It cannot be left unsaid. The situation worsens by day. Trump is insane and incompetent.

The brown shirts marched saturday in Charlottesville. Accompanied by those who believe white people are better than others. Accompanied by those who once covered their bodies and faces in white sheets.

All haters.

Bannon came out of the woodwork. Spoke at length about his beliefs. A revolutionary at heart. Seeking the overthrow of existing government.

Bannon Trump’s Rasputin.

Is a Reichstag next? The White House or Capitol? If so, all that will remain will be the concentration camps.

America stand up!

Impeachment will come. The grounds set forth in Article II section 4 of the Constitution: “…..impeachment for…..Treason, Bribery, and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Stopped at Don’s Place first last night. Jimmy and John at the bar. Deep sorrow. Joanie not doing well. Hospice has been called in.

Then to the Chart Room.

John bartending. English Peter at the bar. Jean Thornton and Erika Biddle stopped in.

The last time I saw Erika Biddle was at Publix. I wrote about her at the time. Went back and discovered it was April 27, 2015.

At the time, a lovely blond woman came over and said, “You’re Louis Petrone.” She was familiar with my KONK Life writings and radio show. She wanted to tell me.

When she told me she was Erika Biddle, I was ashamed. I should have been searching her out. One of my Key West idols.

Last night was the second time we met.

Erika German born. A community activist where ever she has lived. An environmentalist at heart.

She arrived in Key West in 1994. Her first thought was: “This is the only city I’ve ever visited where I am not the most eccentric person around.” She remains to this day. An intrinsic part of the community. All heart.

Erika takes up causes that others might not. Unpopular ones included. This tiny woman carries the pain of others on her shoulders.

I hope I do not have to wait two more years before visiting with her again.

I was hungry. Stopped at Outback for prime rib. Ran into Doc and his wife.

I have known Doc some 20 years. Used to play golf with him. Only know him as Doc. A retired surgeon from Philadelphia.

We chatted a bit. I rarely run into people older than me. Mentioned I was 82. They shocked me! He 83 and she 85. Both appear in their mind 60’s.

A fun conversation ensued.

Dinner tonight at Berlin’s with Jenna. For sure. She just confirmed.

Enjoy your day!


The New York Times reported this morning that Trump associates were being looked at for money laundering. Not a major portion of the article. Came up at the very end. The thrust of the writing was the news that Trump was being investigated by Mueller.

I have taken the position for six or seven months that in the end it would be money laundering that would bring Trump down. In this blog, my podcast and Facebook video, I have taken that position. More than once in each place.

I am not claiming to be an oracle of wisdom. I did however pick up on the money laundering several months ago in researching a separate matter. I also talk to tourists/people constantly about certain issues. Key West a good place to do so. Everyone is here at one time or another.

Now we wait to see what will happen. The hole dug by Trump and associates gets deeper by the day.

The Chart Room first last night. An unusual crowd for this time of the year. Wall to wall.

John bartending. He was training Bart who will bartend tuesday evenings at the Chart Room and three other evenings at the Beach Bar. Bart needed no training. He has bartended for 12 years at various Duval drinking establishments.

Janyne walked by the Chart Room on her way home. I nodded for her to come in. Chatted a bit. A lovely lady. A great personality.

Stopped at Outback on the way home. A small prime rib, baked potato and steamed vegetables.

Then, home.

I was on the road at 4. My evening finished by 8. Home in bed at 8:30. Fell asleep. Woke at one and have been awake ever since.

The moral: Never go to bed early unless you need the sleep.

Howard and Cindy Livingston are two of the nicest people in the Keys. I have known Howard for years. Even before he was the Howard Livingston he is today.

Howard a success. As is Cindy. She works every gig with him in one fashion or another. Also provides the moral support a good woman gives her man.

Neither Howard nor Cindy were born in Key west. However, they are loved by all and participate in many charitable events. Recently, Mayor Cates awarded each a certificate designating them as Honorary Conchs.

A big deal!

I recently read something concerning Pepe’s. The great restaurant on Caroline.

Pepe’s is the oldest restaurant in Key West. Born 1909.

Pepe’s special meal is steak smothered in pork chops. Outstanding! Enough for three!

The article seemed to suggest Pepe’s was serving the steak smothered in pork chops back in 1909. Correct? I will have dinner soon at Pepe’s to find out.

Every now and then I enjoy traveling back hundred of years to a significant person or place. Several times, I have visited Dante.

It is Dante again today.

Dante aka Dante Alighieri. On this date in 1300 A.D., Dante became a prior of Florence. He was one of six. they ran Florence politically.

Dante irritated some leading citizens. In 1302, he was banned from Florence.

How swiftly the mighty fall!

Dante and his family became wanderers. They sought the protection of several cities over the years.

The reason I mention Dante today is that during his years as a wanderer, he wrote The Divine Comedy.

A busy morning. A haircut with Lori and a visit to Farmers Market.

Enjoy your day!


History repeats itself. No question. In one fashion or another.

Recall Auschwitz. Hitler’s pride. An example of German efficiency.

The gas chambers were so effective, that the bodies could not be disposed of fast enough. Mass graves were not doing the job. Crematoriums came into play. Burn the bodies! Quicker, cleaner, less burdensome. Also, ashes not discoverable in later years. Mass graves are.

Some 70 years later comes Syria’s Assad. Guilty of mass executions. Problem was body disposition and secrecy. A crematorium was constructed at Sednaya Military Prison. Problem resolved.

Note Assad has killed thousands without resort to judicial proceedings.

Assad is supported by Russia and Saudi Arabia. The United States supports the rebels opposing Assad. Russia is supposedly not the U.S.’s friend. Perhaps Trump’s however. Saudi Arabia has become a much closer friend since last week’s visit by Trump. Trump was sucked up to big time.

Zeroing in on Saudi Arabia, how can the U.S. be friends with a friend and supporter of a mass executioner such as Assad?

Trump forgets who our friends are. He plays up to despots while insulting and ignoring those who have been friends of the U.S. for years.

I was correct re the effect of the south wind yesterday. The rain storm came at 6:30 last night. Heavy and prolonged. Streets flooded.

The last block to my home deeper in rain water than I have ever seen. I questioned whether I should drive it. The alternative was walking through water 12-18 inches deep. I said screw it. Hit the pedal hard and rammed through the water.

The Chart Room first last night. Kevin and Holly there. John bartending. Quiet. We chatted for a couple of hours. A lot of laughing involved.

Stopped at Outback on the way home for dinner.

Memorial Day Weekend begins tomorrow. Key West will be buried in tourists. Everyone having a good time.

Much will be going on. One of the highlights of the weekend is the Schooner Wharf Minimal Regatta sunday. Don’t miss it! Lots of laughs!

Dr. Cori Convertino is a talented woman. She is the Curator at the Key West Art and Historical Society. Located at the Custom House.

Tomorrow night a new exhibit opens. One Dr. Convertino has spent months working on. Overseas to the Keys: Henry Flagler’s Overseas Railway Exhibit.

John Kennedy had a way of inspiring. He made us feel we could accomplish the impossible. He gave us pride.

On this day in 1961, Kennedy announced his plan to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

We believed him!

Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon on July 21, 1969.

Kennedy pride. Not the Trump pride Trump tries to foist on us.

Staying with Trump for a moment, Trump reminds me of what happens when a pebble is thrown into a pool of water. The circle caused where the pebble hit grows. Ring after ring. Each larger than the previous

Sort of like……Woe the web we weave when first we seek to deceive.

Enjoy your day!







April Fools Day was born during the Middle Ages. Which means a lot of people have celebrated the day. Even George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. And Donald Trump, of course. I am sure our President has a sense of humor beyond the guillotine and tweeting.

Periodically, an April Fools joke is created which exceeds all others.

Like the 1957 BBC aired spaghetti grows on trees news report. The BBC had discovered a Swiss family that was harvesting long strands of pasta from spaghetti trees.

Thousands were interested. Though the news report was for real.

The BBC continued the joke by advising callers that all that was required to grow spaghetti was to place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.

A 1998 advertisement by Burger King hit big. Burger King took  a full page ad in USA Today. Announced a new menu item. A left handed burger.

Thousands ordered the left handed burger over the next few days.

A date for drinks with Callie last night. At Louie’s Backyard. The place we met last week.

Three hours of good company. I enjoyed, she enjoyed.

Callie runs a catering business. Small dinner parties and cocktail parties. She previously was pastry chef for several years at Louie’s. Got bored doing the same thing every day.

Her company is Provisions of Key West. She can be reached at 305-433-1677.

Callie knows everything about food. Its historical derivations, different ways to prepare, etc. I was impressed. We got as far back as Greece 1300 B.C.

I have been on a diet. Eleven pounds in 12 days. Hate it! Eating little and walking more. Yesterday, I only had two hard boiled eggs and some cottage cheese before meeting Callie. Four drinks later, I had to eat.

Stopped at Outback on the way home. A six ounce filet mignon, sweet baked potato with nothing on it, and steamed vegetables.

Robert has bartended at Outback for years. We have become friends over that time.

As I sat down, he immediately started telling me how his 4 1/2 year old was sick. Down. Experienced me told him not to worry. Children are always sick. They need to get sick to build up immunities to various diseases.

Robert looked at me as if I was crazy. I thought he was a new father. Did not understand me.

I did not understand him. He was talking to me about his dog. A large tumor growing on the dog’s upper gum.

The big race today at noon. The Cow Key Channel Bridge Run. All 300 feet of it. Over 1,000 costumed participants. Record time 23.1 seconds. Several seeking to break it this year.

Such is what we do in Key West! A 300 foot bridge race! The distance is evidence we are normal. The abnormals are those who do 15 Ks and 26 mile marathons.

Following the race, a party at Botanical Gardens. The Botanical Gardens Beer Bash.

Lobster season has ended. Not good this year. Not bad. Mediocre.

Lobster is a $50-70 million dollar business in the Keys. Why the drop off this year?

First, the weather. Too warm. Cold fronts are required to move lobsters forward. Warm weather screws up their normal migration pattern. The result fewer lobsters caught.

Second is price. The Chinese and Japanese are big buyers. Especially prior to and during their holidays.

The Chinese and Japanese smartened up. Learned how to play the game. Became better negotiators. Resulting in less money in the pockets of the fishermen.

Stock Island’s Rusty Anchor has been closed two years. To reopen in May.

The owners of El Siboney bought the restaurant. Fish will be the mainstay of food served. Prepared as Rusty Anchor used to. A few El Siboney Spanish dishes will be on the menu also.

Enjoy your day!




Syphilis is a venereal disease of old. A cure available. A quick one. Penicillin. The disease still around, however. Just not in significant numbers.

Six months ago, Key West had no syphilis cases. Recently, 10. An epidemic of sorts.

Nine of the 10 involve 18 and 19 year old males. Recent high school graduates. The final one a much older male.

Investigation revealed the 9 young ones got the disease post-graduation.

Authorities advised the infection not necessarily gay acquired.

The matter remains under investigation. The initial Key West source of the infection and others who may be infected.

Some things just never go away.

I have two pair of horn rimmed glasses. Thirty or more years old. Lens replaced, never the frames. Love the frames! Cost $700 each when purchased. Think I got my money’s worth.

One of the frames broke. Old age probably. I took the glasses to Key West Optical yesterday. Located in the gray shopping center on Kennedy and Flagler.

They were able to fix the frame! No guaranty how long the repair will last. Whatever, I am thrilled. I am wearing the glasses at the moment.

Key West Optical good people. Not the first time I have gone in for a repair. Always happy to help. Always no charge.

Moved on to K-Mart. Need a small table and stool. Did not have the size I needed. I want to move my video show outside. The background would be magnificent.

Then to Don’s Place. No room in the parking lot or street. Did not get to stop. No disappointment. I will see my Don’s Place / bocce friends tonight at bocce.

The Chart Room the next stop. Chatted with John a bit.

Steve Kelly seated next to me at the bar. Mid-50s. From West Chester, Pennsylvania. With his friend Pete. Both staying at the Pier House. Prior Key West visitors.

Steve and I hit it off immediately. A lot in common. An interesting conversation.

Steve is in a family business. His Mom and Dad started it. He runs it now. His son works with him and will take over when Steve walks away.

The business involves sporting goods. Athletic equipment. Called Kelly’s Sports. Sells directly to public and private institutions, as well as the public. University, colleges, and private schools. Sells also to booster clubs, parent organizations and fan clubs.

A big operation. One hundred employees. We laughed about payroll.

Steve and his son have been moving the business into internet sales. The wave of the future that is already here.

Easily observable was that Steve is proud of the business. His third generation family business.

I have been on a diet. Nothing even close to heavy. Yogurt and cottage cheese. Needed a steak last night. A small one. Stopped at Outback for their 6 ounce filet mignon and steamed vegetables. Like I had not eaten in several days. I had not!

Watched McDonald’s All American High School Basketball on TV. Some of the kids are good. They know it. You can see it in their faces.

My grandson John played on a Niki All American Team eight years ago. I traveled to see him. Think it was Charlotte. John was good. Not Division 1 good. He played at Albany State for four years. Captained the team in his senior year.

John is now in his last year of law school.

Moving back to the afternoon for a moment, I did some legal research. An issue I wanted to resolve. I felt like a lawyer again.

Skipper Kripitz is one of the most loved persons in Key West. Also, one of its best musicians. Skipper plays the drums.

He arranges the Tuesday night show at Virgilio’s. Always a sell out. This coming Tuesday the Savage Beets.

I read a write up on the show. Skipper was described as ubiquitous. A big word. Smart as I think I am, I did not know what it meant. Looked it up. Defined as found everywhere. Applies to Skipper. He is all over town playing.

Tennessee Williams and Ernest Hemingway in my life the past 24 hours.

I could not sleep during the night. Watched an old movie on TV. The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone. I have seen the movie at least a dozen times. The story and setting turn me on. Filmed in Rome.

Tennessee William’s in the credits. First time I noted it. Williams wrote the novel from which the movie was made.

The Ernest Hemingway tale disturbs me. Love Ernest Hemingway!

A Nicholas Reynolds wrote a new book: Writer, Sailor, Soldier: Ernest Hemingway’s Secret Adventures, 1935-1961.

The book sacrilegious in part.

Reynolds writes Hemingway was a Russian spy 1940-41. Doing espionage for the Soviet Union. Worked with the NKVD, predecessor to the KGB. His cover name Argo.

Attempted to verify the representation. Hard to do. A prior book written in 2009 suggested the same, but indicated Hemingway probably did it to get background for a novel.

I did not have time to research further. Patrick, if the subject interests you, do a little digging and let me know what you come up with.

Have to hustle. A haircut appointment.

Enjoy your day!





Where is it going?

I refer to the Congressional Hearing which began yesterday. The Obama tapped Trump’s phone issue put to rest. The other not. The Russia/Election/Trump team involvement issue.

I watched with great interest. The last time I saw such somber faces at a Congressional hearing were the Nixon impeachment proceedings. The Republicans were relatively quiet. Shocked perhaps. Their man a deer in the headlights of a car.

Where will it end? How will it end?

Walked Duval yesterday morning. First time in quite a time. Not much foot traffic. I was walking around 10. Always interesting to see Duval waking up.

Last night, Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. With Donna and Terri. As soon as we walked in, Tom Luna handed Terri a mike.

It was Tom, Rick and Terri singing. Nothing better.

On the way home, my stomach began growling. Needed to eat. My choices Submarine, McDonald’s, or Outback. Decided on Outback. I was hungry. Desired a full meal.

Tonight the Grand Finale of Aqua Idol. Lynda Frechette’s brain child. Her baby. Without her, Aqua Idol would never have been a success.

The grand winner selected tonight. Down to four finalists. Aqua will be packed. Show begins at 6. Suggest you arrive at 5 to get a seat.

I have not seen Aqua Idol in a couple of years. My podcast show tuesday evenings at 9. I am fine tuning the show at 6 when Idol begins.

Join me tonight for an interesting show. Topics will include the Trump fiascos, the Congressional hearing, Russia, etc.

Other topics, female genital mutilation, white people sub-human, China harvesting body organs, and more.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. President Carter told them to get out. If not, the U.S. would boycott the Olympic games to he held in Moscow in 1980.

The Soviet Union did not get out. The U.S. boycotted the games.

The 1984 Olympics were held in Los Angeles. The Soviet Union boycotted the Los Angeles games.

Remember Oxitec? Oxitec is on the march again.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reported Oxitec and Houston are talking. The talks include Harris County.

Oxitec has not yet tested its product anywhere in the U.S. Looks like Houston will the place. The local mosquito control board is working closely with Oxitec.

Houston has no documented ZIKA cases where the ZIKA was locally acquired.

Enjoy your day!


Friday night at the Chart Room. A good night! Tons of people. Interesting people.

Sat and chatted with John for a while. From Pittsburgh. In the concrete business. Responsible for concrete sales in several states.

John visits Key West three times a year. Religiously. February, July and October.

His youthful experiences unusual.

John was the bat boy at the Pittsburgh Pirates ball field. For the opposing team. Worked with visiting stars like Dwight Gooden, Darryl Strawberry and Mike Schmidt.

Not only was he fortunate to be a bat boy to professional players, he also got to shot hoops with another baseball luminary. Rocco Clemente. John lived in the right neighborhood. The Clemente family neighbors five doors away.

Ron and Tresha from Michigan. Interesting people. Ron a psychologist. Tresha owns a Midas operation. Used to own two, sold one. Between the two, they have 5 children and 3 grandchildren.

From out of the blue came Carol. Carol from New Hampshire. She visits Key West every season for two months. Rents the same apartment on Whitehead. We met the last time she was in Key West. At the Chart Room, of course.

Her downstair neighbor was with her. From Memphis. An annual renter, also.

In between, chatted with John. The best bartender in Key West!

Stopped at Outback on the way home. Prime rib.

Sat next to two interesting people. Husband and wife. Never got their names. The conversation interesting.

He is a retired executive from a pharmaceutical house. Just behind the banks in screwing the American public.

He obviously did not agree. Gave me all the stock reasons why prescription drugs have to be so expensive.

He buys his drugs from Europe. His actions speak louder than his words.

Spent a couple of hours on the deck yesterday afternoon. Reading some Civil War history. I took my first course in Civil War history my second year in college. Have been hooked on it ever since.

Parking for charter buses the brain child of the Key West City Commission. Took away many vehicle parking places in the lot and on the street.

So far, the lot is a failure. From my perspective. I have only seen one bus parked there. One time.

This morning’s Key West Citizen has an article setting forth the glories and successes of the parking lot. My experience not the same as reflected in the article.

The article says City representatives claim 4-5 buses using the lot a day. Again, I have only seen one one time.

The City charges $100 a day to park. The lot has been open six months. The buses still parking all over Key West. Illegally now. The City is going to start ticketing the buses. Fine $250.

I assume more buses will then be parked in the lot.

On this day in 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in Key West briefly. He was driven down from Miami. Did a quick tour of the inactive U.S. Naval Base. Then on the USS Houston to watch Caribbean war games.

Trump will not be giving a State of the Union address. A new President does not make such a report his first year in office. Makes sense. He has been President less than two months.

Trump will address Congress, however. His presentation is listed as an Address. February 28.

I worry. Trump is going to go a step too far at some point. Further than any mishaps to date.

It has been reported that a plan is being circulated in Homeland Security to activate 100,000 National Guard. Purpose to round up unauthorized immigrants. In one big swoop.

Don’t know if anything will come of it. Dangerous if done. I remind you once again to recall Germany in the late 1930s and Germany in the rest of Europe during World War II. Nazi soldier driving up to homes/apartment houses to arrest Jews and other enemies of the State.

We are better than that.

Enjoy your day!



Terror can strike anywhere. Everywhere. Even Key West.

A criminal trial began yesterday in Federal District Court in Key West. The defendant, Harlem Suarez. His goal was to leave a backpack bomb on a Key West beach. In due course, the bomb would blow. People injured and killed.

Suarez a terrorist. Lived on Stock island.

The FBI were on to Suarez. Two undercover agents sold him an inert backpack bomb. Then arrested him.

Suarez had a Facebook site. He spoke of the glories of ISIS on the site. Also, ran pics. One of a terrorist holding the head of a decapitated woman.

Suarez referred to himself as the Black Angel of Death.

Lisa, my grandchildren, my friends, Key Westers, tourists, use the beaches.

Suarez should die.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick half hour of interesting happenings. Some revealing.

A multitude of topics. All exciting. Like Putin unhappy U.S. troops suddenly in Poland and Norway, police at Standing Rock had/have missile launchers, Trump to sign order today permitting Standing Rock and Keystone Pipeline to proceed, Chinese take lung cleansing vacations, affordable water a looming crisis.

Also, a Mexican TV channel being launched in the U.S., FDA approves a GMO pineapple for sale without testing, Chinese billionaire Jack Ma says U.S. priorities screwed up/wasted trillions on wars and Wall Street/not enough on its people, Mark Zuckerberg for President?, and more.

Only one place to be a 6 this evening. Aqua. For Aqua Idol. A several week singing contest. Great voices. Equally great planning by Lynda Frechette who spearheads the event.

Wind still blowing big time day time  yesterday. I took a ride over to the White Street Pier. In the past, extremely windy days resulted in waves crashing over the pier. A sight to see.

I was not disappointed. Nature pissed off. Waves rising high before slamming down on the pier.

I did not walk on the pier. Some did. I feared I would fall/get knocked over. I don’t need nature’s assistance to fall. I do well enough on my own.

The winds were 50 mph.

A portion of the Westin’s dock gave way because of the winds and waves. A mistake. Not the Westin anymore. Now the Margaritaville.

My evening began at Aqua last night. Dueling Bartenders time.Tom Luna one of the dueling bartenders. Last night his birthday. Celebrated with cake for all.

Barbara was with me. As we arrived, Liz and friends were leaving for dinner.

Walked over to Antonia’s for dinner afterwards. No room at the bar. Decided to head home, stopping at Outback first.

Syracuse/Wake Forest tonight. Syracuse a 2.5 point favorite. I have no idea who will win. My team not doing well this season.

Enjoy your day!



When it rains, it pours…..

Donna and Terri have been having a rough time of it. Battling Terri’s cancer.

Donna got the flu shot this year. Not the time to taunt the gods. Terri and the flu would not be a good combination.

Donna has the flu! Big time! The worst from her perspective. Strong coming from Donna who has had some heavy illnesses in the course of her life.

Donna has a type of influenza A. One of the influenza’s protected by the flu shot. Hit her New Year’s eve. Twice in the hospital yesterday. Temperature 103.

Donna says it is death. Even getting a little better is in the death area.

The flu shot does not always work. Some still come down from the flu. Not from the shot itself. You cannot get the flu from the shot itself. The virus injected is dead.

Hang in there Donna. Terri, stay away from Donna.

Spent yesterday afternoon preparing for tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.

A major topic is the Theft of Social Security. The Fund would be sound if the government stopped taking surplus funds out every year. Presently, the United States owes Social Security just under $3 trillion.

You will find the truth interesting. It will anger you as well.

More robot discussion. China is on the way to replacing in excess of 600,000 employees at one of its plants with robots. Also, further exploration of poor veteran care at Veterans’ Hospitals. The story of a veteran who died with maggots in his wounds.

Plus, a Texas police officer who sexually assaulted a 13 year old girl, a Mexican scheduled for deportation and/or removal 19 times who raped a 13 year old girl on a bus, the Miami cop who was fired for bragging the black neighborhood was a good place for gun practice, the EPA intentionally hiding radiation in water at a number of sites, the story of a 13 year old boy paralyzed from a chicken pox vaccine, and more.

Aqua big last night! Tons of people. The season ongoing.

Many friends. Sheila, Jean and Joe Thornton, Stephanie, Liz, Mary and Josefina. Tom and Rick doing the Dueling Bartenders thing.

Made two new friends. Anna and Everett. Owners of Anna’s Cabana. A lovely 40 foot power vessel. They live on the boat when in Key West. It is presently docked near A&B Lobster House.

Anna is the Captain and Everett the first mate.

You know who is boss in that family!

They told me they were steady dinner customers at Berlin’s. We hope to run into each other.

An Alabama night. Anna and Everett Alabama residents. As are Joe and Jean. Anna and Everett plan on being at the game in Tampa on January 9. Joe and Jean will be gut wrenched here in Key West.

In distant past years, there was a drop off of tourists immediately following New Year’s day. Not in recent years. Not this year.

I had difficulty finding a parking place near Aqua.

Liz and the ladies left early to have dinner at Virgilio’s.

Liz and her friends like to whoop it up. Spent New Year’s eve at the bar at Aqua from 5:30 to 11:00.

Then to Bourbon Street to her Bria sing. The best!

Tim and Scott at the bar. Enjoyed a couple of drinks with them. Friends of Donna and Terri. Know them from the Back Door.

They work for Bourbon Street, though not last night. They told me how busy New Year’s eve was. They were still tired.

Stopped at the street level bar/restaurant under Crabby Dick’s where Alex plays tuesday nights. Chatted with Alex and his wife. Met Alex’s brother who is vacationing here.

I was energized. Not tired enough to go home yet. Walked over to Virgilio’s to chat with Liz and friends.

Virgilio’s impressed me. A good 10 years since I had been there. A night club back then. Still a night club. However, a restaurant during dinning hours. The place was packed. Had there been room, I would have joined the ladies for dinner.

Dinner was at Outback. Easy. A cheeseburger. Watched the final minutes of the USC/Penn State Rose Bowl game. A tremendous finish! Just like pro ball. The last couple of minutes everything. USC won with a field goal in the final minute after intercepting a Penn State pass.

Somewhere along the way last night, Hard Rock Stadium  came into the talk.

When first built in 1987, it was the Joe Robbe Stadium. Joe Robbe was the first owner of the Miami Dolphins. He was also the prime mover in getting Joe Robbe Stadium built.

I was in Joe Robbe Stadium in 1987. For Super Bowl XXIII. The Stadium impressed me no end. Especially the elevators.

Think of the long almost vertical elevators at the Atlanta airport. Robbe Stadium had similar elevators. Multiple ones. Side by side. You rode up swiftly to your seat before the game. The elevators took you back to ground level after the game. All elevators were down only after the game.

When Robbe died in 1990, he left a $100 million estate.

Back in the early 1970s, I had a condominium at the Jockey Club in Miami. A private club. The place to be in the those days. Fun 24 hours a day.

Joe Robbe had a condo there also. Occasionally we would enjoy a drink together at the bar. A nice guy. Willie Shoemaker would join us on occasion. He lived at the Jockey Club, also.

Enjoy your day!



Two dear friends are fighting cancer at this time. One is Terri. I have spoken of her many times. Presently doing chemo twice a week.

The other is Dee.

Yesterday was World AIDS Day. Key West had its annual candle walk and ceremony. The ceremony at the former White Street Pier.

Dee participated.

Dee has a Doctorate in Psychology. After college, she ended up in the Keys. Bought a home on Cudjoe.

Found employment with AIDS Help in Key West. Spent the next 25 years of her life working with AIDS Help. Committed. Dedicated. Helping AIDS victims became her life cause.

Dee retired several years ago. Took a teaching position at Boston University. Returned to Cudjoe as frequently as possible.

Two years ago, she was diagnosed with throat cancer. A 4. Surgeries and chemo followed. She survived. She was in remission.

The cancer has returned.

Dee participated in the ceremony last night. She returns to Boston today. Monday she is back in the hospital to see what can be done.

I wish her well. As with Terri, two nice people who do not deserve what is happening to them. Nor does anyone.

I was landlocked all day yesterday. Could not get out of my home. Keys Electric was trimming trees. They had been doing so all week on my block. Finally got to me yesterday.

They spent the entire day cleaning my overhanging foliage. The pile grew ever so tall in front of my driveway.

I did not care. Had no plans for the daylight hours.

Last night, it was a manicure with Tammy. At 7. Her last customer of the day. She and her staff work hard. From 8 in the morning to 7:30 at night. Some of the girls work 7 days a week. Others, 6 or 5.

Tammy is from Vietnam. She has been here 15 years. Became a citizen last year. Married to Rick. They have two children.

Tammy not yet totally Americanized. Still no turkey on Thanksgiving. She cooks only Vietnamese food. Never cooks special on the holidays.

She says her family does not like American food. I tell her if she does not cook it for them, they will never know if they like it.

Santa Claus came up in our conversation. No Santa Claus. The children are 9 and 7. Just a story they have been told. Tammy is Santa Claus! She provides the Christmas gifts. They do have a Christmas tree.

Sounds harsh. Not. It is her and her husband’s way. The children have been raised to understand. Everyone happy. No one sad.

Tammy and the kids do celebrate Halloween. Tammy dresses, also. Accompanies her children to protect them.

I grabbed a quick bite at Outback afterwards.

Don’t forget Larry Blackburn’s photo show tonight from 6-9. He does great work. The place, Duval Square. I plan on being there.

Caught a news release on the internet this morning re the Michigan City Rotary. One hundred years old!

Significant! However, the Key West Rotary is 101 years old. Formed in 1915.

Why no national publicity last year for the Key West Rotary?

Diana Millikan is into William Hackley’s life! She writes the “negro” rent paid yesterday was to a different person than the previous. Which would mean Hackley has two rented slaves.

A major disgrace. Standing Rock. Native Americans seeking to protect their drinking water and ancestral remains. Federal, state and local governments fighting them. Working in effect on behalf of the pipeline company.

Though government forces have hit the Native American protesters with grenades, water hoses, rubber bullets, stunning devices, etc., the Native Americans have not fought back. Not one iota. They are protesting similar to Martin Luther King and Gandhi.

Things will hit the fan so to speak next week. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has told the protesters to move by December 5 or they would be trespassers subject to arrest. Six to eight thousand of them.

Those already arrested by local police for various reasons have been placed in large dog cages. Sitting on concrete floors. Temperatures freezing by day and night.

Terrible! The land the protesters are occupying is considered Indian land by the Native Americans and many knowledgeable in these matters. The federal government has no right to be on the land or telling the protesters what to do.

Never the less, the federal government participates against the Native Americans.  Supported by state and local police departments. And a mercenary group, Tiger Swan. It is presumed the mercenary militants paid for by the pipeline people.

An American disgrace. One that can only get worse.

Enjoy your day!