In my 30 years of living in and visiting Key West, I have never seen rain like we are experiencing. Especially this time of the year. May is normally a dry month. People talk about needing rain.

It poured again yesterday. All day! Heavy!

Streets are flooding that never flooded before. Amazing!

The Comcast saga continues. Repair man due yesterday between 1 and 3. Got a call at 2. Three to four hours behind. Will come tomorrow (today).

I have been without TV since thursday.

Visited Dr. Jones late afternoon. Received my various test results. No cancer. Do have a problem, however. Cleveland Clinic next for consultation. Surgery probable in due course.

I am ok. Mentally in tune with what is occurring.

Aqua after Dr. Jones. Dueling Bartenders. Tom Luna and Rick Dery. Guest performer the lovely Laura Richardson. Laura the owner of Salt Gallery.

Met Laura’s parents. Both retired corporate attorneys. Key West residents. Enjoyed my conversation with her father. Her mom seated too far away for any meaningful conversation.

Rick Dery a director, also. He has directed Pride Follies for several years. This year’s show is June 2 at 8 in the evening at the Key West Theater.

Always a winner!

Word on the street is Bank of America on Southard closing. I have not been able to verify the information. If so, the building would make an excellent dance facility. I have always thought downtown Key West needed a place where everyone regardless of age could get out there and do their thing.

Zombies in southern Florida! Reported by a power outage alert sunday in Lake Worth. The outage affected 7,880 residents.

The “alert” reported power was lost “due to extreme zombie activity.” Obviously a bogus report. Or was it? Actual cause remains unknown.

My podcast tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. Interesting topics. My opinions shared. Though not necessarily the same as those who are tuned in.

The show’s audience gets larger each week. I love it! My advertisers love it!

Join me for a fast moving half hour.

Pope Francis a breath of fresh air in the world of Catholicism. Two weeks ago, he said in speaking to a gay man: “God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care.”

The second time Francis has spoken in acceptance of homosexuality. A man of courage and conviction. The Bible tells us homosexuality is a sin.

Trump makes me laugh. He does not accept Venezuela’s election results. Phony, a sham. Earlier had threatened invasion. Now has fallen back to severe sanctions.

There are many tyrants elected in phony elections world wide. Putin, for example. Trump should threaten him and all other tyrants with invasion and/or severe sanctions.

Why pick and choose. Go after everyone.

The Trump administration continues on a fast track to dismantle Obama signature policies. Could Obama have been that wrong? Or is there another reason?

I suspect it may be because Obama is a person of color and Trump a racist. Or, it could be because Obama made fun of Trump at a White House Correspondents Dinner. When slighted, Trump has the memory of an elephant.

The Trump/Kim summit almost blew up. Trump may have saved it. John Bolton appears to have been the cause.

Bolton is crazy. A neo-con. A war hawk big time. Scares me.

In preliminary talks with North Korea, Bolton told the other side the U.S. supported a Libya Solution. Gaddafi was convinced to give up his nuclear program. Several years later, Gaddafi was found hiding in a sewer pipe, captured, tried and executed.

The North Koreans are not fools.

Some have suggested that Bolton’s meeting with his North Korean counterparts was an amateur hour.

The recent U.S./China trade talks another example of amateur hour play on the part of those representing the U.S. Nothing resolved. Problems kicked down the road.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mulchin should be sent back to Wall Street. He is neither qualified to be Treasury Secretary nor engaged in trade talks on behalf of the U.S.

Yesterday, Trump described Congressman Devin Nunes as “a very courageous man.” For pushing the DOJ and FBI for the name of an informant.

Recall Nunes’ support of Trump since day one. Running to the White House to report something that had happened in his Committee. More recently, having the House Intelligence Committee, which he Chairs, issue a majority report saying in effect no Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

I consider Nunes a stooge for Trump, an informant of sorts. He has forgotten his Congressional responsibilities in sucking up to the President.

An Opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal yesterday causes me great concern. Note it was authored by Brigadier General Ronen Manelis of Israel’s Defense Forces.

The Jerusalem opening of the U.S. Embassy last week proved a disaster. At least initially. Now, I am not sure.

It was reported many Palestinians were protesting at the fence. On the Gaza side and unarmed. Israeli forces unloaded on them. Missiles, small fire, etc. Sixty two killed. Eight of them children. Two thousand seven hundred injured.

The world, including me, dumped on Israel.

Now it appears things may not have been as they appeared. Further investigation is required.

The Opinion claims the protest was funded by Hamas as a terrorist propaganda operation. Hamas provided free transportation to innocent citizens to the border, including women and children. These people were hired in effect as extras: $14 per person, $100 per family, and $500 if anyone was injured.

What is truth? The world should know.

Enjoy your day!





Two items of historical significance occurred this date, though in different years.

The year 1972. Helen Reddy’s brilliant song I Am Woman hit the top of the pop charts. A work for the ages. Perfect for the burgeoning women’s movement. One of its beginnings.

I Am Woman’s words involved personal empowerment. Identified women as a class unto themselves.

The song still with us today. Reflected in the sexual harassment issue facing society today.

Women have come a long way!

The other event of historical significance occurred in 1854. Alfred Lord Tennyson’s The Charge of the Light Brigade was published. The charge having occurred at Balaklava during the Crimean War.

I first read the Charge in high school. It resonates with me to this day. “Into the valley of Death / Rode the six hundred / …..Their’s not to reason why / Their’s but to do and die.”

Dinner at Donna and Terri’s last night. Donna cooked special for me. My diet. Pieces of beef. Delicious.

Terri looks better each time I see her.

The Lighted Boat Parade was scheduled for tonight. Canceled. Rescheduled. The weather.

Raining like hell already. Temperature has already dropped. Sixty nine at the moment. High will be 72. Mid to high 60s during the canceled Boat Parade. Sixty two when I wake tomorrow morning.

The cause has to be the snow storm moving northeast out of Texas. Key West will not experience snow. Don’t think we ever have. However, we are being hit with the outer limits of the storm. Cold and rain.

The Lighted Boat Parade has been rescheduled for next saturday.

The cold spell will be with us till thursday.

The Sheriff’s Animal Farm’s annual Christmas event tomorrow. One to 3. Wear a sweater or jacket.

What would Christmas be without Larry Smith? Larry’s annual Holiday Jazz Concert friday at The Studios of Key West. Always an enjoyable event. I will be there.

Wife Christine will be singing as only she can.

Leave well enough alone! My words directed to the Catholic Church.

Pope Frances announced he wants to reword the Lord’s Prayer. After 2,000 years!

His concern is with “Lead us not into temptation.” Claims it sounds like God is leading us into temptation when in reality it is the devil.

Blames the problem on the translations of the Lord’s Prayer over the years.

The Lord’s Prayer is part of the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christian traditions. Basically as presently worded.

There has been a movement in the Church towards the change for several years. Frances lending his support by his announcement.

The Catholic Churches of France and Spain have already adopted the change.

I remember years ago when the Catholic Church changed the Mass from Latin to English and mandated Church goers sing during services. I believe the Catholic Church lost half its followers because of the two changes.

God help Donald Trump! He needs it.

His very recent recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is having immediate consequences. Three days of fighting in the streets between Israelis and Palestinians. The violence is escalating by day. Yesterday, rockets from Gaza into Israel, retaliatory air strikes by Israel on the Gaza Strip.

Trump is bristling to get us into a war.

Richard Cohen in a recent article in the Washington Post made several interesting comments re Trump: He “has made us a meaner, smaller people.” “Moral principal has been replaced by political cowardice.” “This is America’s darkest hour.”

Eugene Robinson writes for the Washington Post, also. He recently wrote that the Party of Lincoln has devolved into the Party of Trump. The GOP today belongs to Trump.

The Republican Party no longer can claim the mantle of honesty and purity.

Displaced boats in the lower Keys because of Irma exceeding the number anticipated. Thought to be 1,300. Up to 1,500 already raised and cleared. More to go.

Overall in Florida, 2,069 boats have already been raised.

Irma did its job!

The State immediately began replacing trees following Irma. The trees are replanted close to each other. We have learned that planting trees close to each other helps them survive strong wind storms. The trees break the wind and protect each other.

Syracuse/Colgate at 2 this afternoon. Syracuse will win.

Irma and Me’s sales numbers good. Higher than expected at this point. I am pleased.

Irma and Me is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and KoboBooks.

Thus far, Irma and Me is the only book written re a person’s experiences involving Irma.

Enjoy your day!




I fell this morning. Again. Was not paying attention. Two steps. Forgot. Thought one. Went flying. Nothing broke. Hurt all over. A couple of bruises already. Blood thinner.

I have been an admirer of Paul Ryan for many years. Straight forward. Tells it the way it is. Till yesterday.

I am disappointed. He was on television explaining the House’s bills re repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. He was bullshitting viewers.

Some things not mentioned, others glossed over.

The first that there would be many uncovered that are covered now. Something like 15 million.

Cost of the new law unknown. We’ll get to the figures later. He expects the public to buy a pig in the poke.

No time to wait for the COB report which would set out numbers like uncovered and cost. Why the hurry? Because the COB’s numbers will show the large number of uncovered who are covered now and the high cost in many instances.

The proposed bill a boon to insurance companies.

Political chicanery at its worst. Trust us…..We’ll take care of you. Bullshit. The proposed bill is written for the rich and is a detriment to middle and lower income peoples.

Roger C. Kostmayer is a Key Wester who speaks his mind. Generally, his thoughts correct. Writes many Letters to the Editor.

In one published recently in KONK Life, he reminded readers of Paul Revere’s…..Beware, the British are coming! He transposed the saying to today’s events…..Beware, the Russians are coming! Additional thrust to his letter was that Russia’s cyber activity is a declaration of war. A new type war. We have to prepare to retaliate.

Enjoyed a manicure with Tammy yesterday. She asked if I had seen Jenna recently. Told her Jenna and I were having dinner Saturday night.

Happy Hour at Martin’s. The best happy hour in town! I enjoyed a couple of drinks, 3 small lamb chops and a chunk of warmed brie.

Did happy hour with Diana Millikan. We are exploring doing a book together. Something about Key West.

A Tom Favette joined us. A friend of Diana. A retired cigar maker. From the way he talked, apparently a big time one. An interesting man.

Left. Hurried over to bocce. When Diana finished her conversation with Tom Favette, she intended to go to San Carlos to hear a talk by Fidel Castro’s daughter.

Bocce fun. Team won 2 out of 3. Tough. Won the first two 16-15. Lost the third 16-5.

Seems like most people I know are sick or getting sick. A lot of cancer. One of my bocce lady friends came by to say hello. Always a hug and kiss. She appeared thinner.

She had cancer several years ago. Had a double mastectomy two weeks ago as a precautionary measure. The ladies rebuilt during the surgery.

A strong person. God bless her!

Did two Go Live videos yesterday on Facebook. One I referred to as the Silent Coup. Politics. Interesting. The other the Divided States of America. No question we are divided.

Trump wants to vet immigrants thoroughly. Hope he vets them better than General Flynn who he brought on as National Security Adviser.

Flynn lobbied from August to November last year on behalf of certain Turkish elements. His lobbying a secret. Recall, Flynn also spoke at the Republican Convention.

Flynn recently was identified by the FBI as a foreign agent doing work for a company that could aid the Turkish government. Two days later, Flynn filed with the appropriate agency that he was such a foreign agent. For his foreign agent work from August to November, he was paid $530,000.

Dinner tonight with my lesbian wives, Donna and Terri. Donna cooking. A guaranteed outstanding meal!

Enjoy your day!


Anne from Ithaca is a loyal follower of this blog. She commented on why I advised no blog yesterday. She gave me the benefit of the doubt. Thought because of the Orlando killings, I was saying nothing so people could ponder the event on their own before I expressed my thoughts.

Wish your observation was correct, Anne. Makes me look good. Thank you. Not the reason, however. I was tired.

This week’s KONK Life column is The Rape of Social Security. Researched it on saturday. Needed verification of some facts before writing. Rose at 6 yesterday morning to check the facts. Followed by putting the article together.

It was almost 11 when I finished. I was tired! Writing the blog would have been like climbing a mountain. Took a day off. Went to bed and slept till late afternoon.

I never knew of the Orlando disaster till late afternoon when I woke. Ergo, I cannot take credit for having made what Anne perceived as a thoughtful gesture.

Nevertheless, thank you Anne.

You do not need me to tell you the Orlando killings and injuries should not have been. The work of a radicalized young man. Anti-gay and anti-female. He had wrapped himself in his religion.

What blows me out is that the culprit was American born in New York City. Educated. Through college. Not some Muslim nut from the Middle East who somehow got into our country.

How did he get radicalized? My thought is the internet has to have been a major contributing factor. Information and contacts galore available 24 hours a day.

Yesterday was part of Gay Pride Week. The shootings occurred at a gay night spot. Pride Week being celebrated all over the United States. Including of course Key West.

Gays and straights alike wore black arm bands yesterday in Key West.

I want to stay with the Islamic mind/teachings for a moment. A Dutch woman was in Qatar. She had a drink at a bar. The next thing she remembers is waking up somewhere else. Waking up and discovering her body had been had. Raped. Suspects she was served a mickey at the bar.

She reported the incident to the police. They arrested her. The way it is in the Middle East. Women are not supposed to have sex outside marriage. If they do, it is automatically deemed to be the woman’s fault.

She was jailed in March. Tried this past week. Found guilty of illicit consensual fornication and drunkedness. Sentenced to a year in jail and three years probation. Sentence suspended. She is being thrown out of the country. Happily so.

They located the guy. Found guilty of illegal consensual sex and drinking alcohol. Got 100 lashes for the sex and 4o additional lashes for the drinking.

I would normally say these people are crazy. Muslims in general. However, I have seen the error of my ways and wish to be politically correct. Seriously so. Not all Muslims are driven by the thinking of the Orlando shooter nor the laws of Qatar. How do we distinguish between the good guys and the bad? Therein is the problem.

Trump’s comments following the killings off base. He shoots from the hip. Too volatile to be President.

Met Lynn Sherman at the Gardens last night. First time. She is an artist. A successful one. Her paintings sell. She paints fronts of homes on small canvases. She has had several showings at the Lucky Street Gallery.

An interesting woman. Good company.

My lesbian wives Donna and Terri are back in town. Ran into them saturday night at Tavern ‘n Town and last night at the Gardens. Glad they have opted to return. They add to the quality of Key West.

Met two interesting men at the bar at Tavern ‘n Town. Albert Sullivan and Richard Manley. One sitting to my left and the other to my right.

Albert is a physician-scientist. Richard the Manley of Manley de Boer for 40 years.

Humidity becoming a killer. Heavier each day. And it is only June!

Enjoy your day!



My Father was born April 10, 1914. He died four years ago at age 98. God bless him!

If he were still alive today, he would have been 102. Neither strange nor impossible. His sister Mary lived to 102.

I miss you, Dad!

I who am retired from bocce taught a newbe yesterday. At high noon. In the heat of the mid day sun.

Ken is a Chart Room friend. Has a home on White Street. He mentioned Friday night he had purchased a bag of balls, but did not know how to play. I offered to show him.

Turned out I am better at teaching than playing. Or, Ken is a super athlete. Whatever, Ken had a good time. As did I.

Yesterday afternoon was spent researching this week’s KONK Life column. Finally decided on a topic. Concerns Shakespeare. His compiled works, sexuality, and famous phrases. Famous phrases from his works like “wild goose chase, fair play, it’s Greek to me, and love is blind.” A winner!

I will write the column this afternoon.

Last night was Tavern ‘n Town. To enjoy a good meal and listen to Bobby Nesbitt.

I am glad the season is over. There was no difficulty getting a seat at the bar.

Met Cindy and Clara. Two lovely ladies. Cindy was on the other side of the bar. She came over alone at first to chat. She recognized me from a pic.

Love her! She has been reading the blog daily for years. Recommends it to her friends.

Cindy is a retired school teacher from Toms River, New Jersey. We are neighbors. She lives on Big Coppit. Spends eight months a year here.

Lovely and charming. Seemed to know everyone. I watched her after our little talk. She was chatting with friends at a table.

Clara joined us. Lovely, also. She and Cindy have been friends since school days. Clara visits Cindy every year here in the Keys. It was Clara’s birthday.

Bobby Nesbitt was at his best! He especially got to me with his rendition of My Way…..I took the blows, I did it my way.

Several middle aged couples came into the bar. It dawned on me that those in the 40-50 area always seem to be happy. Their faces glow. It is the right time for them. Things are good and they are able to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

A lot look like honeymooners. Perhaps that is the reason for the glow.

The Seven Mile Bridge Run is behind us. 1,500 participated yesterday.

This morning at 10 is the famous Cow Key Bridge Run. All of 300 feet. People costumed. Many as cows. The race is over as soon as it begins. Party time follows. No one too tired to party.

Pati, Pati, Pati. Pati Le Hat is a love of my life. Her faithful companion Blackie has been diagnosed with cancer. She is doing every thing to save him. The bills are mounting. A fundraiser is scheduled for 3-7 next Sunday at Grunts on Caroline. Food, etc. donated. Musician time, also. Mark your calendars.

Pope Frances is getting kicked around. By his own bishops. The bishops think Frances is too liberal, is violating Church doctrine, etc. The bishops are comparable to the far right in the U.S. Congress.

The latest skirmish involves letting divorced remarried Catholics receive Communion. The bishops say no. Remarried Catholics are living in adultery. Ergo, cannot partake of the sacraments. Frances says we are all God’s children, lets cut to the chase.

Enjoy your Sunday!





Poker Run 2015 is over. Most of the bikers left Key West yesterday afternoon. Roaring. In greater numbers than they came in. As many as 40 at a time.

Those who did not leave yesterday will leave this morning. The roar again.

A successful weekend. No trouble. The bikers not a problem. Bars had to do a big business.

I spent many hours yesterday writing this week’s KONK Life column. It publishes wednesday. The column took unusually long to write. Details. The title: U.S. War Ready? I strongly suggest you read it. Not necessarily for pleasure. For information you may not otherwise be aware.

Roostica for dinner. Spaghetti with meatballs, sausage, and pork. Just like my Grandmother made!

Olga waited on me. Obvious she is from another land. She has an accent. Business was slow. We had a chance to talk.

I was interested in where she came from and details of life there. Olga was born and raised in the old Soviet Union and then under whatever the name of her free country. I could not catch the name. It was not familiar.

Her homeland is far to the east in Russia. Near the Chinese border.

We talked of education. Interesting. Most stories similar to Flora’s. Some different.

Olga loves the USA!

The New York Times carries a shocking front page news release this morning. Afghan village commanders have sex slaves they keep handcuffed to their beds. Young boys. Apparently part of Afghan tradition. Called bacha bazi.

American soldiers could hear the boys screaming at night. They were told not to pay attention nor interfere. It was part of Afghan custom and to be tolerated.

What the hell are we doing over there? Their ways are thousands of years old. We will change nothing.

Pope Francis arrives tomorrow. He will speak at some point to a joint session of Congress. Some Republicans are complaining. and not with the respect the Catholic leader is entitled to.

The complaining Republicans think the Pope is too liberal. He believes in climate change, equality of pay, is opposed to gun manufacturers. All social problems. All within the purview with which he should have concern. All matters Republicans prefer to ignore.

They fail to mention the Pope is anti-abortion.

Greek elections a surprise. Tsipras reelected. His Syriza Party won handily. A sign the Greeks respected his efforts in spite of the fact that he failed regarding the Eurounion debt. I am confident Tsipras will take another shot at the problem in due course. Never say die!

Oh, my Syracuse! Three consecutive wins. The true test next saturday. Against ranked LSU. The Vegas line is LSU by 24.

Enjoy your day!