It was Super Bowl Sunday. Key West rose in anticipation of watching the game early in the evening. For many, it was not to be. Comcast was down. TV and internet wi-fi connection.

For me it meant I had to get over to Lisa’s to do this week’s KONK Life column which was due yesterday. The game did not bother me. I could watch it at Don’s Place. He has all those extra expensive hook ups.

To further compound the disaster, my cell phone would not work.

I piled my computer, phone, and electric hookups into the car and headed to Lisa’s. I could do my column there.

As I walked in the door carrying all my communication equipment, Lisa said forget it. Our Comoast is down. It stayed down till I left around 4. Lisa was on the phone with Comcast. They said that everything was ok. Lisa said not here! A repair man is coming today.

I suspect many, if not all, in Key West were affected to some degree by the Comcast shut down.

I went home. I was gong to shower again and head back to Don’s Place. Lo and behold, my computer was working. So too was my TV. Plus my phone which had nothing to do with Comcast. I called Lisa. She still was without.

By the time I finished the KONK column, it was Super Bowl time. I decided to watch the game from the comfort of my bed.

The game was a shocker! I thought Denver would win. Peyton Manning would not be denied. What a beating! Seattle is to be complimented.

The KONK Life column is about the flu epidemic of 1918. Affected 500 million worldwide, killed 50 million. Bad! A noteworthy comment I read was that the 1918 flu bug killed more people in 24 days than AIDS did in 24 years!

Before Lisa’s, I stopped at the Plantation Coffee House. Skip was there.  Met him a couple of weeks ago at the Chart Room. I did not recognize him. Sorry, Skip. He is now living in Key West and doing a radio show.

Syracuse basketball again tonight! I have yet to recover from the Duke victory. Syracuse plays Notre Dame at the Carrier Dome at 7 this evening. Syracuse is a 15 point favorite. I plan on watching the game and eating at Lukas’ Sports Pub.

Tomorrow night my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 for a fast moving half hour.

The Key West Citizen in it’s This Day in History section this morning made mention of Willie Shoemaker. Shoemaker was a great jockey. Perhaps the best of all time. On this day in history, he rode race number 40,350. His final one.

I make mention of Willie Shoemaker because I knew him. Back in the early 1970s, I had a condominium at Miami’s Jockey Club. One of the members and residents was Willie Shoemaker. Many the evening we shared a drink at the bar.

Enjoy your day!





Sean Kinney likes to write. It is his career, his job. He is the Miami Herald’s man in Key West.

I met Sean’s parents yesterday. Second time. Last year, also. Mother Mary and I chatted at the bar. I could see Sean in her. Her mind, her love of  reading, etc. She was interested in my recently published book The World Upside Down. Had me write the title on the back of a bar bill so she could order it. Love you, Mary!

Met Sean’s Dad at the table. Unfortunately, we only had time for a quick hello. Sean and Katherine were taking Mary and Mike to dinner at the Conch Republic.

Mary and Mike reside in Biloxi, Mississippi. Mary said she caught my blog talk radio show a few times in Biloxi.

That was last night. I spent most of Sunday writing this week’s KONK Life column. Guaranteed you will enjoy! It is a mixture of Columbus, Ferdinand and Isabella, Plato, and Aristotle. The story of a gigantic lie perpetrated on us by ignorant politicians.

I planned on meeting Peter Max yesterday. He was at an art gallery from 1-4. My day was too full. Never made it. By the time I finished the KONK Life column, it was after 5.

This is Quantum Key West Week. Top shelf sailing. The world’s finest professional sailors crewing for captain’s of industry. Big money sport enthusiasts. As exciting as the sailing may be, it is going to be especially uncomfortable out on the cold Atlantic and Gulf. No matter how well dressed everyone may be!

Busy day today. Sloan at 10. Lunch with Guy de Boer. Dinner with the grandkids. I am taking Robert and Ally out. Just the three of us.

My blog talk radio show tomorrow night at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Topics will include a stupid Florida gun law, Hawaii battling genetically modified foods, the NSA bugging Congress, a further example of bank hypocrisy, the Christopher Columbus lie, the NSA being able to get your medical records without authorization, and more. Revealing information!

Enjoy your day!





My 15 minutes of notoriety are gone. This week’s KONK Life hit the stands yesterday. There is a new face on the cover.

I once again thank Guy de Boer for featuring me on last week’s cover. Every where I went, people mentioned it to me.

I wrote about condoms and government waste yesterday. I spent time researching the issue in detail yesterday afternoon. My thought was to do next week’s KONK Life column on condoms and government waste. The research educated me. I learned a few things I was previously unaware of. I also realized there was not enough background material upon which to build a newspaper article.

Some pieces of unrelated information stuck out. Permit me to share them with you.

1. The grant was made to a Georgia condom manufacturer. I tried to figure out the name. Turns out there are several condom  manufacturers in Georgia. Maybe Georgia is the condom capital of the world.

2. Trojan manufactures 75 percent of all condoms. Whether in the United States or world wide, I could not figure out.

3. Trojan produces 1 million condoms a day. I did not realize there were that many in use.

4. China and India are the biggest users of condoms in the world.

5. The government grant was to design condoms in various sizes. Like 95, I read some where. I thought this better fit thing was baloney. Turns out it is not. There is a problem. Especially among African-American men. It is claimed they have more problems with fit and feel than Caucasians. The result is condom failure while in use.

I babysat late yesterday afternoon and into the early evening. Robert had fallen behind in his homework. Lisa’s marching orders to me were to keep him working at his homework… not believe him if he says he’s done. I did not have to follow instructions. Poor Robert stayed buried at his desk working hard. Ally had no homework. She watched TV with me.

Jake got into the picture. He likes me. He was up on the couch lying next to me. Of course, I had to rub his head and back.

Stopped at Don’s Place afterwards. Several people commented in effect that my picture was all over town. I suggested they should buy the book.

Chatted a bit with Don, Jimmy, Hershel, Rob, Frankie, and Grant. Grant is the Bad Boy Burrito cook. Soon to be famous when the cooking show that filmed him airs.

You can tell bocce is around the corner. It is THE topic of conversation. We have too many players, who should play the first game, do we want to win or have a good time, etc. Don, Frankie and I had the discussion last night.

It was an early evening. I was home in bed by 9.

Enjoy your day!



Sometimes things happen all at the same time. Then it is the mundane for days. Yesterday was big for happenings…..All new!

Lets start with the earthquake. Yes, Key West experienced an earthquake. At 3:57 yesterday afternoon. The quake actually occurred 10 miles off the north shore of Cuba. Well below the ocean floor. Its impact was felt in Key West. By some, not all. Key West experienced neither damage nor injury to life.

The earthquake was a 5.1. A significant number. We were immediately advised by television reports not to worry about a tsunami. Apparently a 6.0 or better is required.

I did not feel the earthquake. I did not know one had occurred till I reached the Chart Room and Emily told me. When the quake hit, I was in my car driving from the Plantation Coffee House to the Pier House. It seemed that anyone who was driving did not experience the earth’s movement.

However, those who were on the second and third floors of buildings did. Sheila was on the third floor of the Custom House and felt it. David was on the second floor where he works. He experienced it. Jean and Joe, Peter, and Emily did not.

The locals group were all at the Chart Room early comparing notes.

My compliments to Sean Kinney. He is a reporter for a local newspaper owned by the Miami Herald. He is also the Miami Herald’s man in Key West. Within minutes, Sean had reported the quake and it was being carried on the Miami Herald website.

A television star from a popular TV show was in town. Guy Fieri of the Food Channel’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Guy and crew had come in Wednesday. Did their work. Stayed overnight at the Pier House. Enjoyed the hospitality of the Chart Room later in the evening. Guy and most left yesterday morning. It appeared one of the show’s producers remained.

The show hit three Key West places of note. I know two. Bad Boy Burrito and Garbo’s. Famous they will be once the show airs. Tourists will seek them out for the next ten years. Look what a bit of notoriety did for Louie’s Back Yard.

The most important thing is that the show will be recognizing a Key West luminary. One who people have paid little attention to up to this time. The cook at Bad Boy Burrito. It is our own Grant. Grant of Don’s Place fame who I periodically mention. A good man!

The third noteworthy item was that this week’s KONK Life hit the streets yesterday. My picture on the cover. The whole page. Basically a reprint of the cover of my new book The World Upside Down. It thrilled me! My vanity is showing, I guess.  My thanks to publisher Guy de Boer.

Dan…..Where are you? I have stopped at Don’s outside bar four times looking for you. Have you given up drinking? Syracuse plays North Carolina tomorrow at noon. I will be at the Sports Pub. I hope to see you and Lisa again.

Enjoy your day!


TAX BICYCLES? is the title of this week’s KONK Life column. An interesting subject. Taxes have been imposed in some communities already. The article will be especially interesting to Key West readers since Key West is a bicycling town.

The column is researched. I will write it later this afternoon and this evening.

My computer is fixed, but not in my hands. I will be picking it up after I finish this blog. I am presently at Lisa’s.

My yesterday started with the TV/internet show The Key West Lou Legal Hour. A multitude of sins were covered. The topic that seems to have garnered the most interest was the story of the Dallas VA Hospital that would not let local fourth graders deliver hand made Christmas cards to patients. The administrator said no Christmas cards containing Merry Christmas or God Bless You were permitted.

The administrator relied on a VA Handbook that established the rule. Some idiot in Washington apparently came up with what might be perceived as a political correctness item. I do not blame the administrator. I blame whoever in Washington came up with the idea. I wonder what the impact was on the fourth graders, what they thought, how the rejection was explained to them.

Then to Lisa’s to do yesterday’s blog.

I followed the blog up with an hour well spent at the Plantation Coffee House. Got to visit with Diane, enjoy a bagel, and read the morning newspapers.

I went to Don’s Place just before 6 last night to watch the Syracuse/Minnesota bowl game. Don advised that a group was going to Benihana at 8 for dinner. Would I join them? Of course.

I got to watch the first half of the football game. Syracuse was winning 7-0. I never got to watch the game further. While I was eating, someone passed by mentioning that Syracuse was down 3 points with 3 minutes to go.

I checked the game result  when I returned home. Syracuse won 21-17. Locked the win in with 1.5 minutes to go.

More Syracuse this afternoon. Syracuse/Villanova basketball at 2 on CBS. Should be a great game. Both teams undefeated. Syracuse ranked #2 and Villanova #8 nationally.

Dinner at Benihana was a lot of fun. There were 8 of us. Don, David, Keith, Jennifer, Clara, Hershel, Erika,and me. Stan was working.

Russ was at Don’s Place. I had not seen him in many months. He is now chef at Blue Heaven. We spoke of Big East basketball. We both agreed it was a shame Syracuse had left the league. Russ is a St. John’s fan.

A crowd at Don’s. Besides those already mentioned, Toni, Michael, Jeff, and Grant.

I go now to Tim Reynold’s to get my computer.

Enjoy your day



Yesterday was a bad day at black rock. My computer got a virus. Not the kind that infects anyone but me. In addition, I felt physically lousy.

My first visit this morning was to Tim Reynolds. The computer guru. I got him out of bed. He was in his boxer shorts.

I am now at Lisa’s using one of her computers to do today’s blog.

Late morning yesterday, I began to feel lousy. Nothing in particular bothering me. Just felt drained. I was to attend Shirrel and Diane Rhoades Christmas Party in the afternoon. No way. I felt bad. I was looking forward to the party. Shirrel is the publisher of my new book The World Upside Down.

Since I was home confined, I decided to do next week’s KONK Life column. It is about oil and wars. Because my body was not functioning correctly, it took me twice as long to do.

I did go out briefly last night. Was feeling better. I had absolutely no food. My third consecutive day that way. Publix was good for me. I got to see and hug two special people. Krystal from the TV station and my friend Pati.

I feel ok this morning.

Guy de Boer sent the picture he had selected of me for the cover of KONK Life. It stunk! It was a poor me. Or maybe the real me. Whatever, I told him no way to use it. He agreed. We are going to have another photo shoot.

The KONK pic is for front page use. The whole page. To announce my book. It will appear front page the December 19th edition.

Jake has been nibbling at my feet the entire time I have been doing the blog.

Enjoy your day!



Key West sponsors many events and has many parades. Without question, the Christmas parade every year is the best. The parade this year was last night.

I had to arrive 1.5 hours before the parade started. So I would not have to walk a very long distance to get to the parade. The closer to parade time, the less parking available.

Stopped at Don’s Place first. It was to early to be out on the street. Everyone was there! The ladies dressed up a bit. Many with Santa Claus hats. The mood decidedly festive.

As 7 approached, I left to walk the several blocks to where I was to meet Lisa and the family for the parade. Robert and Ally arrived with plastic shopping bags to put their booty in. Float riders throw candy to the kids.

The whole town was at the parade. Half in the parade, half watching curbside.

The Christmas parade is the longest I have ever seen. Every year. Roughly three hours. Beautiful floats, beautiful people…..all in a holiday mood!

Robert’s mind works well. He reconnoiters the scene and figures out where on the curb he has to sit and how to approach the treasure coming at him from the floats. His bag was full very early. Ally on the other hand is looking around and talking with a girl friend seated on the curb next to her. Occasionally, she would look up and go for some candy.

A school friend of Robert’s was in a Santa hat and on a float that was low to the ground. He was throwing small Reese peanut butter cups to the kids. When he saw Robert, he got off and ran over to him. He handed Robert the whole bag he had in his hand. A large bag of Reese peanut butter cups. What friends are for!

There were about a dozen Santas. All did a good job. They were into their roles. Saw two Mrs. Claus’ also.

I had intended to return to Don’s Place to party after the parade. However three hours on my feet was too much for me. I was tired! Went directly home and to bed.

The morning was busy for me. Guy de Boer is the publisher and owner of KONK Life, a Key West weekly. Guy is going to feature/announce my new book to his readers. The whole front page will be a picture of me, the book, a typewriter, a pad and pen, and my glasses. It will be published in a couple of weeks. Hemingway watch out!

Afterwards, Guy and I went to breakfast. Goldman’s Deli. I get there every couple of months. It is absolutely amazing the business the place does. Every booth and table occupied. People crowded together standing waiting for a table. Reminded me of Joe’s in Utica on a Saturday night.

I have a Christmas cocktail party to attend this afternoon. Life in Key West is always on the move.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Don has all the TV sets going Sunday afternoons. Pro football time.

I joined Don and friends to watch for a while yesterday afternoon. We watched from an area behind the outside bar.

Sunday afternoons are Don s are always a good time.

Mikey stopped by to say good bye. He was leaving to return to Kentucky. Don, David, Stan, and Dennis were among those enjoying the games. We were watching five at one time. Tom stopped by. He and Nicky are snow birds. They have returned from their home on the Jersey shore. Their new home. Hurricane Sandy destroyed their original home.

Cheryl and Roger were watching the games, also. Cheryl brought my book over. The World Upside Down. She asked me to sign it. I was honored! The book is my first published novel, as you are aware. It is available on and

After about three hours, I moved on the Chart Room. JJ bartending. He and the wife are off to Cancun tuesday for 10 days. Peter and Sheila at the bar. Met Alicia from Scottsdale.

Jean Thornton came in. The lady I dedicated yesterday’s blog to. She was still suffering from Alabama fatigue. We sat together and chatted a while.

Danielle, one of Don’s outside bartenders, was standing at the other end of the bar chatting with some folks.

Remington recently purchased the Pier House. Remington owns/operates something like 92 hotels. JJ pointed out to be that each Remington location has what Remington describes as a Point of Distinction. At the Pier House, it is the Chart Room. Hooray! We knew the Chart Room was distinctive however  even before Remington purchased it.

Publix’s fruits are always big and shiny. Look delicious. Generally are. About a month ago, I purchased some apples. One was still sitting in the fruit bin in the refrigerator yesterday. I had forgotten it.

I picked it up intending to find a soft spoiled item. Surprised I was! The apple was as firm and as bright as the day I bought it. I bit into it. Tasted as good as if purchased yesterday.

There must be something to these genetically modified seeds! Though I wonder  whether they will be healthy for us over the long run.

Tomorrow night at 9, my blog talk radio show. A half hour of interesting and revealing chatter. Join me.

Two topics on the agenda involve the Saudis and a court/social worker system out of control.

The Saudis generally engage Ethiopian immigrants as maids. They hang them from the ceiling and brutally beat them. I viewed a video where the maid was hanging upside down and screaming while being beaten.

The court/social worker problem involves a case where a Judge ordered a caesarean to be performed. The social worker system had decided to take the baby from the mother when the child was born. They did not want to wait for the natural birth to occur.

Abuse is on the rise in many areas.

Enjoy your day!


Wednesday night I was at the bar at the Chart Room talking with Peter and Sean. We got into the flu shot. Peter was waiting for the new 65 plus one. The Vets and Walgreens were out of it. Sean said he had never taken the shot. I got mine two months ago

I proudly said I had been taking the shot for 15 years. Never got sick once! Prior to the shot, I would get the flu 2-3 times a winter. Flew a lot at the time. Since the shots began, nothing.

I talked too soon.

It hit me at noon yesterday and continued in full bloom till midnight. I am still uneasy. I have to do my TV/internet show this morning. Then I plan on returning home to bed.

I spent part of the morning yesterday finalizing today’s show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. That was all I did yesterday. I did not even go to bocce. Telephoned David and told him I was under the weather.

This week’s KONK Life article was titled Doolittle’s Raid. The United States’ first bombing of Tokyo early in World War II. One of the comments received was from a World War II veteran. He said he cried. I told him I cried too as I wrote it. The part where I related how all 16 planes crashed landed or the crew had to bail out over Japanese occupied territory, and how two were put against a wall and shot by the Japanese. The heaviest part of the story was that each crew member knew they were going on a dangerous mission and in the final analysis took off from the Hornet knowing they did not have enough fuel to reach friendly bases in China.

I get a thrill every time I think about my recently published book. The World Upside Down. The TV studio has begun running on the bottom of my show’s screen the title of the book.

The weather gets better every day. Temp in the high 70s. Wind has diminished significantly. Still a breeze, however. Cool and dry. No humidity. No need for air conditioning either day or night.

My Friday TV/internet show and tuesday blog talk radio show are You Tubed. Enter Key West Lou.

Not a very interesting blog. I did nothing, but be sick.

Enjoy your day! I plan on spending mine in bed after I do the TV show.



The title is a joke! We all know better!

It is however the title to my column in this week’s KONK Life which will be published Thursday. What it concerns is the fact that the House only worked 126 days this year and plans on working  113 days next year. The point of the article is if House members only work part time, they should be paid part time.

I believe you will find the column interesting.

The weather fantastic! Low 80s yesterday. The cool breeze off the ocean makes everything comfortable. It is a strong wind. At least 30 mph this morning.

I walked in the late morning yesterday. Parked the car at Square One. Headed toward the Atlantic. Went through the Southernmost Complex. Then the Reach. Followed the same path on the return trip. The walk took me through parking lots and garages, pool areas, and beaches. Excellent sight seeing. The water generally in my view.

Stayed in the rest of the day. Some reading, writing, and napping.

Permit me to share progress with regard to my book which will be published sometime this month. When I know the exact date, I will share it with you. The title is The World Upside Down.

The cover was finally agreed to by all concerned yesterday. I never realized how much time goes into a book cover. I like it. I hope you will. More so the book itself, of course. Parts of the book are still being edited.

We live and learn. Especially me. I refer to the following.

Tide is being stolen off store shelves in big numbers. Some stores to the extent of $10,000 to $15,000 a month. The stealing is across the United States. Why is Tide detergent all of a sudden in such big demand by thieves?

Tide is now a currency in the drug trade. It is used to purchase marijuana and cocaine. Interesting in itself. More interesting would be to know how the drug dealers turn the Tide into hard dollars.

Enjoy your day!