Sometimes things happen all at the same time. Then it is the mundane for days. Yesterday was big for happenings…..All new!

Lets start with the earthquake. Yes, Key West experienced an earthquake. At 3:57 yesterday afternoon. The quake actually occurred 10 miles off the north shore of Cuba. Well below the ocean floor. Its impact was felt in Key West. By some, not all. Key West experienced neither damage nor injury to life.

The earthquake was a 5.1. A significant number. We were immediately advised by television reports not to worry about a tsunami. Apparently a 6.0 or better is required.

I did not feel the earthquake. I did not know one had occurred till I reached the Chart Room and Emily told me. When the quake hit, I was in my car driving from the Plantation Coffee House to the Pier House. It seemed that anyone who was driving did not experience the earth’s movement.

However, those who were on the second and third floors of buildings did. Sheila was on the third floor of the Custom House and felt it. David was on the second floor where he works. He experienced it. Jean and Joe, Peter, and Emily did not.

The locals group were all at the Chart Room early comparing notes.

My compliments to Sean Kinney. He is a reporter for a local newspaper owned by the Miami Herald. He is also the Miami Herald’s man in Key West. Within minutes, Sean had reported the quake and it was being carried on the Miami Herald website.

A television star from a popular TV show was in town. Guy Fieri of the Food Channel’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Guy and crew had come in Wednesday. Did their work. Stayed overnight at the Pier House. Enjoyed the hospitality of the Chart Room later in the evening. Guy and most left yesterday morning. It appeared one of the show’s producers remained.

The show hit three Key West places of note. I know two. Bad Boy Burrito and Garbo’s. Famous they will be once the show airs. Tourists will seek them out for the next ten years. Look what a bit of notoriety did for Louie’s Back Yard.

The most important thing is that the show will be recognizing a Key West luminary. One who people have paid little attention to up to this time. The cook at Bad Boy Burrito. It is our own Grant. Grant of Don’s Place fame who I periodically mention. A good man!

The third noteworthy item was that this week’s KONK Life hit the streets yesterday. My picture on the cover. The whole page. Basically a reprint of the cover of my new book The World Upside Down. It thrilled me! My vanity is showing, I guess.  My thanks to publisher Guy de Boer.

Dan…..Where are you? I have stopped at Don’s outside bar four times looking for you. Have you given up drinking? Syracuse plays North Carolina tomorrow at noon. I will be at the Sports Pub. I hope to see you and Lisa again.

Enjoy your day!

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