. Then I saw it. Rain. Monsoon like, just as in Key West.

The weather report for the day predicted rain. When I was ready to leave the hotel earlier in the morning, the sun was shining and there were no clouds. So I left my rain jacket and cap in the room.

Stupid me.

I stood around 15 minutes. I could not go back into the museum. I would have had to go through security again. The line was long and people were standing in the rain waiting to get in.

All of a sudden, a young man appeared with a box of umbrellas. $10. I bought the first one. Small collapsible type.

Off I went. In shorts, a short sleeved sport shirt and sandals.

I had about twelve blocks to walk. Washington blocks are long.

Two blocks into the walk, my collapsible umbrella collapsed. Water streaming onto me from the seams.

What to do? I am completely wet. No stores or bars to duck into. Could not enter the hallway of one of the public buildings. Not permitted. There was no alternative. I continued on my trip back to the hotel.

Never in my life have I been so wet. I became chilled. In spite of all this, I was saying to myself…..Louis, you are in great shape at 77 to be able to do this!

I woke in the middle of the night. Did not feel good. Stomach and chills. Think I have a fever. I am exhausted. My Washington experience today will be staying in bed in my hotel room.

When I returned wet to the skin, I immediately took a hot shower. Then down to the hotel bar. Two Grand Marniers and a hot cup of coffee. I thought that would keep the evil spirits away. Apparently it did not.

Dinner was at the Willard Hotel. Directly across the street from the Marriott.

The Willard is an old historical Washington hotel. Magnificent.

The waiter shared a bit of Willard history with me.

He told me President Grant enjoyed smoking cigars. His wife would not let him smoke them in the White House. He used to visit the Willard each day, sit in the lobby and light up. Persons who wanted favors from him, hit on him. Thus the term lobbyist was born.

A story I wanted to share with you. First however, I checked it out on the internet. The story was not completely true. It is commonly accepted as true. However, it is a myth. Nevertheless interesting. Grant did smoke there, his wife would not let him smoke in the White House, and people talked to him in the lobby seeking favors. The untrue portion is the birth of the term lobbyists. The term correctly comes to us from the English Parliament of the 1840s.

Interesting local lore, nevertheless.

One of the things I have observed is that Washington is a city of two type peoples. Suits and tourists. The suits are governmental people and business persons. I used to see them on my business trips to Washington. The tourist group are in shorts and tee shirts. Many with families. Visiting from all over the world.

The two are not together. They are truly separate. I have seen few suits while playing tourist this week.

Tonight is my blog talk radio show. I will be doing it from my Washington hotel room. I will probably spend most of the show discussing my Washington impressions. Perhaps a few news items. Which, if any, I have yet to decide upon.

Join me. I guarantee the show will not be boring. A fast moving half hour beginning at 9.

Enjoy your day! I am going to rest and get better.



Change is inevitable. Especially when a property such as the Pier House changes hands.

Something new last night. As I entered the parking area, the attendant stopped me. A new one. The old ones were not rehired.

I told him where I was going. He told me they were in the process of beginning a valet parking system. He gave me something to put on my visor. He also gave me a printed stub. I was instructed to have it stamped by whoever was working in the Chart Room.


Friends Sheila, Sean, Katherine and Peter were at the bar. Tourists came in and out.

I wanted light fare for dinner. Stopped into the Hot Tin Roof. Greeted by Joseph, the  manager. A charming personality. Warm.

My meal was light. One dozen oysters and a tomato salad. Outstanding!

I spent a couple of hours mid day continuing to work on my blog talk radio hook up. I will be traveling soon. I want to be able to broadcast from where ever I am. As close as Washington, DC, as far as Armogos, Greece. On my laptop via Skype. Think I have it worked out. I will be trying it when I do tomorrow night’s show.

Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou will be broadcast at 9 tomorrow night. One half hour. Topics to be discussed are always in the developing stage. I chat about most recent happenings. I suspect I will also be discussing Mc Cain’s recent Syria visit, Catholic Church hypocrisy, and Father Andrew Greeley.

Join me for a fast moving interesting half hour. You will enjoy. I guarantee it.

Father Andrew Greeley died. A Catholic priest. He was 85.

From the 1960s forward, he was a voice for change in the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, his words fell on deaf ears. The Church turned its back on him. The Bishops gave him a hard time.

He was in the forefront of two important issues. Pedophilia and birth control. The Catholic Church shunned his advice. He was considered a maverick.

As a result, Father Greeley was never more than a parish priest. No elevation to Bishop or Cardinal for him.

Eventually, he started writing. About everything. Even some interesting fiction. He published over 100 books. Ten of his novels were on the New York Times Best Seller List.

If I recall correctly, any book of his published had a guaranteed 250,000 first printing.

Father Greeley made some money. He donated most of it to charitable causes. He once wanted to donate $1 million to a particular Chicago charity. Cardinal Cody was in charge of the Chicago Archdiocese. He refused Greeley’s gift.

A good man sits with his God today. A receptive ear, I am sure.

The weather continues to suck. Rain, rain, and more rain. It is going to rain today. The weather report advises heavy rain through wednesday. If it continues as it has, I will soon be able to kayak into Key West!

Enjoy your day!



The front page of yesterday’s Key West Citizen had a photo of some whales. A brief article described them as killer whales and indicated they were discovered about 30 miles offshore of Key West.

A question entered my mind. Who do killer whales kill? I did a bit of research

Killer whales kill no one, except for seals and fish to feed themselves. There is no recorded instance of any human fatality involving killer whales. There have been situations however where those in captivity have turned on their keepers and killed them.

Turns out killer whales are good people, so to speak. They live in groups. Known  as pods. They live their entire lives within the group. Do not go out of it even for sex. Killer whale society is matriarchal. The mother/grandmother rules the roost. Females live to 80-90 years of age. The males only 40-50 years of age.

I learned much more. I plan on sharing additional information during the Key West Lou Legal Hour tomorrow morning.

I was up early yesterday. Had chores to perform. The cleaners, post office, and optician. The optician to tighten up two pairs of glasses.

The optician’s door was closed and locked. A phone number on the window. I called. The optician said she did not feel like working yesterday, might do two hours today and did not know about friday.

I stopped at Don’s Place on the way home to see if he was there. As I was leaving, someone was behind me. As we walked to our cars, he told me he had called his employer and told him he would not be in yesterday. It was too nice to work, he said. This was before the rain storm.

There must be something in the air or water in Key West. Two people who did not feel like working and did not. Typical Key West.

Stopped at the Plantation Coffee House. Enjoyed the coffee and morning papers. Diane working.

Theo her husband is an artist. He is painting up a storm. Every time I visit, there are new works on the walls. The place is turning into an art gallery. A lovely one.

Rained again yesterday. I do not know where all the rain is coming from. Torrential. Went on for a while. Streets flooded again.

I was driving north on Fogarty. It had not rained yet. All of a sudden, I saw this dark gray wall four blocks ahead. It was coming straight at me. It was the rain! It hit like a ton of bricks.

Florida’s Governor Scott signed a bill into law yesterday. A much needed one. An anti-texting law. No texting and driving from this point forward.

The Key West Citizen does a Day in Key West History. One of yesterday’s entries  set forth that Sloppy Joe’s had its grand opening on Duval on this day back when. Sloppy Joe’s advertised the grand opening. Its ad stated…..Free Dancing!

My Tuesday night blog talk radio show was a total screw up. We switched to Skype and everything became confused. I thought I was not on the air. I telephoned Sloan while the computer was still on. I said a bad word. The whole world heard me. The show had been broadcasting correctly. I heard from Italy, Indonesia, Key West, and Iowa that they heard me say a naughty.

I still have the Skype problem. Sloan and I worked on it with the blog talk radio people for two hours at dinner time. Still screwed up. I finally called computer guru Tim Reynolds and asked if he knew what to do. He will hopefully have an answer this evening.

On my way into town last night, I stopped at Don’s Place. Chatted a bit with Don, Hershel, David, Tom, and Joanie.

Then to the Chart Room. Not many people. Emily, Peter and I. Plus, two tourists. Don showed up. He never goes to the Chart Room unless he is with me. He came to find me.

Don and I had dinner at Hot Tin Roof. Lite fare. We shared shataki, mashed potatoes and a shrimp cocktail.

Please watch my tv/internet show tomorrow morning at 10. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. I have a terrific show prepared! Comcast Channel 87, U-Verse Channel 19, and

Haircut time this morning. I have to hustle.

Enjoy your day!



Key West is a tiny island. One and a half by four miles. Yesterday I thought the island was going to be ripped from its moorings and blown away.

The wind and rain! Similar to a hurricane. For three hours non-stop. Wind bending the palm trees. Someone told me last night a palm tree in the Smathers Beach area was uprooted. The rain was coming in sideways. You could actually see it! Driven by the powerful wind. Right off the ocean.

I drove into Key West in the early evening after the rain had stopped. The flooding was the most I have ever seen, outside a hurricane. Everywhere. Most intersections. Whole streets in  certain places. Two consecutive blocks in others.

It was pick and choose to get into Key West. I saw some people walking at the entrance to Old Town. Water up to their knees.

While the storm was raging, I was sitting at the kitchen counter fine tuning today’s TV/internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten my time. Via television from Key West to Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. World wide via the internet.

Join me! Today’s show may be one of the best I have ever done! Terrific material!

I finally made it to Don’s Place last night. No booce. The courts had to be flooded. Jimmy show me a picture of the courts on his cell phone. He had gone over earlier to look. Overflowing. Even the concrete walkways were  covered.

Don’s was basically empty.

Went to the Chart Room. A trip! Some downtown area streets for swimmers only. Finally made it. The Chart Room was basically empty. Emily and one couple.

Decided to try TGI Friday for dinner. It recently reopened under new management. Very few people, also.

I was disappointed in Friday. The new owner owns several restaurants in Key West. Varying in cost. All good. Friday not.  Ok, if you enjoy that kind of food.  Had three appetizers and finished none.

Months went by prior to the reopening. We all assumed renovations were going on. Apparently not. The place is the same. The barmaid told me they cleaned the place up and bought new chairs. That was it!

Overall, a disappointment.

Why were all three places basically empty? Had to be the weather. Although the storm had passed, people were not venturing out.

After my show this morning, I have to hustle to Montessori. Robert and Ally are in some kind of event where they are showing off their recyclables. Robert a ukulele and Ally a dress.

Two days ago, I mentioned Italy’s new President. I spelled his name Latte. I was wrong. It is Letta. Four persons from Italy e mailed to correct me. Sorry.

Lisa just telephoned to see if I was alive and well. She does so every morning. She told me her street was flooded yesterday. She could not get her car out.

Robert and Ally had to be picked up from  school. They needed boots and rain jackets. Lisa walked the three blocks. She said the water came up to just below her knees.

Enjoy your day!


There is news regarding Greece this morning.

The Greek government has proposed further pay and pension cuts. Part of the austerity program to help Greece pay back the euro monies loaned them. Germany being the primary lender, the bank in effect.

This will be the third pay and pension cuts the Greek people have experienced because of the loans.

As I have indicated many times, the Greek people will not stand for what is happening to them too long. Imagine Washington cutting your salary by one third and taking a portion of your pension. Futher, appreciate that the Greek government is not as here in the United States. We get mad at Washigton, say bad things about our legislators, etc. Most Greeks in government are outright thieves, however. The Greek people know it and are at the point of saying screw you!

I was in Greece this summer when demonstrations occurred. In the past twenty four hours, there have been riots.

As we slept, the Greeks began a 24 hour protest. An anti austerity protest. Greece is closed down at the moment. People not working and so forth. The people are demonstrating in the streets. Thousands of them. Four thousand additional police have benn called to control the riots. Molotov cocktails have been thrown.

I visted France on my European trip. Only two days. Only one town. Chamonix. Chamonix is also known as Chamonix Mont Blanc.

Italy and France connect via the Mont Blanc Tunnel. 11 km. A magnificent piece of construction. An architectural masterpiece. Well maintained. Beautiful views on either side. A half hour car drive Courmayeur to Chamonix.

Chamonix was the home of the first winter Olympics in 1924. It is a sking mecca. A tourist haven. Five million tourists a year visit. The normal population is 10,000.

I found Chamonix pleasing to the eye. Beautiful buildings. Many small attractive shops. Many outdoor cafes. Lovely restaurants.

I did not like the French people. Snobs. Even the merchants. Could care less about visitors. Tourists were not treated as they are treated in Key West, another tourist mecca.

My first day in Chamonix was the same day that I woke to an August snow storm in Courmayeur. It was cold and rainy when I arrived. Long pants time. Layered clothing.

I have only two photos of Chamonix. Besides me, each shows the buildings and beauty of Chamonix.

I had lunch in the restaurant behind me in the first photo. Very nice appearing. Because of the rain, I ate inside. Lovely. Comfortable.

The menu was in French. No English sub titles as I was accustomed to on the trip. What to do? I scanned the menu and recognized an item. Sausage and potatoes. In French, of course. I pointed to it on the menu. The waitress took my order.

When the meal arrived, it consisted of two boiled hot dogs and french fries. I called the waitress over. A mistake. No, she said. You ordered sausage and potatoes. She pointed to it in French on the menu. Turns out the French word sausage means hot dogs.

The manager came over. I explained the error. No sympathy. No let me get you something else. Note that the two boiled hot dogs and french fries cost $20.

I am a grandfather. I have eaten boiled hot dogs before. So I said what the hell!

I did request ketchup. For the french fries. Another tragedy! The waitress was insulted as she told me…..We are a French restaurant! No ketchup.

I enjoyed my lunch. I would not let the situation spoil my day. It was my fault anyhow. I should know how to read a French menu.

Yesterday was a lot of nothing. Enough to keep me busy, however. A haircut with Lori. Coffee and the papapers at the Plantation Coffee House. Diane and Theo working. Nice people. Back to home where I worked on friday’s internet show.

Published an article on Amazon Kindle. Hooversville, Hoover Blankets, Hoover Soup.

Hoover was a millionaire and a humanitarian. He headed the massive relief program after World War I to feed the starvinbg Europeans. He was much respected. Hoover became President in 1928. The big deprerssion hit in 1929. People were sleeping on the streets covered with newspapers, eating in soup kitchens, losing their homes, hurting big time. The federal government did not help. Hoover believed public monies should not be used to help the people. He refused to provide federal relief funds. He publically stated that people had to get out of the hole they were in without public assistance. Their problems were not a federal concern.


I compared the sitaution then to now. Though not as bad, we are experieincing difficult economic times. I compared Hoover and Romney. Two men from similar backgrounds. Birds of a feather philosophically.

Dinner was late. At the Town ‘N Country in the Marriott Beachside. Wednesday night there is a deal. At the end of your meal, the manager flips a coin. If you call it correctly, the meal is on him. I called it correctly. Heads. My prime rib was free.

It rained all night. It is raining this morning. Overcast. Much thunder. Some lightning.

Today is thursday. Bocce night. Will we be able to play?

Remember…..The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Tomorrow morning. Friday. Ten, my time. World wide. On the internet.

Enjoy your day!


No question. This is the rainy season!

It rained big time twice yesterday. Heavy. In between, sunshine! Hard to believe it had rained.

I needed to walk. Normally, I walk in Home Depot to avoid the heat. Yesterday, to avoid the rain.

Lunched at Hogfish. Read the newspapers. It had been a few weeks since I last was at Hogfish. There is something magical about sitting under Hogfish’s thatched roof while it is pouring outside.

I spent the afternoon at home reading. No place to go what with the rain.

I recently started reading Bob woodward’s latest book. The Price of Politics. The story of how President Obama and Congress tried to save the economy. The time frame is just before Obama took office through this past summer.

I am not deeply into the book yet. Let me share some initial impressions with you, however.

President Obama appears to be a person too much within himself. He is President. He has fixed opinions. He does not listen. Many conversations with him are one sided.

Biden is the master of compromise. Much like Lyndon Johnson. The result of many years of Senatorial experience. He would make an excellent President.

Eric Cantor. A worm.

Sloan came over at 5. We continued working on the trip pics. Hopefully next week I shall start publishing them. The next time I do a trip, the photos will be placed in the blog as that day’s blog is done. The reason I did not was that I did not know how. Still do not know how. Soon will be learning, however. Some things I am slow at.

Tonight, the first Presidential debate! I can’t wait! Love politics!

Enjoy your day!


Rained big time last night. With booming lightning. The type lightning that comes flashing through the shutters into the bedroom.

Windy, too. Weather report this morning says gusts were up to 35 miles per hour.

It is still raining. Rather, pouring. I susect it may keep up all day.

The street in front of my home is flooded. More water than Isaac.

If the rain continues, forget bocce tonight. The courts will be too wet.

First Egypt and Libya, now Yemen. Probably not the end. These people are religiously too sensitive.

In days gone by, the killing of one or more of our representatives meant war. Not today. For all understandable reasons. However, there must be retaliation. Not just equal in force. There is a need for a bit more. Hit the other side harder than they did us. Those seekinmg to harm us must understand that there is retribution. Hopefully, it would discourage harmful erratic demonstations as we have seen the past few days.

I walked again yesterday morning. I am proud of myself!

Published another Amazon Kindle article yesterday. Girl 10 Gives Birth To Baby Boy. An abortion dissertation.

Worked hard with Sloan in the early evening on the trip pics. We are getting there! Soon they will be available for viewing.

Dinner last night at the Yacht Club. With the lovely Jenna Stauffer. Jenna is doing well on Comcast TV. She has her own daily talk show and does the news three evenings a week.

We have not been together in a long time. We had a lot of catching up.

I like Jenna. She has a great future ahead of her. Deservidly so. She is good people.

While Jenna and I were having a drink at the bar before dinner, Cindy Livingston came over. Cindy is wife to friend Howard. We chatted quite a while. Cindy and Howard and some friends are off to St. Martens next week for a few days of fun.

Tomorrow morning my interent show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Friday. Ten in the morning my time. Join me. Watch. The show will be interesting and challenging. Especially in view of the week’s events in Cairo, Benghazi, Yemen and Chicago.

Made an interesting discovery yesterday. I have started to trace where this blog goes, who reads it, etc. I am pleased to share with you the following. Key West Lou is read in 38 different countries, plus the United States. Wild!

Anna is back from her one month family visit to Poland. She returned two days ago. She is here this morning. I am thrilled! I will have clean pressed clothes and a clean house once again.

Enjoy your day!


I wrote yesterday that Robert was attending a one week fun trip under the auspices of the Miami Childrens Hospital for youthful cancer survivors. The group consists of about 32 kids. Boys and girls.

Saturday night they attended the Marlins game. The group received all kinds of goodies and acknowledgements. Met the players, practised on the field, one threw out the opening pitch, etc.

I write this blog and everyone things I am very computer savy. I am not.

Lisa received a picture yesterday of Robert at the Marlins game. He is standing in a line with the other cancer survivors. Some Marlin players behind them.

Lisa posted the picture on Facebook this morning. Go to facebook and see it. Search Lisa Malcom. Robert is the third from left. The one with the blond hair. The picture will touch your heart. Guaranteed.

Because I am computer inept when it comes to posting pics, I have to send you directly to Lisa on Facebook.

These children are cancer survivors. Lisa talked with the mother of one of the other children last night. The mother had visited with the kids briefly yesterday. When she came upon them, they were openly talking about having had cancer and that they could have died. They were showing each other their scars.

Robert is aware of what he went through at birth. Even though cured, he is aware it affects his life. For example, he has to be checked at Miami Childrens Hospital till he is 21. He and the family pack up the car and go several times a year. How could he not understand!

God bless these kids!

Sloan and I worked long and hard yesterday morning. Our early Sunday was committed to organizing the 600 pictures taken on my trip. Soon some will be exhibited in epilogue fashion. Not all 600. That became clear yesterday. We have decided on showing the best 50. We are still getting down to that number. If 50 does not do it, I will figure some way of showing more. You shall not miss the good ones.

Walked big time again. After Sloan and I had finished. Longer than the previous day. I must keep it up! That last comment sounds sensual. Not meant to be. Sounds good, though.

There are many tourists in Key West. I am pleased. Both tourists and merchants are happy. This is a good time to visit Key West. Prices are generally half off. Meals 2 for 1. A bargain.

I spent a lot of time at the Plantation Coffee House. Reading the Sunday newspapers and sipping coffee. Both Theo and Diane were there. A hard working couple. Pleasant people.

There were several tourists seated in one area. They were chatting about the weather. The topic of discussion was whether it was going to rain yesterday. It was around one. The sun was bright and hot. Few clouds. The morning had been the same. They were convinced it would not. One of them even said he checked everything out on the internet and he was certain that it was going to be a dry day.

I wanted to tell them how wrong they were. I did not want to bust their bubble, however. It rains every day in Key West in the summer. it is our rainy season.

Sure enough around four, the deluge came. Torrential rain.

Chickens have been a problem over the years in Key West. Several years ago the city fathers paid someone to remove the chickens. Chickens are some sort of an endangered species in Florida. They cannot be killed. They must be captured, properly crated, and sent to a chicken farm somewhere in northern Florida to enjoy the rest of their days.

Key West hired a chicken catcher. He was to receive $20 per chicken. The caging and trucking expenses north were to come out of the $20. The chicken catcher did not last long. He quit. Said he could not make money. The chickens still rule the streets of Key West.

Yesterday’s Key West Citizen had an interesting article. Somewhat related.

Page 2 of the Citizen daily publishes historical events. The paper calls it Today In Key West History. One of the items mentioned occurred 100 years ago. It involved the city and county commissions getting together at a special meeting to combat what apparently was a problem at the time. The bubonic plague. Heavy stuff. The two commissions voted to pay anyone who would help to eliminate the rodents who caused the problem. Five cents per rat, one cent per mouse. Dead or alive.

Hemingway Days start to day. Run through Sunday. One of the big events is the Hemingway Look A-Like Contest. It is held annually at Sloppy Joe’s. Now that I have a beard, all of seven weeks old, I considered entering. On second thought, I realized I am not ready. The beard needs to grow more. Perhaps next year.

I feel good. The jet lag seems to have gone. However, I layed down again yesterday afternoon at 4 for a short nap. Did not wake till 9. Screwed up my game plan for the night. It was to have been dinner at the bar at La Trattoria and visiting with Kathy and Becha. Perhaps next week.

Enjoy your day!



Saturday morning!

Rain! It has been raining for a week. Only a few breaks for sun. We needed the rain. Enough is enough, however.

Terrific Key West Lou Legal Hour show yesterday morning. Post show comment indicated the story of courage told was the most popular. It concerned Claire Lomas who recently ran the London Marathon. All 26.2 miles of it. Took her 16 days. She is a paraplegic. Ran the race with the aid of robotic legs.

After the show, shopped Duval and Sears for sandals. Found none I liked. I will be looking again today.

I had a date for lunch. Granddaughter Ally! I was babysitting all afternoon. Lisa was busy with meetings.

Ally decided we should have lunch at Hogfish. Fun. Then we went to my home. She swam most of the afternoon. She is obviously feeling better.

Ally wanted to drive with the top down. I did on the way to Hogfish. There Ally was seated in back on her child’s seat with huge sunglasses on and her hair blowing in the wind. A movie star!

I stopped at the Town N’ Country last night for a bite. Congenial Robert bartending. I enjoyed salmon and fried calamari.

Seated nearby at the bar was a couple. The man said hello. Turns out we had met last year. I enjoyed their company. Especially his. He is a fireman who is also actively engaged in many civic community activities. It was a great conversation regarding the various problems confronting Key West. He was extremely knowledgeable.

Services for Larry Harvey today. A most beloved Key West resident! Larry passed away earlier this week at 92. His mass will be at St. Paul’s on Duval. There will be a celebration of his life later at the Hemingway House. Larry worked at the Hemingway House for thirty years. His spirit will be felt at both events.

I have yet make  my cell phone and tablet decision. Thank you for the many suggestions and recommendations. Apple or Google? I have to make up my mind this morning. I have a 10 o’clock appointment to buy.

Came across an interesting news release on Yahoo this morning. There is a 33 year old man in Knoxville, Tennessee who has fathered 14 children. He recently applied to the court to reduce his child support payments. He claims he cannot afford what he is paying as he only earns minimum wage.

The man lacks any sense of responsibility. The government should pay for his birth control. It would be cheaper than helping to support the 14 children.

It is not against the law to father children. Even outside of wedlock. How does society get this guy to stop? I can think of a solution, but society would consider it barbaric.

What bothers me most is not that society will support these children. Rather it is that they will grow up without a responsible father figure. Or any type father figure in all likelyhood.

Enjoy your day!



















Ten this morning! The Key West Lou Legal Hour!

Broadcast world wide on the internet.

Join me. Fast moving and interesting.

My trip to Italy and Greece is just around the corner. About ten days away. I picked up some things for the trip. Like new shorts and bathing suits. Shopped at Key West’s store of choice for men. For women, also. Sears! There is nothing else of consequence in Key West.

Ally was still sick. I was scheduled to babysit in the afternoon. Lisa telephoned and said Ally wanted bagels. So I stopped at Publix and picked up six.

Ally looked a lot better. She had returned to the world of the living. It is amazing how young children look so beat up when they are ill. Ally was talking and coloring. The anti biotics were working.

Ate at John Lucas’ Big Ten Sports Bar. Watched Miami/Indiana. Miami obviously misses Bosh. Miami better get its game together. Or they are going to lose. They are already down 2-1. Miami was beaten by roughly 20 points last night. The difference in the score was not in any one’s contemplation.

John stopped by. Several times actually. It was his night off, but he came in any how. I like John. A good person. We have become friends.

Valerie and Clayton were at the bar talking with John as I was leaving. John gave me a hug, Valerie a kiss, and Clayton a hug. A big night for me!

Valerie and Clayton own Vino’s on Duval. A good place to stop. Enjoy a glass of wine, some good company, and watch the world go by.

I have to move this morning. Need to be at the studio one hour before the show to review my notes.

Enjoy your day!