Ted Williams was a spectacular baseball player. One of the best. A Hall Of Famer.

On this day in two different years, he made his mark. Among many other achievements.

It was season end in 1941. Williams’ Boston Red Sox were playing the Philadelphia Athletics. A doubleheader. Williams was close to ending the season batting .400. He needed a good day.

Williams went 6 for 8. Ended the season batting .406. The first player to do so since Bill Terry in 1930.

The last game of the 1960 season. Williams last game. He was retiring. At his last time at bat, he hit a home run.

Williams lost 5 years out of his major league career. A Marine fighter pilot in World War II and the Korean War.

Now the real reason I bring Ted Williams to you this day. Williams lived 18 years of his life in Islamorada. He was a fanatic fisherman. He purchased the home in 1960 the year he retired from baseball. On the bayside. Lived there till 1988.

The story is Williams left Islamorada when he had to wait because of traffic to cross U.S. 1.

Yesterday found me glued to the TV set. The Judiciary Committee hearing involving Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford. I missed about 45 minutes when I had to run off to the dentist.

I will go through all that occurred. Most of you watched. My impression simply was that the hearing wasdisgusting. Shameful. Our government has fallen to a new depth.

I happen to believe Ford. I found her testimony credible. I was unimpressed with Kavanaugh. He lies. He lied as to other issues in his previous hearing. He lied again yesterday.

His belligerency left much to be desired. I would not want him on the bench deciding my client’s fate.

Justice Neil Gorsuch and Kavanaugh attended the same high school. Georgetown Prep. Though not classmates, they were there at the same time for 2 years. Recall and compare Gorsuch’s testimony before the Committee last year. Says it all.

The American Bar Association sent a letter to the Committee last night stating an FBI investigation was required. The letter has been ignored. The Committee votes at 1:30 today.

The American people keep getting pushed around. Government is no longer for them. Most know it. The November elections are the first battleground. If things do not begin correcting themselves in the next few years, it will be the streets.

Last night, Blue Macaw. One drink only. I wanted to get out. Enjoyed the drink and company of Andrea and Joe and Paul and Ron. Then home.

The New York Times paid tribute to David Wolkowsky. A lengthy beautiful obituary.

The ocean surrounds the Keys. Locals try to take care of it and those that live in the waters. Turtles, for example..

The Marathon Turtle Hospital announced 2 more turtles will be returned to the sea tomorrow. Healthy and fit.  Cafecito at 10 am at Sombrero Beach in Marathon. Buddy at 1 at Higgs Beach in Key West.

Both loggerhead sea turtles.

A massive crowd will be at each location to wish them  God speed and bon voyage.

The Key West City Commission knows how to put it to people. The Commission just raised the parking rate from $3 to $4 an hour.

The excuse was it was that or raise property taxes. The budget deficit was $418,000. The parking increase will raise $1.26 million. The $842,000 excess will go to increasing the salaries of the city’s lowest wage earners and to restoring the City’s reserve fund depleted because of Irma.

What about those who live and work in the lower Keys who are not receiving raises. Irma’s impact still being felt. People still trying to catch up. Everyone should eat, or no one.

People’s savings were wiped out by Irma. Where do they get the money to replace the lost savings?

Today and tomorrow, the Ryder Cup. I was up at 5 this morning watching. Tomorrow, at 3. Great golf!

Tomorrow, Syracuse/Clemson. Clemson a 13.5 point favorite. The spread has dropped considerably during the week. Going to be a great game!

Enjoy your day!


The United States has a nickname. We all know it. Uncle Sam.

Where did it come from? How did it originate? Who is responsible for the nickname?

We have to go back to the War of 1812 for the answer.

Samuel Wilson was a Troy, N.Y. meat packer who supplied beef to the U.S. Army. Beef was transported in barrels.

On this day in 1813, Wilson began stamping the barrels with “U.S.” Purpose to inform everyone who was in contact with the barrels that the contents came from the United States.

Soldiers began referring to the beef they were eating as “Uncle Sam’s.”

A local newspaper picked up on the story. In due course, Uncle Sam gained widespread acceptance as the nick name for the U.S. federal government.

Recognition of Wilson’s contribution took a long time to acknowledge. However in September 1961, the U.S. Congress recognized Wilson as “the progenitor (father of) America’s symbol of Uncle Sam.”

My yesterday began with a haircut. Enjoy the time I spend with Lori. She has now been cutting my hair for 18 years. Looks as young today as she did back then.

Then to Sandy’s Cafe for lunch. I like the place. They know me and I know them. Always a friendly welcome. No need to order. They know I eat the same thing each time. Automatically bring it to me.

A car problem developing. Could be the battery. Not sure. Turns over slowly. Strange, however. If the car has been sitting for a half hour or more, it starts slowly. If sitting 5 minutes or so, starts normally.

Hopefully, I will find out today. Every time I returned to the car yesterday, I was not certain it would start. Not a welcome feeling.

The Chart Room first last night. John bartending. Steve and Cindy at the bar. Enjoyed their company.

Met Colin and Carli from Sarasota. Have been vacationing for a week. Staying at the Pier House. They married on Smathers Beach several years ago. Return to Key West often.

Colin originally from Northern England. They return there also to visit.

Both are employed by the same company, different departments. Computer soft ware programming.

Drove to Blue Macaw for a bite. Enjoyed ribs and a drink.

Ran into Donna, Terri, Joe and Andrea. Stayed a while. Stopped by Mary and Doug to share a few words.

Close to 10 when I left. Stopped at Publix on the way home. Desperately in need of food. Swiftly up and down the aisles to beat closing time. Good exercise.

Prior to the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, I considered Judge Kavanaugh not to be the best of choices. Too far to the right. Rigid. Not fair.

I listened to him being questioned 2 days ago. I was very impressed. The man has one of the best legal minds I have been exposed to. Brilliant.

Such does not necessarily mean he would make a good Supreme Court Justice. The law is not black and white. It is gray. His legal genius would be able to twist things to his far right way of thinking and bring us back to the middle ages.

Ergo, an excellent legal thinker whose ideas are not in the best interests of most U.S. citizens.

I spelled this position out in my Key West Love Live video on Facebook yesterday.

Then, I watched parts of yesterday’s proceedings. Cause me to suspect the good Judge is a liar. A skillful one. Prone to avoid, I don’t recall, lie.

I now find him to be not only an improper candidate for the Supreme Court bench, but also the Circuit Court he sits on.

The Republicans have been playing games with records. It became obvious yesterday why. Kavanaugh has a track record. What he has written or done in the past does not always coincide with his testimony this week.

Two Democratic Senators need to be applauded. Both fought the Chair. Broke some Senate rules in so doing. The only way to out the truth, however.

New Jersey’s Senator Corey Booker and Hawaii’s Senator Mazie Hirono each being described as Spartacus. They were! At one point, Booker told the Chair if you want to bring me up on charges, go for it! The gauntlet was thrown.

Enjoy your day!