Civil disobedience rumbles through our society today. One example is what is going on in California. Attorney General Sessions has brought the might of the federal government down on California via a federal lawsuit. Legal and public opposition to the suit guaranteed.

People do not like being imposed upon by their government. The California issue has to do with sanctuary cities. California is a sanctuary state. It will not assist the federal government in rounding up, etc. certain illegal immigrants for deportation.

Many cities throughout the nation have labeled themselves sanctuary cities. All considering the federal government off base in seeking a city’s assistance to arrest and deport persons they do not believe should be deported.

The people speaking.

The lawsuit is weak substantively. The President forgot there is another branch of government called Congress. Trump’s signature on a piece of paper not enough to bring the power of the federal government down on a sanctuary state or cities without Congressional passage of a bill first approving what the federal government considers should be done with illegal immigrants.

Trump’s legal beagles in a hurry to do their master’s bidding, failed once again to do things properly. The legal analysis I leave for another day. Today, I want to approach the issue of civil disobedience from the philosophical perspective.

Thomas Paine said, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

Thomas Jefferson, “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”

St. Augustine, ” That which is not just seems to be no law at all.”

An unjust law is a perversion of the law. Law is supposed to stop bad things from happening. Not make them happen.

People have refused to obey/support laws wrong in their essence many times in the past. Significant ones include the Boston Tea Party, Gandhi, and the Birmingham protest marchers.

It all turns on morality. Sessions suit is immoral. Its basis immoral. The people of California are right in saying no to it.

My yesterday began at 8:45 in the morning with a visit to Dr. Norris. My intern. My first annual physical with him.

Lose weight and you make your doctor’s day! His records indicated I have lost 24 pounds since my last visit. Love doctor scales. I am still stuck at 20 on mine.

Everything ok. Blood and urine results next thursday.

The Cuban Coffee House is next door to his offices. I had planned on Cuban toast and coffee following the examination. No way! The line too long. No question season is here.

Decided on Harpoon Harry’s for a real breakfast. Lucky to get a seat at the counter. Packed. People waiting to be seated.

I enjoyed ham, eggs and hash browns. Yes, I cheated. Felt I was entitled. Skipped the toast, however.

Last night, the Chart Room. With Catherine.

Wonderful people.

Met Charlene and Chris from the Chicago area. Charlene reads this blog! I am excited and appreciative each time I run into some one who does.

Charlene is a State Attorney. She prosecutes. Chris an attorney, also. Works with local government in Joliet.

Both past visitors to Key West.

Charlene told me she had ordered Irma and Me. I loved her even more.

Hope to see them both again before they leave.

Gayla and Jeff were sitting at the bar. We started talking. From San Antonia. Home of the Spurs! They sounded like die hard fans. As I am with Syracuse.

Frequent Key West visitors. Two grown children.

Gayla stopped by before she left to tell me she had ordered Irma and Me on her cell phone.

Love these women!

Irma and Me has achieved a degree of popularity. It has been out 3 months now. Selling. I appreciate it. Not from a money perspective. Rather the recognition it provides. I am humbled people read what I wrote.

Finally, Holly. Holly of Kevin and Holly. Holly alone. Kevin at home in Key West.

Kevin’s scooter flipped a few months ago. Kevin spent 24 days in intensive care. Beat up badly. He is on the mend. Not totally yet. I hope to run into them both tonight at the Chart Room.

Today, a Louis one. A haircut with Lori at noon. Cuban cheese toast and coffee at Sandy’s Cafe afterward. A manicure with Tammy at 5. Then, the Chart Room.

Oh Syracuse, my Syracuse! Like Mighty Casey, struck out last night. Syracuse lost to North Carolina 78-59. The evening before, Syracuse beat Wake Forest 73-64.

The ACC Tournament is over for Syracuse. The NCAA next week. Will Syracuse make the big dance? I doubt it. A win against North Carolina might have permitted it. The team came up one game short at the end I fear.

We will find out for certain Sunday night.

Last but not least, tomorrow at 6 Kate Miano’s campaign kickoff party. Everyone go! At the beautiful Gardens. Free food and drink. See old friends and make new ones!

Enjoy your day!




I consider the Justice Building Blog one of the finest on the internet. Published once or twice a week. I read it religiously.

The blog is written by someone at the Miami Courthouse. Generally right on re legal issues.

Guns the big news these days. Understandably so. The Justice Building Blog dealt with one phase of the issue in its 2/20/18 publication.

The blog reviewed Justice Clarence Thomas’ 14 page dissent in Sylvester v. Becerra, 583 U.S.__(2018).

The Supreme Court as a whole, except for Thomas, had decided to deny certiorari and not hear the appeal in the Sylvester case. Involved was California’s 10 day waiting period in order to purchase a firearm.

The appellant was a gun owner who already had a firearm and had been earlier approved during a 10 day waiting period for that firearm. Since he was purchasing a second firearm and had already been approved re the first, he felt it was wrong to apply the 10 day waiting period to him.

The Supreme Court, except for Thomas, opted to pass on the issue and not entertain it.

Thomas is considered an NRA supporter.

I do not hold Thomas in high esteem. I have always considered him inept. A mistake on the Court.

Thomas was upset because the Court would not hear and rule on the matter. He wrote a lengthy dissent. An educational one from my perspective. Brought to my attention facts I was unaware off.

The U.S. Supreme Court has not heard a gun case in almost 8 years. Thomas criticized the Court’s “continued direction in this area.” Meaning the Court has not wished to hear gun cases in almost 8 years.

Some other Thomas comments: “The right to keep and bear arms is apparently the Court’s constitutional orphan…..We have not heard argument in a Second Amendment case for nearly eight years…..And we have not clarified the standard for asserting Second Amendment claims for almost 10.”

He compared the Court’s failure as he viewed it comparable to not having heard in many years Third Amendment cases. The Third Amendment involves the prohibition against quartering of soldiers in homes. He also invoked the Eighteenth Amendment which prohibits the sale and manufacture of liquor.

I suspect the Supreme Court has avoided gun cases because it wants federal or state legislatures to move on the issue first.

Burt Bacharach was one of the premier song writers back when. In 1965, he published What The World Needs Now Is Love. Let the tune play through your mind.

The Justice Building Blog ended with a take on Bacharach’s tune. One printed with tongue in cheek I am sure: What The World Needs Now Are Guns, more guns…..not just for some, but for everyone.

A tough emotional day yesterday. I was glued to the TV set. Douglas High School children and others appearing in Tallahassee and Washington. The Washington group with the President.

Moving. The tears flowed freely on occasion.

I want to share some at random thoughts re what I observed.

Initially, I thought the Trump meeting was a political ploy and nothing more. He and the NRA are hand in hand. Turned out differently. I now suspect the President did it with sincerity and sorrow.

The high schoolers and some of the parents spoke with an eloquence even Shakespeare could not have composed. From the heart. Gut feelings. “My daughter is dead. Nine bullets in her body.” “My daughter killed from a bullet in her back which shattered her spine.”

The high schoolers most definitely a sleeping giant awakened. Beware NRA and those who blindly support the NRA for dollars.

The shooting itself the beginning of the end of the NRA.

My fear is Trump will not go far enough. Ban assault weapons should be the first issue up front. An AR-15 only good for two things. War and killing school children.

Trump’s thought that teachers should carry useless. Probably the NRA’s idea. Would sell more guns. What good is a pistol going to be against an AR-15?

Enough for today. No more soap boxing.

Last night Tavern ‘n Town for an early dinner. Then to the Chart Room to watch Syracuse/North Carolina. Syracuse lost 78-74. Came close to winning at the end. Had it all tied up with 1 1/2 minutes left. Blew three chances to win.

North Carolina the superior team. I was impressed that Syracuse came back at the end.

Have to hustle. A haircut with Lori at noon. A manicure with Tammy later in the afternoon. Glad I called Tammy for an appointment yesterday. She leaves on vacation tomorrow.

Enjoy your day!


I met a railroad train conductor. A for real honest to goodness one. In his early 70’s. A conductor for 50 years. Still working at it.

Goes by JJ. He has been a conductor on the Union Pacific all those years. Enjoys his job. Showed me a photo of himself in a Christmas outfit he wears on the holiday runs. A normal conductor outfit dressed up for Christmas. Low hanging glasses. A mustache. No beard.

I met JJ when I sat next to him at the bar at Roostica.

JJ is vacationing for two weeks. His fifth year in the Key West area. Drives down. Rents a tent at Boyd’s and is happy. Fishes everyday all day.

When he mentioned the Union Pacific, my mind went back to the movies portraying the building of the railroad. With much difficulty. Bad guys, Indians, etc.

The Union Pacific was the US’ expansion west. The intent to have a transcontinental railroad. The first. A daring feat.

The man primarily responsible was Abraham Lincoln. He had a vision of bringing the east and west together via the railroad. The connection would be Omaha and Sacramento.

The Union Pacific an unmentioned part of Lincoln’s legacy. Lincoln signed the Act authorizing the construction July 1, 1862. During the Civil War. Ground was broken in Omaha in December 1863. Delays were monumental. The first rails were not laid till July 1865. Three months after Lincoln’s death.

Roostica owner Bobby Mongelli sat with me for a few moments. His three restaurants are doing well. Obvious to the eye. I mentioned I had been to Geiger Key a few times recently and the place was packed. He agreed. Told me business there now exceeds Roostica’s.

Why was I so impressed with JJ? Probably because I have not been on a train in at least 40 years. We all rode trains once. He was a figure out of the past to me.

Spent most of yesterday preparing for my podcast in the evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

I split the podcast into two sections. Non-Trump and Trump. Trump overwhelms the news. I wanted my listeners to also hear what is going on in the non-Trump world.

Before leaving for Roostica, I had to shower. Cold water again. No hot at all. The cold shower reenergizing.

I am turning into a half-assed engineer as concerns the water heater. There are two heating elements behind two doors. I suspect one or both have to be replaced. It appears one is working overtime, overheating and throwing the circuit breaker. As it is supposed to do.

Phone just rang. Frankie the Plumber is on his way.

Douglas High School students meet with Florida legislators in Tallahassee today. It appears the legislators are not taking the students seriously.

Bill SB 196 was pending. It would have prohibited the sale of assault weapons. The Republicans opposed to the bill. They went through a few procedural machinations yesterday. The bill died in committee. It will stay in committee this year.

Sort of an up yours to the students. Like who do you kids think you are!

I am curious as to how the students will react.

We all understand guns kill. There was another item before the legislature yesterday. A resolution exclaiming pornography was dangerous, a public health risk. One which could lead to mental and physical illnesses.

Not only did the porn resolution pass overwhelmingly, it was also debated at length.

The legislature’s priorities are screwed up.

Syracuse/North Carolina tonight at 7. ESPN. North Carolina a 5 point favorite.

Another item Bobby Mongelli and I discussed was why solar energy is not available big time and cheaply in the Keys. Who has more sun than us?

This morning I read that furniture maker IKEA has been selling in Europe and Asia “at cost” home solar panel systems. Simple to install. Cost for everything between $7,500 and $10,000.

IKEA next moving in to Australia with the product.

Solar energy has continued to decrease in cost each year. The International Energy Agency predicts solar will be the world’s primary energy source by 2050.

I wish it would get here. Energy costs are astronomical!

I want to close with Karl Marx.

On this day in 1848, Marx’s Communist Manifesto was published in London. Marx had the assistance of Friedrich Engels in writing it.

The Manifesto opens with dramatic words: “A spectre is haunting Europe–the spectre of communism.” The Manifesto ends: “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite.”

It took 69 years for Marx’s Manifesto to succeed. The year 1917. Vladimir Lenin led the world’s first successful communist revolution in Russia.

Communism has been a threat to the United States and world ever since.

Plumber just arrived. Good service. I asked where Frankie was. Frankie and wife Sandy Don’s Place and bocce friends. He and his wife Sandy vacationing in Cancun. Sandy arranged the visit for me via cellphone.

Impressive. Love the modern world!

The plumber already advised it is the thermostat. He is putting a new one in.

Enjoy your day!



I completely forgot about Syracuse/North Carolina State last night. For shame! Especially since Syracuse scored a great victory!

Syracuse was down 16 points with 8 minutes to go. Gillon threw in a 3 pointer with 2 seconds to go to tie. Syracuse won in overtime 100-93.

Gillon a double star. Scored 43 points.

I first was to have dinner with Liz last night. Cancelled because of Steve Attis’ death. Wanted to go to Don’s Place to learn more about it and details re Steve’s funeral saturday.

Spoke with David. Steve died in an automobile accident. I cannot say at 81 he should not have been driving. I am 81. However, our physical conditions dramatically different.

Go Live with Key West Lou attracting a following of its own. Comments moving up dramatically. Take a look. Facebook. Enter Key West Lou. See and hear me for short periods several times a day.

Stopped at Chart Room after Don’s Place. John bartending. An interesting evening. Couples from everywhere. England, Iowa, Chicago and Hempstead, Long Island. All previous visitors. One couple presently renting for 3 months.

Unquestionably, insanity prevails in Key West. Craziness. We are having a Polar Bar Plunge. I am laughing as I type this. So stupid! A polar bear plunge in relatively warm water.

Noon sunday behind Salute’s. The event officially titled the Conch Republic Polar Bear Plunge.

A couple of This Day items in this morning’s Key West Citizen.

This day in 1936, heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey was in town. Fought several exhibitions. Then continued his trip to Havana.

This day in 1953 found band leader Guy Lombardo and his family visiting. An extended vacation at the Casa Marina.

Guy Lombardo was big in the 1940s. He played to a sell out crowd every New Year’s Eve at the Waldorf Astoria.

My Uncle Gus and Aunt Louise lived in the Bronx. Each year Uncle Gus and Aunt Louise dressed for the occasion. My Uncle in a tuxedo, Aunt in long. They took the Jackson Ave. subway to Manhattan. The subways were safe then. Many dressed as my aunt and uncle.

Uncle Gus was well liked. A quiet man. A barber. Aunt Louise did hair in their apartment.

Ruben Navarette in a recent Washington Post column had some interesting words re Trump. His article titled Trump the Rocky Balboa of U.S. Politics. He wrote that with all the abuse thrown at Trump during the campaign and now as President, Trump is still standing.

James Joyce wrote many books. Most long. Big time long. I was glad I never took a course where I was required to read one of his books.

Joyce commented about someone he had had words with. Joyce said the individual should “…..devote his whole life to reading my books.”

Punishment, in effect.

His most famous work Ulysses had 265,000 words.

Enjoy your day!



Tonight! Aqua Idol! The start of a new season.

From 6:30-8:00, 14 brand new contestants will vie to be the next Aqua Idol. A journey taking several weeks. Every tuesday evening till there is a winner.

At Aqua, of course.

The event a fundraiser. Held to support the Waterfront Playhouse. Lynda Frechette heads Aqua Idol. She scours the lower Keys for new contestants each season. Fourteen needed. They compete tonight for the first time.

Aqua Idol has been a popular event for years. Get to Aqua early if you wish a seat. It will be wall to wall.

I get cheated. I cannot be there. I will be into final preparations for my podcast show this evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou at 9. A quick half hour of interesting political and social events. Accompanied by my comments, of course.

Football injuries are much in the news these days. Both pro and college ball. There was another time when football injuries were big time. The early 1900s. College ball. Pro ball was in its infant stages.

No helmets or shoulder pads in those days.

Deaths commonplace. A large number each season.

President Theodore Roosevelt got involved. He straightened things out. Had he not, football would have been banned in the United States. That close. Several prominent colleges had already banned football.

The opening topic this evening concerns Roosevelt and how he saved football.

Also, the inaugural this week. God help us! The Mexican people and their unhappiness. Major business closings. Some surprising. ISIS gaining ground in Albania. D.A.R.E. ends its anti-weed campaign. Plus, more.

Spent yesterday afternoon working on tonight’s blog talk radio show.

Then to Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. Tom and Rick. Sheila and David. Liz and Mary. And many more.

Dinner afterwards at Mangoes with Barbara and Liz. My first time to the new Mangoes. Lovely. Service excellent. Food merely ok. Not worth the cost.

Major announcement! My new show will begin monday. Going Live with Key West Lou. On Facebook. The show in addition to this blog and my tuesday night podcast.

You will see as well as hear me.

I will do several brief commentaries each day. Whatever strikes me at the moment. Whatever tickles my fancy. From wherever I am. All I have to do is pull out my cell phone and get to it.

The comments will be short. Generally 30-60 seconds.

Archived. Several commentaries can be read at one time.

I am excited. Hope it goes over well. Hope nothing pops up which causes me to push the opening date ahead.

Once again, a problem with stranded whales. Off Hog Key on the Gulf side of Florida. Ninety five whales involved. Eighty one already dead. Naturally or euthanized.

There have been stranded whales near Key West in past years. More than one time. I recall several years ago a pod stranded off Cudjoe Key. Went to take a look.

More than 500 volunteers and professionals appeared over a period of several days to help. Wet suits available to all who wanted to assist.

Some whales saved. Some died.

The effort impressive.

William Hackley mentioned yesterday his hope that what appeared to be a new Seminole War in 1856 would not be as expensive as previous ones. How expensive was expensive back in those days?

I did a bit of research. There were three Seminole Indian Wars. The first in the 1820s. the last 1855-1858.

Strange fact pattern. The federal government wanted to move the Florida Seminoles west to Oklahoma. Contrasted with the post Civil War years when the federal government was trying to move western Indians to Florida.

The Second Seminole War was the expensive one. Cost $30 million in a year when the federal budget was only $25 million. The basis for Hackley’s statement in 1856.

On this day in 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower spoke to the Nation. He warned to beware the “military-industrial complex.” He was well aware of their greedy nature and not necessarily acting in the best interests of the country.

Eisenhower was correct. His words not heeded. The military-industrial complex thriving. Encourages wars, overcharges, etc.

I close with Syracuse. My Syracuse. Settling in that this will not be one of Syracuse’s best seasons. Lost yesterday 85-68 to North Carolina.

Syracuse cannot play with the big guys this year.

Enjoy your day!



There is an old proverb…..For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. Followed by the horse, rider, battle and Kingdom being lost.

Yesterday, for want of a $13 payment, my blog was lost.

The blog never appeared.

Last week, one of my credit cards was fraudulently used. The Fraud Bureau picked it up and cancelled the card. I have been using a temp since then awaiting my new card from the bank.

The card cancelled was the one I have used for years to pay a monthly $13 fee to GoDaddy. GoDaddy had the card number and took $13 out of the account each month.

GoDaddy is a domain builder, domain registrar, etc. I am not exactly sure what GoDaddy does. However, it is the beginning of this blog and the foundation/platform for everywhere the blog goes, how it gets there, etc.

GoDaddy shut my blog down because my card was no longer good. All for $13. Therein lies the reason no blog yesterday.

An entity and person died this past weekend. Both renown. Syracuse University and Tom Oosterhoudt.

Syracuse made the Final Four. Lost to North Carolina last night. Beat badly. I am not destroyed. Syracuse overachieved in the tournament. Boeheim and the team outdid themselves.

Whatever abilities carried Syracuse to this point in the tournament were absent last night. The pre tournament Syracuse team was on the floor.

Such is life. Again, I compliment the team and coach for having made it as far they did. Made an otherwise poor season a great season!

Tom Oosterhoudt a Key West icon and legend. Died early friday morning in a Miami hospital at age 65.

Tom a former City Commissioner and presently editor/publisher of Conch Color. Tom started Conch Color 11 years ago. He and his mother Mary Ann Worth own Casa Antigua on Simonton.

The Casa Antigua carries with it a piece of Key West history that Tom was proud of. Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway came to Key West by ship from Paris in 1928. The Casa Antigua then known as the Trev-Mor Hotel. Where Pelican Poop was located for years was the Trev-Mor Ford dealership. Hemingway had ordered a Ford to drive north from Key West.

The Ford had not arrived. Hemingway and his then wife were put up by the Trev-Mor people at the Trev-Mor Hotel. Two weeks later, the car arrived. By that time, Hemingway was sold on Key West. He did not leave till years later. He spent the next two years living at the Trev-Mor Hotel. Then bought his famous home on Whitehead Street.

While living at the Trev-Mor those two years, Hemingway finished A Farewell to Arms.


Last night was Tavern ‘n Town early with June. Had to be home before 9 to watch the Syracuse game. Bobby Nesbitt entertaining. Ran into Harrell Odom and Barry Cook from Nashville. Snowbirds. Harrell a heart doctor. I met Harrell several years ago at a dinner party at Donna Barnett’s.

Research complete for this week’s KONK Life column. Writing the column next. Will do it this afternoon. Not sure of the title yet. The column has to do with he failure of America’s educational system. Education being something more of us should pay attention to rather than merely giving lip service.

Temperature 88 yesterday. A one day cold spell upon us. High today only 78. I hope you find amusing my representation re the drop in temperature.

Enjoy your Sunday!




It comes around every year without fail. April Fools’ Day. A fun time for many. Much joking around. Each of us will probably experience a small part of it today.

As usual, the Key West Citizen has outdone itself with its special April Fools’ Day publication. Unbelievable. It had to take a week or more to put together.

I recall the first time I read a Citizen’s April Fools’ Day publication. Some 25 years ago. My first April Fools’ Day in Key West.

Read the Citizen over breakfast. The main story was that the City Commission had banned smoking on sidewalks and beaches. Absurd, I thought. Stupid. They can’t do that.

I expressed my feelings to my then wife. She knew about the Citizen’s special April Fools’ Day edition.

She laughed. I laughed. If it was gotcha, I had been got.

Visited with my heart doctor yesterday. Dr. McIvor. I walked into his office and he hit me with something to the effect he should not talk with me. I figured it had to do with my stress test results. My heart dropped. He laughed.

The good Doctor is a Virginia graduate. I forgot he was a Virginia grad. He was referring to Syracuse beating Virginia last weekend. An interesting discussion unfolded. My stress test results forgotten by both of us.

Test results ok. I am going to live. He could not tell me the cause of the two pain hits I experienced in one day. I was advised not to be concerned.

My blood pressure better. Not where we both want it. Half way home at this point.

June and I had dinner last night at Michael’s with Wayne and Peggy. A couple I met last week. Fun people. A good time.

Michael and Suzette were glad to see me back. Twice in a week!

This week’s KONK life column Ma, Ma, Where’s My Pa? hit the stands wednesday. It was carried in today’s E-Blast News. Also linked this morning to my Key West Lou website.

Two visitors of world wide fame arrived in Key West this past weekend.

The Blue Angels who will be performing this weekend. The Blue Angels announced their arrival yesterday by flying low the length Duval.

The Budweiser Clydesdales visited schools and trotted proudly up Duval.

Everyone does Duval!

Conch Color’s Tom Oosterhoudt in a Miami hospital again. Not good. A prayer in oder.

Some crazy things going on in the outside world. Not unusual.

A petition bearing 50,000 plus signatures was delivered to the Republican National Committee. The signers requested that delegates and visitors to the National Convention be permitted to bear arms. Pistols.

A shoot out guaranteed if permission is granted. Gun fight at Ok Corral time.

Guns in the news a second time.

The Mississippi Senate passed a bill permitting churches to form militias. Members would be permitted to bring guns to services. The bill further provided that a killing at a church or place of worship would be considered justifiable homicide.

A big night tomorrow! Syracuse/North Carolina in the Final Four. North Carolina a 9.5 point favorite.

I am pleased with Syracuse’s performance thus far. The team has overachieved. At this point, I do not care whether Syracuse wins or loses. Not true, really. I do care.

What will be will be.

Weatherwise, it looks great outside. However, the wind is blowing from the south. Generally means a storm some time during the day. Not always. Most of the time.

Enjoy your day!



A wonderful tune. It has to bring back memories. Judy Garland, the Yellow Brick Road, the Munchkins.

The last of the Munchkins has died. Jerry Maren. Ninety six.

He’s on the Yellow Brick Road…..He’s off to see the Wizard!

My foot controlled activities yesterday. I spent the afternoon laying in bed. Kept my foot up! The swelling receded about 50 percent.

I went out last night. Needed to get out. When I returned home, the swelling had returned.

Started at Don’s Place. Sat with Stan and Clare. Former bocce partners. They were glad to see me. I, them

Someone said put the Syracuse game on. I did not even know Syracuse was playing. I stayed at Don’s and watched the game. Syracuse lost to #8 North Carolina 75-70. The game was not as close as the score suggests. It was North Carolina all the way. Syracuse played poorly.

March Madness is around the corner. I am worried Syracuse may not make the tournament.

Not Syracuse’s year!

The game was over at 9. I was hungry. I had skipped lunch. Headed to Outback for dinner. I have mentioned before, Outback’s lamb chops are outstanding. It was lamb chops for me last night.

Met Scott and Veronica who were sitting next to me at the bar. Nice people. We exchanged phone numbers. We will see each other again.

I cancelled physiotherapy for the week. No way could my left foot handle the treadmill.

Today there is an air that a king will be crowned. Trump. Today being Super Tuesday. Eleven states. Bad for the country. I cannot understand people gravitating to him. He’s a disaster in the making.

I am going to conclude with a political story. Concerns someone who early came out in support of Trump. Sarah Palin. Another crazy.

Last May during March Madness, Palin guested on the Mike and John Talk Show. The tournament was being discussed. Palin commented: “The biggest surprise is how many white guys I see playing in this tournament. I thought the NAACP was supposed to be about black people.”

Another genius! She and Trump running for the highest posts in the country. At different times. Can you imagine the show/entertainment if both ran together. Trump for President and Palin for Vice President.

Almost forgot. My blog talk radio show tonight. Nine my time. Join me.

Enjoy your day!



I love writing the KONK Life column. Immensely.

The topics can get a bit heavy. Too much heavy tires me out and I suspect my readers also. Ergo, every three or four weeks I do what I describe as a light column. Not necessarily funny. Merely soft and easy.

I wrote this week’s column yesterday. Since I had begun  the research Friday night, I was able to complete the column yesterday. A big deal! My Sunday is now free. All day!

Kissing the topic. The simple ordinary everyday connection between two humans.

The column basically a history of kissing. There was a time when people did not kiss. A time also when kissing was banned. Human nature being what it is, kissing survived. Fortunately.

The column publishes Wednesday in KONK Life.

The Syracuse/North Carolina game was exciting. Syracuse was in there till about three minutes to go. Syracuse rebounded and shot well. The problem continues to be the lack of a big man.

Based on the play, you knew Boeheim was back! His nine game suspension ended.

As expected, Boeheim received a rousing welcome when he stepped onto the court. Twenty six thousand strong. I was happy for him and at the same time sad. He appeared tired. Very tired. His hair totally white. The suspension aged the man.

Florida is once again engaged in a strange venture. The Second Python Challenge. 1/16-2/14.

Florida’s python population is out of control. The hope of the State is to maintain, not eradicate the pythons.

The Python Challenge permits man to hunt the pythons. The last hunt was 2013. All of 68 pythons were captured or killed. My fear is a python will kill a hunter. Gulp!

The State says even though the capture/kill number will be small, it is helpful to the State in determining their eating habits and paths of travel.

I believe the Challenge to be an ill conceived venture. Better the time and man power were spent figuring out how to get rid of the hundreds of thousands living out there. Most in the Keys.

I rarely buy a Powerball Jackpot lottery ticket. I did this week. Ten. Twenty dollars. Why not! The prize $950 million.

No one won. Another drawing this week. I will buy another ten. The ante will be upped. It is anticipated to $1.3 billion.

I think the lottery is a wonderful thing. Makes instantaneous millionaires out of those who were without. The winner can truly say…..What a country America!

Big night tonight! A date, dinner at Tavern ‘n Town and Bobby Nesbitt.

The lovely June Hudson returned this past week. We will be enjoying Bobby Nesbitt together at the Tennessee Williams’ Theater following dinner at Tavern ‘n Town.

A perfect evening!

Enjoy your Sunday!



Jim Boeheim returns tonight! The nine day suspension over. He will be back coaching the Syracuse basketball team when it plays North Carolina in the Carrier Dome.

I guarantee the Dome will be packed. 25,000 or more. Perhaps 30,000. To welcome back a man every Syracuse fan loves.

Syracuse the underdog against North Carolina.

The bocce league party is tonight, also. A huge event. Fun.

I have to choose. No problem. Not even close. I will be home watching Boeheim and the Syracuse team. I especially want to hear the roar of the crowd when Boeheim is introduced.

As usual, my yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Then a trip home to pick up some papers. I had to get to Lisa’s to babysit Jake and the grandchildren.

Lisa had some minor surgery yesterday. She returned home just after 6 last night. She is well. Still feeling the effects of the knock out drugs this morning.

Lisa went in at 9:30. I did not arrive till after 1. Jake greeted me at the door. Following our usual hellos, he went outside and sat by the gate looking up the street. Looking in the direction from which Robert and Ally would come after school. He sat there till 3:30 never moving.

Robert and Ally were getting ready for their tennis lessons when Lisa returned home. Eyes closed, she moved slowly to bed.

Robert and Ally are taking tennis lessons at 1800 Atlantic. I dropped them off. I could see the tennis set up. The courts have always been there. They have been dressed up.

It was close to 7 when I got home. I had intended to go out. However, I needed a shave and another shower. Too much work. I stayed home, watched a bit of TV and went to sleep early.

I did a bit of rummaging before bed to come up with a topic for this week’s KONK Life column. Nothing yet. Drew a blank. Sometime today, divine inspiration will befall me.

Judge Tegan Slaton died several days ago. His obituary appeared in this morning’s Key West Citizen.

I met the Judge only once. Two yeas ago during the bocce playoffs when our teams were playing each other. I found him to be a humble man. May he rest in peace.

This Oregon thing should be terminated. It should have been put down within 24 hours of having begun. The militants are holding a federal building on federal lands hostage.

The building is located nowhere in a vast wilderness zone. Boise, Idaho 200 miles away is the closest significant city.

When there is a black/ white problem, especially the ones involving a black having been shot by a police officer, the police are out in full force. Full equipment. In most instances, even tanks.

The whites holding the federal building are entitled to the same opposition. Recall the old adage…..What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Are the authorities reluctant to go in because the men in the building are whites? The blacks get billy clubbed and arrested on the streets of America. Yet those who have illegally taken over a federal building are left alone.

I have said it before. I say it again. Trump scares me.

He spoke last night in Rock Hill, South Carolina. A Muslim woman was in the crowd. She was wearing a hijab. Seated in the middle of the audience.

During Trump’s speech, she silently stood up. Said nothing. Never had a chance if she so intended. The news reports I have read indicate the mood of the crowd instantly turned nasty. She was booed. Escorted out.

My concern is that the crowd turned nasty. Trump’s supporters appear very much in tune with his views and attitudes. Especially concerning Muslims.

I have related the Trump campaign so far to Germany in the early 1930s. It now has moved into the mid 1930s when the populace joined Hitler in denouncing the Jews.

Trump is calling the tune. He is the Pied Piper.

Jeb Bush recently said that he was concerned for the Republican Party. Trump was not a true conservative. Bush said Trump had hijacked the party. I worry Trump is hijacking our country.

Enjoy your day!