There once were round trip flights from Key West to Havana. Long ago. The last flight was in 1962.

Round trip air service between Key West and Havana began  again February 28. The next flight March 7 is already sold out. The flights will be three times a week and cost between $479 and $525 round trip. Expensive for a 30 minute 90 mile flight. However, a start.

The reestablishment of flights between Key West and Havana represents the door opening a crack. May it open even more!

Did the dermatologist thing yesterday. I have several holes in the head area and a couple on my arm. Nothing significant.

Did final prep work on last night’s blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Except for a brief lament regarding Syracuse, the entire show involved the Ukraine. A tinderbox.

Putin reminds me of Hitler and the Sudetenland the way he is handling Ukraine. Hitler was an untrustworthy bully and so is Putin. We learn from history as history repeats itself. Hopefully, the situation will not result in another Munich.

Military wise, Russia only has one thing going for it. It still has nuclear weapons. Putin might decide he has to use them.

The Russian army consists basically of Russian draftees. Eighty per cent of those drafted never show up for induction. Those that do are only in for one year. Morale is low.

Russia’s army is already engaged in the Caucasus and Far Eastern Siberia. Russia is lacking in man power to conduct a third war.

Most Russian military equipment is out dated. Armored units and air assault helicopters are not up to snuff. Fuel consumption is high. As is the frequency of breakdowns.

A Ukrainian war would disrupt Russia’s sales in oil and gas to other countries. Oil and gas sales amount to 75 per cent of Russia’s income.

The bottom line is Russia is not equipped to go to war over the Ukraine. If not for Putin being off the wall and out of control at the moment, many would say he is bluffing.

Who knows? Who can be certain? Whatever, let there be no Munich resulting in another give away to a ruthless dictator.

I am subdued and calm re Syracuse. It is like a bomb has been dropped on me  and I lay in the middle of the rubble. Syracuse has lost 4 of its last 5 games. 25-0 is yesterday. Today, a horror story!

I did not see last night’s game. My blog talk radio show interfered. Syracuse lost to Georgia Tech 67-62.

I hope Syracuse comes back and I get to watch the team play in the Final Four. That is all I can say. I say it with a shocking calm.

Enjoy you day!



One of Key West’s most loved persons is Sheila. Today, she celebrates her birthday. Happy birthday, Sheila! I am sure you will be well honored tonight at the Chart Room. I am sorry I cannot be there. I have prep time and then my blog talk radio show itself. We shall drink together another night.

Kim Novak was a presenter at the Oscars Sunday night. She was a beauty in the 1950s. One of the biggest stars of the time. Her face alone took your breath away.

Kim disappeared in the 1960s. Actually retired from show business. Except for a few brief forays back in, she lived first on Big Sur and now in Oregon. Oregon was initially her home.

Now 81, Kim’s years showed. Unfortunately. Physically and a bit mentally. She is 81. She was well received by the audience.

I am 78. Is this what I am to expect in three years?

Tonight, my blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Please join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. Nine o’clock.

I suspect I will spend quite a bit of time on Ukraine. Not what is already known. Not what is in the papers. Rather some of the things not known by many. Like we have to be careful that whatever happens, it is not another Munich. The seeds are all in place for one. Most are unaware of the neo-Nazi party’s influence in the good guy group. The group the United States has already given in excess of $5 billion to. The stupidity of downsizing the military when we have hot spots all over the world, including Ukraine and Afghanistan. My displeasure with Kerry always talking on television about what he is going to do, who is good and bad, etc. Diplomacy is quiet and behind doors. How Europe will not stand tall. They depend on Russia for gas. Finally, how Ukraine banks have clamped down on depositor accounts this week. Some are limiting withdrawals to $100 a day.

Good stuff! Interesting! Revealing!

Good Morning America is coming to Key West. Friday morning. Live from Mallory Square. Go down and be part of the event.

There was a note in this morning’s Key West Citizen. It said there are 77,271 eligible Americans waiting for transplants. That number and the lack of organs is why there is a thriving black market in human organs world wide.

I remain down trodden re Syracuse. Syracuse plays again tonight. Against Georgia Tech at the Carrier Dome. Syracuse is 25 or 26-3. Georgia Tech 13-16. Syracuse dropped in the weekly rankings to #7.

Unfortunately, I will not be watching the game. Maybe for the good. Each game this year beats me up. I will be doing my blog talk radio show. Syracuse will be my first topic. World events have taken second place to Syracuse basketball this season. I have been talking about the team at the start of each show.

When I get sick, it seems to run in spurts. One type illness after another. The weekend was food poisoning. I saw Dr. Jackie Lefferts yesterday for a persistent cough. I had x-rays also. Somehow during the day, I threw my back out. When spasms hit, intolerable is the only way to describe them. This afternoon I see the dermatologist. I have had a small growth on my upper arm for years. It has grown the past two weeks and is sore.

I am doing good!

Enjoy your day!



There’s going to be a wild time in the Chart Room tonight! It is Charlotte’s birthday! She is enjoying her birthday here in Key West with her friend Skip. Skip of 104.9 radio.

Happy birthday Charlotte! Love you!

The food poisoning stayed with me most of yesterday. I never left the house. Towards the evening, I seemed better. This morning I am.

The big event for me were the Academy Awards last night. I am a true fan. I have loved the show for years.

One problem was keeping awake for the whole show. I was dozing on and off. Frankly, I am interested in the major awards. They are the ones that excite me. I was asleep for  Best Actress. Woke. Fell asleep again for Best Actor. I was awake for Best Picture.

My blog talk radio show tomorrow night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. In between flights of sickness yesterday, I worked on the show. I will be discussing some interesting topics. One involves the new-Nazi party in Ukraine. They are on the side of the good guys. The people the U.S. is supporting. Already to the tune of more than $5 billion.

My problem with the scenario is twofold. Why are we giving money to a group that is committed not only to purging Communists and Russians, but also members of the Jewish community? Another problem is why have we not heard about the neo-Nazi party involvement and the U.S.’s support? A transparency problem here. It appears the government and media have decided to keep the knowledge away from us.

Another interesting Ukraine situation I will be discussing involves the banks. Certain Ukrainian banks are limiting depositor withdrawals to $100 a day. It has happened elsewhere. As I continue to say, it could happen here.

The show can be heard at www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Enjoy your day!


Syracuse was crucified and decimated yesterday afternoon. Virginia beat Syracuse 75-56. The worse beating in the three games Syracuse has lost.

It was close until there were 11 minutes to go in the second half. The game was tied 42-42. Then came the deluge.

I have no comment. Syracuse deserved to lose. I have no idea what the rest of the basketball year will hold for Syracuse. In spite of Syracuse’s record, it has been a rocky season.

I was supposed to watch the game at Don’s Place with Dan and Lisa. I never made it. I got sick. Very sick. Food poisoning. It hit me within a short time after lunch. A lunch I prepared for myself at home. Something definitely was bad. I spent the afternoon and evening in bed and the bathroom. The blessing is I lost 3 pounds.

I am not sure how I feel this morning. I have to find out in the next hour. There is another open house scheduled. I will cancel it if I am not better. I want my bed and bathroom to die in.

Two interesting Key West issues today. Both in this Sunday’s Key West Citizen.

One is backyard gun ranges. I made mention of them about a month ago. A resident of Big Pine Key set up a gun/shooting range in his back yard. It would bother me if I was the guy’s neighbor. Some have expressed concern.

Turns out there is nothing that can be done about it. Gun enthusiasts and the NRA control in Florida. A State law was passed in 2011  that permits shooting ranges on home property. The law further provides that if any elected official prohibits such gun ranges, he is subject to a $5,000 fine and revocation of office.

The second Amendment carried a step too far.

Public nudity is another issue. The issue makes it sound like people are running around bare ass on the streets of Key West. Such is obviously not the case. What is involved is Fantasy Fest.

In a letter to the editor in today’s paper, an individual complained. He appears to be a snowbird. This is not the first time he has complained about the issue.

He wants the city fathers to “…..clean up our town and take it back.” Because of him, public nudity is a front burner issue once again.

I will simply state Fantasy Fest is an adult party and has been such for more than 25 years. It was started because late October was a dead time. The merchants were hurting. It was hoped Fantasy Fest would bring tourists to Key West. It has. Sixty thousand come out to watch the parade alone. The business men are happy. I suspect most resident are, also.

The complainer is a squeaky wheel. My concern is that a squeaky wheel always get attention. It would be a shame if this one convinces Key West to regulate more the dress standards.

There is nothing wrong with Fantasy Fest that needs fixing as regards nudity. Pasties, spray painting and other existing ordinances cover the problem. I like the use of the word “cover.” It was purely accidental.

Leave whatever the nudity is during Fantasy Fest alone.

One additional comment. I would be surprised if the complainer even attends any of the festivities. I suspect it would be too shameful from his perspective.

The Academy Awards tonight. I am old school. I have enjoyed the Oscar awards all my life. I will be watching from my bed.

My book, my book, my book! If you have not purchased it, please consider doing so.  You will enjoy it. The World Upside Down is available on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

Enjoy your Sunday. I hope I enjoy mine!




Time moves on. Things change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

The 2007/2008 recession hit Key West hard. People did not have the money to vacation in Key West. The tourist season has been getting better the last two years, however. Last night it appeared unquestionably better!

I was having dinner at Square One. With the lovely Stephanie Kaple, The Key West Shoe Girl. She wears heels all the time. The tall ones. Even when playing bocce.

Square One was mobbed when I arrived and it stayed that way all night. Standing room only at the bar waiting for a table. Several deep. A spark of excitement in the air. I had not felt nor experienced it for several years.

Carmelo worked hard last night. I am happy for him that the new Square One Restaurant is a success.

The Key West Citizen has a daily historical part on page 2. Happenings from fifty years ago. Two items caught my attention this morning. One involved Arthur Godfrey and the other the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Arthur Godfrey was a big TV star in the 1950s and into the early 1960s. His was CBS’ most successful show.

I met Arthur Godfrey once briefly. In the mid 1950s, I was attending Manhattan College in New York City. One of the many part time jobs was as a messenger delivery boy. No bicycles then. Each messenger had a small several block area. You walked fast!

I was in and out of the CBS Building all the time. Many of which I saw Arthur Godfrey moving around. After making a delivery one day, I was in the elevator going down. Arthur Godfrey was on it, also. Just me and him. He look at me and mouthed a gruff hello.

There was a limousine waiting for Godfrey at the curb. As he was about to get in, he looked at me again. Where are you going, kid? I told him. It was about five blocks away. Get in, he said. I’ll give you a ride. It was an exciting ride for me. We chatted. He asked me all kinds of questions about myself.

An awesome experience for a 19 year old!

The other 50 years ago news item mentioned the Cuban Missile Crisis. Thirteen days in 1962 of tension for the world. We were going to war with Russia! Thank God it was avoided.

When the missile crisis occurred, I was two years into my law practice and had fathered three of my four children. Lisa was down the road.

Kenneth Keating was a United States Senator from New York. He brought the Cuban missiles to the world’s attention. He was the first one! He drummed on it daily in the Senate in open floor debate. The Senate did that then.

Keating was a good man and had done a good thing. No one was ever going to beat him. He could be U.S. Senator from New York forever.

It was not to be. Robert Kennedy claimed a New York residency and ran against Keating. Only a Kennedy could have beat him.

The election was the first time I met Robert Kennedy. I was a young active Democrat. He was speaking in Rome, N.Y. He, I and his advance man (who had slept at my home the night before) met on a stage behind a curtain for a quick five minute strategy meeting while a speaker and a political rally were going on on the other side.

My first impression of Kennedy was he was cold and calculating. His eyes never left yours. He understood the lay of the land and the way he wanted things done.

The Cuban Missile Crisis had many connections to Key West. Key West was the first line of defense. Artillery weapons and the military blanketed Smathers Beach.

President Kennedy came to visit Key West after the crisis was over. It was a short visit. One day. He lunched with the then State Senator John Spottswood. He may have been Sheriff at the time. I am not sure.

The movie PT 109 was in its formative stage. Spottswood suggested to the President the movie be shot in the Keys. Specifically, Little Palm Island. Spottswood owned the island at the time. The movie eventually was shot on the island.

John Spottswood became a powerful figure. He is one of those responsible for Key West becoming what it is today. His family has succeeded him in pursuing the best interests of Key West. I only know Robert and Elena Spottswood. Great people! Key West is their heart and soul.

Lets stay with the Kennedys for a moment. I see from the news that Kerry Kennedy was acquitted yesterday of the DUI charge. It took the jury a little more than an hour to decide. I think the charge and trial were the result of a publicity seeking young prosecutor looking to nail a big one. It would have enhanced his or her career. The whole thing was a disgrace. The woman was prosecuted/persecuted because she was a Kennedy.

Syracuse basketball today. At 4. Against Virginia. A big game! The spread has been moving. Today, Virginia is a four point favorite. I have absolutely no idea what the result will be. It has been that kind of season.

I will be watching the game at Don’s Place.

Enjoy your day!


I appreciate that most of you read this blog to share with me what I did the day before. You have to understand that there are days I never leave the house. Like everyone else.

Yesterday was one of those days.

It was lovely till around supper time. Then the weather changed. I sat at my kitchen table most of the day chopping away at the computer. I was working on one of the chapters that will be part of my next book Growing Up Italian. It had to do with how my grandmother colored Easter eggs for us.

I started getting ready for booce at 5:30. Since I was scheduled to play the third game, I did not hurry. I did not have to be at the bocce courts on time for the first game. As I was getting ready to leave around 6:30, the weather changed. Dramatically. As it frequently does. The sky darkened, thunder and lightning, and then rain like hell!

I telephoned Don at the bocce courts. Before I could even say a word he said…..Stay home! He said the rain was so bad everyone was crowded under the pavilion.

No problem at my end. By nature, I am lazy. I hauled myself off to bed and spent the evening enjoying television.

The weather is overcast and a bit cool this morning. There is a cold wind off the ocean. My home is on open water. I feel the chill. Actually, it is 68 degrees. High will be 72. Probably rain.

Dinner tonight with The Key West Shoe Girl Stephanie Kaple. Should be fun. Stephanie is very much a today woman. I am from another generation. Conflict will permeate the table talk.

Tomorrow, Syracuse basketball. This time Virginia. A major game against a ranked rival. Vegas has lost faith in Syracuse. My team is a 10.5 point underdog.

Like Porky Pig would say at the end of his  cartoons of old…..That’s all folks!

Enjoy your day!


A lot of miscellaneous things  happened yesterday. I am going to take them in the order of their occurrence.

It took me a half hour to get from the Shell Station in Key Haven to Key West. Traffic was backed up all the way. I was fuming. My thought was the boulevard construction was really screwing things up. Turned out I was wrong. There was an accident at the Cow Key Bridge.

Speaking of the Cow Key Bridge, Sheila told me last night there is going to be a race/run over the Cow Key Bridge next month. For those less than athletic. The bridge is at best 500 feet long. I agreed to participate. I will walk, however.

I was heading to see Tammy. Manicure time. I enjoy her company. I admire and respect the business she and her husband have developed.

Lunch was at Azur. Exceptionally fine food. I should go more often. The man I had lunch with was interesting and entertaining. My age. We had many common things to talk about. When we left, we shook hands and expressed to each other how pleased we were to have met. We both felt a new friendship had been formed.

Five hours later, I discovered the man was not one to like. I found him to be duplicit, two faced, and a sneak. That bad!

Will Rogers used to say he never met a man he did not like. I would say that I had never met a person in Key West I did not like. Until yesterday.

Friends we will not be. His identity is immaterial. He has done one good thing. Provided me with a character to include in a future novel.

The Chart Room last night. Packed when I arrived. It was me and Sheila. Lovely Emily bartending. John came in later.

Sheila can only be described as a good person. Concerned for everyone. Honestly so.

Sheila became aware of a lost camera at The Little White House. A good sized one. The White House had had it for a week and no one came in to claim the camera. They let Sheila take it to see if she could discover the owner.

She pulled the picture card out of the camera and ran the film. She placed some of the pictures on Facebook and asked…..Do you know these people? Within one half hour, she had 14 replies. Everyone helpful. Who was going to run her message on other sites. One said a woman’s tee shirt in one of the pictures was from Fort Lauderdale. She was going to check with the store there.

Emily has become involved. Sheila and Emily are on a quest to discover the owner.

The beauty of Key West people! All except the one I discovered earlier that I did not like.

A major announcement. Sheila’s birthday is next tuesday. Forget her not! Monday is Charlotte’s birthday. Charlotte from the Carolinas. Her boy friend is Skip, radio 104.9’s premier announcer. A big party week in the making!

I have spoken well of the new Burger Fi. No more. My burger was great the first time I went. I returned three times, last night being the third. The last few burgers have been close to terrible. I will not be returning to Burger Fi.

Finally, to Fuddrukers. Twenty five to thirty years ago, I did Coconut Grove. It was my place before I discovered Key West. There was a great burger/steak sandwich place in Coconut Grove. Fuddruckers. Their steak sandwich to die for. On soft butter soaked bread. Screw the cholesterol time!

I have neither seen nor been to a Fuddruckers since. I learned yesterday a Fuddruckers is coming to Key West. Fantastic! Unless the quality of the beef has changed, it will be a winner! Interestingly, it is opening next door to Burger Fi.

So much for yesterday.

Bocce tonight. I look forward to playing. I am scheduled to play the third game. Last week, it was the first game. Scheduling. I hope we win the match. This is the third week of the season. We lost the first two weeks. None on the team can understand why. This is like the fourth consecutive season we have not been winners. We are good. No question about it. But whatever it takes to win, we lost. We keep searching for it.

Enjoy your day!


What a winter! Key West weather has been better than usual. Spectacular!

Today, the temperature will be in the low 80s by day and low 70s by night. The days are warm with a touch of humidity. The evenings cool. Sleep with the windows open type.

It is blissfully calm at the moment. Nothing moving. No breeze. The water and palm trees still. The sun shining brightly on the multicolored MTV house across the way.

Another bad night last night! The audio for my blog talk radio show. I was advised by several it was choppy again. The past two weeks were good. I thought we had the problem licked. Apparently not. Back to the drawing board!

Some parts of the show did get through clearly. Post show comments indicate the Sandy Hook story generated the most feedback. Many concerned.There are nuts out there that are saying Sandy Hook did not occur. It was a put up job by the government and media to get better gun legislation.

If so, where did those twenty angels buried in Sandy Hook cemeteries come from?

Bad people, demented people, abound in every society.

My day was simple. A meeting downtown in the morning. The rest of the day spent at home organizing last night’s show which did not go through well. A lasagna dinner at Roostica. The show.

I have been on police enforcement’s ass of late. I believe cops have gotten too mighty (in their minds) and have deviated from proper paths. The courts too are a bit off also in that they seem to support the police when the police step out of line.

Be that as it may, something happened in Chicago last week that warrants telling. A 13 year old boy had left school with about 15 of his classmates. Lots of snow. A police car was parked nearby with the window open. The officer seated inside. One of the kids threw a snowball at the car/officer. The officer claims it hit his arm. The 13 year old says it was not him and, in any event, the snowball did not hit the police officer. It hit the car.

The 13 year old has been charged with a felony: Aggravated battery to a police officer.

Come on! The charge is heavy handed. What happened to the police officer getting out of the car and admonishing the kids. Better to have put the fear of God in them rather than arrest one with such a serious charge.

The 13 year old has never been in trouble, is a good student, has never been arrested, and is not part of a Chicago gang.

Enjoy your day!


Insanity rears its ugly head once more. The word now is that Sandy Hook never occurred. Just like the Holocaust never occurred. Military families on food stamps. $8.5 trillion (equal to half the national debt) missing/unexplained from Department of Defense and Pentagon budgets. Mega corporations receiving benefits under Farm Law need not be identified. Americans starting to push back against government. JP Morgan to lay off thousands more because their mortgage business has not returned.

These and other revealing topics will be discussed on my blog talk radio show this evening. You will enjoy! Nine o’clock. A quick half hour. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Last night was Syracuse basketball again. I am becoming exasperated. I do not understand. Syracuse is an excellent team. The announcers mentioned several times that Syracuse would be a #1 seed in the big tournament. Yet Syracuse had to play hard with their fingers crossed the last few minutes of the game last night against Maryland. Syracuse won 57-55. Maryland is not ranked and had lost 12 games going into the fray.

Syracuse was leading at one point  in the first half by 11. With six minutes to go in the game, Syracuse was up by 11 once more.

This has not been an easy season for Syracuse nor me nor Syracuse’s many other fans. Please Lord, let Syracuse blow out the opposition in one of these games!

Saturday, it is Virginia. A top ranked team, also. Virginia has lost only 1 game in the ACC. Syracuse, 2. Without question, it will be a good game. Close.

It was 104.9 time at the Sports Pub where I watched the game. The radio team did not broadcast. They were at John Lukas’ place enjoying food, drink and the game.

Skip is 104.9’s premier talk show host. The best! You can catch him most evenings from 6-10. He brought his boss with him. The owner of 104.9. Stephen Butler.

An interesting figure. We talked a while. A self made man. Nationally, he owns six radio stations. He is involved in many other successful business ventures. Key West should be pleased he noted the value of our community and invested in it.

Word has it that Dollar Trees is going to open another Key West store in Habana Plaza on Flagler. I am going to complain. Habana Plaza is where Tammy has her business. It is where I get my manicures and pedicures. Parking has been tough since  City Hall moved into the Plaza. It is going to be impossible with Dollar Trees there.

There was a note in the Key West Citizen this morning that in 1913 the 16th amendment to the Constitution went into effect. The amendment gave Congress the right to levy income taxes.

The 16th amendment was not the first time the American people were confronted with an income tax. Lincoln had one imposed during the Civil War. He said he needed it to pay for the Civil War. After the war, the income tax was dropped.

I wish Bush 2 had found a way to increase taxes during the Iraqi War. He fought it, but did not pay for it. It is one of the reasons the national debt is so high.

My book The World Upside Down continues to be available for purchase. amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. If you enjoy this blog, my blog talk radio show,  and former TV show, you will enjoy the book. Buy it! If you did not, don’t waste your money.

Enjoy the day!





Blog is being written late today. It is noon. Sorry. I had an early morning appointment in Key West which took up most of the morning.

Mandy Miles is a colorful writer. She pens a column each Sunday for the Key West Citizen. Front page. Always interesting.

Yesterday’s was titled Who In their Right Mind?

Mandy was at the corner of Duval and Caroline. Her car had the light. Someone walked against the light in front of her. Fortunately, Mandy was paying more attention than the pedestrian and no accident occurred.

Mandy was sufficiently upset to write the column mentioned. She referred to the walking wrongdoer as a color blind pedestrian.

I want to add my two cents to her comments.

What I am about to say pertains to locals and tourists alike. As adults they have forgotten the rules of the road they learned when young. Simple things. Like look before you cross.

Pedestrians forget there are cars on the road. As mentioned, they rarely look before crossing. Bicyclists are equally as bad. Guilty of all the same things as pedestrians, plus running stops signs and lights. Mopeds are guilty of everything. However, on a lesser scale.

Driving a car downtown can be a nerve wracking experience. I drove a cab in New York City while in college. It was a hell of a lot easier than driving Key West streets.

I rarely agree with Key West Citizen editorials. Yesterday, I did. The Citizen said it was time for America’s iron curtain to fall as regards Cuba. I have written and spoke recently to the same effect. Enough of the punishment. What happened was 50 years ago. It is time to end the embargo and travel restrictions.

I can understand the pain of the families who were forced to flee Cuba and who came to our shores penniless. That was two generations ago. The Cuban society succeeded. It is time to move on.

Bebe Rebozo. A name I have not heard in years. Bebe was President Nixon’s buddy. They traveled and fished together. Most of the time in south Florida.

I read this morning that Bebe bought a home in Key West some fifty years ago. An old conch house at 513 Whitehead Street.

Robert and Ally came over yesterday. To swim. The pool is not heated. It did not bother them. Ally wanted to go in the canal, also. Not yesterday. No one wanted to go in  with her.

It was close to the mid 80s yesterday and very humid. Great February weather! Jake looked like he could not handle the humidity. He stayed inside my air conditioned home with me. This was the first time Jake had been permitted to roam free in the house. He appeared hesitant to move about. Lisa carried him from room to room on the first floor acclimating Jake to the house. Everything was fine thereafter.

I had a dinner date tonight. Key West’s Shoe Girl Stephanie Kaple. I was unaware Syracuse was playing this evening. Called Stephanie to cancel. This is the second time I have. She knew when she heard my voice that I was backing out. We have rescheduled for Wednesday evening.

Syracuse and Maryland at 7. At Maryland. We lost 2 games last week. We have lost a total of 2 games. Maryland has lost 12. Means nothing. Boston College that had lost 19 beat Syracuse earlier last week. I suspect/hope that Syracuse will be sufficiently aggravated over the losses and come out strong against Maryland.

I will be watching the game at John Lukas’ Big Ten Sports Pub.

Enjoy your day!