The season has arrived. Unquestionably.
From what I can see, not as many tourists as normal. Might be Irma and the fear Key West not ready to accept tourists. Which is not the case. Or, it could be the cost of a Key West vacation. Pricey. I have begun to wonder if Key West is going to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
A different story as to snowbirds. Those who have second homes in Key West and return on a regular basis. They are here ten fold.
I pointed out yesterday the massive turnout at the Gardens sunday. Mostly snowbirds. Last night the same at Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. The crowd unusually big.
Tom Luna and Rick Dery their usual selves. Their singing off the walls. Everyone joining in. The fun part.
Ran into Joe Lysle at Aqua. Made a mistake a few days ago when I reported he was the new concierge at Casa Marina. He is a concierge, though at the Reach. Both Waldorf Astoria Hotels.
Enjoyed dinner at Tavern ‘n Town following Dueling Bartenders.
I frequently complain about bicyclists. A danger to themselves and the autos on the streets. Bicyclists have no consideration for rules of the road. One way streets, stop signs, red lights, etc. They think they own the roads. Tourists primarily.
Every day a danger.
In the dark of last night, I was returning home. Almost two accidents involving my car and a bicycle. Both bicyclists without lights and ran stop signs.
An accident did occur over the weekend. A bicyclist at 2:19 in the morning driving the wrong way on one way Olivia Street. Came into contact with a Key West police SUV at the intersection of Olivia with White Street.
The bicyclists hit his head on the front passenger door of the police vehicle. He was helicoptered to a Miami trauma center. The police officer and the K-9 dog with him sustained no injuries.
Irma’s after effects refuse to go away. Irma hit the lower Keys September 10. Work still to be done.
Debris clean up major! County and back roads the last to get attention. The County announced yesterday that all debris has been finally removed from County roads.
A major undertaking!
Next, the canals and waterways close to shore. Homes, boats, refrigerators, TV sets, etc. plugging the canals and shore lines. Together with trees and shrubbery.
The last chapter of my recent book Irma and Me is titled Post Irma and is dated October 15. I wrote at the time the debris clean up was on going. Noted…..The debris is non-ending.
I did not realize how correct I was! Here it is five months later and the work continues.
This morning’s Key West Citizen in its History Section mentioned Key West’s first electric trolley car began operation on Duval Street this date 1899. Carried 500 people the first day.
Brought to mind my youthful days. I clearly recall riding electric trolley cars in my home town Utica. The Bleecker Street line. In the late 1930’s into 1941. I was anywhere from 3-6 years old at the time.
I googled Utica and electric trolley cars. Came up with This Week in Mohawk Valley History. Includes Utica. The author Frank Tomaino, an outstanding newspaper man back when.
His article indicated Utica’s first trolleys were horse drawn. Began operating in 1863. The first electric trolley St. Patrick’s Day 1890. The last Utica electric trolley train 1941. Went to the barn forever.
Tuesday again. Comes frequently every week. Tonight, my podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.
So much happening these days. Most news worthy. I am constantly revising the tuesday night show. As late as dinner time on tuesday. Things worthy of comment occurring hourly it seems.
Tonight will be a fast moving half hour show covering 10 or so topics of interest. My opinions also, of course. Join me. I guarantee you will enjoy.
Portraits of former American Presidents and their spouses hang in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. Those of President Obama and Michelle were unveiled yesterday.
Loved Barack’s. Different. The artist Kehinde Wiley. A black man. Established.
News releases today indicated Wiley enjoys challenging the power of white women in his works. Black women decapitating white women.
Did the President know? He must have. He and Michelle selected their artists.
Michelle’s painting I did not like. The concept lovely. Problem is the painting does not look like Michelle.
Michelle’s artist Amy Sherald. A black woman. She had a heart transplant several years ago.
Trump never seems to blame men for sexual wrongdoings. Denial by the man sufficient grounds not to denounce him.
Trump is sick. His thinking probably motivated by the 17 odd women who claimed during the election that they had been sexually harassed by him. He denied the charges. Must be he does not want to blow his cover of denial by not accepting the denials of others.
Enjoy your day!