Dallas last night. St. Anthony and Baton Rouge a few days earlier. Multiple black killings by police officers the past several years.

You know the facts. I want to share a few sayings that from my perspective apply to the Dallas killings: Violence begets violence. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You hit me, I’m going to hit you back harder. What goes around, comes around.

The problem is now totally out of hand.

One positive: Cell phone cameras.

A couple of items involving Key West notables.

Ernest Hemingway. Beloved Key West resident for ten years. Hemingway was wounded this day in 1918. Severely wounded. He was 18 years old. An ambulance driver with the Red Cross. Stationed on the Italian-Austrian front.

A mortar shell landed nearby. Some were killed, others wounded. Though severely wounded, Hemingway carried one of the other wounded out of danger. Hemingway had no recollection of the event afterwards. The Italian government awarded him a medal for valor.

John Spottswood. A Key West icon. His name will be remembered for all time as one of those who made Key West great.

Spottswood was a four term sheriff and a four term state senator. Also, a big Democrat. He owned at one time the Casa Marina and La Concha hotels.

He fathered four sons. All successful business persons today. All contributors to the Key West scene.

I only know one. Robert Spottswood. And, his wife Elena. Two better people do not exist. First class in every respect.

Interestingly, the Spotswoods today own the Marriott Beachside. One of Key West’s finest hotels. Robert is responsible for the management of the Marriott Beachside.

PT-109 was being filmed in 1962. The story of John Kennedy during World War II. The movie was filmed on Munson Island. Today known as Little Palm Island.

John Spottswood owned Munson Island at the time.

As a side note, Cliff Robertson played Kennedy. Many years later, I was privileged to meet Robertson. He was ancient in appearance. Clear in mind. Dapperly dressed.

He was in Key West to head up an international fund raiser for the Mel Fisher Museum. He was Honorary Chairman.

Oxitec. The British company that wants to test their genetically modified mosquitoes in Key Haven. They found another guinea pig. The Cayman Islands. The testing begins next week.

This does not mean the Key Haven test is dead. Don’t know.

Yesterday morning, it was a haircut with Lori. Her husband’s name is Jamie.

Then a walk. I did it in Home Depot. Air conditioned. The humidity outside too heavy.

My column in KONK Life this week is Who Pays for Booze and Balloons? The financing of national political conventions. It is estimated each convention will cost $100 million this year.

The column hit the stands yesterday. It was linked to my Key West Lou website this morning. It also was run in this morning’s KONK E-Blast.

Enjoy your day!


Tonight…..Terri White sings! At Blue Heaven. 6:30-9:30.

This is Terri’s first Key West performance since returning. She is retired. Moved back home to Key West with her wife Donna. Terri will do an occasional Key West gig. Nothing more.

Terri is officially retired. She had no choice. She went blind rather suddenly in one eye. If my recollection is correct, her last solo performance was at Kennedy Center. She fell off the stage. Her depth perception is shot.

I will be at Blue Heaven enjoying Terri. My evening will be doubly pleasing. Jenna will be with me.

I did nothing yesterday. Laid around. Read, napped and watched TV. I am taking it easy till we are sure what if anything is going on with my heart.

Hemingway. I have been reading a lot of Hemingway this past week. Not his works. Stories about the man himself. Interesting and revealing.

Hemingway was not a nice guy all the time. Especially as he got older. Mean.

Once an enemy, always an enemy. He wrote of his former friends, now enemies, as characters in his books. Making them look bad.

His sex life all over the place. Besides several wives, he had at least two long term affairs with lesbian women. Who apparently became bi as a result.

Hemingway is considered to have been bisexual by several who wrote about him. Going as far back as F. Scott Fitzgerald during their Paris days.

I would love to write a Hemingway column taking in all these facets. Too much involved, however. Also, I would owe it to the man to research even more deeply than I have. A lot of work. A ton of material. It would have to be a novel.

Anna telephoned yesterday from the Milan airport. She was waiting for a plane to Athens. She decided not to let the immigration problem screw up her summer.

She will spend a few days in Athens in a small hotel near Playka. She promised to visit my favorite outside cafe and drink a silent gin and tonic toast to me.

Her second stop will be Santorini. Things safe there, she says. After that, not sure. Maybe Amorgos.

I envy her.

She mentioned that Silvio Berlusconi had heart surgery ten days ago in Milan. An aortic valve replacement. Appears to be doing well.

My primary problem is with my aortic valve. Interestingly, my father’s problem was with his aortic valve.

Anna follows Berlusconi’s doings closely. Most Italians do. In spite of everything, he is a loved man in Italy. Anna says Putin has been in constant touch with Berlusconi. The two are known close friends. Putin built a home next door to Berlusconi in Portofino.

Trump in Scotland as seen on TV. Boring. Unimpressive.

My sense is he did not have a crowd. Hard to determine. The camera remained on him and never showed us those listening to him.

Americans are movie lovers. Especially of the old west. On this day in 1876, the Battle of Little Bighorn took place. Custer and his 200 men were wiped out by Chiefs Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. The Native Americans had 3,000 against Custer’s 200.

I have to research this week’s KONK Life column today. I research on saturday and write on sunday. My usual problem again. Do not know yet what I am going to write about.

Enjoy your day!




A new bocce season is underway. Not actually new. It is already mid-season.

Though I no longer play, I stop by to watch. Technically, Don and David continue to carry me on the roster as a team member. They also make sure a bottle of Beefeaters is available for whenever I show up.

The team is doing well. Last night, they won 2 out of 3 games. They have had many wins similar in number this season. I mentioned it was hard to be fighting for first place if a game a week is being lost. In spite of two victories each time.

I asked what place the team was in. Sixth. Proved my point I told them. No, it did not. In sixth place, two games out of first. Appears everyone is having the same problem this season.

The team looked good. Very good. Amazing the improvement that has occurred over the years.

It was late when bocce finished. I was hungry. No dinner. I stopped at Outback for a small steak.

Spent yesterday afternoon doing nothing. Sat out on the deck by the water reading and snoozing.

April is National Poetry Month. The Florida Keys Community College is sponsoring a poetry recital next thursday April 14 at 2 in  the afternoon. In the College library. Speakers will recite classic, contemporary, and self-crafted poetry. Sounds like an interesting and exciting afternoon.

Some, not all, are turned on by poetry. I am. If you are, join me at the College. The sponsors promise a fun event.

It appears the brakes have been put on the GM mosquito issue. For a time only. The FDA has extended the public comment period because of the furor over the issue.

One thing continues to aggravate me. Those that write re the issue fail to correctly report/explain an important detail. They report the FDA determined there was no significant impact. Sounds like FDA approval for use of the GM mosquitos from a human impact perspective.

Not correct!!!

The FDA study/research re no significant impact had nothing to do with being safe for humans. The chemicals used were safe to be used on male mosquitos. Such was the finding. Nothing more.

No independent/outside source has yet to report re safety to human beings.

Another Hemingway tidbit. On this day in 1928, Hemingway arrived in Key West for the first time on a steam ship from Havana.

The Flint lead problem has goosed federal agencies to be more careful. A good result from a bad situation.

The FDA issued a warning re infant rice cereal. An increase in arsenic levels has been found.

Parents have been warned to avoid infant rice cereals that fail to meet a certain level. The level is 100 parts per billion (ppb). Most cereals are at that level or a bit over. Around 110. I don’t know if the extra 10 points make a difference. Whatever, parents be aware.

June, where are you?

Enjoy your day!





There is an old proverb…..For want of a nail, the shoe was lost. Followed by the horse, rider, battle and Kingdom being lost.

Yesterday, for want of a $13 payment, my blog was lost.

The blog never appeared.

Last week, one of my credit cards was fraudulently used. The Fraud Bureau picked it up and cancelled the card. I have been using a temp since then awaiting my new card from the bank.

The card cancelled was the one I have used for years to pay a monthly $13 fee to GoDaddy. GoDaddy had the card number and took $13 out of the account each month.

GoDaddy is a domain builder, domain registrar, etc. I am not exactly sure what GoDaddy does. However, it is the beginning of this blog and the foundation/platform for everywhere the blog goes, how it gets there, etc.

GoDaddy shut my blog down because my card was no longer good. All for $13. Therein lies the reason no blog yesterday.

An entity and person died this past weekend. Both renown. Syracuse University and Tom Oosterhoudt.

Syracuse made the Final Four. Lost to North Carolina last night. Beat badly. I am not destroyed. Syracuse overachieved in the tournament. Boeheim and the team outdid themselves.

Whatever abilities carried Syracuse to this point in the tournament were absent last night. The pre tournament Syracuse team was on the floor.

Such is life. Again, I compliment the team and coach for having made it as far they did. Made an otherwise poor season a great season!

Tom Oosterhoudt a Key West icon and legend. Died early friday morning in a Miami hospital at age 65.

Tom a former City Commissioner and presently editor/publisher of Conch Color. Tom started Conch Color 11 years ago. He and his mother Mary Ann Worth own Casa Antigua on Simonton.

The Casa Antigua carries with it a piece of Key West history that Tom was proud of. Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway came to Key West by ship from Paris in 1928. The Casa Antigua then known as the Trev-Mor Hotel. Where Pelican Poop was located for years was the Trev-Mor Ford dealership. Hemingway had ordered a Ford to drive north from Key West.

The Ford had not arrived. Hemingway and his then wife were put up by the Trev-Mor people at the Trev-Mor Hotel. Two weeks later, the car arrived. By that time, Hemingway was sold on Key West. He did not leave till years later. He spent the next two years living at the Trev-Mor Hotel. Then bought his famous home on Whitehead Street.

While living at the Trev-Mor those two years, Hemingway finished A Farewell to Arms.


Last night was Tavern ‘n Town early with June. Had to be home before 9 to watch the Syracuse game. Bobby Nesbitt entertaining. Ran into Harrell Odom and Barry Cook from Nashville. Snowbirds. Harrell a heart doctor. I met Harrell several years ago at a dinner party at Donna Barnett’s.

Research complete for this week’s KONK Life column. Writing the column next. Will do it this afternoon. Not sure of the title yet. The column has to do with he failure of America’s educational system. Education being something more of us should pay attention to rather than merely giving lip service.

Temperature 88 yesterday. A one day cold spell upon us. High today only 78. I hope you find amusing my representation re the drop in temperature.

Enjoy your Sunday!




Cohabitation is living together without benefit of marriage. Sex and/or passion presumed. Early in American history, cohabitation was a crime. Once in many States. Now, only three.

Florida is one of three. Conviction means a fine up to $500 and up to 60 days in jail.

No one has been charged and/or convicted of cohabitation in ever so long. An antiquated law. No one pays any attention to the law. Properly so.

Yet, Florida has been trying to get the law off the books for years. The State Legislature fails to cooperate. Another try is in the works this year. Why can’t Florida get the law off the books?

I stayed in all day nursing my cold.

Spent the afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column Late Night Diner. The story of Edward Hopper and Nighthawks. A little Hemingway and Jack Baron included. The column publishes wednesday.

WOW, is it cold! Low last night 60. 63 at the moment. High today 65. My body picked a good time to get a cold!

Syracuse/Duke tonight. At Duke. Duke a 10.5 point favorite. I will be watching. I am fighting depression this season.

The World Almanac section of today’s Key West Citizen has a pointed quote by the French philosopher Baron de Montesquieu: “Not to be loved is unfortunate, but it is an insult to be loved no longer.” Right on as to a dumped lover or spouse.

I have three appointments today. Dentist, physiotherapy and doctor. Have to cancel all three. The cold controls.

Enjoy your day!



Tom Oosterhaudt publishes a popular Key West weekly. Conch Color. A well done work. His editorial this week involves Paris and Hemingway.

Hemingway spent seven years in Paris. He wrote of those years. The book Paris Est Une Fete. Translated, Paris Is A Party. The book was published in the U.S. also. The title different. A Moveable Feast. Why, I do not know.

The book was published long ago. Not mentioned in years. Till the recent Paris terrorist attack. The book came alive again. It is #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List.

Tom’s excellent editorial contains a Hemingway quote at the end. Reflective of Hemingway’s ability to blend words. “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.”

I spent yesterday afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. The Eiffel Tower. A biography of the Eiffel Tower.  I was motivated to write something about Paris for the same reason as Tom. The terrorist attack. The column publishes wednesday.

Dinner last night at Tavern ‘n Town. I read Conch Color and Tom’s editorial while enjoying dinner at the bar.

Sue Puskedra is lovely, talented and hard working. She owns and operates Susie’s Key West Estates Sales. Does an excellent job. I know from experience.

Susie conducted an estate sale this past weekend that saddens me. I suspect also many Key Westers. After 21 years, Pelican Poop has closed its doors. A Key West icon gone. Never to return.

Paris continues to be in the news. The Paris Climate Summit begins today. Nearly 200 nations attending. Thousands of staff. I agree global warming is a problem. A significant one. However, I doubt the conference will have much success. Too many countries and corporations with divergent  interests affected.

I have yet to visit Paris. A must do for me. Hopefully in the near future. I have visited several small French towns at the foot of Mont Blanc. Ski country. I liked the area. The people not so much. I found the French to be snobbish.

Global warming and climate change being felt in Key West this year. The sea level has risen. Streets normally not flooded are flooded with salt water. Without a major rainstorm.

There is a three day conference beginning tomorrow at Casa Marina to begin dealing with the problem.

Tough to go undefeated in any sport these days. The Patriots found out yesterday when they lost to Denver 30-24. I watched parts of the game. The ability to play a game in snow and cold amazes me.

I am back to Body Owners today. I have not been on the anti-gravity treadmill since last wednesday. My body tells me I have missed it.

Enjoy your day!





Another magnificent morning! The beauty shines as bright as the sun. Blue sky, blue waters. Mangoes and palm trees reflecting the sun.

Who could ask for anything more?

There has to be one happy woman this morning in Key West. Ninety year old Gloria June Suarez White. She grew up at 617 Grinnell St. In 1940, at the age of 15, she was Miss Key West 1940. This morning’s Key West Citizen has a picture of the lovely 1940 beauty queen. I wish they had run a picture of Gloria in her 90 year old glory, also.

I spent yesterday afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. It publishes wednesday. The Selling of America. The story of how political contributions rule America. Guaranteed enjoyable reading.

Tavern ‘n Town for dinner in the evening. Interesting reading and interesting people.

I was glancing through the Key West Weekly. A couple of great lines/thoughts. Like Trump…..It’s his hair! Another …..You might be a Bubba if…..You’ve been kicked out of Don’s Place for a dress code violation.

I had the good fortune to sit next to James “Jim” Wallis and friend Arlene. The conversation was interesting. Jim lives on Torch Key. He works at Little Palm Island. A great place to be employed!

Jim once ran for President. President of the United States. I could not understand how. Write in, whatever. He got two votes. Good for him! He is probably the only living former Presidential candidate living in the Keys.

Yesterday was Battle of the Bars. A local charity fundraiser. In its 22nd year. Bartenders do all kinds of crazy competitive things. Like racing each other with a tray of drinks. Cannot lose a drink!

Battle of the Bars is a Schooner Wharf centered event. The best place for it! Last year’s winners both of the event and the bragging rights that go with it was the Half Shell Raw Bar.

Unfortunately, I missed the event yesterday. I did not plan my time properly. Getting this week’s KONK Life column out took precedence.

Monroe County is considering using tax money for affordable housing. As I consistently hold, Key West businesses should pay higher wages. You can’t pay a mortgage on $10 or $12 an hour. The hotel and tourist businesses have had five consecutive good years. Spread the wealth a bit! Leave tax dollars out of the equation.

Those who have been here a while can remember. The Copa Nightclub. Burned down in a fire this day in 1995. Rebuilt, though not as the Copa of old. A similar business has never made it in the same location. The magic went down with the fire.

Hemingway finished writing A Farewell To Arms while living in Key West. I enjoy old movies. During the night, I had difficulty sleeping. Flipped on the TV set. There was A Farewell To Arms staring Rock Hudson and Jennifer Jones.

Hemingway and his A Farewell To Arms characters spent much time at Lake Maggiore. Lake Maggiore sits between Italy and Switzerland. The row boat escape took place on Lake Maggiore.

I have been fortunate to have visited Lake Maggiore several times. Beautiful old Italian towns. Obviously once a high end place to vacation. Still is. The hotels are old, though well kept. I drank in Hemingway’s favorite hotel/bar. Like going to Church!

Enjoy your day!


Went to the movies last night. Saw Trainwreck. Thought it was a wreck.

I went to view the movie because of all the hype it has been receiving. A great funny show. Contemporary sex. I was not impressed.

The first third of the movie I had trouble staying awake. The rest of the movie had its funny parts. If contemporary sex is as was represented, I have missed out on a lot. I am sure I have. It is a different world.

LeBron James is in the movie. He has a significant part. Plays himself. He is an actor! No question about it. The man has talent in a second field. The thought occurred during the movie that his performance was worthy of an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

I was right on. This morning’s news reports James signed a major Hollywood contract yesterday.

Trainwreck was the last stop of the evening. Prior to the movie, I enjoyed an early dinner at Tavern ‘n Town. Michael Emerson entertaining. Enjoyed his singing.

Hot Tin Roof’s Joseph came in for dinner. Went over to his table to say hello. I like Joseph.

Across the bar from me were two Key West lovelies I seem to be running into frequently of late. Sisters Mary and Jeneane. Friends from the Pier House. They were with a woman of Asian extraction. A beauty.

My morning began with the anti-gravity treadmill at Body Owners. For whatever reason, knocked me on my ass yesterday. I was dead all afternoon. Spent the afternoon in bed after lunching at Hogfish. I thought food would pep me up. It did not.

I plan of visiting the Farmers Market at lunch time today. The refrigerator is empty. I want to buy a few Farmers Market items before heading over to Publix.

Hemingway Days continue. Hemingway boxed. Enjoyed mixing it up. He encouraged other Key Westers to box. Neighborhood boxing matches were held at Blue Heaven. Hemingway refereed them.

In addition to fishing, boxing, and writing books, Hemingway wrote poems. As part of Hemingway Days, there will be a reading of his poems tonight at Blue Heaven. The program titled Papa’s Poems. Early. Like 5 o’clock.

Anna reports she had a great meal at Mythos last night. Mythos roasted a baby goat on a spit. Anna says it tasted like lamb. I believe it. Mythos did a goat for me on my last visit to Amorgos.

My KONK Life column re Planned Parenthood and the sale of fetus body parts hit the stands last night. It is available throughout the Keys today. I linked it to my Key West Lou website this morning. Read it and believe!

Enjoy your day!




The anti-gravity treadmill has an attached TV screen. I have become addicted to The Price Is Right. Never watched the show before the treadmill. Yesterday, no Price Is Right. Instead, the available stations all carried the opening of the Cuba Embassy in Washington.

An impressive event. More so because of its significance. Another step closer in the U.S. relationship with our neighbor. I was moved the moment the Cuban and U.S. flags were raised simultaneously in front of the Embassy.

It is probably because Key West is only 90 miles from Cuba. I have a great interest in the renewal of the relationship. I wanted to write a blog marrying everyday Key West events with Cuba. I found a Cuban organization that was putting together a Cuban/U.S. blog. They only wanted Cubans or persons of Cuban extraction however. I continue looking.

Went from the treadmill to Roostica for lunch. Had a luncheon meeting. I continue to be impressed by the business Roostica does. Quality and prices have to be the main contributing factors.

Spent the afternoon researching tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. The show interesting once again. Not because of me. Rather due to events which occurred this past week. Like Warren Buffet buying a Greek island , China moving its ass, the hourly and daily cost of the Afghan war, the newest way to transport cocaine, Trump, examples of how banks control us, a United States of Europe, and more.

Join me for a quick moving half hour. Nine my time.

The Chart Room first last night. Only David and me. Then to the Hot Tin Roof for a bite to eat. Four “Chart Room regulars” at the bar. I have noticed recently a fall off of regulars at the Chart Room. For example, most are at the outside bar at the Galleon friday nights.

My imagination?

Today the start of Hemingway Days. Exhibits at the Custom House and Tennessee Williams.

Today special in another way. Today marks Hemingway’s birthday.

On July 20, 1985, Mel Fisher hit the Atocha mother lode. $400 million of gold, silver and emeralds. God bless America!

One of the two divers making the find was Andy Matroci. He is still alive and kicking. He lives on Eagle Street in Key West and captains the J.B. Magruder salvage boat.

The last day of the British Open exciting. Especially the four hole playoff. Zach Johnson the winner.

Johnson moving when interviewed afterwards. A humble religious man. Thirty nine, he was not ashamed to cry. He is a first class representative for professional golf.

I overslept. Have to move my ass. A haircut appointment with Lori.

Enjoy your day!



Another beautiful Key West morning! A calm one. Nothing moving. Water still. No breeze. Birds chirping. I stepped out on the deck. I felt the whole world was mine.

President Obama’s eulogy at Reverend Pinckney’s service moved me. My emotions got involved. Tears filled my eyes. I thought it was one of man’s great orations. The feeling apparently mutual. Media persons over the weekend have expressed themselves in a similar fashion.

Amazing Great was part and parcel of the eulogy. In fact, part and parcel of the service.

Several years ago, I wrote an article for Amazon Kindle titled Amazing Grace. The story/history behind the Amazing Grace of today. Several times I have reprinted the article. I did again yesterday. Called it Amazing Grace Revisited.

I was motivated by President Obama’s singing of the classic during the eulogy.

Amazing Grace Revisited is this week’s column in KONK Life. Publishes wednesday.

Love Publix! The crossroads of Key West!

Yesterday afternoon ran into Albert and his family. Albert was my trainer at WeBeFit. A terrific guy. Special. Albert was pushing his cart accompanied by his wife. Inside sat Angelina. Their eight month old daughter.

First time I had seen her. A beauty! The face, the hair, the eyes. The eyes especially. Reminded me of the Gerber baby.

God bless!

A week ago on June 23, this blog was titled Cuban Hemingway House. Hemingway’s Cuban home called Finca Vigia. Run down. Filled with Hemingway books, letters and photos. Beat up from the humidity over the years. The home is closed. No tours, etc. as here in Key West.

My article was motivated by the news that an American foundation was providing a not for profit Cuban group with just under $900,000 to save the items. An example of little things beginning to happen because of warming relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

This morning’s Key West Citizen retold the story. With much more detail and photographs.

The Citizen article revealing. Dink Bruce is a local. Everyone knows Dink. A warm sociable guy. The article reveals that Dink’s father Bruce was a good friend of Hemingway. Bruce did the renovations to Finca Vigia when Hemingway acquired the property. Dink still has some of the renovation drawings.

A small world. One way or another, we all seem to be connected.

Lest I forget, two of Hemingway’s greatest works were written while he lived at Finca Vigia. For Whom The Bells Toll and The Old Man And The Sea.

Greece. WOW days ahead! Greece and the Eurounion are split. Greece is on its own. Unbelievable money problems ahead for Greece. Perhaps also the Eurounion.

Greece has already announced that banks will be closed for six days. Only 60 euros a day may be removed from ATM accounts. The problem is that there are only enough euros left to supply the ATM machines for 3 days. Then, what? Will the drachma return? Or as far fetched as it sounds, will Greece adopt the American dollar as its currency?

My friend Anna telephoned from Novara yesterday. She is scheduled to fly to Greece for a month’s vacation tomorrow. She is fearful of going. I e-mailed her this morning and told her to go somewhere else. Greece will be uncertain for a while.

I would love to be in Greece at this time. Athens and the islands. It will be exciting! Protests, demonstrations. Who knows what else. A moment in history. Not in my plans however.

Have to hustle. Anti-gravity treadmill later this morning.

Enjoy your day!