I am not a fan of Attorney general Jeff Sessions. My prior writings and talk shows clearly evidence my feelings.
However, I give him credit for his present stand against Trump. Especially where Trump complains that Sessions has failed to prosecute Hillary Clinton for purported wrong doings.
Sessions has been firm from day one that he would not pursue Clinton. During his Senate confirmation hearing in January, Sessions stated re a Hillary Clinton prosecution: “This country does not punish its political enemies.”
Third world countries jail political enemies. We are above such conduct. Though Trump keeps trying to pull us into that swamp.
Mini lobster season began yesterday. It ends today.
The weather was horrible yesterday. Two extremely heavy rainstorms.
Two sad occurrences. A man died off Bahia Honda State Park. A 16 year old girl lost a finger while getting out of a boat.
I started my yesterday with a visit to Dr. McIvor, my heart doctor. A test scheduled. One test lead to a second and different one. I get the results monday.
The Chart Room first last night. Dead! Never have seen it so quiet. Chatted with Shawn and a lady customer. She waits tables at Island Dog. Business slow for her also yesterday. She and Shawn were lamenting how little they made or were making in tips yesterday.
Then to Tavern ‘n Town for dinner.
Quiet, also.
Rob entertaining.
Met Chris and Marty. Married. Dogs, no children. Both have lived in Key West for years. Both soft ware engineers.
We talked about everything. From high rental prices to difficult tourists to the Bubba system to the New York Finger Lakes. They love upstate New York’s Finger Lakes and have visited several times.
Rick Perry is in Trump’s Cabinet. He is Secretary of Energy. Formerly, Governor of Texas. He has a charming personality, appears intelligent.
He got “punked.” Means someone fooled/deceived him in a telephone call.
What follows raises the question as to how much vetting does the Trump administration do.
Perry took a telephone call from a person he assumed was the Prime Minister of the Ukraine. Petro Poroshenko. They had met a month before. They discussed increasing American coal exports to the Ukraine, sanctions against Russia, helping the Ukraine develop oil and gas deposits, and the Paris Climate Accord.
A 22 minute telephone conversation.
It was not the Ukraine Prime Minister. It was a comedian. Two, actually. Vladimir Krasnoo and Alexei Stolyarov. Known professionally as the Jerky Boys of Russia.
Again, where the hell was the vetting? How does something like this happen? Is nothing sacred in government today?
Impeachment is in the air. Lightly. Not heavy yet.
On this day in 1974, the House Judiciary Committee recommended President Richard Nixon be impeached.
USA Today ran an interesting article on male sperm yesterday. The quantity and quality has been down 1.6 percent a year since 1973. A drop of 59.3 percent.
Not a U.S. problem alone. Similar numbers in the rest of North America, Europe and Australia.
The decline attributed to several causes. Women smoking during pregnancy could affect a son’s fertility years later, male obesity, pesticides, and stress.
Two things scheduled for noon time. A haircut with Lori. The car gets washed.
The car has not been washed in months. The outside looks clean because of the frequent rains. The inside looks like I have been sleeping in the car.
Enjoy your day!