Donna and Terri are married. Lesbian wives. My friends for years.  Love them both. Refer to them as my lesbian wives.

Spent last night with the ladies. Dinner at their home. Donna cooked. Her cooking spectacular! As always.

Afterwards, we walked across the street to Blue Macaw for a drink. Larry Baeder performing. Per his usual custom, he asked Terri to join him. Made her night.

The last several years have been tough on Terri. First, a heart attack. Then 2 terrible cancers from which she was lucky to survive.

Terri was going blind before the cancers. Still had many years of sight however, though diminishing. The cancer medications accelerated her blindness. She is now 80 percent blind. Can see shadows. Next year, not even shadows.

Terri’s disposition not affected. An “up” person. God love her!

It has been reported that last month was the hottest July ever. Ever being 1871 when records began being kept. Twenty nine days were 90 degrees or better.

Normally September is the worst month heat wise. Yet to come. Humidity extremely heavy in September.

I have learned how to beat the heat. Remain indoors. Generally at home. Air conditioning!

The evenings were not bad in July. For some reason, most of the evenings were comfortable. Even though temperatures were in the high 80’s.

Several days ago, I wrote concerning the California Bedsloe family. A heavy to read about and then report. A 70 year old great grandfather on the cell phone listening to his wife and  2 great grandchildren in the seconds before they died. A California fire killed the three.

This morning a video is running on the internet. Ed Bledsoe being interviewed. He repeated his 5 year old grandson James’ last words…..Grandpa, the fire is coming in the door!

It was hard reading the words last week. Far worse this morning listening to Ed Bledsoe repeat them.

The fire is named the Carr Fire. The sixth most destructive in California history. Strange how it began.

A flat tire the cause. A tire failed. The rim scrapped the asphalt. Sparks shot out. Ignited the dry brush on the side of the road.

In today’s society, common sense and good judgment are diminishing qualities.

Several times when I was young, I had a lemonade stand alone or with a friend. Five cents a cup. People were kind. Even police officers. Always sold out.

Today, another story. I have read several times the past few years about governmental authorities shutting down lemonade stands run by some young person.

The most recent occurred in Ballston Spa, N.Y. Located in Saratoga County.

Seven year old Brendan Mulvaney was operating a lemonade stand outside the entrance to the County Fair. Lemonade seventy five cents.

Four vendors inside the fair complained to the New York State Department of Health. The vendors were required to be permitted ($30) and charge $7 for the same cup of lemonade Brendan was selling for $ .75.

The State inspectors shut Brendan down because he did not have a permit.


I have observed this scenario many times. Even if Brendan became permitted, he would then have imposed on him the need to keep the lemonade at a certain temperature, proof of insurance, a stand constructed to legal specifications, working papers, etc.

A kid can’t win these days!

Syracuse and Utica are neighbors in upstate New York. Fifty miles separating them.

My Father took me to Syracuse football games when I was young. I went to Syracuse Law School.  Later opened an office in Syracuse. Tried many cases in Syracuse courts. Enjoyed a private box at the Carrier Dome for football and basketball. Remained active at the University.

Many have a connection to the area. Two are Tom Cruise and Dick Clark.

I discovered this morning that Tom Cruise was born in Syracuse. Lived there his first 9 years. His Syracuse life described as poor and Catholic. We were all poor and Catholic in our early days.

Dick Clark of American Bandstand Fame got his television start in Utica in the mid 1950’s. TV station WKTV. Prior to TV, he was a weather man on Danny Fusco’s WRUN morning radio show.

Dick Clark was known as Dick Clay in those days. His Dad was a disc jockey on a Utica radio station. In order to avoid confusion, Clark changed his last name. When he moved on to a Philadelphia TV station, he went back to Clark.

Sloan will be here at noon. We have a lot of work to do.

Enjoy your Sunday!




I just completed my Key West Lou Live show on Facebook. Three minutes of rambling on a particular object. This morning…..Humpty Dumpty. The Mother Goose rhyme.

Remember the words: “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, / Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.”

In 1925, the song I’m Sitting On Top Of The World was written. It was later popularized by Dean Martin, Doris Day and Bobby Darin. A phrase in the song: “…..just like Humpty Dumpty, I’m gonna fall.”

Donald Trump is Humpty Dumpty. He’s gonna fall!

Even though 89 percent of his party love him and a good percentage of the American people do also, his failures are mounting. Most recently, Kim at Singapore, Putin at Helsinki, and the tariff wars.

I have been predicting the tariff wars would take their toll. A recession by next year. It is beginning. Soy bean farmers, lobster fishermen, potato farmers, and car manufacturers, amongst others, are complaining. They are hurting and will hurt worse.

The Mueller investigation is at Trump’s door.

He is in his last mile.

Dueling Bartenders last night at Aqua. Terri my date. She was not working. A customer, though she did sing a song or two. Donna arrived later. She had been working.

Rick Dery and Heather-May performing. Tom Luna not for some reason.

Jean Thornton was there. My friend forever. I am indebted to her.

The girls from saturday night at Blue Heaven. Debbie, the other half of the Golden Girls, Sharon, Megan and Mary. Kevin and Holly experienced Dueling Bartenders for the first time. Good friend Joseph arrived with Linda and Barbara.

Hank came over to say hello. He was in the Hemingway Look-a -Like contest this weekend. One hundred fifty one Hemingways participated.

He said we had met 5 years ago at the Chart Room. Hank has been participating for 25 years. Says he will never win. But fun!

He gave me a gift. A Hemingway chain he received during the competition. Inscribed on it: “Write drunk, edit sober.” Signed, Ernest Hemingway.

A pleasing gift. I will wear it on occasion. I an Italian-American who never wore neck jewelry in his life!

Thanks again, Hank.

Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe with Donna and Terri. Ribs. So good! I could not finished them. My lunch later today.

Tonight, my podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A slew of interesting subjects. Join me for a quick moving half hour.

Lauri, Lauri, Lauri. Seventeen years worked at Aqua. She gave her notice. She is moving on. To the Rum Barrel. She will be working the bar wednesday, friday and saturday nights.

A new watering hole for me.

Key West is experiencing budget problems. In all my years in Key West, this is the first time I have heard it. Irma a contributing factor.

City Commissioners are doing the right thing. They are cutting the budget. I have no objection. Every now and then, we all have to tighten our belts.

My concern is that if one is to suffer, all should suffer. Ergo, I do not understand why City employees are scheduled to get a 4 percent pay raise.

BOB is recovering from last night. Says he plans on completing the Fantasy Fest portion of his story tomorrow. Recommends it be read.

One portion will cover that time when women walked about nude with their bodies covered only with paint. From the hairline down to the toes. Breasts and genitalia merely painted over.

Trump is upset with Kim. The results of the Singapore summit not as Trump thought or reported. What really got to Trump was that he and Kim shook hands on whatever was purportedly agreed to.

Makes me laugh. How many hands did Trump shake in construction deals and then screw people in the end. Not making full payment, claiming work was improperly performed, etc.

His way of doing business. Kim’s also.

The Singapore Summit is turning out to have been a colossal failure and utter waste of time.

When Pompeo flew to North Korea to see Kim and straighten things out, Kim did not meet with Pompeo. He was busy in the fields picking potatoes.

I wrote recently that if China were to sell off U.S. Treasury bonds or fail to purchase new ones as others reached maturity, it would have a dire impact on the American economy.

If we are to believe Trump, Putin is our friend. Friends help, not hurt each other. In March, Russia held $96.1 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds. In April, that number was down to $48.7 billion. In May, $14.9 billion.

Friend Putin is selling us out!

Enjoy your day!








Too many mornings we wake with new Trump tweets. Some extremely dangerous. Especially those where he threatens another nation with war.

This morning finds Trump in a Tweet pissing match with Iran. Not sure who stated this one. Iran says if the U.S. missteps, it will be me met with the “mother of all wars.”

Trump’s promises “…..dire consequences…..the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. He responds, “We are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence and death. Be cautious.”

Words of war.

Trump reminds me of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse: Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. I can see them all riding through the clouds. Who is leading them? Donald Trump. Not on the lead horse. On all four.

He finally will have proved to the world (and himself) what a tough guy he is.

Any such war will leave the U.S. in shambles. Such a war will be fought on our shores also. Every day a 9/11.

The U.S. will resemble Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Berlin following World War II. Many dead. Children maimed.

Wake up America!

Enjoyed the British Open yesterday. Italy’s Francesco Molinari won. Seven or eight in the running the last 9 holes. Tiger Woods the leader at the turn, but faltered.

Good golf played on a tough course.

Visited the Orchid Key Inn bar for the first time last night. Victor invited me. He is the sunday bartender.

What a place? A hidden wonder. Off Duval near Truman. A magnificent setting! The bar charming. Tiny. Seats only 6.

Kevin and Holly were there. I suspected they would be.

A Bruce and Kevin sat next to me. Bruce retired. His career spent with Voice of America. Kevin with the Post Office.

We chatted about Post Office problems. How Congress screwed the Post Office.

Bruce recalled seeing me 10 years ago on Channel 19. I did a TV show for 3 years that ran from Key West to Fort Lauderdale. I was shocked he even watched. Channel 19 was what might be described as a small station. I was one of two live shows. The rest old gray and white TV shows like Leave It To Beaver.

Bruce mentioned the Orchid Key Inn was listed #2 on Trip Adviser under Best Key West Hotels. And I never knew it existed!

Met Peter. For a little bar, it had some interesting customers.

Peter is a musician and has entertained at Sloppy Joe’s for 30 years. From 5:30 to 9:30. Must catch his show one evening.

People came and went. I stayed. The bar was a gold mine of interesting people.

In came David and Louise. Visiting from London. David is with NATO and Louise a kindergarten teacher.

Great conversation. Issues involving Trump, NATO, Trump’s recent visit, etc. Both thought it awful that Trump kept the 92 year old Queen waiting 12 minutes. Standing in the sun waiting for Trump to arrive.

My night was not over yet.

Went over to Blue McCaw. A late bite to eat. Ribs and a drink.

Not ready for bed and home when I left Blue McCaw. Donna and Terri live across the street. Visited with them a while.

Dueling Bartenders tonight. Terri wanted to go. Donna working. Terri my date. I pick her up at 5:30. I expect Jean, Kevin, Holly and John will be there also.

To win the Hemingway Look-a-Like contest a big deal. The honor of honors to those interested. One hundred twenty five plus compete each year. For some reason, it takes roughly 10 years of participation to be seriously considered.

This year’s winner Michael Groover. Michael is husband to celebrity chef and TV star Paula Deen. Paula the loyal wife. She has been in Key West supporting her husband those 10 years of Hemingway Day visits.

BOB back. Rested and ready to go.

BOB’s topic today Fantasy Fest.

The Key West of 39 years ago was not the Key West of today. In addition to the summer being slow, the fall was dead. Key West merchants came up with a plan they thought would attract tourists to Key West during the slow fall season.

A fantasy fest. An adult party. Flavors of a Roman holiday. A bit of debauchery.

It worked. Key West’s famous Fantasy Fest was born. Ten days of partying each year.

Wilder as the years progressed. Nudity became an issue. Drinking, also.

Women began going bare chested. Men covering their genitalia with a small strip of cloth.

The partiers did not mind. Locals neither. They participated. Except for a few. The few were one or two ministers annually. They formed the Christian Coalition. The Christian Coalition was supported by very few. City fathers were thrilled. Key West was making a ton of money during those 10 days.

BOB said, “Morality and good taste were susupended… abyss filled.” BOB added the opposing ministers forgot to recognize that Key West churches were filled will sinners seeking forgiveness in the weeks following Fantasy Fest.

Women’s naked breasts were painted by kiosks on the streets. Many for real costumes were oversized genitalia. Alcohol was being consumed on the streets.

The Duval Crawl took on added meaning.  As BOB humorously said, “See the Lower Keys on your hands and knees. America is calling you today.”

Back in the early days, 50,000 would show up for the saturday night parade. No one knew where they all slept. When awake however, they “simply enjoyed the wicked and titillating surrender to their basic instincts.”

The squeaky wheel always gets oiled. The Christian Coalition was a squeaky wheel. Compromises were arrived at. All revealed in the next episode of BOB.

Enjoy your day!



Non-stop laughing last night. Howie Mandel performed in Key West. Glad I went. A long time since I laughed that much.

Almost missed the show. I had purchased my ticket last week. Intended to go with Kevin and Holly, Art, and John. Forgot. Was getting ready to go to Dueling Bartenders when Kevin called to say lets meet at La Concha first for a drink.

Glad he called!

I did a little research on Mandel this morning. Apparently born a comedian. He was expelled from high school for impersonating a school official and hiring a construction company to build an addition to the school.

Stephanie Kaple opened for Mandel. I have known Stephanie for years. She is now CEO of a large Key West company dealing with the homeless. Never knew her to be a comedian. In fact, to the contrary. A rather serious individual.

Last night her first time before an audience. I was overwhelmed! Shocked! She was fantastic! Her material outstanding!

Perhaps a new career in the making. I saw her briefly after the show. Pointed to her and said “Martha Raye.” Stephanie exhibited that degree of talent last night.

My group met at La Concha for a drink before the show. Then to the relatively new bar Roost on Fleming after the show. A nice place. Small. Well done. Annette from Ireland the bartender. Brogue and all.

Some Trump comments. To be expected after his disgraceful performance yesterday at the press conference with Putin.

Trump likes to keep people waiting. He is always late. Even kept Queen Elizabeth waiting 12 minutes last week. Guess it makes him feel important.

Yesterday, he waited for Putin. Trump was on time. Putin late. Trump apparently did not mind. Putin his hero.

Trump campaigned that it was time to Stand Up for America. He did not stand up for America yesterday. He bowed.

The meeting was a Putin success and Trump failure. Domestic reactions in their countries reflect the same.

Trump was especially offensive when he described America as having exhibited “foolishness and stupidity” over the years              causing the rift between Russia and the U.S. Would you believe!

“America First!” Trump’s slogan. I would reword it to “Me First!”

Trump was very much off base. His staff had given him 100 pages of material so he could confront Putin in a tough fashion re the election hacking. Trump ignored the material. Instead took the position he believed Putin when he said Russia was not complicit in any way.

Why is Trump always up Putin’s ass? Either Putin has sexually explicit photos of Trump taken on a Moscow trip several years ago or Russia has arranged for billions in loans to Trump over the years after U.S. banks would no longer loan him money. Could be both. Time will tell.

Recall following the NATO meeting last week, Trump said he was a “very stable genius.” He fools himself!

Trump bugged me when he said the U.S. and Russia should be close friends since the two countries are super nuclear powers. What a basis for a marriage!

Trump does not realize Russia is not a first rate nation. In deep trouble economically. If I recall correctly, ranks 30th economically. Its military pre and World War II.

Putin has Trump bullshitted all the way!

Trump has a propensity to label everything stupid. Only he is smart. Forrest Gump was correct when he said…..Stupid is as stupid does.

Some stupids labeled such by Trump include people, laws, other countries, White House staffers, FBI, National Football League, Democrats, filibuster, journalists. I probably missed a few dozen more.

Trump promised to “drain the swamp.” Get rid of all corrupt Washingtonites.

He was not the first to so promise. Many politicians preceding him used the same words. Examples being Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan, and Nancy Pelosi.

I am back on Facebook with Key West Lou Live. A 3-4 minute video each day where I talk about whatever motivates me at the moment. Take a look. You may enjoy it.

Today, tuesday. My podcast every tuesday night at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I rant and rave about everything. Similar to Key West Lou Live, except I have 30 minutes to do so. Enough time to get a lot off my chest.

Join me. Guaranteed you will enjoy.

Enjoy your day!







Key West #1 in three Travel Advisor categories. A WOW!

Most Excellent Place to Travel Worldwide, Most Excellent Cities for Restaurants, and Most Excellent Cities in the World. Described as “cream of the crop” re Most Excellent Place to Travel Worldwide.

I frequently complain too many people, tourists, cars and bicyclists. Whatever, Key West is doing it right as far as tourists are concerned.

Congratulations to all who make it so.

Last night Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. Tom and Rick singing. Tiffany guest performer. Tiffany is this year’s Fantasy Fest Queen. A beauty with a marvelous voice. Always a smile.

Then to Hot Tin Roof for dinner with Dorothy and Carmen. They were to have left yesterday. Decided to stay an extra day. Dorothy called and asked that I join them for dinner.

Excellent food, excellent company.

Carmen originally from Costa Rica. A typical Latin beauty. Hair pulled tight. Lovely complexion. A bright smile.

Tonight’s the night! My podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. A multitude of topics to discuss. The week has been busy. Nine my time. Join me for a quick moving half hour.

The hurricane Beryl has fizzled as was expected. Remaining some extra rain for certain areas over the weekend.

Poor Puerto Rico got hit by Beryl. Just enough rain and wind to cause some power shortages and water damage. Normally would be considered nothing, except that Puerto Rico is still recovering from last year’s hurricanes.

A new hurricane. Chris. Stronger than Beryl. Expected to turn and fail to hit land.

Brett Kavanaugh Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court. An ultra conservatist. His appointment guarantees a conservative court for the next 30 years.

Not right. Supreme Court Justices were originally appointed because of judicial/legal ability. Not political philosophy. The Court can no longer be a neutral arbiter that checks the two elected branches if political philosophy controls.

Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life. A good job! One problem. “Life” when the Constitution was framed different from life today. When the Constitution was framed, life expectancy for a free white male was 35 years. Today, 70-80 years.

Someone should take a look at the historical difference. A solution considered. Instead of life, make the appointment for a specified number of years. Like 18, for example.

We should be true to the Constitution in all respects.

Marlow Nance in a recent Opinion piece wrote in discussing Trump, We’re “on the cusp” of “losing the American constitutional republic forever.” He added in another section, Putin is Trump’s “handler” and we’re in a “Benedict Arnold moment.”

Two professors in a recent Times Opinion asked, “If the Supreme Court is nakedly political, can it be just?”

Justice is supposed to be blind. Lady Justice stands blindfolded. Not anymore.

Think about it.

The Thailand cave rescue complete. As of this morning, all 12 boys and their coach rescued. Three Navy Seals and a doctor yet to be removed.

A marvelous result! People gathering from all over the world to pitch in. Reportedly 1,000 helpers. Politics not involved.

Trump left on his European trip this morning. One of the stops is London on July 12.

Trump is less than loved by the English people. London’s Mayor is allowing a giant orange balloon depicting Trump as a baby in a diaper. It will be flown close to Parliament. Part of a “Stop Trump” protest.

Several years ago, I wrote a KONK Life column re the Scopes Trial. Also known as the Monkey Trial.

The trial began on July 10, 1925. It took place in Dayton, Tennessee. Scopes was a young school teacher charged with teaching evolution in violation of Tennessee state law. The law forbade teaching man evolved from the ape.

The trial became a big deal. International notoriety. Clarence Darrow defended Scopes. William Jennings Bryan appeared for the prosecution.

The trial was a fraud. The Dayton city fathers were looking for a way to publicize their small town. Increase business. Perhaps a tourist business. They arranged the scheme. Everyone involved was in on it, except for the two lawyers.

I fail to understand why when the trial is mentioned these days, rarely is the fraud aspect disclosed.

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” Winston Churchill, July 10, 1940.

Hitler began the Battle of Britain 3 1/2 months earlier. Night time bombing raids on London. He thought he could bring England to its knees. He thought wrong.

The English had 600 planes and the Germans 1,300 at the start of the Battle. The English beat the hell out of the Germans. After 3 1/2 months, Hitler had enough. He was losing his air force. He had not thought it possible. Just like that he ceased the night raids. Sent his remaining air force to the Russian front.

Winston Churchill’s words complimented the bravery and talent of the English pilots.

New York City has a new attraction. Called glamping. Those participating, glampers. Locals and tourists alike.

New York City took a part of Governor’s Island and made it into a tent city/camping ground. Top shelf, first class. Great tents, real beds, etc. The tents go from $220 to $850 per night. The air clean. The night time view of the City spectacular.

No BOB again today. I cannot continue blaming BOB. My fault. I have so much other information to share that I do not get around to finishing the Bum Farto story. Soon, I promise.

Enjoy your day!





A line I read a couple of days ago keeps running through my mind. I want to share it with you: America needs more patriotism, not Trumpism.

Day time yesterday spent as a recluse. Back still sore, though a bit better.

Last night figured a couple of gins combined with the Advil would help. It did.

I did my imbibing at the Chart Room. Charming Dorothy Downs and her friend Carmen there. Enjoyable conversation. Dorothy likes to tell stories as I do. Everything from American Indians to art.

Interesting front page story in the Key West Citizen this morning. The City Commission is seriously thinking about doing something with plastic disposal. Plastic straws and plastic bags the culprits. Plastic items end up in the ocean and cause harm to marine life.

Several stories running on the internet this morning re the plastic issue. Noted that Starbucks has already decided to do something. Starbucks has designed a “strawless lid.” Will not require a straw in order to drink.

McDonald’s in the fray, also. McDonald’s is testing the use of paper straws in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Hope to be fully invested in paper straws in those two locations by the end of next year.

McDonald’s is also testing paper straw use in certain U.S. areas.

A negative factor involved with regard to Key West. Glass not permitted on Duval or other streets. Bars permit drinkers to take booze from a bar. In a plastic glass. The drink must be transferred to a plastic glass in the bar.

An exception for Key West and other communities permitting street consumption of alcohol if in a plastic container?

Ernest Hemingway. A literary giant. One of Key West’s all time favored sons.

He completed A farewell To Arms while living in Key West.

An item of local color not well known involves the book, Hemingway and Agnes von Kurowsky. Agnes was Hemingway’s first love.

Hemingway was a Red Cross driver in Italy during World War I. Eighteen at the time. A mortar shell did a number on his right knee. He was in the hospital for six months.

Agnes was Hemingway’s nurse. They fell in love. The war, the love, Lake Maggiore, all part of A Farewell To Arms.

After recovering, Hemingway was returned to the U.S. Agnes was soon to follow. She did not. Sent him a Dear John letter instead.

Following his ten some years in Key West, Hemingway moved to Cuba. He was residing in Cuba in 1951. The same year Agnes moved to Key  West and worked as a librarian. She lived in Key West till 1965.

Hemingway experts tell us Hemingway never knew she was here. He periodically would return to Key West for a few days. Agnes never tried to communicate with him.

An interesting twist to what may have been the great romance of their lives.

The Thailand soccer team story one for the ages. Good people working hard to bring a proper resolution to a most dangerous situation.

Five of the boys removed as of this morning.

Steve Bannon’s name keeps popping up. A bad influence on Trump. He was part of Trump’s campaign team and worked in the White House for a time.

Bannon’s thinking dangerous. Representative of a twisted mind.

Prior to supporting Trump, Bannon was Executive Chairman of Breitbart News Network. Breitbart supports an alt right platform. Seeks an all white state.

Breitbart/Bannon carried a contrary belief as to how the U.S.should be run. Two inflammatory headlines evidence such: “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.” “Gay Rights Have Made Us Dumber, It’s Time To Get Back Into The Closet.”

We know tsunamis can be big. How big I never realized. This morning’s World Almanac section of the Key West Citizen reported that on this date in 1958, a megatsunami hit Lituya Bay, Alaska.

One thousand seven hundred twenty feet!

The largest recorded tsunami in history. It was caused by an 8.3 magnitude earthquake off the Alaskan coast.

Evel Knievel was a daring motorcyclist. Up, up, and away on a cycle. His exploits death defying.

He passed on a few years ago.

Travis Pastrana is the new Evel Knievel. Even more daring than Evel. Pastrana is referred to as Michael Jordan on a motorcycle.

This past weekend, Pastrana did a tribute show in Las Vegas honoring Knievel. He performed daring acts while using a motor cycle similar to the ones used by Knievel and while dressed in a Knievel look a like costume.

I share this information with you because I knew Evel Knievel for a short time. It was back in the 1970’s. I had a condominium at the Jockey Club in Miami. My time there the most fun I have ever experienced. My Shangrila.

Knievel was at the Jockey Club for a time. His boat was docked there. A 165 foot job. Touched off with  two motorcycles perched on the back. A sight!

We quickly became friends. The bar and pool brought us together.

One day, he telephoned me. What are you doing, he asked. Sunning myself on the terrace. Throw some clothes in a bag and meet me at the boat in 30 minutes. We’re going to the Bahamas for a few days.

What a time! Never left the boat. About a dozen of us. Party time, big time!

Knievel used to constantly say that he “…..enjoyed life as much as he could.”

He did.

BOB still screwing off.

Dueling Bartenders at Aqua tonight.

Enjoy your day!



BOB tiny, but powerfully interesting.

Today BOB takes us back to the Key West days when honest and powerful citizens discovered marijuana was the path to easy money. Big money.

Integrity took a back seat.

Key West’s location made it a perfect place to bring marijuana into the country. The Business as it was known developed. A cottage industry. No ties to organized crime. Simple small town folks making an extra dollar.

Boats and planes dropped bales of marijuana into the ocean. The bales became known as square grouper. Locals would boat out and pick up the bales. The bales were brought into Key West and unloaded next to the Coast Guard dock. Then taken home and left in front yards and on roof tops to dry.

An open industry. No one concerned about getting caught.

After dried, the bales were put on a U.S. Mail tractor-trailer for delivery to Miami. The Mail vehicle made the trip every day.

Arrangements were made prior to each trip to accommodate the Sheriff’s Department. If not made, the U.S. Mail vehicle was stopped and fined half the marijuana load.

This scenario went on quite some time. Eventually, the federal government became aware. The “federales” cracked down on the operation. Arrests were made. Trials. Some prominent Key Westers received jail time.

Such the next part of the story. Referred to by BOB as the Afro Sheen Caper. For another day.

Spent last night with Cheryl and Roger. Former Key West snowbirds now living in Cape Coral.

We started the evening at Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. Tom Luna and Rick Dery their usual great selves.

Then to Antonia’s for dinner.

I was surprised how packed Antonia’s was. We are into off season. Restaurants generally empty. Not Antonia’s last night. It must be Antonia’s summer time special. Pasta $10 a serving.

We got the last table.

I like Cheryl and Roger. Interesting people. Sincere. Call it as it is.

A good time was had. We sat and chatted a while after dinner.

I am getting hooked on the Key West Citizen weatherman. Today’s prediction, 89 degrees. In fine print below: “…..afternoon t-storms; bad hair day.”

The bad hair day I found intriguing. Must refer to the humidity. Not a problem for me. My head is shaved bald.

Robots back in the news! A new IBM artificial intelligence creature debated last week in San Francisco two of the world’s champion debaters. The robot held his own. The topic was made known at the start of the debate. No prior preparation for the two human debaters and the robot.

Yesterday’s Justice Building Blog commented on Trump’s announcement that he wanted to close down the immigration courts. Merely arrest and deport. No hearing, no due process.

Such would mean we are a nation of men, not laws. Exactly what we have not been. The Occupied America writer wrote “…..we are occupied by a narcissistic man of limited intelligence, his followers who are equally self obsessed, lacking in self esteem and poorly educated. And the power we fight is nothing less than evil ignorance seeking to end our democracy.”

The looming trade war nothing less than a disaster, also. For the world. The U.S. already hurt. Harley-Davidson’s announcement yesterday that they were moving to Europe. To remain in the U.S. under the tariff percentages being discussed would mean a loss of $100 million a year.

Thank you, Donald Trump!

The EU says the world is heading for a “trade apocalypse.” The World Trade Organization is facing an all but certain demise.

Good job, Mr. President!

All because of one man who does not know what he is doing. I fail to understand how Trump keeps his followers.

On this day in 1956, Congress approved the Federal Highway Act. Thirty billion dollars to construct 41 million miles of interstate highways.

The bill was actually Eisenhower’s baby. He conceived  it and got everyone to work together in a bipartisan effort to bring it to realization. The Highway Act is considered Eisenhower’s greatest domestic achievement.

The bill passed the Senate with one dissenting vote. The House passed it by voice vote. Eisenhower signed it into law three days later.

Cooperation by both parties, the two legislative houses, and the President. Not today! We live in a different world. One bred from hate and evolving because of evil.

A side note. I benefited from the new law. The summer of 1957 found me between college and law school. I drove a dump truck on a highway project outside Rome, NY.

Tonight, podcast time! My podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine, my time. A quick half hour of me venting. My likes and dislikes. Many topics discussed are eye openers. Hidden from public view.

Join me.

Enjoy your day!


Bob Smith’s BOB was written over a period of time ending in 1997. Bob viewed the world at that time. I knew Bob. He talked of world/political events frequently. A concerned person.

The chapter I draw on today is titled Remedial Reasoning. Expresses Bob’s thoughts on how to correct things and why.

First, a new college was to be established. The University of What’s Happening Now. Bob would be a full professor, of course. A primary motivation reflecting the need for the new type institution was that the bizarre at the time was being accepted as the norm.

Sound familiar?

Bob intended teaching Wisen You Up 101. Other courses included Humanity and how not to be a victim, Real estate and sexual assault and how to discern the difference, The entire legal system and how never to be involved, and Pragmatism the word of the day.

Bob ventured that people can be toilet trained, but could not be trained to deal with new matters unless in imminent physical danger. He was referring to then matters of concern such as global warming, the ozone layer, etc.

Bob compared people’s inability to get it or act on a potential danger was a consequence similar to “crapping in your pants.”

Things have not changed much since 1997 when Bob shared his thoughts. Most do not want to learn. Some have a vested interest which mandates they close their eyes.

Spent my sunday afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. World Running Out Of Sand. Excellent reading. Most unaware re the nature of usable sand and that in due course it will exist no more. Sand being a non-renewable resource.

Later stopped at the Marriott Beachside for the sunday newspapers. Then to Sandy’s Cafe for dinner. My usual. Cuban cheese toast with tomato and a diet Coke.

Home or the Chart Room next? Decided to stop by the Chart Room for a drink and some conversation. Glad I did. Old friends Cheryl and Roger at the bar.

Cheryl and Roger from the Chicago area. Still have a home there. For years, Key West snowbirds. They enjoyed a huge RV that they parked several months a year on Stock Island.

We became friend. Two finer people, I do not know. Loyal blog readers. Bought Irma and Me right away. Have introduced their friends to this blog.

I also like them because I enjoy their company.

I knew they would be arriving for a few days. Not exactly when. They arrived at the Pier House where they were staying around 5. I met up with them at 7.

Cheryl and Roger purchased another home somewhere on Florida’s west coast. They drove down and will be staying till wednesday.

We will be together tonight. Roger’s turn to buy. We will dine at Antonia’s. Earlier, they will be my guests at Dueling Bartenders. They have never been.

This morning’s Key West Citizen ran an article about parking in the 100 block of Simonton. A real problem. Recent construction contributing.

The problem will be resolved in due course. Some parking on a pay basis will be permitted. Not the whole block, however.

My concern even greater. Fix Simonton Street in that area. The road condition horrendous! Terrible! Stop paying for generally useless studies for a while and put the money into road repairs. My kidneys are beginning to hurt!

Continue to love whoever does the Citizen weather reports. In very fine print under each day’s forecast is an interesting and/or humorous tidbit.

Humidity has been heavy lately. A breeze generally non-existent. Even a small one would help.

The weatherman’s comment for today: “Can I buy a breeze?”

Someone at a criminal court house in Miami writes a blog that I read. The Justice Building Blog. Sometimes merely legal matters. Others, tell it like it is.

The blog always ends with the admonition: Fight The Power!

Yesterdays blog contained a phrase worth repeating: “…..where we don’t yet burn books…..we do rip infants from the arms of their mothers.”

There will be demonstrations across the land this weekend. Protesting the Trump administration separating children from parents, maintaining immigrant children in detention type facilities, most information concerning the children kept secret, etc.

I am concerned. Violence could erupt. Retaliatory to the President’s actions. If so, the seeds of rebellion will have been planted. To erupt another day.

I recall vividly the Vietnam War demonstrations. Some violent. I thought terrible. I was concerned. Where was my country headed?

The two events different. As bad as the anti-Vietnam cries were, the situation with the immigrant children even worse. Separating children from parents strikes at the core of one’s being. Party lines disappear. The evil that men are capable of doing becomes obvious.

What will come of all this?

Enjoy your day!


The plan was to meet Jean Thornton at Dueling Bartenders last night. Bobby Nesbitt the scheduled guest performer. Found Jean at the bar seated next to Erika Biddle.

I probably have run into Erika no more than five times over the years. She is unique. The woman has tasted much of life. Both good and bad.

Erika was born in Germany in the years immediate following World War II. Though having avoided the war itself, she remembers clearly the destroyed cities, the debris, etc. waiting for reconstruction. Recovery was slow.

She recalls going without food. The lack of food experience was evident later in the evening when we dined at Antonia’s. I never saw a plate so clean at the end of a meal.

Erika came to Key West in 1994 after living in several cities around the world. She was immediately aware Key West was for her. She once said regarding Key West, ” This was the only city I ever visited where I’m not the most eccentric person around. Here I’m the normal one.”

Her eccentricity best reflected in a nudie calendar venture she put together. An avid environmentalist, Erika came up with a way to raise money for environmental purposes.

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger once mentioned something to the effect that the environmental cause was best reflected by a nude woman. Soon after, an English movie came out where a bunch of elderly English women needing money for a charity did a nudie calendar of themselves.

Erika was emboldened. She convinced 15 Key West ladies to agree posing for a nudie calendar. Titled: Women Sustaining the Earth. The women between 44 and 78 years of age. All lovely. The calendar tastefully done.

Sold well!

Erika’s life or parts thereof great book material.

It rained for 2 hours early in the afternoon. Big time! Roaring thunder! Brought to mind Zeus, ancient Greece’s sky and thunder god. King of Mount Olympus.

The Key West Citizen’s weather person a humorist.  Yesterday’s prediction: Mostly cloudy, a shower; free car wash. The shower could have been better described. It was a monsoon! The “free car wash” right on. My car shiny bright after the sun dried it off.

I am ahead of the game time wise re my next KONK Life column. This week’s already done and at the printers. It is titled Sit At Attention Or Die. A bit of Kim/Trump. It is the article for a week from tomorrow that I was working on.

A change of pace topic. Felt compelled to get away from Trump. Environmental. About sand. As with water, in short supply world wide. Hard to believe.

Sand is the new gold.

I read yesterday that recent wind storms have affected Florida’s sandy beaches drastically. The sand loss described as Gone With The Wind.

An interesting article in the making.

The music at Dueling Bartenders the best. Always is. Bobby, Tom Luna and Rick Dery made the walls shake.

Bobby recently married Mike Mulligan. They had lived together 37 years. About time! In honor of the nuptials, Bobby sang I’m Getting Married In The Morning from My Fair Lady.

Jean, Erika and Louis walked over to Antonia’s for dinner. Jean and Erika interesting women. I enjoyed being with them.

Diseases come and go. Initially death causing and then man finds the pill/shot making it possible to avoid the sickness.

Yellow fever was a major killer in the mid 1800’s. The Citizen’s Keys History section mentioned that on this date in 1865, the vessel Adventure arrived in Key West in distress. Four crew members had yellow fever. The four were taken to the Marine Hospital.

The yellow fever spread from the four to Army troops stationed in Key West. Three hundred thirty one cases. Seventy one died. The number of civilians infected and dead not recorded.

A thought. Mull it. Conservative Americans are all about family – unless the family has darker skin and is from another country.

Child abuse in the news constantly these days. The immigrant children taken from parents. The abuse takes other forms and occurs on a smaller scale around the country.

An undocumented mother lives in San Antonio with her 4 year old daughter. A San Antonio Sheriff deputy was having sex with the four year old. Apparently on a regular basis.

The four year old told her mother over the weekend. The mother confronted the officer. He did not deny. He made it clear however that if she told anyone, she would be deported.

Fearing the police, the mother went to a fire station and told the fire officers what was going on. The deputy was arrested yesterday.

What is occurring on the border sick. What happened to this four year old equally sick.

Tonight, my podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine sharp. A quick half hour of me pontificating about anything that tickles my interest. Provocative. Eye opening. Guaranteed you will enjoy.

Join me.

Enjoy your day!


Bob Smith was an oracle of wisdom. He wrote BOB in the mid 1990’s, sharing his thoughts with the world.

Today, BOB and hurricanes.

My sense is naming hurricanes and following their path on TV was a relatively new thing in the 1990’s. BOB thought they gave a feeling of preparedness. A false feeling. Hype had nothing to do with being ready for 100 mile plus winds and rain.

He felt Hurricane Andrew in 1992 proved his point.

Evacuation always important. Many failed to leave. Almost always. Traffic extremely slow, not enough gas, etc.

BOB had the solution. Airlift Key West residents out. Like the Berlin airlift. The federal government could label the program the Florida Keys Evacuation Plan.

FEMA was not doing a good job. Useless. My observation is that FEMA improves with every hurricane. However 26 years after Andrew, still do not have it down.

BOB believed FEMA would never improve.

BOB disparaged politicians big time. Tiny brains. Did not know how to get the job done: “I have long since abandoned the idea that reason rules with these clowns.”

I took it easy yesterday. The previous 3 days had been hectic.

Began with a walk up and down White Street. Should be referred to as the new White Street. Many buildings remodeled. All type new businesses opened and opening. Exciting.

Then lunch at Sandy’s Cafe. Situated right in the middle of White Street. It has become one of my favorite lunch haunts. I sit quietly, read the newspapers, and enjoy Cuban cheese toast with tomato and Cuban coffee.

Last night, a late one for me. I am usually in bed by 9. Last night, 12:30!

My evening began late. Bria Ansara’s birthday party was 8-10 at Bourbon St. Got there 8:30. Crowd building. By the time I left an hour later, the place was jam packed. People dancing, singing, waving their arms.

Bria entertaining. A lovely woman. Magnificent. A talented vocalist.

Saw her in a different light last night. Normally, I get to see and hear Bria at Berlin’s on the weekend. She sings on those evenings a lot of tunes from the 1940’s through the 1970’s. Music for oldies like me. Music from my time. The music of most Berlin customers.

Bourbon St. last night, A much younger crowd. No one even close to my 82 years. They were whooping it up. Bria leading them.

A lot of people I knew. Many from Aqua’s Dueling Bartenders. Many women who perform in Key West, also. Fantasy Fest Queen Destiny, one of the bartenders from Berlin’s, Guy de Boer, Chris the photographer, Erin, and others I recognized but whose names I could not recall.

Since I wasn’t dancing, singing or whooping it up to today’s music, I left after an hour. Decided to stop at the Chart Room.  Glad I did.

Ollie was holding court at the end of the bar. A Key West icon.

Met Mandy and Gene. Ollie introduced us. Spent 2 hours chatting with them.

Gene originally from Syracuse. Grew up in Camillus, a small community adjoining Syracuse. Mandy and Gene today live in Smeltfield, Virginia. The home of Smeltfield Ham and Bacon.

They have 3 sons and 4 grandchildren.

Gene still working. An industrial designer. He designs aircraft carriers. I was impressed.

Mandy retired. However her work background equally impressive. She spent her career working with the Navy and Coast Guard at their highest echelons.

We talked about everything. They hope to return for Fantasy Fest. Have never seen it.

I liked their attitudes. They are both 60. Kids educated and gone. They are ready to live.

Go for it!

My drive to Bria’s party found me on North Roosevelt Boulevard at the right time. There before me was the setting sun. A huge yellow ball. Caught the sun just as it was cutting the horizon.

A benefit of living in Key West.

I intend for today to be another Louis day. Only thing scheduled is a haircut with Lori at noon. Going to try to schedule a manicure and pedicure for later in the afternoon.

It’s a good life!

Enjoy your day!