Normally, I begin with Key West activities and matters of interest. Then move on to political observations, etc.

This morning a couple of things are sufficiently bothering me that I am opening with them. Key West matters follow.

The law is the law. Sounds absolute. It is and is not. There are exceptions to every law. I know. I practiced law for 46 years.

A present day example involves blacks killed by police officers. In most instances appears to be murder. However indictment of police officers extremely rare. There is an exception to a murder charge where the police officer is the perpetrator. If the police officer believes he is in danger of death, he can shot  and kill with no legal liability.

A national disgrace occurred yesterday morning at the Orlando Airport. Alejandra Juarez was deported to Mexico. Alejandra is 39. Illegally entered the U.S. 20 years ago. Married Temo. Temo became a naturalized citizen before his first deployment to Iraq. He deployed 3 times to Iraq as a Marine.

They have 2 daughters. Pamela 16 and Estela 9.

Alejandra has no criminal record.

She duly reported to immigration each year. Never a problem. Permitted to remain. Till now.

As part of Trump’s zero tolerance program, she was deported. Leaving behind her husband and daughters.

Immigration laws are not absolute. Not all here illegally need be deported. There are exceptions. One is “parole in place.” It is discretionary. Permits the authorities to allow an illegal to remain. It is generally applied where the person is a spouse of one who has served in the military.

Alejandra applied 4 times for the parole in place exception. Four times denied.

Alejandra’s Congressman, together with several other Congresspersons, wrote a letter to the President asking that she be allowed to remain. No response.

Temo wrote a personal letter to the Trump explaining he had fought for his country 3 times in Iraq and asking that his wife be permitted to remain. To no avail.

Temo’s job requires traveling. Sixteen year old Pamela is remaining home to live with her father. Nine year old Estela will soon be following her mother to Mexico, however. She needs a mother’s attention. With Temo’s work schedule, such is not possible.

A shame. The story sick.

The dark side of the immigration crisis.

Trump proclaimed “zero tolerance.” Means to me all illegals return to where ever they came from. Not the case in practice.

Syracuse University on July 24 analyzed deportations under the zero tolerance policy. Concern existed especially because of the number of parents and children being separated.

The government is playing games.

In April, 8,298 illegals were apprehended. Zero tolerance came into being. In May, the  number jumped to 40,338. Thirty two percent of the 40,338 were prosecuted.

Here is where the chicanery comes into play. Prosecutorial discretion applies. The government selects those to be brought before a court and deported. Parents with children were singled out for prosecution. Understand clearly, parents with children to be deported swiftly. Illegals without children generally not referred for prosecution.

My point. The government practiced a policy whereby parents with children were selected for deportation. The administration wanted to show how tough it was and children made no difference.

The Trump administration succeeded. However now selective prosecution rears its head. Similar to no records re the children’s whereabouts. What more will we learn as time goes on?

A blot on the character of the United States. Disgraceful.

Is this who we are? What we have become?

One more story involving immigration.

Two male employees at Arizona Migrant Children Centers have been charged with sexual abuse. The facilities operated by Southwest Key Programs. Southwest Key has received $995 million since 2015 in federal contracts to provide shelter services to children in federal custody.

Two separate facilities involved in the sexual abuse matters.

At one, a male employee was discovered kissing and fondling a 14 year old girl. At another, an HIV positive worker was discovered to have gropped 6 teen age boys and having performed oral sex on 2 others.

Whether Alejandra’s story, zero tolerance pin pointing parents with children, or pedophilia situations being discovered, a new swamp has been created. A more dangerous one. To be drained or permitted to go on?

Last night a change of pace for me. Decided to go down to the waterfront. Schooner Wharf and Waterfront Brewery.

Schooner Wharf always fun. Packed with tourists last night. Spoke with an English couple. Both work with Parliament. First time in Key West.

Walked over to the Waterfront Brewery for a bite to eat. Sat at the bar and watched a replay of yesterday’s PGA tournament. Tiger Woods up there. Could win. I pull for the guy. He has paid his dues for any wrongdoing. He deserves a couple more times in the limelight as a winner.

I eat at the Brewery rarely. When I do, I order fish and chips. The fish outstanding. Large, crispy, and juicy.

Donna and Terri’s tonight for dinner. Donna cooking. She called this morning to ask if I liked scallops. Of course! Whatever she is preparing will include scallops.

Bear is 8 months old. In 10 days, he is scheduled to be neutered. Disgusting!

Enjoy your day!





BOB wrote of September in Key West. Remember, BOB is writing as it was in the mid 1990’s. The doldrums. Tourist industry flat. Heat oppressive.

The saying back then was you could throw a bowling ball down Duval and hit no one.

BOB wrote “…..we are thrown on our meager resources, bar tabs rise, hurricanes are tracked, and the mood becomes introspective.” Further, living in Key West under these conditions is “…..not good for a terminally weird population.”

An overheard comment illustrates the point: “You know what’s interesting about this place? / No, what? / Well, if you like to screw sheep, and you bring ’em in your front door, your neighbor could care less and think none the less of you. But if you bring them in the back door, people get really suspicious about what’s going on. / Dead on.”

I intended to take part in Mel Fisher Days last night at Schooner Wharf. Jean Thornton scheduled as a celebrity bartender. Got side tracked, never made it.

Guy de Boer called. Stop over for a drink. I had never seen his home on Flagler. Was curious. It is one of those multi million dollar places just off South Roosevelt Drive.


We sat in the back by the pool overlooking a wide canal. One drink led to a few more.

Hunger arrived. Guy suggested Moe’s on White Street. I have not been to Moe’s in 15 years. Food good back then. New owners today. The food just as good.

An enjoyable evening.

Tomorrow, I bring Key West Lou Live back to Facebook. Three to four minutes of current commentary. Guaranteed you will enjoy my ranting and raving. Join me. Any time of the day.

Jim Jordan is a bull in a China shop. Worse than Trump. Tasteless, classless.

He may be receiving his comeuppance.

Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University back when. It is now claimed that team Doctor Strauss was perpetrating some sort of sexual abuse on team members. It is further claimed Jordan was aware and did nothing about it.

The issue involves awareness. Jordan denies awareness.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Penn State’s revered Joe Paterno died in shame because of a similar situation. His campus statue taken down. If what was true concerning Paterno is true with Jordan, then Jordan deserves public rebuke also.

I have been against the use of mercenary soldiers since day one. Also the privatization of governmental agencies. In due course, no good rears its ugly head.

Blackwater was the first major mercenary providing corporation. Eric Prince its founder. Some questionable conduct resulted in Blackwater ceasing to exist. A new company was formed. Frontier Services Group.

Both organizations headed by Eric Prince.

Prince has been working with the CIA on a plan to withdraw active U.S. troops from Afghanistan and replace them with a force solely comprised of mercenaries. Six thousand of them.

It could sell. Big money involved.

Always follow the money. Money paid for mercenaries significant. Prince’s sister a member of Trump’s cabinet. Contributions to the Trump campaign huge.

Corruption generally follows.

Another concern from my end is that mercenaries could easily become the private army of a despot. A cause for concern with a President who would like to be President for life.

Madeleine Alright’s Fascism continues to intrigue me. Deals obviously with authoritarian figures. I have just completed my review of Mussolini. Next, Hitler.

Re Mussolini, I set forth two significant quotes from the book.

Twentieth century Fascism began “with a magnetic leader exploiting widespread dissatisfaction by promising all things.”

The other, “He sought to govern well, but to do that, he felt the need to rule absolutely. He had full trust in his own judgment, and there was no satiating his hunger for power.”

Familiar? Characteristics of a today person?

Trump failed to impress the English. Two hundred fifty thousand UK’s marched in opposition to his visit.

Enjoy your Sunday!



This morning’s edition of the Key West Citizen reported a rather unique occurrence.

On this day in 1955, there was a motel price war in Key West. Things very competitive back then. Eight motels offered free rooms to tourists.

Never again and never more.

Speaking of the Citizen, I was glad to read in this morning’s edition that beginning October 7 the Citizen would be run as a daily. I assume this means every day. Not twice a week as was recently reported.

The talk on the street clearly indicates how unhappy the public was to learn the Citizen was cutting back to two times a week. You do not miss something until it is lost to you.

Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My podcast show. Aired last night for the first time in four weeks. An Irma disruption.

It felt good to do the show again. Hope you enjoyed it.

I had trouble hooking up with the station. Some technical difficulty. I got on with 5 seconds to go. I experienced a rush of adrenalin!

Someone commented she could not hear the audio last night, but was able to do so this morning in the archived version. Did any one else have the problem of no audio last night? If so, please let me know.

Mentioned yesterday my car battery was dead outside Denny’s monday night. Had it charged and drove home. Went to start the car yesterday. Dead again! Battery was tested. It has a bad cell.

Car sitting outside dead. No use.

Difficult to get a Volkswagen Beetle battery locally. Must come from Miami. Takes a week.

Finally found some one locally who had the necessary battery. He is stopping by at 2 to install it.

I have mentioned in the past the Justice Building Blog. Excellent!

Permit me to share a comment contained in the Blog’s 9/26/17 publication. Concerned Trump and people who work for him.

“All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to remain silent and do nothing…..Evil cannot exist without the silence and compliance of good people.”

Trump’s election opened the door to nuts successfully running for office. Yesterday, Roy Moore won the Republican primary in Alabama. You are aware of his background. A radical thinker. Does not seem to believe in the Constitution. Lost his judgeship two times for not adhering to the law.

He may win the election in November. He will neither dance to Trump’s tune or anyone else’s. The Senate will be a crazy place.

Moore’s election following Trump’s is going to encourage other radical/defectivess to run. In today’s society, most will win.

Where is our country going? What is happening? Why?

An Irma update. Post Irma happenings.

Schooner Wharf is throwing a Thank You BBQ party tonight. Five to 9. For first responders, relief workers, and locals. Those who answered Key West’s call for help.

Food free.

Debris everywhere. Extensive clean up underway. Takes a while. In the meantime, the debris is beginning to smell. The smell not nice.

Lobster fishermen are taking a beating big time as a result of Irma.

Lobster fishermen in this area put down 1,000 to 5,000 traps. The fishermen I am referring to the ones who work in the Atlantic off the Middle Keys. Irma took most of the traps. They are nowhere to be found.

Some of the fishermen lost their boats also. One referred to Irma as “…..the storm of the century for us.”

Cudjoe took some hit. Some say Irma hit heaviest at Cudjoe.

Cudjoe’s clean up will be long. An odor permeates the Key. Not from debris. Sewage. One canal appears to have become a total drain for sewage.

We are two weeks post Irma. People still in need. Especially food and clothes.

Star of Sea opened a distribution center at Key Plaza. The lines of people waiting to get in continue to be long. As many as 50 persons on occasion.

Help comes in many forms and from distant places. Help not expected, but welcomed.

The Red Cross has established a base camp on Big Pine. It houses 80 disaster relief workers and volunteers. The base camp was brought to Big Pine and assembled by Red Cross volunteers from Copenhagen, Denmark. The Danish workers remain and continue to help.

God bless them!

Enjoy your day!





Love Shirley Valentine!

A 1989 British film. Warm and touching. The story of a middle aged woman who visits Greece and decides to remain. Her love and life come into play. The wakings and complexities of middle age.

The film touched me. I have reseen it several times on television.

When on the London stage, it was a one woman show. The film was expanded to include many characters.

Key West’s Fringe Theater is performing Shirley Valentine May 17-27. I do not know how many in the cast. What I do know is I plan on seeing the show. Everyone should.

Last night, another evening at the Chart Room. The bar full. One seat at the far corner of the bar available. Said hello to John.

The gentleman next to me said, “You’re Key West Lou.”

It was Mark from five years ago. He had a better memory than me. We had met in the Chart Room five years ago. We spent a couple of hour last night chatting.

Mark 55. He has spent most of his adult life in what I would describe the sophisticated medical supplies field. Does a lot of traveling. Off to Munich next.

Married, lives in Boston.

Politically, a Trump fan. Made our conversation even more interesting.

Hope we run into each other again in the days he has left in Key West.

Left the Chart Room hungry. Was heading to Hot Tin Roof when I recalled the cupboard was bare once again. Skipped the Hot Tin Roof and headed to Publix. One of my purchases was a barbecued chicken which I enjoyed later at home.

The Minimal Regatta coming! Technical name the Schoonerwharf Minimal Regatta. The 26th annual one. May 28.

I am providing early notice so you can get ready to participate, if you so desire.

The race is directly in front of Schooner Wharf. The boats all man made. Materials skimped on, of course.

The following represent ALL the materials that may be used in the boat’s construction: 1 sheet of plywood, 1 pound of plywood fasteners, 1 roll of 2″ x 60 yards duct tape, and 2 2 x 4s.

Success is not dependent on sea prowess. It is all dependent on constructing a boat that does not fall apart and sink.

A fun time!

The Minimal Regatta reminds me of what grown people do in Key west. Return to their childhoods!

Several years ago, I wrote a lengthy column in KONK Life on embalming. Surprisingly, the only country where embalming is a common practice is the United States. Not legally required by federal law. A few state laws mandate it.

Lincoln’s funeral train brought embalming to the attention of the American public. The train was carrying Lincoln’s body to Springfield, Illinois for burial. The trip took 13 days. Traveled through seven states and 180 cities.

Decomposition of Lincoln’s body was a concern. Especially the decomposition odors that would emanate  from it. The decision was to embalm.

A popularity for embalming grew slowly over the years following Lincoln’s burial.

This past week Trump signed another Executive Order. This one establishing an Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Commission seats are being filled rapidly.

Trump’s puppet Vice President Mike Pence is chairman. Commission members appointed thus far are state officials. Most of whom already have a track record of supporting state laws that minimize a person’s right to vote.

A stacked deck.

Trump continues to believe he would have received 3 million votes more had there not been irregularities at the polls. All information/investigation to date reveal no voter fraud.

Wasted money, wasted time. To satisfy one person’s ego.

Enjoy your day!



Last night was my only time out yesterday.

Schooner Wharf and Waterfront Brewery. Drinks at Schooners and calamari at the Brewery.

A quiet evening.

Early afternoon watched Trump’s speech. Thought it was going to be a foreign policy talk. Not. Turned out to be primarily about ISIS.

The talk contained nothing new. Discussed by him in the past. Many parts erroneous. His basic thrust he was going to stop ISIS. Details few as to how.

I suspect he wrote the speech himself.

A lot of nothing. All bones, no meat.

Brought to mind one of the passages from Macbeth. The passage deals with life and death. However has application to Trump and what he says. “…..a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Trump is on trial in federal court in West Palm Beach. The trial started yesterday. A civil suit. Breach of contract. $6 billion by unhappy golf club members. Trump testified yesterday. By a recorded deposition made in April 2015.

Most of my day time hours were spent preparing for tonight’s podcast. My blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. As usual, a fast moving half hour of interesting topics. Some revealing.

The show begins at 9 my time.

Topics include Argentina’s two recent victories in battles with Monsanto, a “Deputy of the Year” who raped three girls, Malia Obama’s purported pot smoking, US presently in four ground wars, DEA continues to claim cannabis has no medical value, 6 year old Chicago student handcuffed for taking candy off teacher’s desk, Merkel on the downslide, recollections of Woodstock, the Venezuela famine, and more.

Enjoy your day!





My eyes have never seen a better round of competitive golf. The final day of the British Open. Phil Mickelson and Henrik Stenson battling. Hole by hole. The match one stroke either way. The final three holes decided the event. Stenson won by three strokes.

Both made spectacular shots. Their putting outstanding. I have never seen better putting. Twenty to thirty feet like a one footer. Stenson sunk a 51 footer from off the green.

Viewing the round made for a very pleasant afternoon.

Last night, I started with Schooners. Bar only half full. Enjoyed a drink while watching the natives.

Then to Mark’s. The new hotel across the street. The Mark only has an out door bar. Poolside. A nice area. Packed with couples in the pool and on lounges.

I did not stay. There was no one over 30 years of age.

Walked across the street from Marks to the Waterfront Brewery. A good crowd. No room at the bar. I left.

It was across the street to Pepe’s. Been a year or two since I have eaten there. Sat at the bar. Chatted with the bartender. He used to work at the Chart Room one night a week. Chatted with two guys from Marathon who drove down for the day.

Enjoyed the barbecued chicken. Half a chicken. The meal to order when at Pepe’s.

The back of Pepe’s menu has an historical page. Pepe’s got its start in 1909. Then at 202 Duval. Pepe’s now on Caroline.

The page commented Truman used to stop at the Duval Pepe’s to have coffee and talk with the locals.

The page further made mention that the two popular songs in 1909 were By the Light of the Silvery Moon and Who’s Kissing Her Now. I could not understand how the songs were that old. I hum them on occasion to this day. Danced to both tunes in high school and college.

It was the movies! Both made during my school days. With big time stars. Doris Day in 1953 starred in By the Light of the Silvery Moon. Who’s Kissing Her Now starred June Haver in the 1947 movie. Many vocal artists in the 1950s and 1960s recorded the song. Ray Charles, Ernie Ford, Bobby Darin, Perry Como and Dean Martin.

Fantasy Fest came early this year. Last friday night. This morning’s Citizens’ Voice carries a comment by an individual who claims he saw topless body painted women at 5 in the afternoon on Duval.

William Hackley makes mention in his diary entry of this date in 1855 that Baby is well. God bless!

The Republican Convention begins today. A success or fiasco? Time will tell. Trump’s people indicate its nature will be showbiz.

Trump and Pence were interviewed last night on 60 Minutes. I saw excerpts this morning on TV. Trump looked like an ass and made Pence look equally erratic in the portions I saw.

More police officers killed by a black in Baton Rouge.

These black killings of police had to happen. They were inevitable. I warned two years ago they would come if the killings of blacks continued.

Never forget, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Violence begets violence. Blacks are saying…..Stop treading on us!

Security will be heavy at the Republican Convention. Likewise at the Democrat Convention. Police officers are coming from as far as California to assist. Who pays for all the security? You. The taxpayer. The federal government gives $50 million to each Convention for security purposes.

Rome burned this day in 64 AD. We are told Nero fiddled while Rome burned. He could not have fiddled. The fiddle did not exist at the time.

Enjoy your day!




I am upset this morning. Venting time.

Pigs does not refer to the four legged kind. Rather, those two legged. Man.

Two items in this morning’s Key West Citizen tick me off. Both have to do with the constant gouging of Key West Citizens.

One article concerns Stock Island’s Sunset Marina. Slip fees are being raised $5 a foot. The fees were raised last year also.

Most live on a boat because it is cheaper than buying or renting a home. Significantly. However with slip prices shooting up as they are, such will eventually no longer be true.

The other concerns towing fees.

The City Commission wants to raise towing fees from private properties by 35 percent. Increase other items also. Like allowing towers to charge up to $135 an hour where extraordinary effort is required. Everything will be extraordinary!

People are forced to leave Key West. More and more each year. They cannot afford the cost of living. The cost of living is much like the hills and steps which confront me in Greece and Italy. Everything up, nothing down.

Salaries contribute to the problem. Most are low paid hourly jobs. As time progresses, it is inevitable that a shortage of available employees will occur. Then, salaries will go up.

Getting back to the towing situation, the City Commission should be ashamed the way it handles Key West’s parking problem. It takes space away and raises parking fees for the limited space available. People are forced to park where ever they can. Such results in towing.

My yesterday began with a doctor visit. Another kind. Doctoring almost an every week thing. Then to Publix for a few things.

I had to hurry home after Publix. I was scheduled to be interviewed for 15 minutes on KONK News by Don Riggs. I had moved the time up to 12:45. Just made it.

Don and I had an interesting discussion re the Holocaust and the survivor Helen Sperling.

The evening was the best! The VFW on Northern Boulevard for dinner.

A big sign sits in front of the VFW building. Public Invited. I decided to try it. Glad I did.

Food good. Prices reasonable. Company excellent. A different breed of Key Westers. Veterans. They openly enjoy themselves. A happy group. They did their time in the military. Most fought. They have earned the right.

Met Schmegly. Spelled correctly. Looks like a thin santa Claus. A magnificent beard.

Schmegly has spent thirty years working Mallory Square at Sunset. Initially making creatures for children out of ballons. He considers such work an art. Today, he plays a banjo or guitar and sings.

Schmegly also walks Duval later in the evening playing the banjo. He refers to himself as a troubadour.

He makes his living from tips.

Schmegly’s real name is Richard Sloat. I never did find out how he got Schmegly out of Sloat.

He looks like an old timer you would find at Schooner Wharf.

Lighted Boat Parade tonight. An experience. Watch it from Schooner Wharf.

Tomorrow, the Parade of Paws. In the morning. Starts at Higgs Dog Park. Santa Claus will be there. The dogs will parade.

Key West loves dogs. Not only do we have Dog Park, we also have a Dog Beach. One of the best beaches in town. Right next to Louie’s Backyard.

A Saudi Arabian Prince referred to Trump as a “disgrace to America.” The Prince should talk. The pot calling the kettle black.

Saudi Arabia has much to answer for. The largest number of beheadings a year. No competition world wide. They abuse women. Do not permit them to drive. If an adulteress, stoning the penalty. Or, let a family member kill her and not prosecute the family member.

Enjoy your day!


I’ m losing it.

Yesterday was Larry Smith’s birthday. There was a party for Larry at The Little Jazz Room where he was playing. I planned on going. Never made it. I forgot.

Mea culpa, Larry. Happy birthday!

Instead bored and not certain what to do, I stopped at Schooner Wharf for a couple of drinks and then dinner at the bar at Pepe’s.

My day yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. I have made a new friend. We both treadmill. His name is Dave.

Spent the afternoon working on tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Great topics!

Today is National No Bra Day. An interesting topic for discussion.

Key West had a crocodile visitor at Smathers Beach recently for a week. I thought the croc’s visit dangerous. Some did not. Came up with an interesting article re crocodiles. Safe! In some parts of the world, people actually swim with them.

The EPA spends $75 million a year on military weapons. Why?

Male Americans went crazy in 1953 when Playboy printed its first nude center fold. Soon, no more. Playboy will shortly be dropping nudes.

Detroit is dying/dead. A well known fact. Ford has built ten plants in China and recently announced it will build three more there. Like turning your back on someone who raised you.

The Catholic Church Synod of Bishops in confusion and chaos. Much like the Republican Party. The Pope has his hands full.

These are some of the topics. All interesting.

Join me at 9 my time tonight. A quick half hour. Guaranteed you will enjoy.

I enjoyed the sunrise this morning. I was up early and sat on the deck sipping a cup of tea. The sun came up behind me. Soon it shown on the MTV house across the way. The impact of the sun on the pastel yellow, pink and blue of the house magnificent. A joy to behold!

Enjoy your day!



Another magnificent morning! The beauty shines as bright as the sun. Blue sky, blue waters. Mangoes and palm trees reflecting the sun.

Who could ask for anything more?

There has to be one happy woman this morning in Key West. Ninety year old Gloria June Suarez White. She grew up at 617 Grinnell St. In 1940, at the age of 15, she was Miss Key West 1940. This morning’s Key West Citizen has a picture of the lovely 1940 beauty queen. I wish they had run a picture of Gloria in her 90 year old glory, also.

I spent yesterday afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. It publishes wednesday. The Selling of America. The story of how political contributions rule America. Guaranteed enjoyable reading.

Tavern ‘n Town for dinner in the evening. Interesting reading and interesting people.

I was glancing through the Key West Weekly. A couple of great lines/thoughts. Like Trump…..It’s his hair! Another …..You might be a Bubba if…..You’ve been kicked out of Don’s Place for a dress code violation.

I had the good fortune to sit next to James “Jim” Wallis and friend Arlene. The conversation was interesting. Jim lives on Torch Key. He works at Little Palm Island. A great place to be employed!

Jim once ran for President. President of the United States. I could not understand how. Write in, whatever. He got two votes. Good for him! He is probably the only living former Presidential candidate living in the Keys.

Yesterday was Battle of the Bars. A local charity fundraiser. In its 22nd year. Bartenders do all kinds of crazy competitive things. Like racing each other with a tray of drinks. Cannot lose a drink!

Battle of the Bars is a Schooner Wharf centered event. The best place for it! Last year’s winners both of the event and the bragging rights that go with it was the Half Shell Raw Bar.

Unfortunately, I missed the event yesterday. I did not plan my time properly. Getting this week’s KONK Life column out took precedence.

Monroe County is considering using tax money for affordable housing. As I consistently hold, Key West businesses should pay higher wages. You can’t pay a mortgage on $10 or $12 an hour. The hotel and tourist businesses have had five consecutive good years. Spread the wealth a bit! Leave tax dollars out of the equation.

Those who have been here a while can remember. The Copa Nightclub. Burned down in a fire this day in 1995. Rebuilt, though not as the Copa of old. A similar business has never made it in the same location. The magic went down with the fire.

Hemingway finished writing A Farewell To Arms while living in Key West. I enjoy old movies. During the night, I had difficulty sleeping. Flipped on the TV set. There was A Farewell To Arms staring Rock Hudson and Jennifer Jones.

Hemingway and his A Farewell To Arms characters spent much time at Lake Maggiore. Lake Maggiore sits between Italy and Switzerland. The row boat escape took place on Lake Maggiore.

I have been fortunate to have visited Lake Maggiore several times. Beautiful old Italian towns. Obviously once a high end place to vacation. Still is. The hotels are old, though well kept. I drank in Hemingway’s favorite hotel/bar. Like going to Church!

Enjoy your day!


Key West empty last night. Hemingway Days ended. Everyone heading out of town. Sad that Hemingway Days had come to an end. From my perspective, one of the most enjoyable Key West events.

One hundred twenty two participants in the Hemingway Look Alike Contest. Charlie Boice from Palm Beach Gardens won. He had been trying for 15 years. There were winners in the Hemingway Days Arm Wrestling Contest at Sloppy Joe’s. Males and females participating.

I was out and about yesterday. That is why I knew the Hemingway people were moving out or already gone.

It was Martin’s for brunch. Dee was supposed to meet me at noon. She never showed. I telephoned her. She had forgotten. An indicator of how much she thinks of me. I enjoyed eggs benedict alone.

Spent the afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. Harry Truman’s Mother In Law. Did he have a mother in law! A cross he silently bore. You will find the article interesting.

Schooner Wharf to start the evening. Unusually quiet. About a third of the bar occupied. Again, the Hemingways had departed. I enjoyed a couple of drinks. Missy from Don’s Place bartending. Met Devin who is in charge of maintenance at Sunset Key. He is maintenance! We talked about L’Atitudes.

Then to Pepi’s for dinner. Very few customers, also. Ate at the bar. Kelley bartending. My usual. Barbecued chicken and mashed potatoes. The mashed potatoes buried in brown gravy.

Pepi’s had an historical listing on the back of the menu. Pepi’s was founded in 1909. The menu listed other historical events which occurred in 1909. One was the granting of the first patent for a gasoline electric hybrid auto. Took a long time to become a reality!

Randy Roberts is one of the great Key West entertainers. He has starred at La Te Da for 17 years. As Cher, Judy Garland, etc. He is Cher and Judy Garland. Outstanding drag performances!

Randy will appear tomorrow night on America’s Got Talent. Eight o’clock on NBC. Watch! Hope he wins!

Lobster Mini Season wednesday and thursday this week. The enthusiasts have already begun arriving. There were a bunch who apparently rented the house next door to me. Around 11 last night the noise began. Big time! Till 2 in the morning. Music to deafen by!

Thirty thousand visitors expected for the two day mini season.

I have been critical of recent court decisions. Too far out. People are losing respect for the judicial system.

An example is a federal appellate decision involving a Texas case. The police pulled a car over. The reason being they thought the occupants were engaged in criminal activity. Bullshit items were the alleged justification for pulling the car over. The court held that air fresheners, rosaries and pro police stickers could be construed as indicators of criminal activity.

Would you believe!

We are edging closer and closer to becoming a police state.

Ignition key works. My back does not. Sciatica. Wow! No anti-gravity treadmill this morning. They say that today 80 is 60. I never had sciatica at 60!

Enjoy your day!