There is always background music at WeBeFit. I suspect to take one’s mind off the pain.

As I was leaving the gym monday, I heard…..Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets. From my college days!

This has been a music week. First, Don’t sit Under the Apple Tree and now, Lola. Music from the past. The distant past.

Lola was a featured tune in the Broadway musical and then movie Damn Yankees. I saw the movie. Unfortunately, not the stage show. Gwen Verdon  starred in both and sang Lola. Lola has something to do with the devil. A sultry woman, a sultry tune.

My blog talk radio show was last night. Because I screwed off monday, my show was not ready. I had to work on it quite  awhile yesterday to be ready for last night.

I opened with the Detroit water problem. I had spoken about it last week. Last night was an update. A detailed one. More facts had come out during the week. I was able to explore the nitty gritty.

A key factor is the unfairness involved. The water company is pursuing the little guy and not the businesses who owe. Anyone owing more than $150 or behind two weeks is pursued. Their water turned off. Only residential properties. Most of which are occupied by persons of color.

Many businesses also owe money. At least one auto company. Two businesses owe in excess of $1 million. A golf course over $200,000. The brunt of the money owed is from businesses and not residents.

When those in authority were asked why only the residents were having their water turned off and not the businesses, the reply was simple and stupid. It was claimed that a resident’s water ccould be turned off easily. Lift a small outside door, turn a switch and attach a wire. No special training required.

To turn off a business on the other hand, requires much more work. Purportedly complicated. Required special training which no one at the water company had.

Does not make sense to me. Go after the big bucks! Get yourself ready to do it! Do it!

Detroit came up this morning on Morning Joe. It was like many on the panel were not that familiar or were hearing about the issue for the first time. Mika said we will have to get into this tomorrow. I am discovering the live TV talk shows are generally a day or two behind in reporting an event. Whereas, the internet is right on!

The gym again this morning. I am into the scene. Though I dread it.

Enjoy your day!



Started my yesterday with the gym. Nothing different. Grueling. I get through it by saying to myself…..Louis, this is the best thing you have done for yourself in years!

My plan for the rest of the day was to work on tonight’s blog talk radio show. My preparation was 70 percent complete. However, I could not get going. I did not seem to care. I just wanted to take it easy. As Howard Livingston would say, I was in Key West time.

I did nothing. Which means I have to do it today.

I went out for dinner last night. Geiger Key. Glad I did. Very few customers. Quiet and peaceful. Sort of went with the mood I was in. I enjoyed my time there.

I mentioned yesterday Phoenix’s Wally Collins won the Hemingway Look A Like Contest. Further mentioned that it generally took 10 years of participation before a person became a winner. Not in Wally’s case. He has only been participating 6 years!

When I went to bed, the sky was a bit overcast. Looked like it might rain. It did. Poured! Wind howled! I went out on the deck this morning. My deck chairs are blown all over and toppled. They are heavy. Had to be a strong wind.

Lisa and family were returning from the grandparents who live somewhere in northern Florida. About an 8 hour drive. The car died in Florida City. The family, including Jake, spent the night in a motel. They are hopeful they can get the car repaired and get back on the road today.

It was party time for Robert and Ally. Pizza delivered to the room. I am not sure what Jake ate.

Tonight, my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine in the evening. One half hour. Fast moving and interesting. Revealing. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Topics will include why the recent epidemic of police brutality situations, CIA owing Michigan more than $20,000 of employee withholdings for state income taxes, a real expose re the Detroit water problem, what happened to the 219 girls abducted in Nigeria, Microsoft to lay off 18,000 in the next 12 months, Muslim honor killings up, RJReynolds hit with a $23 billion jury verdict, Venezuela now taxing air (you read it correctly), and more.

If you are unable to listen this evening, the show is archived immediately. Additionally it is now available on my Key West Lou Facebook page every day.

Enjoy your day!



I am late in getting the blog to you this morning. Sorry. I had a series of heart tests scheduled. Worry not. I am ok. Merely part of a periodic check up.

The plumber came yesterday morning. Mark. Works for my friend Frankie who was nowhere to be found when I needed him. He and Sandy are frolicking in New York City.

Mark and a helper arrived. I explained the problem. My two kitchen sinks and one bathroom toilet were regurgitating at the same time. Included was the sewer smell.

Mark took a few minutes to look things over. Then kept repeating what a problem, what a mess! I became overly concerned. Got to take the toilet out, he said. More concern.

What ever the problem, he had it resolved in less than an hour with no mess. Mark is one fantastic plumber!

Don and Chris. Dear friends. Love them both. From the Syracuse area. Visit Key West 3-4 times a year. We are close.

I received an e mail yesterday from a Christine Maxam. She wanted to know Dan and Lisa Riordan’s e mail address in Skaneateles. I could not figure out who Christine Maxam was. Never heard of her.

In any event, I wrote to Don and Chris and asked if they knew the Riordan e mail address. Don wrote back that it was Chris who wrote me originally asking for the information. Christine Maxam is Chris of Don and Chris.

They had a good laugh! I felt like an ass.

Dan and Lisa. If you read today’s blog, e mail me so I have your address. E mail Don and Chris directly if you know theirs.

Dined at the bar at Tavern ‘n Town last night. Frankie Thomas singing.

Chatted a while with Judy the manager. She does a terrific job running the place. I want to thank her for her kindness to me last night.

Tuesday again! Time for my blog talk radio show. Tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. Join me. Guaranteed you will enjoy.

Topics tonight include what I perceive will be a screw up regarding the 50,000 plus immigrant children, Walter Lippman’s Indispensable Opposition, a Colorado marijuana update, my opinion that corporations that give up their American citizenship and become citizens of another country to avoid taxes should not have the right to contribute monies to American political candidates, China’s serious offer to buy all of America’s Fortune 500 companies, and more.

An interesting and exciting evening ahead.

Enjoy your day!



I love politics. Without question. Governmental and social issues have become my forte. I am happy it has occurred. Over my Key West years, the internet show, TV show, blog talk radio show, and KONK Life column have created this monster in me that enjoys speaking out. I almost forgot. Also, the book I wrote.

For many years, I have been of the opinion that Key West should have a Cheers type TV show. Generally regarding political and social matters. There is genius undiscovered in Key West. My words fall on deaf ears. No one envisions what I see.

There are two bars where untapped genius can be found. Don’s Place and the Chart Room. My vision is a camera at a corner of Don’s outside bar. Then a group drinking and chatting for three hours. Edit the time down to one half or an hour.

The comments elicited would blow your mind! The humor factor.

I seek the political and social, also. There are inquiring minds at Don’s Place. People like Hershel and Jimmy. I love talking politics and world events with these guys. Both are extremely and surprisingly knowledgeable. Jimmy is a house painter and Hershel an engineer of sorts. Both a bit left of center.

The Chart Room is another story. A great venue for a show. However, I prefer Don’s. There is less seriousness at Don’s Place. In any event, I doubt the Pier House would permit a politically engaging show to be performed on its premises.

I enjoy chatting with my local friends at the Chart Room. Emily can be tough, Sheila loving, David right on, Che opinionated.

My friends would provide the flavor. There are other minds that would make the political jargon challenging. It is the tourists. A good number are from middle America. Politically they range from conservative backward to tea party mentality. Most however conservative. Rock hard Republicans.

I enjoy chatting with them. I try to ease the conversations into politics to see how others think. They are happy to share. I have one problem. The middle country folk always seem to repeat Republican speaking points. I rarely find deviation.

I have only met one tea party person. At least, I think so. He was crazy! Enough said.

If anyone out there has any interest in my Don’s Place concept for a show, let me know. I would love to get such a show off the ground.

Hemingway Days start tomorrow. One of my favorite Key West events. The Hemingway look alikes. Some 125 strong. And the running of the bulls, Key West style. The bull run is saturday afternoon.

Me thinks I have a black cloud over my head. The car last week. Last night, my kitchen sinks and one of my toilets started working in reverse. I needed my friend Frankie the Plumber. Nowhere to be found. He is somewhere in New York City. After about seven telephone calls, I was able to track down one of his men. Mark or Pete. I cannot remember for sure. One of them will be here this morning.

Which means…..no gym again. I missed last week and will be missing this morning. Makes me unhappy. My routines will be more difficult when I return.

Enjoy your day!



I am sort of land locked. No car yesterday. Ergo, confined to home. All day and night.

Not a bad day, however. I got to work on my Greece book. I have avoided moving forward on it for three weeks. No particular reason. I have read that the hardest thing for an “author” to do is sit down to write. I got lazy. The daily blog, the weekly KONK Life column, and my blog talk radio show eat up a lot of time and energy. I love doing all three and would not eliminate any one. I have to allocate my time better.

I have completed reviewing the first 16 days of the Greece trip. There are a total of 31 days. It is exciting! I am reliving the trip all over again. Day 16 was one of the Mykonos days. It was also the day I got hit by a car and thrown over a three foot stone wall. A hit and run. The bastard never stopped.

I sent Guy deBoer next week’s KONK Life column today. John Paul Jones Part 1. Part 2 will be published the following week. Hope you enjoy both parts! John Paul Jones was an interesting person.

Sloan stopped in late in the afternoon. We plugged away at a couple of things. I am not computer literate. I need a Sloan.

I have been doing Blog Talk Radio for two years. Love doing the show! It is a quick half hour of Louis expressing his thoughts on political and social issues. The half hour requires 10-12 hours weekly of preparation. Which I enjoy! I was a lawyer. Lawyers research.

Blog Talk Radio advised me this week that I have been elevated to Featured Host. The designation is noted on my blog talk radio page. Additionally, I will be listed picture and all as a Featured Host on Blog Talk’s home page. Do not be impressed. Blog Talk is a big operation and has many hosts. Featured Hosts number about one hundred.

Blog Talk indicated the reason for the designation being applied to the show was two fold. A growing audience and the quality of the subject matter presented.

I like it. Thank you Blog Talk Radio.

It has been seven months since The World Upside Down was published. Would you believe…..it is still selling! Worldwide. The book is available for purchase on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

One of my favorite Key West events each year is Hemingway Days. Next week! July 15-20. The best part from my perspective is the Hemingway Look A Like Contest. There will be 125 plus contestants. Most return each year. Hoping to win, but really to share in the fun of the event.

My car is supposed to be ready tomorrow. I hope so. There is a degree of loss of freedom in not be able to hop in your car and take off.

Enjoy your day!




Do not fall asleep when you are supposed to be working! It happened to me last night.

I had an early dinner at Lisa’s. She had me home by 6:30. My blog talk radio show was scheduled for 9. I had time to kill.

Normally, I get ready mechanically at 8:30 for the show. Then at 8:45 connect in with Blog Talk Radio. By 8:50, I am ready. I have 10 minutes to kill till show time. I spend those 10 minutes reviewing my notes for the show.

A few seconds before 9, a female voice comes on. For my ears only at that point. YOUR SHOW BEGINS IN FIVE SECONDS……5 4 3 2 1. There is a brief pause and then the voice returns. This time everyone can hear. WELCOME TO BLOG TALK RADIO!

Back to Lisa dropping me off at 6:30.

I decided to watch some TV. I had two hours to kill. I laid on my bed and inadvertently fell asleep. When I woke, the room was dark. I thought I had enjoyed a deep long night’s sleep. Then it hit me! I slept through the show! I hit the light. It was 8:59. One minute to show time!

The race was on.

I rushed like hell in that minute to show time.  Down the stairs. Completed the 8:30 and 8:45 preliminaries. As I connected with blog talk radio, I heard…..YOUR SHOW BEGINS IN FIVE SECONDS.

God was with me.

I enjoyed an early dinner with Lisa. My car is at the repair shop. Joe’s Auto Repair on US 1. He took care of my Mercedes when I brought it to Key West 4 years ago. I had dropped the Volkswagen off in the morning. He called later and explained the problem. Needed parts from Miami. The car would not be ready till thursday. Which means I am stuck at home till then.

No problem from my perspective. I will hang home for a couple of days and hopefully get my book writing caught up. I am behind.

Yesterday morning, I still had the car. I stopped at Lori’s for a hair cut. She leaves tomorrow for three weeks on Long Island and in Maine. Then I delivered the Volkswagen to Joe’s. He provides good service. Had one of his men drive me home. The car will be delivered to my house on thursday.

I completed writing next week’s KONK Life column. JOHN PAUL JONES Part 1. I had to break it into two parts. There was much to write. Part 1 involves the good he did. Part 2 will follow one week later. Part 2 will center on his shortcomings, most of which are generally unknown, yet nevertheless interesting.

Ain’t no frightful weather in Key West! Another dramatic morning. Another quiet and still morning. Peace abounds. Beauty everywhere.

Enjoy your day!




Let the drums roll…..Tonight my blog talk radio show! Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine o’clock. A fast paced half hour of interesting chatter. My view point on rapidly changing events.

I plan on starting with my thoughts regarding the Supreme Court decision rendered yesterday concerning Obamacare and contraceptives. An appropriate title would be hypocrisy revealed. Then the results of a recent Gallup poll indicating the Supreme Court has an approval rating among the American people almost as low as Congress.

Plus, the U.S. plan to give money to the “moderates” in Syria who happen to be Al Qaeda by another name, the shame developing with the 52,000 child refugees, the UN targeting Detroit for turning off the water of half the population, one out of three pregnancies in Detroit resulting in abortions (Supreme Court note: contraceptives needed!), beef prices on the rise, the cost of gasoline the highest since 2008, a cute JP Morgan life insurance scheme that has enriched it coffers by billions of dollars, and more.

The gym yesterday morning. Albert. I thought I would not complete the session. The hardest yet!

I told Dr. Lefferets how hard it was. She said it was good for me. I was out of shape. I was and am.

Albert told me to eat as soon as I got home. My body needed to reenergize. I ate. Two ham sandwiches with tomato. Then to bed. I slept four straight hours. That is how beat I was from the exercise.

I am not complaining. Merely sharing.

Sloan came around dinner time. We worked for an hour. I was alive and bright by that time. The sleep had helped.

Dined in last night. Though I felt good, it was too much work to shower again to go out.

My dinner was one my Mother last made for me probably back in my high school days. Campbell’s Chicken Noodle soup and crackers.

For some reason, it did not taste the as I remembered. Perhaps because my Mother did not prepare it. Actually, I think the Campbell people have altered the taste of the soup.

I continued to be invigorated after dinner. I worked on tonight’s blog talk radio show and completed it. Normally, I complete it with 3-4 hours work on the day of the show.

Something is wrong. Different. I have finished my KONK Life column and tonight’s show both early this week. Never before. Could it be the workouts are energizing me?

Arthur is turning. It has achieved tropical storm status. It is predicted it will turn into a #1 hurricane. Seventy five mile an hour winds. Seems definite it will track north at some point. By the weekend, it will either be off the coast or over the northeast.

Glad it will not be over Key West! You have to experience a hurricane to understand. Not nice.

Enjoy your day!


Before getting into the difficult, let me speak of the nice.

This morning!

Beautiful once again. No wind. No clouds. Blue sky. Still waters.

Across from my home sits the MTV house and Ed Swift’s home. The MTV house is yellow, blue and pink. Ed’s lime in color. The sun reflecting on both makes for a dramatic view! Even Gougan could not have painted the scene.

That is the good. Now for what might be considered the bad. My gym time yesterday was absolute torture. The worst yet. One hour of pure agony. Albert worked me harder than ever before.

This is my fourth week. He gradually increases the tempo, etc. each session. Yesterday it seemed like I stepped into another millenium. I left exhausted and aching.

Three hours later, I was sitting at home researching topics for tonight’s blog talk radio show. The real aches set in! Wow! Nowhere specific. Everywhere.

I went to bed. I hurt.

Four hours later, I felt a bit better. Only a bit. This morning, I am 80 percent recovered.

Albert is not overpushing me. The problem is I come to him in terrible shape. He is moving me slowly. I can see when I compare myself to the other old timers in the gym are doing. I have given Albert a worn out body that has not really exercised in many years. I am convinced that if I can survive, a year from now I will be glad I did this.

While I was sitting at the counter working on tonight’s show, my left eye started bothering me. Pain and pulsation. Shit, I broke a blood vessel! I went to the mirror. No broken blood vessel. Something had bit me. My eyelid was swollen, bright pink and almost totally closed.

Yesterday was a day I could not win with my body.

Great blog talk radio show tonight. Topics include the Pope and his excommunication of the Mafia and his no no re marijuana, organ implants, youthful immigrants still coming into Texas, the Republicans threatening a government shutdown over the EPA, half of Detroit residents cannot pay their water bills, a water war in the making between Arizona and California, Australia to produce GMO milk, and more.

Great material! interesting! In many instances revealing!

Join me at 9 my time. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

The Seven Mile Bridge will have delays all day tomorrow. Ford Mustang is shooting a commercial. Movies, TV and advertising love using the bridge as a site. Why not! An extremely beautiful setting! An experience crossing it! Seven miles of bridge between open ocean on both sides. With the sun shining, it cannot be beat.

My today will be subdued. A manicure at 11 with Tammy. An afternoon spent completing tonight’s show. Then the show itself this evening. Maybe Roostica for dinner.

Big day for travelers today and tomorrow. Larry and Christine Smith and daughter Jordan leave Key West today for a three week journey. England first to visit John and Ali. Then Italy. Anna flies out of Milan tomorrow for Athens and three weeks in the Greek isles.

My friends, enjoy!

Each of you enjoy your today!


In my blog talk radio show tuesaday evening, I referred to ISIS as Jesse James and the Mafia. Last night, CNN also referred to the group as the Mafia.

Jesse James because ISIS robs banks. Perhaps better than most bank robbers. A few days ago, ISIS robbed a bank in Mosul of $429 million. Plus some gold bullion. Further, as ISIS moves from one town to another, it robs the banks.

Jesse James lives again!

The Mafia was well known for extorting business men. The Mafia provided an unneeded protection service for a fee. Refuse to pay the fee and the business was blown up. Generally, with the proprietor inside.

ISIS practices extortion in a similar fashion. Pay up or we’ll blow you up!

It is claimed ISIS grabs $1-2 million a month in this fashion.

All of which proves, history repeats itself.

Yesterday was an easy one. Started with the gym in the morning. I told Albert my right shoulder had been aggravated. I could move my right arm backwards or sideways. He said he understood. He must have. Whatever he had me doing, not once did my shoulder ache.

Last night was sit and chat time at the Chart Room and Don’s Place.

Spoke with a couple from Chicago at the Chart Room. Asked how their mayor Rahm Emanuel was doing. The response was he is not terrible. Not much of a commendation. I inquired how they felt about Obama. They shrugged their shoulders and the wife said he was not around long, he did nothing for us.

Did I note an air of entitlement?

The wife is a special ed teacher. From nowhere another special ed teacher showed up. The two did not know each other. The new special ed lady wrote on the blackboard a Benjamin Franklin quote…..Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

The quote in Key West time as was the lady.

Spent a lot of time at Don’s Place. Chatted first with Hershel. Then with Don and Grant. Enjoyable.

I have to move my butt his morning. I have a hair appointment with Lori.

Enjoy your day!


To all fathers, Happy Father’s Day! Recognition earned and well deserved. Ain’t easy to be a father!

Who do we thank for Father’s Day? The idea began in 1910. A woman named Sonora Dodd started pushing the concept. It took hold a bit, and then kerplunk! The idea bounced around, was suggested off and on, over the years. It started taking hold again with World War II.

President Johnson signed a Proclamation in 1966 declaring the 3rd Sunday in June to be known as Father’s Day. President Nixon made it law. He signed the necessary legislation in 1972.

Walked yesterday. In Home Depot. That is where I will be walking for the next three months. The humidity is already a killer!

Researched further in preparation for my Tuesday blog talk radio show. Some interesting points of information will be discussed. Like Merkel and the Muslims, England and the Muslims, the Kurds and oil companies, the US Supreme Court permitting a lawsuit against Coke for false advertising, a skirt a half inch too short, the impact on Boeing of Eric Cantor’s defeat, and more.

Bobby Nesbitt and a prime rib! Last night at Marriott Beachside’s Tavern ‘n Town. A great combination! Nothing better!

Don’t forget PrideFest’s parade tonight beginning at 5. One of the best of the year!

Enjoy your Sunday!