Sheila threw a party to celebrate Peter’s visit to Key West. Yesterday afternoon. At her apartment. An outstanding event!

It was good to see Peter, of course. Captain Peter, English Peter. The same tall distinguished gentleman. White hair and a white tache. British accent, of course.

The food sheila put out was delicious. Or so it appeared. I ate nothing because of my diet. Sheila had a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. She also baked several different deserts. Ask me not what they were. I kept a respectful distance less I be tempted.

The crowd from the Chart Room were there. And a bunch of people I had not met before.

I had a very good time. Stayed about three hours. Thank you, Sheila. Thank you Peter for providing Sheila with a reason to throw a party.

Jean Thornton had been at the party earlier. Jean was the one instrumental in getting Peter back to Key West for a visit. She came down from Birmingham for the party. I missed her. Jean had run off to the burning of the 2014 hurricane flag at Truman waterfront. Each year in which no hurricane has touched Key West, the event takes place. It is conducted by the Conch Republic Navy.

It was 77 degrees yesterday. With a cool chill in the air. Sweater time!

I have to hustle. Two doctor visits today. Blood testing with my internist at 8:30. Visit with my heart doctor at 4:30. In between, a manicure with Tammy.

Seniors should be paid each time they see a doctor. We see them so often. It would be a welcome addition to Social Security.

Enjoy your day!


One of Key West’s most loved persons is Sheila. Today, she celebrates her birthday. Happy birthday, Sheila! I am sure you will be well honored tonight at the Chart Room. I am sorry I cannot be there. I have prep time and then my blog talk radio show itself. We shall drink together another night.

Kim Novak was a presenter at the Oscars Sunday night. She was a beauty in the 1950s. One of the biggest stars of the time. Her face alone took your breath away.

Kim disappeared in the 1960s. Actually retired from show business. Except for a few brief forays back in, she lived first on Big Sur and now in Oregon. Oregon was initially her home.

Now 81, Kim’s years showed. Unfortunately. Physically and a bit mentally. She is 81. She was well received by the audience.

I am 78. Is this what I am to expect in three years?

Tonight, my blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Please join me. Nine o’clock.

I suspect I will spend quite a bit of time on Ukraine. Not what is already known. Not what is in the papers. Rather some of the things not known by many. Like we have to be careful that whatever happens, it is not another Munich. The seeds are all in place for one. Most are unaware of the neo-Nazi party’s influence in the good guy group. The group the United States has already given in excess of $5 billion to. The stupidity of downsizing the military when we have hot spots all over the world, including Ukraine and Afghanistan. My displeasure with Kerry always talking on television about what he is going to do, who is good and bad, etc. Diplomacy is quiet and behind doors. How Europe will not stand tall. They depend on Russia for gas. Finally, how Ukraine banks have clamped down on depositor accounts this week. Some are limiting withdrawals to $100 a day.

Good stuff! Interesting! Revealing!

Good Morning America is coming to Key West. Friday morning. Live from Mallory Square. Go down and be part of the event.

There was a note in this morning’s Key West Citizen. It said there are 77,271 eligible Americans waiting for transplants. That number and the lack of organs is why there is a thriving black market in human organs world wide.

I remain down trodden re Syracuse. Syracuse plays again tonight. Against Georgia Tech at the Carrier Dome. Syracuse is 25 or 26-3. Georgia Tech 13-16. Syracuse dropped in the weekly rankings to #7.

Unfortunately, I will not be watching the game. Maybe for the good. Each game this year beats me up. I will be doing my blog talk radio show. Syracuse will be my first topic. World events have taken second place to Syracuse basketball this season. I have been talking about the team at the start of each show.

When I get sick, it seems to run in spurts. One type illness after another. The weekend was food poisoning. I saw Dr. Jackie Lefferts yesterday for a persistent cough. I had x-rays also. Somehow during the day, I threw my back out. When spasms hit, intolerable is the only way to describe them. This afternoon I see the dermatologist. I have had a small growth on my upper arm for years. It has grown the past two weeks and is sore.

I am doing good!

Enjoy your day!



Timewise, my life is totally screwed up.

I arrived in Santorini this morning. Santorini is seven hours ahead of Key West time.

I went out in Athens again last night. Did not get back to the hotel till one in the morning. Had to get up at 5 to get cab at 6 to take me to the airport for an 8:30 flight. The flight took a half hour.

Now for my yesterday fun day.

My computer and data port are still not working. Nor will the computer take wi-fi. Ergo, I am required to find a store that leases computer/internet time. The place in Athens left a bit to be desired. Second floor. Heavy humidity. No air conditioning. Everyone smoking. I was soaking wet and stunk of cigarettes when I left.

I took a walk. I was hopefull the fresh air would take the smell out of my tee shirt. It was my last clean one.

Walked the same commercial street as I did last year. Heavy duty stores. Top of the line. More closed than last year. Saw beggars, again. Three. A young man with no legs sitting on the street with his hand extended holding a cup. A young mother kneeling in the street holding her baby. The woman had a sign around her neck…..I have no money. A small bent over old lady with no teeth walking up to people with her cup and mumbling undistinguishable words.

These are not homeless people as we know them. These are for real beggars. The same that have existed since the beginning of man.

It was Acropolis and Parthenon time.

It was a tough trek last year. I was in terrible shape. I walked through Plaka to the foot of the wide road leading up to the entrance to Acropolis and Parthenon. Better than a 45 degree incline. At least a mile up. Had to stop several times. Thought I was going to die.

Did it again yesterday. This time the smart way.

I found an English speaking cab driver. I asked if he could get me to the entrance on top. Absolutely! I was there in minutes. Not even winded.

Acropolis and Parthenon are Acropolis and Parthenon. The beginning of civilization. Still standing. A little weathered. A bit beaten. Yet surviving.

It was still hard work after the cab ride. I had stairs to climb and much ground to cover. I did it with pleasure. There is something exhilarating about seeing man’s beginnings.

I had to walk two blocks after leaving. To find a cab to take me back to the hotel.

One thing bothered me. The cost of entry. Either Americans are unloved or thought to be rich. I think both.

Europeans pay 6 euros. Americans 12. At the Last Supper, I ran into a similar situation. I am 77 years old. Senior Europeans paid 1.5 euros. Americans 10 euros.

Last night, I was back in Plaka. Probably should be spelled Playka. A wonderful place! I never stay up late, yet I did at Plaka two nights in a row.

I was heading for the bar/outdoor cafe where I spent some time last year. Where I watched the European soccer world series with the owner and some of his buddies. When they yelled, I yelled. When they swore, I swore.

The name of the place is Cossimos. I think. Everything is in Greek. The Greeks have their own alphabet. Strange to non-Greeks. Cossimos is as close as I can come to the correct name.

I was in a large crowd moving down the street towards Cossimos. All of a sudden I hear a shout…..Key West Lou! It was my owner friend from last year. He came running towards me and we hugged. As soon as we arrived at the cafe, he yelled to a waiter…..Gin on the rocks!

I made a friend last year.

He is Canadian. Sixtish. Was very happy. Told me he been divorced in the past year. He had a girl friend in Canada. Twenty seven years old. She was coming to Greece to live with him. Lucky you, I told him. He beamed!

The drink arrived. A large water glass filled to the brim with gin. At least 3 drinks in one. Maybe 4. My friend was a generous host.

Note that I have not mentioned his name. I coud not remember. After his warm reception, I did not want to insult him by saying I forgot, what is it, etc. I never found out.

I noticed a couple of things while devouring the gin.

Every dog I saw was flat on the ground sleeping. I never saw one up and about. I thought they might have smoked something.

Athens is alive. People are up. Locals and visitors. Contrasted with Novara where I found people basically depressed.

They have Ed Swift type trains as in Key West. My thoughts were of Sheila. The train cars are a bit narrower. Three max across as opposed to four. They do not drive on city streets. They drive down the narrow alleyways in Plaka. Only people are obstacles. Not bicycles.

Outdoor cafes galore. Each with someone hustling your business as you walk by. Two nights in a row, I walked past Mikel. A charming young man. Eat here, eat here, was his cry. We chatted. I promised him I would return. He was thrilled when I did.

Mikel’s restaurant is named Meandros. I only know the English name because I had Mikel tell me and spell it for me. The food was outstanding! Lamb chops. Broiled. The cheap boney fatty cut. Loved them!

I walked back to my hotel. I did not get lost this time.

Tomorrow Santorini.

Enjoy your day!



I cannot diet and visit my usual haunts. The near occasions of sin are food and drink. So, I remain home evenings. My recollection is that last night was the second time in the 35 days I have been dieting that I went out.

I was excited. It was exciting.

The Chart Room was the venue selected. It had not changed. JJ bartending. Dave, Sheila, and Captain Peter in attendance.

I was good. Did not drink nor eat pop corn. Two diet Pepsi’s instead.

Captain Peter never ceases to amaze me. I learned last night he was a bird watcher.

The Captain spoke specifically of two birds. I did not know them. I know nothing about birds. He had sighted one species here in Key West. Another flying in mass over Miami recently. Both totally foreign to Florida.

The birds’ habitat is Labrador. They were far from home. Captain Peter attributes their Florida presence to Hurricane Sandy. Interesting.

Duval Street was packed. Jam packed. Traditionally, the week between Christmas and New Year’s is the busiest for Key West. Come Wednesday morning, there will be no one. You can throw a bowling ball down Duval from one end to the other without hitting any one.

Tomorrow my blog talk radio show! Seven in the morning my time. You can listen and/or call in. The show is quick moving.

This will be show #3. Help me! Not only listen, telephone me from anywhere with a comment or thought. I am going to lead with the fiscal cliff, France trying a 75 per cent tax on its millionaires, and Silvio Burlosconi having to pay his wife $3 million a month. We are not limited. Can talk about any topic you wish.

Those living outside the United States can listen in/participate via Skype.

It may be radio, but a computer is required to join me. It is a radio internet show. Found easily at Click on the second box that appears. The one with the date of the show. Voila, you will be in business!

I plan on going out again tonight. I will cheat, however. Plan on drinking. The game plan is to walk Duval a bit and at midnight watch Sushi come down on the red shoe at the Bourbon Street Pub. If I change my mind and stay in, I will still watch Sushi. CNN carries the drop live each year.

Hillary Clinton. How sad! How terrible! Hope her condition clears up swiftly.

Many were critical of Hillary when she announced she could not testify before the Congressional committee looking into Benghazi because  she had fallen and suffered a concussion. Many thought it was a convenient made up excuse. One of this blog’s loyal readers wrote and referred her malady as an “immaculate concussion.” I must concede, I thought ill of the situation as well. A lesson to be learned. Never jump the gun…..give a person the benefit of the doubt. Not all political figures are the same. Some tell the truth.

Enjoy your New Year’s Eve day! Better yet, enjoy this evening!




The Chart Room again last night. Peter and Che at the bar. A good crowd otherwise.

Sheila came in after a while. Lovely Sheila. The trolley train lady. A friend to all. Loved by every one.

Sheila had a bag full of small cranberry nut bread loafs. In aluminum pans. Still warm.

This is for you, Louis. Happy Thanksgiving! She handed me one of the loaves.

How nice! How thoughtful!

When I left the Chart Room, I was headed out to dinner. Not sure where. As I got in the car, I said to myself…..go home… the warm cranberry nut bread. That is what I did. Made some tea and covered the still warm bread with butter. My dinner! The best!

Thank you, Sheila.

While I was at the Chart Room, Sheila introduced me to Cori. Same pronunciation as son in law Corey’s name, except spelled differently.

Cori just received her doctorate from Exeter in England. Her PhD is in Maritime History.

She works at the Custom House as Curator of History. Knows my Corey well. Knows Lisa, also.

Yesterday morning after finishing the day’s blog, I received a telephone call from Jenna. Could we do my TV/Internet show at 4 today instead of friday? Krystal wanted to take a long weekend to spend the holiday with her folks. Ok, I said.

Only one problem. I prepare the show during the week a bit at a time each day. Ergo, I was not ready to do the show at 4. I could get ready, but would have to work diligently till 4. I did.

The show was recorded and will be shown at 10 friday morning as usual.

The topics are interesting. Let me share a few with you.

Thanksgiving. I did a history of the holiday. The pilgrims and Indians did not give us Thanksgiving. Abraham Lincoln did.

Since the show has many viewers from foreign lands who are unaware of Thanksgiving, I explained from a practical perspective what happens on Thanksgiving Day. The Macey parade, a glutonous meal, and falling asleep in front of the TV while watching college football after dinner.

The Hostess failure bothers me. A particular union is one of the problems. Another and greater problem however is the sugar industry. By virtue of a 1934 law, heavy tariffs are placed on sugar imported. As a result, no one ships sugar into the U.S. The U.S. sugar industry has a monopoly. So…..sugar costs twice as much in the U.S. as elsewhere in the world. Hostess obviously used sugar big time.

The sugar law is a form of corporate welfare. Similar to the subsidy paid oil companies. The sugar lobby in Washington is strong. They make sure the tariff program continues. There is more to this story.

A secession follow up. This whole thing is a joke. For real. Not real.

Took a walk back in history with Enrico Caruso, Casablanca, war time rationing, and Doug Flutie’s Hail Mary pass.

Three interesting stories where today’s cell phone was instrumental in catching wrongdoers.

The aforementioned are some of the topics discussed. I will share more with you tomorrow.

Needed a gas fill up yesterday. Stopped at the Citgo station on the boulevard. The boulevard of construction. I chatted with the woman running the place. I noticed there was a sign saying free coffee. I asked why. She told me business was down 60 per cent and they were trying to induce business. She further told me that the nearby MacDonald’s was down 61 per cent and was considering closing.

I find the MacDonald thing hard to believe. The Key West MacDonald’s is one the highest volume MacDonald’s in Florida. I hope the lady was wrong.

The boulevard construction is a rip off. Two years to complete. I can understand why. Very few people working the job. Some days no one. The highest number I have counted for one day is 7. I drive past the site at least two times a day.

Tomorrow the bird! I am excited. I was excited as a kid and continue to be excited as an adult. I love holidays!

I suspect the reason holidays excited me back when was because my family was of modest means. Not on holidays, however. The table was full of goodies!

Enjoy your day!



Amorgos and Captain Peter! The two are nowhere related. However, both represent joyful experiences and so share the title of today’s blog.

Last night was a very good one. Unusually good. It was Captain Peter’s 70th birthday. We partied. Played in a bocce make up match. We won all three games. It is a pleasure to share the evening with you. First however, the Amorgos photos.

You will recall the Greek isle of Amorgos was my favorite of the five Greek places visited.

Amorgos is a nothing island sitting out in the extremes of the Agean Sea. I had not planned to visit Amorgos. I was stuck on Mykonos three extra days because of weather. I was desperate to get out. Finally a boat was available. To a place called Amorgos. I went.

Amorgos is a relatively small island. Has six towns. The population is limited. Not many people live on Amorgos. The official population is 1,859. Amorgos’ claim to fame is a Monastery and an earthquake. I have seaparate photos of the Monastery that will be shown in a day or two. The earthquake occurred on July 9, 1953. Left 53 dead. Amorgos was my third island. Santorini and Mykonos preceded it. All three had a history of volcanic explosions. Sort of compares to the hurricane season in Key West. A threat always there. You never know.

I stayed in the town of Katapola. I did not know the name when I landed.

Amorgos’ connection with the outside world is the boat that comes in once a week. On wednesday. Assuming the weather is ok. The winds can be horrific.

I saw very few automobiles on the island. Not ten total. There was a bus. I wondered then and wonder now how they got the gasoline to fuel the few cars, bus and fishing boats. The gasoline had to come in on the once a week boat. Where it was stored, pumped, I never learned.

I loved Amorgos! Again, the best of the Greek places visited. Why? Because it was so serene and quiet. Nothing to do. Peaceful. Old. The people were from another century. Men and women alike dressed in black. Regardless of age. I was told black shuns the sun better than light colored apparel.

Twelve photos.

The first is the view from my terrace. The view says it all.

The next is an inner shot of the terrace. I spent most of my time on the terrace sitting at the table during the ten days I was on Amorgos.

I sat on the terrace in the evening also, as seen in the next photo.

As indicated before, I spent considerable time on the terrace. The next photo is of me sitting on the terrace reading. I did this all day, every day. Never went in the water. Sat, read, and slept. And ate, of course. My landlord would bring me fresh apricots every morning from his garden to start my day.

Another shot of me on the terrace.

The bay I lived on was horseshoe in shape. I walked around the horseshoe one day and had lunch. The photo is me and the restaurant. On the water. Simple. I could not figure out how the owner made it. I was the only customer at lunch time.

Note the boats in the restauant picture and the ones in the next photo. Fishing is Amorgos’ industry. They fish for themselves and the few restauants on the island. Provincially. Most of the fishing boats are mere rowboats with a motor on the back.

Again, Amorgos is from another time.

Every Greek island has a chora. Also known as hora. Means old town. You saw Mykonos’ chora. Now, Amorgos’.

Amorgos’ chora was way up on a hill. Hills again! I took the bus up. The bus had to be 40 plus years old. Shaked, rattled and rolled. But made it! I thought as the bus traveled up the hill that I was like the bus. Getting older and still hanging in there.

Once you enter the chora, everything is up hill. Whether a path or steps. So many steps! A stress test unto itself.

The next photo is me starting into the chora. Old means old. This chora was more than a 1,000 years old. It consisted primarily of homes. People still live in the 1,000 year old buildings. There was also a bar or restaurant every 200 feet or so.

I was mid way into the chora and ready to die. I needed to sit. The yellow chairs in the next photo were my salvation.

The next pic is me sitting in a yellow chair. Tired! Note my beard was growing. I looked like a bum! Did not care!

The next photo is a chora street scene. Pretty. Narrow. Only room for a galloping horse when built 1,000 years ago. Today, only foot traffic. Cars would not fit.

The final photo is me sitting on a stoop. The steps to some one’s home. I was lost. Dead tired. Could not find my way out of the chora. Sat on that stoop till I regained my energies.

So much for Amorgos. Hope you enjoyed.

It was Peter’s birthday yesterday. Seventy years old. A surprise party was planned for him at 5 at the Chart Room. Many friends. Emily, Sheila, Sean, Che, David, Jean, John DeSantis, and many others.

Also present were some friends of Emily. She referred to them as her grad school friends. About 8-10. From Louisville and Pensacola and perhaps elsewhere. Nice people. One was Fred. Fred owns a parking lot at Churchill Downs. Must be like owning Sloppy Joe’s in Key West.

I was at the Chart Room for a half hour and still no Happy birthday! There was a table full of cake, key lime pie, and other goodies. The candle was on the key lime pie. Peter never realized the people and eats were for him. Not till Emily walked up with the pie and candle and every one sang Happy Birthday!

Peter is a good guy. Loved by all. May we all share more of his birthdays with him and with each other.

Bocce was part of my evening, also. We had a make up game for one that had been rained out.

I hurried over to the bocce courts. I knew I would be late. I had already told Captain David. I learned when I arrived that we had won the two final games after I had left the night before.

I played the third game. We won all three games last night. We are on a run! A total of six victories in two nights! Everyone is playing well. May we continue to so play.

It was very comfortable playing last night. No humidity. A cold front had come in in the afternoon. Dropped the temperature 10 degrees to the high 70s. The cold front is still here today. A strong wind is coming from the north. There are big waves off my deck.

I spent yesterday afternoon researching. Also published on Amazon Kindle an article I ran a few weeks ago in KONK Lfe: Catholic Church…..200 Years Out Of Date. It speaks of the death bed interview with Cardinal Carl Maria Martini. The Cardinal was high up in the Papal hierarchy. He thought Pope Brnedict II was being too hard ass (my language), supported condom use in certain circumstances, was not against birth control, remarriage after divorce was ok, and commented on many other things afflicting/conflicting the Catholic Church today. One of his most meaningful observations was to the effect that …..our Churches are empty.

The Cardinal died four days after the interview was given.

I mentioned my Quest neighbors yesterday, There is a film crew next door. Cameras and lights all over. On the roof, on the grounds, etc. It is a new TV film series being shot next door and in the lower Florida keys. Its stars are young men from all over the country. Eighteen to 23. I cannot tell you what the show is specically about. I do not know. It appears a lot of money is being spent on it.

The individual locally putting the show together is Key West’s Denise Jackson. I did not know her. Met her for the first time two nights ago.

Enjoy your day!


I stayed in bed a bit later this morning. Watching the Ryder Cup matches. Exciting!

I have been fortunate to have attended a Ryder Cup, as well as several other porofessional golf tournaments. When at the Ryder Cup, there is tension with every shot. For the players and the spectators. The tension factor is with you all day. At the end of the day, I was always exhausted. Wiped out. Think of how the players must have felt!

Even from my bed, I was experiencing that tension this morning. Every shot crucial. Each putt important.

In all likelihood, I will spend most of today watching the Ryder Cup.

Yesterday’s Key West Lou Legal Hour internet show went well. I love doing the show. I am pleased so many watch it. The topic garnering the most interest involved my comments regarding Greece. Since I recently spent five weeks there, I consider myself a half assed authority on the country.

The point I was stressing on the show was that we do not know Greece. It is not like the Unitted States. People think differently. For example, it is considered proper to avoid paying taxes, although illegal. Not the same as in the United States where some taxes are paid and the rest hidden in off shore accounts. Greeks neither file nor pay at all. No wonder Greece has no money.

Tax avoidance is an all Greek game. The government improperly respects the game. The government fails to pursue tax avoiders. Some do get caught, however. When so, they are requied to participate in a Tax Court trial. It takes 7-10 years for a case to be reached for trial.

Greek tax avoidance…..a game all sides participate in!

After the show, it was off to the Plantation Coffee House. Diane woprking. Good to see her again. She had just returned from a one week vacation with the girls in Arizona.

I broke my diet. Enjoyed a toasted bagel! Good!

Did some writing in the afternoon. Wrote next week’s KONK Life article. The article concerns a pet cat that was taken to the vet for a flea bath and ended up mistakenly getting euthanized. The thrust of the aticle has to do with how the law evaluates the loss from a monetary perspective. A dead cat ain’t worth much! No matter how much loved and missed.

When I was driving to the Chart Room last night, I could not believe the water sitting along the curbs and covering the streets. It had rained like hell in Key West during the afternoon! It never rained in Key Havden where I live. A mere 2.5 miles north of Key West. Always interesting how strangely it rains over the island. Lisa will occasionally telephone me and say what a storm we are having! And I will ask, what storm? That is how it is.

Ran into Captain Peter on my way into the Chart Room. He was on his way out.

Emily bartending. Sheila at the end of the bar. I seated myself next to Sheila. Sheila, Emily and I chatted away the next couple of hours.

I proudly broke from the diet once again. Popcorn! Emily popped some fresh. Delicious! Would love to have her make my pop corn all the time!

Met Ollie at the Chart Room. First time. He is Oliver Kopfoid, a local. Works in sewage waste management. A scientist. He is a candidate for the Mosquito Control Board. An important position. The Board is all that stands between the populace and the mosquitos. With out the Board and the work they do, dengue fever would be a big time problem. Instead, it is merely a threat. The Board keeps the nasty critters at bay.

Ollie was interesting and knowledgable. He would make a good Board member.

I was not really hungry. The pop corn seemed enough. However, I thouight I should eat a bit more.

I walked over to the Wine Galley. Enjoyed a bowl of French onion soup.

Larry Smith playing and singing. He is the best!

Overall, it was an enjoyable evening. Returned home around 10 and to bed. Had a very good sleep.

Enjoy your day!



The major item of importance in my life yesterday was a stress test. Part of ongoing tests because I had a chest pain last week. Tests completed. Next wednesday my cardiologists gives me the results.

The testing took over 2.5 hours.

I did not do the tread mill stress test. Mine was strictly nuclear. I sat in a huge easy chair. Some nuclear chemical was shot into my arm. The result was immediate. I started breathing heavy. Gasping a bit. These results were expected and I had been forewarned to expect them.

It was all over in 30 seconds. The picture taking before and after is what took up most of the time.

The gulping for breath was similar to that experienced on my ill fated attempt to climb to the top of the Santourini volcano.

My cardiologist gave me the option of the tread mill or shot. He said both were equally good from his perspective for what he needed. I have become lazy in my old age. Always hated the tread mill. It was hard! Especially at the end. So I opted for the shot of nuclear whatever.

I published another article on Amazon Kindle yesterday. The Forefather of Three Presidents and Two Actors. The John Holland of Mayflower fame tale. He gave us Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the two Bushes. Plus Humphrey Bogart and Alec Baldwin. Were in not for Holland, we never would have had Social Security or the Iraqi War. Who knows how Casablanca would have turned out. 30 Rock might never have won any Emmys.

As I was getting ready for my night in Key West, the telephone rang. It was Jean Thornton. She has been back 2-3 weeks and we had yet to get together. Jean suggested we meet at the Chart Room for a drink.

It was Jean. And Sean, Sheila and Emily at the Chart Room. Good people all! A pleasant time.

I invited Jean to dinner. She had to pass. Had a dinner engagement already scheduled for later in the evening.

Emily bartends three nights  a week at the Chart Room. The more I see of her, the more I like her. She is intelligent and engaging. Beautiful as well.

I was not that hungry. Wanted to go to some place close and easy to the Chart Room. I decided on Sloppy Joe’s and an order of sloppy fries. It was fun.

I walked a couple of blocks down Duval after “dining” at Sloppy Joe’s. A good crowd of people. Not great. Enough for the merchants to make a buck, however.

Tomorrow is the day! My internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten in the morning my time. World wide.

Join me. Share some interesting time with me.

Some topics to be discussed include the Dallas mosquito problem/West Nile Virus which is killing people, why U.S. companies prefer manufacturing in China (it is not the cheap labor), Social Security’s recent ordering of 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets, Germany beginning to hurt economically because many of their container vessels sit idle, a high ranking Catholic priest sentenced to 3-6 years for being part of the cover up, Presidential campaign setting a poor example for our children, nude maid service in Lubbock, Texas not tolerated, and more.

Again, please join me if you can. I love doing the show and I assure you that although you may not love it per se, you will enjoy watching it.

Enjoy your day!



Good morning! From glorious Key West. Where it is raining! And looks like it is going to rain all day.

I am sorry there are so many photos of my trip. Over 600. To be expected I guess from a seven week trip.

I spent the better part of yesterday going through the pictures. Selecting the ones I thought best to share with you. I did not finish. Selected too many. They are all good!

I have been advised I cannot run 600 pics. Would slow down everyone’s computers. A decision has been made. I am going to break the photos down to each of the seven places visited. Plus an extra category or two for some unusual experiences. Like the volcano. Then select the best ten of each category.

I feel bad. Like I am cheating everyone. Any ideas, let me know.

I walked Duval a bit early in the evening. Hemingway Days in full swing. Booths along the street selling all kinds of things. One of the most active booths was selling food. Greek food. I looked. Nothing looked like what I ate in Greece. I passed. Did not try any of the items.

Worked my way into Sloppy Joe’s. More people than the fire laws probably allowed. The Hemingway look a likes were on stage. It was the finals.

The heat was too much for me. I left Sloppy’s and Duval. Headed for the air conditioned Chart Room.

JJ bartending. Sheila and Captain Peter at the bar.

I sat next to a lovely woman. Turned out she was Greek. Her name Elena. Likes to be referred to as the Key West Greek.

I had never met her before. Elena has been in and out of Key West her whole life. She has lived elesewhere, also. All over the world!

Elena is an artist. A mixed media artist. Paintings, woood burning, etc. Her work is being shown at Hogfish, the Greene Street Cigar Company, and the Estate Liquidation Warehouse.

I enjoyed her company. She knew Greece intimately. Great conversation!

Elena made me feel good. She brought up ages. Told me she was older than me. I said no way. I am older than everyone. She said she was 59. Blew her mind when I told her I was 77. I think it is the beard. I may never shave it off.

Sheila had a friend. Mary Antoine. Mary was down from Fort Lauderdale. She is into cruising and franchising.

I desired a veal chop. To Michael’s.

Sat at the bar.

Two gentlemen next to me. In their early 60s. We chatted. One started talking about Woodstock back in 1969. He had been there. For all three days. Made sense. Once you were in, you could not get out.

He told us about his experiences at Woodstock. Except for one. His friend and I asked simultaneolusly…..But did you get laid? The laughs were gut wrenching. He did. In the mud and rain.

It was celebrity night at Michael’s. Paula Dean came in. With a large group. Her husband is a contestant in the Hemingway look alike contest. Paula is the TV chef. Oprah loves her. She is world famous.

Paula was well received. Most knew of her. I did not realize so many people were into cooking. She was gracious. Acknowledged everyone. Enjoyed her evening.

Robert got home last night. Lisa and Corey drove to Miami to pick him up. Lisa said he was tired. He looked like he had not slept in a week.

The family and I are having dinner together tonight at the Yacht Club.

It is 10 am. The British Open is coming up on television. Must hurry to watch it.

Enjoy your Sunday!