I attended the Vietnam Living Memorial event at Bayview Park yesterday.

I especially feel an attachment to the veterans of the Vietnam War. I did not serve. However, those who did are close in age to me. Probably why I feel a kindership.

It took a long time for our country to honor the Vietnam vets. They are a sight to behold at any ceremony involving them. Pride. Their faces reflect it.

Picked up Terri at 5. She was to sing as part of Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. Donna working. I played chauffeur.

Dropped Terri off. Did not go in. Instead drove down to the Chart Room.

Met the new bartender Shaun. He was a manager at Rum Barrel. Rum Barrel closed a couple of weeks ago.

A young couple came in. Both worked at Casa Marina. I sipped and listened to their conversation with Shaun. One of them was a bartender at Casa Marina. Bartending the primary topic of their conversation.

Returned to Aqua.

Tom Luna and Terri singing up a storm.Terri starred tree months on Broadway playing the jail matron Mama Morton in Chicago. She sang All That Jazz last night. Wild!

Some of the nicest people live in Key West. Try us and you will understand. Many at Dueling Bartenders are locals. Comradeship exists.

My Facebook video is three months old. Seems I did the right thing. Many people watching. As to locals, four came up to me to comment on the video show, how much they liked it, etc.

Made me feel good.

I am losing friends frequently. Persons who were close to me. Most recently, a judge and police lieutenant. Contemporaries.

Death abounds. A certainty. I do not think about it. The thought would diminish the fun I am having.

Watched Trump lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery on TV yesterday. His words warm. He was Presidential.

What bothered me was the roaring welcome he received. Had to be a selected crowd. The enthusiasm for him overwhelming.

A little Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial.

On this day in 1922, former President William Howard Taft dedicated the Lincoln Memorial. Construction began in 1914 and was completed in 1922. The Memorial impressive.

The Jefferson Memorial was completed in a shorter time. Construction began in 1939 and was completed in 1947. Bronzed in 1947. Equally impressive.

I have always favored the Jefferson Memorial. A tall standing Jefferson. If I recall correctly, 18 feet. Majestic.

William Hackley’s diary interesting this morning. Today’s date in 1856. Hackley noted a man was convicted of larceny. He was sentenced to one hour in a pillory. To expose him to public abuse.

I was surprised the pillory was still in use in 1856. I thought it had disappeared as a punishment instrument years earlier.

Every now and then someone makes a statement in Citizens’ Voice that has no basis in fact. Some ill informed individual wrote that Key West needs to “charge more for the scads of underpriced free parking we have in Old Town.”

The writer knows nothing of that which was written.

Private parking is expensive. Public parking, generally more so.

Municipal lots charge from $3 to $4 an hour. Multiply the numbers by 3-4 or more hours. The dollars add up.

As to free parking, none exists.

It costs me roughly $100 a week to park. I live three islands up, 5 miles from downtown Key West. I drive in at least 5 mornings a week. Three to 4 evenings, also. Morning parking generally 4 hours. Evenings, 4-6.

Do the math. The lots where I park generally in the $4 range. The closer to the action, the more the City charges.

I mentioned an only in Key West occurrence yesterday. Two women fighting because one had failed to give the other an orgasm.

Today, a similar happening reported.

The man was using the men’s room at Bayview Park. Upon leaving, he ran into a former girl friend. She started shouting and grabbed him by the balls. Squeezing hard. He claimed he “experienced immediate pain and discomfort.”

The police were called.

She must have thought she was Donald Trump…..Once you grab them by the crotch, you’ve got them.

My podcast show tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. So many happenings this week, I have a wide range of topics to choose from.

Join me at 9.

Enjoy your day!





Short blog this morning. Barbara leaving. Have to get her to the airport for an early flight.

Still biting my tongue re Trump. People voted for a change. He is giving us change.

Some food for thought.

  1. The United States does not operate in secrecy. A federal agency media freeze is un-American.
  2. The President works for the people. The people do not work for the Presidnet.
  3. We have a B Cabinet: Billionaires and bankers.

The Key West City Commission has been considering making Key West a Sanctuary City. Still up in the air. Perhaps, fortunately. Trump is expected to target Sanctuary Cities today.

My blog talk radio show last night. A good one from my perspective. A lot of China and Mexico and the U.S. interplay with them.

Pythons back in the news.

I wrote a lengthy column about four years ago in KONK Life re the Florida python problem. Primarily in the Everglades. The bottom line was they are here to stay. In excess of one hundred thousand. The State is trying to manage the problem. Eradication not possible.

The State has hired two tribesmen from India who have had success in India with the problem. The State is also in the process of bringing in dogs trained to sniff out pythons.

Syracuse won a game last night! A close one. Beat Wake Forest 81-76.

Bocce and the Sons and Daughters of Italy hand in hand this weekend. Makes sense. The Sons and Daughters and the Key West Wildlife Center are having a Bocce Night Fundraiser saturday evening. 5:30-9:30. Bocce courts across from the White Street Pier.

Cost minimal. You even get to learn and play or play if you already know how. $20 for adults and $10 for children.

I will be at the fundraiser teaching. It is like riding a bicycle.

William Blakley. Fifty eight degrees this date in 1856. He “made up a fire in the stove.”

Fifty eight degrees in Key West is like 20 degrees up north.

Enjoy your day!


Amazing! I go weeks without falling. Thought the problem had been corrected. Apparently not. One of the reasons I was falling is because I was not paying attention when using stairs. My falls were always either going up or down stairs.

The fall yesterday morning was going up stairs. I know why it happened. I was not paying attention! I was in a hurry and failed to look and lift my feet sufficiently.

Old age!

My rib cage on the left side hurts like hell. All night. Could not find a pain free position. Did not sleep one moment all night. I started this blog at 4:30 this morning. There was no sense in staying in bed any longer.

No bruising. Which surprises me. I am on blood thinners.

Fortunately, I see my doctor at 8:30 this morning to do blood work and get a flu shot. I will have her check me out. I believe I am ok.

Volkswagen recently owned up to cheating on their diesal vehicles big time. Bad Volkswagen! However, I must compliment Volkswagen in one regard. I have a 2010 Volkswagen Beetle convertible. Never checked out the spare tire till yesterday. A whole tire! A regular sized one!

This morning’s Key West Citizen in its History section states that on this day in 1994 B.O.’s Wagon was physically moved from Duval to its present location on the corner of Caroline and Williams Streets. Locally owned all these years. A great attraction. Does a big time business. A touch of old Key West.

The only body comfort for me yesterday was sitting straight up in my desk chair. My left arm and fingers hurt when hitting the  computer keys.

I spent the afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. Boudicca, Warrior Queen. A 60 AD story. Interesting. A woman leading the armies, as in Joan of Arc. Brutality big. Similar/comparable to or more than that being perpetrated in recent years by al Qaeda and ISIS. Also, gender discrimination.

I opted to write about Boudicca because of the similarity to today’s war brutality and the gender discrimination issue.

An observation. We seem to be having more crime than usual in the lower keys this year. Three recent murders come to mind.

Saturday night, a deputy sheriff was shot in the chest by a robbery suspect. A bullet proof vest saved his life.

The robbery suspect got away following a shoot out. He was discovered at a home on Von Phister sunday. He surrendered to the Key West police after a negotiation. The suspect had two bullet wounds from the shoot out the night before.

Larry Smith plays again! All over Key West. Monday nights at the Little Room Jazz Club. Music and people just like the Wine Galley. Larry is also playing monday through friday afternoons from 4 to 6 at Chicago.

Bocce standings came out yesterday. In spite of recent losses. we are tied for 3rd place with two other teams. All with records of 19-8. Larry Smith’s team is one of those tied with us for 3rd place. We play Larry’s team thursday evening. A blood match!

I am finishing this blog at 6:30. It takes roughly 1.5 to 2 hours each morning to get out.

Enjoy your day!