I was sitting at the bar last night at the Chart Room when a lovely lady sat next to me. She started chatting immediately…..I was in last night looking for you, met you with my husband in November, etc.
I did not recognize her until she mentioned she was a librarian, her husband a dairy farmer and they lived in Arkansas. The bell rang!
Jenny 45, married to Spence.
Jenny’s mother Rita was with her. Karen’s husband Spence back home in Arkansas working the farm.
Rita told me she and the family have been coming to Key West for Christmas for 15 years. Impressive.
Jenny and I spoke at length. She is a fan. Reads the blog daily, has purchased and read Irma and Me, and listens religiously every tuesday to my podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Loves the podcast!
Jenny is the first person I have met who religiously follows the podcast. I have noticed the blog and podcast are distinct and separate audiences. Different.
Rita’s son, Jenny’s brother, was married saturday in Memphis. Mother Rita was stressed out from the event. Ergo, Jenny took mother to Key West for a few days of rest and relaxation.
I have become interested in farming. Especially farms that are in competition with or have become associated with the big corporations like Monsanto. In addition to dairy farming, Jenny’s husband Spence grows rice.
We had an interesting discussion re the pros and cons of doing business with major corporations.
Seated next to Jenny was Karen. Karen and husband Jim visiting Key West for the second time. From Cleveland. Two grown children. Son an architect, daughter a financial forecaster. Karen refers to her son as a Doctor for Buildings.
Jim an electrical equipment salesman.
Karen charming.
Made sure I got home in time for the Syracuse/Duke game. Close. Syracuse lost 69-65.
Good game. Both teams using zone defenses. Penetration difficult.
Syracuse lost the game near the end of the first half. It was neck and neck up to that time. Then Duke went of a 10 point run and went into half time with a 7 point lead.
I am proud of Syracuse. The regular season was disastrous. Syracuse did not have it. Then improvement began appearing in the ACC post season tournament. Major improvement in the 3 NCAA tournament games.
It is called redemption. A job well done!
The big students’ march today. High school students demanding improvement in gun laws. The big demonstration in Washington. World wide, also.
And in Key West! The Key West portion begins at noon at South Beach. It will go straight down Duval to Mallory Square. From the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.
Irma still with us. There are post Irma effects. This morning’s Key West Citizen pointed out two.
Florida lobsters one.
The lobster season ends April 1. During Irma, 24,000 traps were lost. Translated into a 60 percent smaller harvest. The dollar loss totaling $38.6 million.
The hospitality industry hurting, also. Revenues down 20 percent. Tourists think Irma wiped Key West out and we are still rebuilding.
Key West an island of writers. Yesterday and today. One of the famous ones Tennessee Williams. Lived in Key West more than 30 years.
On this day in 1955, Williams’ play Cat On A Hot Tin Roof opened on Broadway. Two days before his 44th birthday. Twenty eight years before his death in 1985.
Williams lived on Duncan Street. My Lisa and family live 1.5 blocks down the street from the Williams home.
There is an excitement associated with passing the homes of Key West notables. People like Hemingway and Williams. I get a thrill.
An interesting article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal re human sperm.
Demand for human sperm is a fast growing market. U.S. sperm most in demand. In many locales world wide.
Demand for American sperm for example has skyrocketed in Brazil. In 2011, the demand was 16. In 2017, more than 500.
Wealthy Brazilian women creating the demand. Rich singles and lesbian couples. The DNA most in demand light complexioned, blond haired, and blue eyed.
Modern science absolutely amazing!
One of the most popular donors is #9601 at the Seattle Sperm Bank. He has all the characteristics demanded.
Tubes of semen from young men are frozen in liquid nitrogen and flown to Brazilian airports.
This is the day! At 7 this evening as the sun sets, the guns will roar, the band will play. Chris and Don will be saying their I Do’s.
Two special people tying the knot.
I will be there! On time!
Enjoy your day!