I am not technologically adept. A generational thing.

During my Holly wood trip, I purchased a computer monitor. Thirty two inch screen! A few days before in Key West, a new keyboard. All put together on 11/24. My guru TV person Tim Reynolds working with me from Tampa. He hooks up and can operate my computer from Tampa.

I have noticed minor problems the past two days. Need Sloan to correct. She will be here Wednesday.

A major problem today. It may have encumbered your ability to read this blog on Facebook.

I have two Facebook accounts. Key West Lou and Louis Petrone. The blog is supposed to come up on Key West Lou when I direct it from WordPress. The past two days, it has shown on Louis Petrone instead.

Sloan told me on the phone how to temporarily correct it. I hope it works this morning. Whatever, everything will be fine by Wednesday evening.

There is nothing for you to do at your end. I have to perform at mine.

If I fail and it does not come up for you, merely enter

An excellent weekend food wise. Important because I start a major diet tomorrow.

Dinner Friday night with Barbara at Berlin’s. Sean and Gage bartending. The wonderful Bria singing.

I continue to live and learn. A conversation at the bar involved hurricanes. Turkey vultures have returned to Key West. All over our skies. Someone mentioned that the return of the turkey vultures is an indication the hurricane season is over.

I hope so. We have had a few post hurricane season storms over the years.

Thanksgiving dinner last night at Donna and Terri’s. My second Thanksgiving dinner in as few days. I need the diet!

Donna is a superior cook. The meal magnificent! The company as good.

George and Art joined the festive occasion. Their business strange. They make what they describe as self sculptured art. Stuffed animals. Bears, dogs, octopuses, etc. Anywhere from 6 inches to 26.

Not cheap. A world-wide market. George just returned from a sales trip to Beijing and Taipei. He described their product as having a niche market.

Considered one of the best if not the best movies ever is Casablanca. Starred Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. A touching weepy love story.

Casablanca premiered in New York City this date 1942.

My recently published book Irma and Me mentions a day at the Thornton’s in Birmingham when my other evacuees and I watched Casablanca.

I was stunned. The women all cried throughout. Two knew the lines perfectly and said them at  appropriate moments.

Definitely a woman’s picture. I have seen it many times. Enjoyed. Never cried.

December 7, 1941 a despicable day. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

On this day in 1941, the Japanese aircraft carrier strike force left Japan for Pearl Harbor. A 12 day trip to Pearl Harbor. Too bad no cyclone/hurricane arose during the trip.

Another live and learn item. One which took too many years to become evident.

MIT released the results of a recent study. Electric cars are not green. Pollute more than petrol and diesel cars. The reason being that a majority of the energy which charges the batteries of electric cars comes from national grids. Many grids use fossil fuels such as gas and coal. All at an environmental cost.

A similar study was released last year in Norway. The study did not receive as much attention as I assume the MIT one will.

Donald, oh Donald. I know not where you come up with things.

Yesterday, Trump announced that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was bad for the banks: “Financial institutions have been devastated.”

So wrong. The Consumer Bureau works to reign the banks in from wrong doing. They oversee such things as mortgages, credit cards, bank accounts, and student loans.

Never forget banks are whores. They gave us the 2oo8 recession. Millions lost their homes because of devious and improper mortgage dealings.

Most recently, a major bank such as Wells Fargo devised another illegal approach to increasing profits.

In each event, the banks paid huge fines. Nothing compared to the money the banks made far in excess of the fines paid.

Since 2008, I have been consistent in saying send the CEO’s of these banks to jail. It will only take a few incarcerations to stop the improprieties. There is a problem, however. Our government refrains from arresting and charging any higher-ups.

The failure to arrest/jail will continue under Trump. One way will be to do away with the Consumer Bureau that oversees the banks.

My recent book Irma and Me is available. The story of how Irma chased me through several States. The book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and KoboBooks.

Enjoy your Sunday!


A wonderful evening! Birthday dinner at the Rooftop as the guest of Joseph Lyles.

Joseph, the host extraordinaire. My John the Baptist friend still walking with his seven foot pole.

Joseph has had an extensive career in the food industry. Managed fine dining at places like the Hot Tin Roof and Little Palm Island.

A man held in high esteem by his restaurant cohorts. Clearly evident last night. The owner and chef stopped by the table. The table itself special. Special appetizers selected by Joseph before I arrived.

The chef recommended the snapper special. Joseph and I followed his advice. Did not go wrong.

Courtesy even to a double locals discount. I was impressed.

Joseph is a person of deep intelligence. A thinker. I enjoy his company. We have decided to do it again. Next time at Martin’s for Happy Hour.

A passing comment. I had not been to the Rooftop in at least 10 years. You hear me say this often. Ten years. Key West has many fine restaurants. Plus, I am a creature of habit. Enjoy going to the same places.

I am adding Rooftop to my list of places to frequent. I forgot how good it was.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! So many Happy Birthday greetings. I am a lucky man.

Barbara enjoyed dinner with Joseph and I last night. She left early this morning to return to New York. She was a tremendous help in getting me unpacked, etc.

We lunched together at Harpoon Harry’s yesterday. One of those sudden heavy summer rains occurred. Kept us at Harry’s an extra half hour.

Spent most of the day unpacking. More to go, though not much.

I have been in Key West many years. I feel like I am a part of Key West. The feeling is accompanied with an attitude that I know everything about my island.

I do not. As I frequently learn.

The wall behind the bar at the Chart Room is loaded with photos. Some covering each other.

The other evening, I discovered one of Mel Fisher and Johnny Carson.

Fisher found the Atocha and gold in July 1985. Like $400 million worth. Within days, he was on the Johnny Carson show. July 30, 1985 to be exact.

Soon thereafter, Carson traveled to Key West. He wanted to dive the Atocha. Fisher took him.

Fisher also took him to the Chart Room where the photograph was taken.

In depth knowledge of William Hackley is a bit at a time. On this date in 1856, Hackley wrote in his diary that he received a letter from his mother. Enclosed in the letter was his “quarterly salary.”

Leads me to believe Hackley might have been a trust fund baby.

Hoover Dam…..One of the wonders of the world! Definitely so at the time of its completion in 1935.

Time and other construction has diminished its number one position as the largest of dams. Today, Hoover Dam is the 2nd highest in the United States and 18th largest in the world.

I write about Hoover Dam for several reasons today.

One is that construction began this day in 1930.

Others include the dam being finished two years ahead of schedule and millions of dollars under budget. A feat impossible in today’s world.

Interesting to note is 21,000 men worked on the dam during its 5 year construction period. Jobs for many during the great depression.

Enjoy your day!


Strange experience yesterday.

It is difficult for me to become discombobulated. I did yesterday. Panicked!

Barbara was driving from Utica to visit. I last heard from her 7:30 in the morning. She had just passed through Jacksonville. Expected to arrive in Key West around 2.

Two came and went. As did 3, 4 and 5.

I tried telephoning. She did not answer her cell. Finally at 5:30, I telephoned the police. Assumed the worst. She had been in an accident.

Florida does not have a one call line system for accident information. An area by area system. Each has to be called individually. I started with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. Then to the State Highway Patrol in Miami-Dade, Jacksonville, Orlando, and finally the Florida Turnpike itself.

All courteous. No help, however. No record of an accident. The Turnpike operator the best. I expressed concern. If she had not been in an accident, something worse must have occurred.

I was in the process of filing a missing persons with the Turnpike operator when my cell rang.

It was Barbara. She had been held up by traffic in Islamorada for 3 1/2 hours.

Respectfully, I ripped her a new a..hole. Why wasn’t your phone on? It was. No, I called six times and left messages. Must have been while I stopped to go to the bathroom. No, you don’t go to the bathroom that often.


I was glad she was alive and well. I had visions of her in a roadway ditch with her throat slit. Don’t laugh. We live in strange times.

She finally arrived a little after 9. She was mad. Felt Florida should have a better system of dealing with heavy traffic through the Keys. I was upset she had the phone turned off.

We were not on the same wave length.

Again, the police officers were helpful and sensitive to my concerns. One complaint. The State should have one number to call for accident victims. Not a sort of county by county system. In the age of computers, such cannot he difficult to set up.

A quick shower and we were off to get a bite to eat. Ended up at Tavern ‘n Town at 10:15.

As is said, all’s well that ends well!

Barbara brought several baskets of fresh strawberries and a big bag of peas from upstate New York. The season for them there. The strawberries not GMOs. Not big and shiny. Different sizes. Most small. Sweet and juicy. Enjoyed them for breakfast this morning.

The peas will likewise be delicious when we get to them.

I am in Starbucks again this morning. Comcast comes late tomorrow morning.

Starbucks packed again this morning. Most European tourists. Like a United Nations. I hear no one speaking English.

Some studies are just plain unreliable.

I love Key West. It has many pluses. Many negatives, also.

A company called WilliamHub (no space between first and last name) recently released a study. Key West was determined to be the second best Beach Community in the U.S. Two hundred twenty seven beach areas studied.

The criteria primarily involved housing costs, share of waterfront homes for sale, and the quality of beach water.

WilliamHub obviously used bad data.

A sadness yesterday. A 15 year old boy died while snorkeling at Fort Zach Beach. Cause not yet known. His family pulled him from the water and tried to resuscitate him.

Hemingway ended his life on this date in 1961 at his Sun Valley, Idaho home. Another sadness.

I close with a Trump reference. Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus in a  6/29 column wrote: “Authoritarianism does not announce itself. It creeps up on you.”

Enjoy your Sunday!


Let the drums roll, the band play. Finally made it. The first segment of Going Live with Key West Lou aired earlier this morning. More as the day progresses.

Going Live makes it possible for me to be seen as well as heard. Use your cellphone. Go to Facebook. Enter Key West Lou.

I intend to do 30-60 second presentations. Need some time to adjust. My first entry this morning was a little over 3 minutes.

The show archives. There for you any time of the day or days.

My first comment concerned accused terrorist Harlem Suarez who is presently on trial in Key West for planning to bury a nail filled back pack bomb on Smathers Beach. To be detonated with a cell phone.

My yesterday began with a morning airport drop. Barbara returned home.

Spent two hours in the early afternoon working on Growing Up Italian. I have been at it four years. Work on it, then put it aside for a while.

I have rewritten most parts three times. This is my fourth rewrite. My last! Good, bad or indifferent, this is it!

I have decided to break the work into several books. Three at least. The first will be titled Growing Up Italian, Part I, The First Six Years. Part I presently contains 48 chapters.

Then Sloan for a couple of hours to finish up the Going Live show.

Hunger beset me. Desired some company and a drink. Headed to Hogfish. Sat at the bar next to an elderly weather beaten shrimp fisherman. We talked about the storm that hit sunday and monday. His shrimp boat just made it in.

Women’s International Flag Football time. The 26th annual tournament begins today. Will last several days. Teams from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Norway, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and other parts of the world.

The tournament named after Kelley McGillis. McGillis of Top Gun fame. A flaming beauty! She was a resident of Key West for many years. Owned and operated several restaurants.

McGillis will be in Key West for the event. She presently resides in Pennsylvania.

The social aspect begins saturday at 4 pm at La Te Da. Diane Nyad the keynote speaker. Diane was the first person to swim Cuba to Key West without a shark cage.

There is rising opposition to the amphitheater. Many believe the necessary pro forma has not been done. Many questions that should be answered and resolved pre-construction not done.

Dinner tonight with my lesbian wives. Donna and Terri. Love them! We are celebrating their anniversary and Terri’s birthday.

Terri undergoing chemo. Donna told me yesterday Terri shaved her head completely bald. Most of her hair had fallen out.

I bet she looks terrific!

Enjoy your day!


Short blog this morning. Barbara leaving. Have to get her to the airport for an early flight.

Still biting my tongue re Trump. People voted for a change. He is giving us change.

Some food for thought.

  1. The United States does not operate in secrecy. A federal agency media freeze is un-American.
  2. The President works for the people. The people do not work for the Presidnet.
  3. We have a B Cabinet: Billionaires and bankers.

The Key West City Commission has been considering making Key West a Sanctuary City. Still up in the air. Perhaps, fortunately. Trump is expected to target Sanctuary Cities today.

My blog talk radio show last night. A good one from my perspective. A lot of China and Mexico and the U.S. interplay with them.

Pythons back in the news.

I wrote a lengthy column about four years ago in KONK Life re the Florida python problem. Primarily in the Everglades. The bottom line was they are here to stay. In excess of one hundred thousand. The State is trying to manage the problem. Eradication not possible.

The State has hired two tribesmen from India who have had success in India with the problem. The State is also in the process of bringing in dogs trained to sniff out pythons.

Syracuse won a game last night! A close one. Beat Wake Forest 81-76.

Bocce and the Sons and Daughters of Italy hand in hand this weekend. Makes sense. The Sons and Daughters and the Key West Wildlife Center are having a Bocce Night Fundraiser saturday evening. 5:30-9:30. Bocce courts across from the White Street Pier.

Cost minimal. You even get to learn and play or play if you already know how. $20 for adults and $10 for children.

I will be at the fundraiser teaching. It is like riding a bicycle.

William Blakley. Fifty eight degrees this date in 1856. He “made up a fire in the stove.”

Fifty eight degrees in Key West is like 20 degrees up north.

Enjoy your day!


Tonight! Aqua Idol! The start of a new season.

From 6:30-8:00, 14 brand new contestants will vie to be the next Aqua Idol. A journey taking several weeks. Every tuesday evening till there is a winner.

At Aqua, of course.

The event a fundraiser. Held to support the Waterfront Playhouse. Lynda Frechette heads Aqua Idol. She scours the lower Keys for new contestants each season. Fourteen needed. They compete tonight for the first time.

Aqua Idol has been a popular event for years. Get to Aqua early if you wish a seat. It will be wall to wall.

I get cheated. I cannot be there. I will be into final preparations for my podcast show this evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou at 9. A quick half hour of interesting political and social events. Accompanied by my comments, of course.

Football injuries are much in the news these days. Both pro and college ball. There was another time when football injuries were big time. The early 1900s. College ball. Pro ball was in its infant stages.

No helmets or shoulder pads in those days.

Deaths commonplace. A large number each season.

President Theodore Roosevelt got involved. He straightened things out. Had he not, football would have been banned in the United States. That close. Several prominent colleges had already banned football.

The opening topic this evening concerns Roosevelt and how he saved football.

Also, the inaugural this week. God help us! The Mexican people and their unhappiness. Major business closings. Some surprising. ISIS gaining ground in Albania. D.A.R.E. ends its anti-weed campaign. Plus, more.

Spent yesterday afternoon working on tonight’s blog talk radio show.

Then to Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. Tom and Rick. Sheila and David. Liz and Mary. And many more.

Dinner afterwards at Mangoes with Barbara and Liz. My first time to the new Mangoes. Lovely. Service excellent. Food merely ok. Not worth the cost.

Major announcement! My new show will begin monday. Going Live with Key West Lou. On Facebook. The show in addition to this blog and my tuesday night podcast.

You will see as well as hear me.

I will do several brief commentaries each day. Whatever strikes me at the moment. Whatever tickles my fancy. From wherever I am. All I have to do is pull out my cell phone and get to it.

The comments will be short. Generally 30-60 seconds.

Archived. Several commentaries can be read at one time.

I am excited. Hope it goes over well. Hope nothing pops up which causes me to push the opening date ahead.

Once again, a problem with stranded whales. Off Hog Key on the Gulf side of Florida. Ninety five whales involved. Eighty one already dead. Naturally or euthanized.

There have been stranded whales near Key West in past years. More than one time. I recall several years ago a pod stranded off Cudjoe Key. Went to take a look.

More than 500 volunteers and professionals appeared over a period of several days to help. Wet suits available to all who wanted to assist.

Some whales saved. Some died.

The effort impressive.

William Hackley mentioned yesterday his hope that what appeared to be a new Seminole War in 1856 would not be as expensive as previous ones. How expensive was expensive back in those days?

I did a bit of research. There were three Seminole Indian Wars. The first in the 1820s. the last 1855-1858.

Strange fact pattern. The federal government wanted to move the Florida Seminoles west to Oklahoma. Contrasted with the post Civil War years when the federal government was trying to move western Indians to Florida.

The Second Seminole War was the expensive one. Cost $30 million in a year when the federal budget was only $25 million. The basis for Hackley’s statement in 1856.

On this day in 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower spoke to the Nation. He warned to beware the “military-industrial complex.” He was well aware of their greedy nature and not necessarily acting in the best interests of the country.

Eisenhower was correct. His words not heeded. The military-industrial complex thriving. Encourages wars, overcharges, etc.

I close with Syracuse. My Syracuse. Settling in that this will not be one of Syracuse’s best seasons. Lost yesterday 85-68 to North Carolina.

Syracuse cannot play with the big guys this year.

Enjoy your day!



Obama’s Farewell Speech last night contained a spectacular moment. Personal and touching. His tribute to his family. Especially, Michelle. Brought a tear to the President’s eyes, tears to Michelle’s eyes. A tear or two to mine.

His words had to touch America’s hearts. Even of those who did not support him.

FBI Director James Coomey exhibited a double standard while testifying before a Senate Committee yesterday. He was asked about what might be described as compromising personal and financial information revealed earlier in the day re Trump and Russia.

The question basically was are you investigating the matter. Coomey responded he/the FBI do not respond as to whether there is an investigation or not.

What concerns me is that Coomey did not exhibit a similar reluctance when he testified before a Congressional Committee re Hillary’s e-mails.

A double standard? Coomey forgets what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Did an airport pick up yesterday. Barbara arrived for a visit.

Fine tuned last night’s blog talk radio show in the afternoon.

An early dinner with Barbara at Roostica.

I stuck my neck out re the Syracuse game last night. Got it chopped off! I thought Syracuse had rediscovered its winning ways and would beat Virginia Tech. I was wrong. Virginia Tech beat Syracuse 83-73.

Syracuse’s fabled zone defense was ineffective once again. Virginia Tech was getting the ball in the middle and under the basket. Horrible!

The game 7-9. Nine my podcast show. Great timing! Great scheduling!

The lead topic involved Harry Truman’s mother in law. Not a nice lady. Treated Truman poorly for the 33 years they lived together. An article listing the six worst mother in laws of all time contained her name. Next to that of Catherine de Medici.

Two other topics of special interest.

One involved vaccines and their safety. Additionally Robert Kennedy Jr. having accepted a position with Trump to head a vaccine safety committee which was to study the safety issue. Kennedy a vaccine skeptic.

The news of Kennedy’s designation and acceptance yesterday afternoon. Last night or this morning, Trump withdrew his vaccine committee idea.

The other topic involved a transgendered convicted murderer doing life in California. He was sick of being a man. Wanted sex readjustment surgery so he could become the female he claimed he was.

California is giving him the operation and paying for it. Taxpayer dollars, of course. The U.S. Supreme Court decided three years ago that prison inmates are entitled to “medically necessary treatment.” Interpreted to mean the best medical care. Better than most can afford. No deductibles, no donuts, etc.

The “treatment” is extended to providing female oriented items such as night gowns, scarfs and necklaces to the transgendered males awaiting surgery.

I published a book several years ago. The World Upside Down. A short story was titled Flora’s Story. Perhaps the best short story I have written.

A true story.

Flora a 40 year old Albanian school teacher. She cleaned apartments on Amorgos summers 12 hours a day 7 days a week. To earn enough money to make it through the year. Albania is a poor country. Her teaching salary was insufficient to make ends meet.

We met on Amorgos two consecutive summers.

I asked questions. She answered. Permitted me to write her story.

Some questions I asked clearly evidence her life style and that of her fellow Albanians.

One was what was the one thing you would want if you could have it. She quickly responded a car. She walks long distances. Busing is poor.

Do you dance? Yes. How often? Once a year at the year end teachers’ party.

Do you drink? Yes. How much? One glass of wine a year at the teachers’ party.

And so it went.

ISIS is making inroads into Albania. A recent thing. I spoke about it on the show last night. I have made inquiry to Flora about it, also. Yet to receive her response. We communicate via Facebook every month.

Three small Albanian villages in the southeast are recruiting and sending soldiers to Syria. Not just soldiers. Wives and children go with them.

The villages are Leshnica, Zagoracan and Rreienj.

The villages are devoid of business. Huge unemployment. Poverty. Most part time farmers. Work seasonal. Many take the Flora route and go to Greece summers to work the farms there.

Those who join ISIS and leave are described as having acquired a religious type fervor regarding ISIS.

Enjoy your day!