With the final Kavanaugh confirmation vote today, America will have lost. The wrong man elevated. The Supreme Court conservative for the next half century.

I am not going to waste time by going over the facts. They have been seared in all our minds.

A couple of admonitions.

First, a leopard never changes his spots. Known to God and man even back to the Old Testament: “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?” Jeremiah 13:23.

The second, what goes around comes around. Kavanaugh will get his. Other damaging matters will come out. Those who supported him will get theirs, also. Look for new faces in Washington. Enough people are disturbed.

Haircut with Lori yesterday. Back to being bald for a few days.

Last night, Blue Macaw. After hellos to Donna and Terri and John and Fiona, spent the evening with Mary and Doug. Interesting people. Mary a tour guide at the Little White House. An expert on Truman. Doug a guide at the Hemingway House. An expert on Hemingway.

We talked of Truman and Hemingway. Condolences offered re my friend David Wolkowsky. Politics consumed most of the evening. We were three unhappy campers re how the Kavanaugh vote had gone and will go today.

A wonderful afternoon ahead. Syracuse/Pitt. Louis in a comfortable easy chair, feet up on an ottoman and the TV set in front of me.

I am especially excited since Syracuse is having a decent season for the first time in 20 years. The spread is 5 points. I think it wrong. Should be 20 or more.

I have been reading How To Win A Fight With A Conservative. Figure I might as well get ready. They are taking over everything.

Interesting tid-bits.

A few shared.

Comedian George Carlin offered…..”Conservatives will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don’t want to know about you. No nothing. No prenatal care, no day care, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

Russ Limbaugh is much like Donald Trump…..”Now, how can I be anti-woman? I even judged the Miss America pageant.”

The Missouri legislature was debating a program that feeds poor children. A Republican State Representative argued against the program. No free food for children. Suggested they should get jobs instead…..”Hunger can be a positive motivator.”

The Divinely inspired Pat Robertson had his say re females…..”The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians.”

And they say Democrats are bad!

Enjoy your day!



The kids from Parkland’s Douglas High School are tough. The buck stops with them! They appear committed to bringing the gun issue to a head.

Trump hears their cries. He has to do something. His nature.

It was announced yesterday that the President plans listening sessions this week with students and teachers. The announcement did not say what students and teachers.

Those from Douglas High School where 17 were killed? I doubt it. The students would make him look foolish. For two reasons. First, from the mouth of children comes truth. Second, the students know bullshit when they hear it.

The confrontation would be interesting.

I do not believe it will occur, however. A losing proposition for Trump. He would come out of it looking bad.

I believe that where ever and with whom ever the listening sessions will be held will be from another area. Trump will be working at rigging the meeting.

Remember rigged from the election?

Staying with the Douglas High School shooting a moment longer, there is a need for blood. O negative.

Enough blood was available to care for the injured victims. The supply is now tapped out. A request has gone forth to anyone who should wish to donate to help replenish O negative. Instructions direct traveling to their usual donation sites to give.

The AR-15 rifle in the news other than in Parkland.

Levi Patterson coaches a 9 and under baseball team in Nesoho, Missouri. Third graders. The team needs to raise money. The father of one of the players sells guns. He donated an AR-15 rifle for a raffle prize.

The team players, age 7-9, are selling the raffle tickets.

Coach Patterson sees no problem with the AR-15 being used. He believes people think differently about guns in his area. In effect, the AR-15 is ok.

Tyler Tannahill is a Kansas Congressional candidate. A month ago, he decided to have a giveaway contest. Someone to win an AR-15 rifle.

Douglas occurred last week. Tannahill refuses to withdraw the AR-15 as the prize. He is a passionate defender of gun rights.

Sometimes we see the same person over a period of several years and yet  never get to know their names, etc. Always a smile and cheerful hello in passing.

My situation with one of the concierges at the Marriott Beachside.

We discovered each other on a more personal basis yesterday.

My photo and announcement of Irma and I covered the front page of KONK Life last week. The concierge called out to me yesterday morning by name. She said she had not known it before, but had seen my pic and read the article. Told me she has begun reading my blog.

Her name, Toni Tarracino. Last name sound familiar? She is one of the daughters of now deceased Captain Tony. Key West Mayor, saloon keeper, icon, etc. Toni proudly told me she is known as Little Toni.

My day began with the stop at the Marriott Beachside. Followed by a business lunch at the Geiger Key Marina. At noon, hardly a seat. No question the season has arrived.

Back to my home. I had no hot water. A two day wait for a plumber. Called a friend who stopped over. Problem resolved in 15 minutes. After two days and three cold showers, it was a pleasure later in the afternoon to enjoy a hot one.

Last night, the Gardens. A comfortable way to finish sunday.

Many people.

Ran into Jenna Stauffer. A love of my life for 10 years. Jenna was the producer for the TV show I did for three years. She was all bubbly and excited. Just returned from Paris.

Also ran into June Hudson. A couple of years since we have seen each other. Unchanged. Charming and lovely.

Stopped at Tavern ‘n Town for a late dinner. A rack of lamb. Nothing else. Diet still holding at 19 pounds.

Iguanas are an exotic species. Look like small dragons. To Key West residents, disgusting.

The iguanas are not native. They started their invasion about 15 years ago. Now, all over the island.

They deficate all over, including in the pools. They eat your expensive planted flowers.

They fear not. You can walk up to one and it will not move.

All of a sudden, the State has become aware there is an iguana problem. Don’t know where the State has been. However the State does not wish them killed. The State has scheduled clinics to advise how to capture and arrange for their removal to another part of the State.

Capture and remove? How stupid. Authorize their killing.

A State representative said, “We do not know the extent of the threat.” Live here and you will know. They are all over the place.

The State should recall how it handled the python invasion. Too little, too late. Now number in excess of 1 million. They can only be controlled, not eradicated.

Can you imagine 1 million plus iguanas? They will be living in our homes. Laugh not.

Dueling Bartenders tonight at Aqua.

Enjoy your day!