Obama’s Farewell Speech last night contained a spectacular moment. Personal and touching. His tribute to his family. Especially, Michelle. Brought a tear to the President’s eyes, tears to Michelle’s eyes. A tear or two to mine.
His words had to touch America’s hearts. Even of those who did not support him.
FBI Director James Coomey exhibited a double standard while testifying before a Senate Committee yesterday. He was asked about what might be described as compromising personal and financial information revealed earlier in the day re Trump and Russia.
The question basically was are you investigating the matter. Coomey responded he/the FBI do not respond as to whether there is an investigation or not.
What concerns me is that Coomey did not exhibit a similar reluctance when he testified before a Congressional Committee re Hillary’s e-mails.
A double standard? Coomey forgets what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Did an airport pick up yesterday. Barbara arrived for a visit.
Fine tuned last night’s blog talk radio show in the afternoon.
An early dinner with Barbara at Roostica.
I stuck my neck out re the Syracuse game last night. Got it chopped off! I thought Syracuse had rediscovered its winning ways and would beat Virginia Tech. I was wrong. Virginia Tech beat Syracuse 83-73.
Syracuse’s fabled zone defense was ineffective once again. Virginia Tech was getting the ball in the middle and under the basket. Horrible!
The game 7-9. Nine my podcast show. Great timing! Great scheduling!
The lead topic involved Harry Truman’s mother in law. Not a nice lady. Treated Truman poorly for the 33 years they lived together. An article listing the six worst mother in laws of all time contained her name. Next to that of Catherine de Medici.
Two other topics of special interest.
One involved vaccines and their safety. Additionally Robert Kennedy Jr. having accepted a position with Trump to head a vaccine safety committee which was to study the safety issue. Kennedy a vaccine skeptic.
The news of Kennedy’s designation and acceptance yesterday afternoon. Last night or this morning, Trump withdrew his vaccine committee idea.
The other topic involved a transgendered convicted murderer doing life in California. He was sick of being a man. Wanted sex readjustment surgery so he could become the female he claimed he was.
California is giving him the operation and paying for it. Taxpayer dollars, of course. The U.S. Supreme Court decided three years ago that prison inmates are entitled to “medically necessary treatment.” Interpreted to mean the best medical care. Better than most can afford. No deductibles, no donuts, etc.
The “treatment” is extended to providing female oriented items such as night gowns, scarfs and necklaces to the transgendered males awaiting surgery.
I published a book several years ago. The World Upside Down. A short story was titled Flora’s Story. Perhaps the best short story I have written.
A true story.
Flora a 40 year old Albanian school teacher. She cleaned apartments on Amorgos summers 12 hours a day 7 days a week. To earn enough money to make it through the year. Albania is a poor country. Her teaching salary was insufficient to make ends meet.
We met on Amorgos two consecutive summers.
I asked questions. She answered. Permitted me to write her story.
Some questions I asked clearly evidence her life style and that of her fellow Albanians.
One was what was the one thing you would want if you could have it. She quickly responded a car. She walks long distances. Busing is poor.
Do you dance? Yes. How often? Once a year at the year end teachers’ party.
Do you drink? Yes. How much? One glass of wine a year at the teachers’ party.
And so it went.
ISIS is making inroads into Albania. A recent thing. I spoke about it on the show last night. I have made inquiry to Flora about it, also. Yet to receive her response. We communicate via Facebook every month.
Three small Albanian villages in the southeast are recruiting and sending soldiers to Syria. Not just soldiers. Wives and children go with them.
The villages are Leshnica, Zagoracan and Rreienj.
The villages are devoid of business. Huge unemployment. Poverty. Most part time farmers. Work seasonal. Many take the Flora route and go to Greece summers to work the farms there.
Those who join ISIS and leave are described as having acquired a religious type fervor regarding ISIS.
Enjoy your day!
Bullshit. He’s just a piece of shit about to be flushed. Feel free to join him you liberal cocksucker.
Louis, tell us more about your latest house guest Barbara? I hope that she enjoys her stay.
Fred’s the cocksucker!
Mr. Petrone,
President Obama and his wife are undeniably a class act. I did not agree with everything he did but he is a dignified leader of America and one we can be proud of. Ironically a fair number of his actions and policies would be right up the political alley of the more conservative fringe in this country, with no credit from the same. I’ve heard many proclaim that with the election of Trump they are proud, once again, to be American. That is their perogative, mine is to say President-Elect Trump has not and never will have any of the fine qualities evident in President Obama.
Many are left to wonder how dignified and squeaky clean Obama would have really been if the fawning media had covered him and his administration as they do with other leaders.
I see that the media is now back to “truthfully” covering our soon-to-be new leader…24/7. I think most in the media are disappointed that they only have 24 hours each day to denigrate him.