Walked Home Depot again yesterday. Don asked me why I walk inside Home Depot. It’s air conditioned, I replied. Brilliant, he said. He never thought of it.
The rains came twice yesterday. Big time each time. A good two hours in the afternoon. Briefly but heavy in the evening.
I thought bocce would have been cancelled. No. The courts were dry when I arrived to play.
We lost the first game. Close till 10-10. Then the other team broke away and beat us 16-10.
My time to play came in the second game. Only two rolls. A dark black noisy storm came in from the Atlantic. That was it for bocce. Everyone ran to their cars and scooters.
Don’s Place was like New Year’s Eve. 7:45 and no where to go! A spirited gathering.
The rain was strange last night. It did not pour every where. Rained heavy at the bocce courts. A mere sprinkle while at Don’s Place. I was home before 9. My street was unusally flooded. More extensively and deeper.
The diet is over! I decided to put it to rest this morning. Eighteen days and only 7 pounds lost. Insufficient reward/result. Depressing.
Show time this morning! The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Another terrific show! Join me at 10 my time. World wide on the internet. www.konkbroadcasting.com.
While jumping around on the computer this morning, I came across an interesting item. Today is a baseball day of note. On this day in 1941, Ted Williams ended the baseball season with a .406 batting average. No one has achieved that level of performance since.
Have to hustle to get to the broadcast studio on time.
Enjoy your day!
I guess I should have shown up for our last Thursday in town at the Bocce courts. Maybe I could have prevented the rain and inspired a win!?
Data show that George’s personal one on one attack only ranked No. 69 in the league, each one round only get 0.719 points, hit rate is only 37.9%, the hit rate in all his offensive manner is the lowest. The NBA’s top offensive player like LeBron, Durant, Parker and even Irving, http://www.youridjersey.com Swingman NBA Jersey in this ranking are the top 20 players, each able to get at least one round more than 0.9 points. Even newcomers Lillard rookie last season and has 35-year-old Bryant, can be ranked in the top 20.