Today is World AIDS Day. Especially important in Key West. Too many lost over the years.

This morning’s Key West Citizen has an excellent front page article re this day.

At 4:30 this afternoon, the Candlelight Walk. Then at 6, the annual recollection ceremony. At the Edward B. Knight Pier. To remember loved ones lost to the disease.

The article notes an increase in HIV and AIDS cases in the past nine months. From 4 to 21. Sounds alarming. I doubt it is.

A new State law comes into play. This year the first for its imposition. The new law mandates HIV and AIDS testing as part of all annual physicals. Except where the patient opts out.

Increased testing means more positive results. Inevitable.

I completed my Key West Rotary history yesterday. Twenty six separate installments. Interesting to do. Onerous on occasion. Some days added as much as two hours additional work. A pleasure, never the less.

Martin’s for Happy Hour yesterday. With friend Joseph.

Joseph down to one cane. Big progress! He anticipates that soon there will be no need for a cane.

Conversation excellent. Joseph wants to do a blog. Needs to fill in his time now that he is retired. I told him I would have Sloan help him set up. I sense Joseph’s blog will be an intellectual one. Philosophical.

Martin’s food continues to be outstanding. I enjoyed small lamb chops and baked brie. Joseph, snails and schnitzle strips.

Magic bartending. From Poland. Many Poles have immigrated and settled in Key West. My Italian ancestors in the cold northeast many years ago. Weatherwise, the Poles selected better. Warm weather year round as opposed to biting cold winters.

Next stop, Don’s Place.

Chatted with Don and David.

Joanie is back. For the winter. Good to see her!

Quick stops on the way home at Walgreens and Publix.

Tonight, a manicure with Tammy at 7. Followed by dinner at 8 at Outback.

William Hackley writes that on this date in 1855, he paid William C. Dennis “for the hire of a negro woman.”

This Hackley has done in the past. Diana Millikan an historian of sorts. She believes one of the negro woman’s duties was washing Hackley during his morning baths. She believes it was a slave’s customary duty to be performed for her master. I told her to find authority for it somewhere. She is still looking.

The hurricane season ended yesterday. Hope hurricanes are aware that Key West should experience no further ones this year as November 30 has come and gone.

You can never be sure. I recall several years ago when October 31 was the end of hurricane season. We got hit by one the first week of November.

A big saturday awaits! The Christmas Parade. At 7 on Truman. Always fun. Especially for the kids. Tons of candy thrown from parade floats.

Enjoy your day!



Spent a part of yesterday organizing and fine tuning last night’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

I did a different show. Generally, I discuss ten different topics. Last night, one. Harder to do one than ten. With ten give or take, I can easily judge time. Easy to stop when my time is up. Cut short a topic.

With one topic, I was not certain when I would run out of time. Be left hanging in the middle of a part of the story. Even worse, not telling the whole story.

I practice beforehand. Practice and reality work out to different times.

I was thrilled last night. My material ended as the 30 minutes ended. Perfect! Accidental, of course.

The subject matter motivated me to do one issue. The Standing Rock, North Dakota Native American protest and the Dakota Access Pipeline. I felt the media was not providing sufficient information or a clear picture. Unknown facts that should be revealed.

If you missed the show, it is archived on my Key West Lou website. You may wish to read it.

I began with the Great Sioux War, Custer’s last stand at Little Big Horn, the Black Hills gold rush, and the U.S. government cheating/screwing the Indians. I ended with yesterday. That current.

Woe is me! Syracuse got beat again last night. By Wisconsin. 77-60. Syracuse looked terrible. As bad as when it lost to South Carolina a few days ago.

I have faith. Boeheim can pull it together. Look at last season. Syracuse was having a bad year. Ended up being one of the Final Four.

Looking forward to Happy Hour today. At Martin’s. With Joseph Lyles. Joseph recently retired as the Hot Tin Roof’s manager. Will be good to see him again.

Martin’s food excellent. A terrific combination. Joseph and Martin’s. Joseph is well read. A thinker. Great conversation anticipated.

Photographer Larry Blackburn is having a show. In 2 days. On December 2. From 6-9. The show is part of the First Friday Upper Duval Art Show.

Larry has titled the show Absence and Presence of Color. Photos of Key West and Ecuador.

The show is at the New York Pasta and Ocean Grill Restaurants in Duval Square.

Recommend you go. Larry’s work spectacular!

There is a bit of sadness attached to today. I will be writing the last installment of my rendition of Wright Langley’s History of the Key West Rotary. Covers the years 1915-1991. The history ended with 1991.

This final installment is #26.

Key West Rotary celebrated its 75th anniversary on April 6, 1991. At the Holiday Inn Beachside. The same place they had celebrated the Club’s 25th anniversary.

Charley “Sonny” Mc Coy was master of ceremonies. Keynote speaker Ralph Renick. A former TV Channel 4 anchorman.

Both speakers delved into the Club’s history.

The Club had 98 members at the time. The Rotary had grown decidedly from its 1915 inception.

Accomplishments many. Those noted included the continued support of the Fourth of July fireworks at the White Street Pier, providing a $6,000 college scholarship, providing 2 $100 and 8 $50 Citizenship Awards, donations to over 16 local charities and youth organizations, and acting as a major sponsor of D.A.R.E.

Additionally, the Club’s ability to continue bringing top people in the community into the Rotary.

In 1991, the Key West Rotary was one of 47 Clubs in District 6990. With a membership of 2,600. District 6990 included Monroe, Dade, and Broward counties, as well as Grand Bahama Island.

No question. Both the Key West Rotary and Rotary in general had grown over the years. When the Key West Rotary was formed in 1915, it was only the third Rotary Club in Florida.

Big trees from little acorns do certainly grow.

The Key West Rotary at the time of its 75th anniversary felt the Club had fulfilled founding President Jefferson Browne’s mission that it would attract top men from the community and be a first class Club.

Three persons were of assistance to me presenting the Rotary story.

Wright Langley’s wife Joan Knowles Langley. A fourth generation Conch. She now resides in Gainesville.

Wright and Joan’s son Mark. Mark still lives in Key West.

Finally, Key West snowbird and friend Diana Millikan. She is the person who sent me a copy of Langley’s History and induced me to write this rendition.

Enjoy your day!


Finally, Don and Chris are engaged. It only took 11 years for Don to bend a knee and ask…..Will you marry me? With a 2.5 carat engagement ring in hand.

Chris burst out crying and exclaimed…..Yes!

Chris should not have been so quick to accept. I would have made Don sweat a while for making Chris wait 11 years.

The couple happy. The wedding next year in Key West.

I met Don and Chris several years ago at the Chart Room. They visit Key West 3-4 times a year. Don is part owner of a South Korea company. He spends the better part of the year in South Korea. Chris travels for her employer. Marketing. Most recently in Germany.

Home is Syracuse.

Larry and Peggy…..I am proud of your son for finally doing the right thing. Chris is a wonderful person. Devoted to your Don. Don equally wonderful and devoted to Chris.

The perfect couple.

Don and Chris joined me at Aqua last night. Tom Luna and Heather Mae performing.

We parted company after Aqua. Don wanted to watch a football game. I wanted to go to bed. Stopped at Roostica on the way home for lemoncello wings.

Big night for the kids! Christmas tree lighting and Santa Claus at Bayview Park last night. Santa arrived on a fire truck, horn blaring all the way.

My podcast show this evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.

A different show tonight. My plan is to discuss one topic. A topic which the media fails to give proper attention. Actions taking place which bring shame to our Nation.

Standing Rock, North Dakota. Native Americans, a pipeline, and excessive police activity.

An interesting, fast moving, informative show. Again, join me.

Syracuse/Wisconsin tonight in basketball. Wisconsin a 6 point favorite.

My show interferes with watching. Game at 7. I will get in the first half and probably last 5 minutes. It will be the first time this season I will see Syracuse play.

Installment 25 of my rendition of the Key West Rotary history by Wright Langley. Today, years 1986-88.

Tomorrow, the final installment. Will center around Key West Rotary’s 75th anniversary.

Rotary’s budget in its infant years beginning in 1915 had to be a pittance. Not that way by the time 1986 came around. The projected income budget for the year was $68,415.

Rotary’s 1988 Annual Report noted the Club had 100 members.

Major accomplishments for the year included raising funds for Polio Plus, sponsoring Key West’s only Fourth of July fireworks (a tradition which began in 1979), sponsoring the Sunrise Rotary Club, continued the annual $4,000 scholarship, and established the Key West Rotary Foundation.

Tomorrow, Rotary’s 75th anniversary.

Enjoy your day!


A normal Sunday by day yesterday. I laid around reading the Sunday papers.

Last night began with the Gardens. Kate Miano’s special place.

Early Sunday evenings, the Gardens are packed. Last night was no different. I arrived at 6, an hour after entertainment began. The place looked like it was season! So many people!

As I moved between bodies to get to the bar, I ran into friends Lynda and Bob Frechette. Good people. They are everywhere. Exemplary Key West supporters.

Met two interesting couples. Sandra and Denis (his name is spelled with only one n). From new Hampshire. Have a time share here.

Sandra a personality. For forty years, she has owned and operated the largest salon and spa in New Hampshire. Husband Denis is with GE. Plans on retiring next year.

The other couple, Joan and Jeff. From split venues. Joan from New Jersey and Jeff Philadelphia.

Joan a bankruptcy attorney. Jeff owns a unique business. He is involved in plastics. And…..he manufactures in the USA and sells in China!

Sandra and Denis know Key West. They asked me about restaurants. First words out of my mouth were Latitudes for dinner and Blue Heaven for breakfast. They had already done both the day before. Needed no one’s advice.

Debra and Patrick are in town. Two fantastic entertainers. For years at La Te Da each season. Don’t recall them being there in recent years.

They were entertaining at the Gardens. Many in attendance to see old friends.

As I was leaving, Debra was gracious in stepping off the porch and coming over to me while she was singing…..Key West Lou! A big hug and kiss. I have known Debra and Patrick 20 years.

My game plan was to follow up the Gardens with a visit to the new Side Bar. A dancing emporium recently opened by Aqua.

What a place! Lovely! Seductive atmosphere. Cute bar. Should be a winner.

Unfortunately, I was the only one there. Too early for dancing people. I said hello, was given a tour of the place, and left.

Went around the corner to Aqua’s Duval entrance. Tom Luna bartending. Mark Watson in and out. I sat at the bar for one drink and enjoyed Tom’s company. A good man. Loved by all.

While I was sitting at the bar, Tom Blackburn came in. One of Key West’s premier photographers. Perhaps the premier.

I had never seen Blackburn before. A big guy. He came over and introduced himself. A big hug. Reads my writings. I was immediately endeared to him.

Blackburn’s photos interesting. Many a bit different. His internet site says he captures images of the world around him. He does. As he sees that world.

Received an e-mail from Don and Chris this morning. We will be meeting tonight at Aqua for Dueling Bartenders.

Harry Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman. Truman made 11 trips to Key West. A total of 175 days.

On this day in 1949, the President arrived with wife Bess and daughter Margaret for a three week vacation. Unusual Bess was with the President. Historians tell us she preferred living in Independence and did not spend much time with her husband in the White House.

Sad for Truman. I have had the opportunity to read many of the letters the President wrote to his wife while he was in the White House and she in Independence. Letters of love.

Shakespeare one of the greatest novelists/writers of all time. No question. He knew and understood life. The good and bad. The unexpected.

On this day in 1582, 18 year old William Shakespeare married 26 year old Anne Hathaway. Six months later, their baby was born.

Onward Rotary. Installment 24.

Love the palm trees lining North Roosevelt Boulevard? They are new. Came with the new highway.

In 1971, Key West was raising money to plant palm trees along North Roosevelt Boulevard. One hundred ninety two. The Rotary contributed $344. Paid for 20 trees. The remaining $4 went to the fertilizer fund.

The Rotary sponsored a club at the Key West High School. Called Interact. The purpose of the club was to teach the young Rotary values. Get the kids involved at an early age.

At a Rotary meeting on March 18, 1971, the officers and directors of Interact were honored by the Rotary. Deservedly so.

It was pointed out that Interact in the past year had sent Christmas baskets to Vietnam soldiers, held a clothing drive to help the needy, helped to raise funds to send the Key West High School Band to Washington, and offered prizes to boost baseball game attendance.

Even Key West Cemetery found itself in Rotary’s helpful hands.

In the Fall of 1981, the Key West Cemetery was a mess. Overgrown with weeds. Needed sprucing up. Rotary members spent four consecutive weekends cleaning up the Cemetery.

Enjoy your day!





An interesting sports afternoon! I did not view much of it. The results astounding.

First, Syracuse.

Football. Syracuse lost as anticipated. Finally the football season is over. The score of the game unusual. Syracuse beaten by Pitt 76-61. The numbers reflect a basketball score. I am pleased that Syracuse kept it close. Only lost by roughly two touchdowns.

Basketball. Here I thought success would be ours. It was not. Syracuse lost to South Carolina 64-50.

No excuse. However…..Seems South Carolina’s defense was unique. New to college basketball. Syracuse could not handle it.

Boeheim will overcome.

Finally, the Ohio State/Michigan game. #s 2 and 3. Went to two overtimes. Ohio State finally won 30-27.

I only got to watch the overtimes. Fantastic football!

Last night with Liz. A lady. Charming. Her two deanships at law schools make Liz an extra interesting dinner companion.

I picked Cafe. The vegetarian restaurant. A funky appearing place. Reminds me of a college hang out. Food excellent. Business, likewise excellent.

I enjoyed a spinach-artichoke dip and mussels. Liz had some type veggie dish described as a pepper steak. No steak, of course.

Pie at Liz’s home afterwards. Potato pie made with rum. Never had potato pie before. Taste close to pumpkin pie. Made from canned sweet potatoes.

Fidel Castro has died.

A tyrant. Dictator. People forget that he replaced a despot. Batista. Initially, Castro was viewed as a hero.

Somewhere along the way, he ended up on Russia’s side. I have always wondered why not on the side of the U.S.

Batista was a whore. He and his associates became rich. Organized crime and international corporations paved their way in Cuba with bribery dollars.

Key West, the State of Florida and the U.S. have constantly guarded against Castro actions and influences as they might affect each.

An Emergency Management organization exists. Its primary purpose to guard against any large scale immigration. Also to observe any unusual happenings.

Monroe County’s Emergency Management has kicked in. As has Florida’s. Monitoring Cuban activities.

Santa Claus is coming to town! Monday evening at 6. Bayview Park. Key West’s Christmas tree lighting. Santa’s first public appearance.

This morning’s KONK Life E-Blast has an elderly health article. The article notes that 1/3 of people over 65 fall. I am one of them!

Pope Urban II is responsible to some degree for today’s Muslim problem. On this day in 1095, he ordered the first Crusade. His speech considered the most influential of the Middle Ages.

He cried out “Deus vult!” God wills it! He even told everyone that those fighting would have a remission of all their sins. Such meant immediate entrance into Heaven. No Hell or Purgatory. Sounds sort of like the Muslim 17 or 21 or whatever number of virgins who will be waiting for those who die for the Muslim religion.

Pope Urban’s Crusade was the first movement against the Muslim world. For 461 years, the Muslims had battled and seized 2/3’s of the Christian world. Pope Urban wanted the Christian lands reclaimed.

Whatever the reason, a forever war.

The history of the Key West Rotary continues. This is Installment 23.

I have noticed that beginning with World War II, the history contents of Langley’s work have become sparse. Five years missed here and there. Cannot be nothing occurred. Whatever, this feature of my blog will see its conclusion by the end of the week.

When I started, I advised Langley’s history went to 1975. I recently discovered there was later a sort of addendum bringing it up to 1991.

April 1966 was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Key West Rotary. The Club’s golden anniversary. It was celebrated in a befitting manner.

A gala cocktail party and dinner at the Trade Winds Supper Room in the Holiday Inn. The Holiday Inn was Key West’s largest hotel/motel for years. It was torn down and replaced with what today is the Marriott Beachside.

One hundred Rotarians and guests attended. Guest speaker was Cleve Allen of Coral Gables. His thunder was stolen by Joe Pearlman, one of the Club’s pioneer members. He told stories about yesterday. Back when.

Interestingly, when the Key West Rotary was established 50 years earlier, it was only the third in Florida.

The 1960s found the U.S. heavily involved in Vietnam. The war was very unpopular. Returning soldiers and veterans were not acclaimed. Actually looked down upon.

The Key West Rotary recognized Vietnam veterans were being overlooked. At the January 26, 1967 luncheon meeting, 4 U.S. Marines were invited. They were recuperating from their wounds at the time at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Key West.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Some heavy dialogue the past couple of months with the election coming up. Time for a change of pace.

Got a haircut yesterday. While waiting for Lori, I picked up a magazine. A Thanksgiving Cook Book. A few female advertisements.


A bra. 32A – 36D.

Why not. We have one size hats and socks.

My sensitivities may be misplaced. I thought it funny.

Key West activities sometimes are off the beaten track. Two examples.

The dachshund is the official Key West dog. Key West goes to the dogs at noon New Years Eve. For the past 13 years. This year the 13th Annual Key West Dachshund Parade.

Only three blocks. Tummies a problem.

The other event is tomorrow from 11 in the morning till 2 in the afternoon. The Men In Paradise Fashion Show. Brooks Brothers it is not.

A fun event. Marriott Beachside. A fundraiser for Samuel’s House

Today is Veterans Day. Taking into account all the wars in my lifetime, the recognition is well deserved.

Key West will be celebrating the day as all other communities in our country. The parade at 4. Duval, of course.

The other recognition activity takes place  earlier at 11 in Bayview Park. At the Memorial Garden. Guaranteed, there will be several hundred veterans. Proud.

Key West is a very patriotic community.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reports there have been 8 Zika cases in Monroe County. Three of the women pregnant. No births yet. All travel infected.

Key West Rotary history. Installment 10.

The time 1931. The Overseas Highway had opened a few years earlier. Many took the train to get to Key West, however. The train operated by the Florida East Coast Railway.

If one wanted to get from Key West to Cuba, a ferry. One, the Florida.

The Cuba Rotary District Governor was Luis Machado. He and his wife had been visiting the northeast United States. They were on the way home.


The Governor had a short stop in Key West between the train and ferry. He was guests of local Rotarians Robert Spottswood, W. L. Bates, and J. Lancelot Lester. Cuban Counsel Jorge Ponce joined them.

Earlier in August, there was a band concert at Bayview Park. A Florida Army National Guard band played. Six thousand residents and visitors attended.

A few days later on August 12, officers and enlisted men of the Florida National Guard were entertained at a dance. The event was held at the Coral Isle Casino at the foot of Duval Street. Four hundred danced from 9 pm to 12:45 am. Lovely, vivacious, young Key West ladies contributed to the evening’s success.

The event was chaired by Rotarians W. L. Bates, Sebastian Cabrera, and B. Curry.

Recall that the Rotary began in 1905. Key West formed a club in 1915. Rotary had grown dramatically world wide in a short period of time.

Nineteen thirty one found Rotary with its first European as International President. England’s Sydney Paschall.

Rotary’s impact locally and internationally was reflected by the Key West Citizen’s front page headline re Paschall’s pending visit: KEY WEST TO SEE FIRST EUROPEAN AS HEAD OF ROTARIES.

Paschall was to arrive November 30. A committee of Rotarians was selected to prepare for Paschall’s visit.

Enjoy your day!


CLEMSON 54 Syracuse 0…..OH, THE PAIN!

Syracuse had played well the two games before Clemson. Sure, Syracuse was 4-4. Clemson 9-0 and #3 in the country.

Just maybe…..I wrote yesterday. Hope springs eternal.

We took a beating. 54-0.

Syracuse basketball on the roll. An exhibition game played already. Colgate this coming weekend.

Should be a good season. Syracuse has a new 7′ 2″ center. He’s rough. In the learning stage. If Boeheim can bring him around, it could be a spectacular season.

Saw my heart doctor yesterday. Got the results of all the tests I have taken the past two weeks. All negative. Everything ok.

I still tire and gasp, however.

The only thing left is my weight. I have gained 30 pounds over the past 1.5 years. I start the diet tomorrow.

I intended to early vote today. Had a feeling the polls might be closed on Sunday. They are closed. In fact, early voting ended yesterday.

No problem, I will vote Tuesday.

The quality of the man. Trump showed what he is made of again yesterday. Note that I do not say Hillary is without sin.

There was an altercation in the audience at a Trump rally in Reno. Someone shouted “gun!” The secret Service jumped on Trump and pulled him off the stage. Trump returned a few minutes later.

There was no gun. There was yelling between a non Trump person and Trump supporters that appeared could get out of hand. No one was arrested.

At Trump’s next rally, Trump people claimed it was an assassination attempt…..that Trump had survived an assassination attempt.

Pure fantasy.

Trump many times reminds me of Hitler in the 1930s. With regard to the phoney assassination attempt, Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels was Hitler’s Propaganda Minister. Goebbels used to say if you tell a lie enough times, the people will believe it.

Back to the Key West Rotary History. What follows is installment 7.

My retelling of the Rotary’s history is a rendition of Key West history. Rotarians where community persons. Involved. The two histories run parallel.

Still 1925.

At the December 3 weekly Rotary meeting, developer Malcolm Meacham spoke. Meacham had recently purchased a large portion of Key West, including the airport.

Meacham developed Key West’s first airport. Meacham Field. Today, Key West International Airport.

Passenger service between Key West and Havana has been in the news recently. Pan American World Airways began passenger service from Meacham Field to Havana on January 16, 1928.

The next Rotary meeting was a week later on December 10. Guests were the Monroe County High School football team and their coach Peter Christiansen. Floyd “Diz” Roberts was team captain.

The team had only recently been organized. Rotary members George Perpall and Captain John Maher were leaders in organizing the team.

The Christmas Eve day meeting was not special. The regular meeting fell on that date. The smallest attendance ever at a meeting was noted. Understandably.

The primary topic discussed was the opening of the Overseas Highway. What we take for granted opened January 25, 1928.

Recall how the impact of the Overseas Highway was stressed in an earlier installment. The cry was plan for that which the highway would bring.

Florida was experiencing a land boom in the 1920s. The concept of a highway from Miami to Key West introduced. Since its 1928 formal opening, much has occurred. Including the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935.

Today’s U.S. 1 has been redeveloped and refurbished. Including the wood bridges left after Flagler’s Railroad failed which were replaced in the 1980s with modern bridges. Ferry connections eliminated.

The Christmas Eve meeting ended with the members exchanging Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greetings.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Periodically, readers suggest material they believe I might find interesting. They are generally correct.

Diana Millikan provided me with the History of the Rotary Club of Key West 1915-1975. On the surface, sounded bland and boring. It was not.

I discovered interesting names, tidbits, etc. A little research and I came upon stories to be told. Local color items.

I have decided to use the History of the Rotary Club of Key West 1915-1975 as a road map. I will deviate from the History as required. Boring will not be discussed.

This will be an installment piece. Exact number, I am not sure. I will write till there is no more to write.

Today’s introductory piece concerns the author of the History, Wright Langley. A photographer, newsman, historian, and publisher. He left his imprint on Key West.

Langley’s life spanned 1935-2000. Born in Tarborough, North Carolina and raised in Four Oaks, North Carolina.

He found his way to Key West through marriage. In 1958, Langley and Joan Knowles were married. Joan a fourth generation Conch.

Joan gives her father credit for convincing Langley to settle in Key West. “My father took him lobster fishing. After that, he couldn’t wait to move here.”

Langley had earlier received one of the Rochester Institute of Technology’s first bachelor degrees in photography. Several years later, a Masters of Science in Journalism from Boston University. His thesis concerned photography.

Nineteen sixty found Langley interested in telling turtle fishing’s story via photos. Turtle fishing a major Key West industry at the time. He lived and worked on the turtle fishing boat A. M. Adams out of Key West. The trip took him through the Cayman Islands, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

He became a reporter and photographer for the Key West Citizen in 1965. Three years later, he went to work for the Miami Herald as Key West Bureau Chief.

Nineteen seventy-seven found Langley in a new position. One where he had the opportunity to do much good for his adopted community. He became Director of the Historic Florida Keys Preservation Board. A position he held till 1993.

Langley collected photos from all eras of Keys. Where the camera was in use, of course. He also photographed anything and everything during those years.

During the same years, he became a community leader. Respected and admired. Loved. Langley spearheaded amongst other things the restoration of the San Carlos Institute, the Armory, the Bat Tower, and the old City Hall.

In 1982, Langley started a publishing business. Not so much for money. Rather to assist Key West’s many writers who otherwise might not have been published.

He co-authored several books. Some with his wife Joan. Three of the co-authored books were Key West-Images of the Past, Key West and the Spanish American War, and Yesterday’s Asheville.

Wright Langley. A newsman who became an historian. A man who preserved Key West history. He came, he saw, he photographed, he collected, and left behind a treasure trove of history.

Big trees from little acorns grow. I am as curious as you to see how the installments based on Langley’s Key West Rotary history work out.

My yesterday was uneventful. Did nothing all day, but read and watch TV.

Dinner last night at Tavern ‘n Town. Bobby Nesbitt time. Sat with Dick and Susan Buckheim. The Buckheims seem to have dinner the same evenings I do at Tavern ‘n Town. Last night was the first time we actually talked.

I remember Dick from the Key West Yacht Club. He would lunch at the bar as I did.

Dick has an interesting Key West background. He owned and operated Bagatelle’s for 17 years.

I started watching the Cleveland/Chicago game at the bar after dinner. Only a handful of us. Bobby Nesbitt was watching from the piano. Three others watching. Left after a few innings to finish watching at home from my bed.

Chicago has a lot of work ahead. Going to be interesting to see if they can catch up and win.

Enjoy your Sunday!


It was dinner last night with Jenna Stauffer. At the bar at Berlin’s.

It had been a while since we were last together. A lot of catching up to do. Re her life. Mine boring in comparison. Jenna is 30. Her career progressing well. She bubbles with enthusiasm when talking about it.

Gage was bartending. Originally from New Hampshire. Settled in Key West in 1998, the same year I bought my home here. He has been working at Berlin’s nine years. A great gig!

Tom the Sous Chef came out to say hello.

Janine and Meri, two Pier House Beach Bar bartenders, had dinner next to us at the bar. Sisters. Wonderful people. Janine was at Berlin’s last week also when I was there.

Berlin’s is on the second floor. A staircase involved. As Jenna and I were walking down the stairs leaving, Jenna asked if I had fallen recently. I proudly said no. I watch where I am stepping.

At that moment, I went flying. I missed the last step. Jenna caught me on the way down. Saved me from some damage.

I told Jenna it was her fault. I was looking at her instead of the step. Somewhat like the line from  an Affair to Remember. Deborah Kerr telling Cary Grant that her injury was no one’s fault…..she was looking up… were there.

One of Fantasy Fest events yesterday was the Zombie Bike Ride. Eight thousand people dressed and made up to look like the walking dead. One uglier and scarier than the other. Took place last night.

I did not see the Ride. Avoided the Ride by twisting and turning and taking different streets to get to Berlin’s. When I was driving home, the Ride was over. The zombies had time to hit the bars. Many were all over the streets riding randomly on their bicycles. Some a bit drunk. Some more than a bit. Weaving from side to side in the lanes.

An accident waiting to happen.

Spent yesterday afternoon working on tomorrow night’s podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My normal time to prepare had to be rearranged. I have two days of tests re my heart beginning today. Four hours today. I do not know how many tomorrow.

Have to squeeze in some more prep before tomorrow night.

Topics will include a Maduro update. A coup was attempted this weekend. It failed. It signifies the beginning of the end, however.

Other topics involve the Monsanto/Bayer merger, Duterte bad mouthing the U.S. again, and special treatment by the government to John Kerry’s daughter to the tune of $9 million.

Terri White is in the hospital. She went in yesterday. Not her heart. She will be in 3-4 days. Donna spent the night with her. I will be visiting the ladies while in the hospital today.

Reading William Hackley, I have concluded in his time men rented slaves to one another. Hackley wrote this day in 1855 that he “hired a negro woman of William Dennis at $12 per month…..”

I intended to start the History of the Key West Rotary today. In installments. Some interesting items to share.

It will not begin today. Others matters interfered. Hopefully, I will have it started by the end of the week.

Enjoy your day!