The sun shining. A tiny dock sitting on the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. A small group of white chairs. Harp music in the background.
The setting for the marriage of Chris and Don at 7 last night at the Hyatt.
Chris her usual lovely self. Her beauty even more pronounced by the lovely long white dress she wore. Don in casual attire. Referred to by the natives as Key West formal.
The perfect couple being married in a perfect setting.
Great reception! My first wedding at the Hyatt. A job well done.
The reception was on the second floor. A round room with windows floor to ceiling. Surrounded by a balcony. Guests intermingling while enjoying good drink, food and music.
Don and Chris’ friends all wonderful people. Enjoyed again the company of Trish aka Trixie and John, Phil and Christina, Joon, and Gilly. Met the wedding couple’s families. Chris’ parents, Don’s two sisters and brother, Don’s children. Joon’s charming parents who had arrived from South Korea. And many more.
I sat with John, Ollie, Bridget, the minister who married Chris and Don. And another woman. A good table!
I especially enjoyed Bridget. Bridget Geraghty. In from Chicago. Ollie’s guest.
A beautiful and charming young lady. Makes her living working for politicians. She is presently on the staff of the Democrat seeking the Illinois governorship. An interesting conversation. Especially since I am a political junkie.
She came to dance! She could dance! Ollie did a good job in keeping up with her.
The women knew how to dress. They dressed. All lovely. The men go casual. Referred to again as Key West formal.
I snuck out at 10:30. Already past my bed time. I cannot keep late hours as I once did.
An example of how some of the wedding party had been partying. I missed them friday night at the Chart Room. They arrived after I left. They closed the Chart Room around 1. A bunch then went to the outside bar at Don’s Place till it closed at 4.
Yet, they were all bright and shiny for the wedding last night!
Spent yesterday afternoon watching the kids’ March For Our Lives on TV. Must be honest. I shed a few tears. Raw emotions exhibited on the screen.
A movement that cannot be stopped. A cultural change. The NRA has met its match.
So too Marco Rubio.
Rubio set his path on becoming President. He can forget it. He won’t be able to be elected dog catcher after these high schoolers get done with him.
Key West participated in the March. Kicked off at noon at South Beach, marched down Duval to Mallory Square. Photos in this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast indicate hundreds participating. Could be a thousand.
And who was the leader of the band at one point. Laurie. Laurie from Aqua. Laurie always comfortable with a mike in her hand. Laurie who is always available to help someone or a cause. There she was in one of the photos standing by the mike her arms raised high.
Loyola-Chicago won again! Going to the Final Four! Good for them! Loyola a #11 seed beat the #1 seed Kansas yesterday.
Today is Palm Sunday. The beginning of Holy Week for Christians. The beginning of a holy week for Jews, also.
For Christians, Palm Sunday marks the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Within a week, He would be crucified.
Palm Sunday was a big deal in an Italian Catholic household. Everyone went to Church. Even those who rarely or never went. To get palms. Everyone got as many as they wanted.
It was part of the tradition to visit the homes of family and friends and exchange warm greetings while exchanging palms.
Every family had a talented Uncle who could make fancy crosses of all sizes, hats, and baskets from the palms.
Today, no more. Sometime in the 1960’s, the Church got niggardly with the palms. Only one palm per person. My recollection is that the palms had become expensive.
The tradition of visiting and exchanging continued. However, you had to make sure you received a palm in return. Otherwise, you had none to give at the next house visited.
I will be glued to the TV set at 8 tonight. 60 Minutes featuring Stoney Daniels! Ho, ho, ho. What will we learn?
Enjoy your Sunday!