Key West and chickens go hand in hand. Tourists love them. Always snapping pictures of them.
I consider the chickens a dirty blight on our landscape.
Not all, however. Someone has a pet chicken. Yes, A pet. Called Loretta.
Loretta’s mistress is Karly Venezia.
This morning’s CBS Miami reported the story. With videos. Loretta perched on the front of a paddleboard with Karly paddling. Other videos of Loretta following Karly around the house.
Loretta is one year old.
I was not aware chickens were trainable. Apparently Loretta was. Good job, Karly!
Loretta’s story has to be an only in Key West one!
A follow up to yesterday’s story re armed masked mercenaries walking the streets of San Juan. San Juan today. The streets of America tomorrow.
Think about it.
New York State is trying to be helpful as regards Puerto Rico. New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo behind the move.
Two days ago, 78 doctors, nurses and other health care providers were flown to San Juan. Under Governor Cuomo’s auspices. They will be deployed throughout Puerto Rico.
On October 10 and again under the direction of Governor Cuomo, 425,000 pounds of food stuffs were flown to Puerto Rico. Things like water, diapers, baby wipes, baby food, canned goods, juice pouches, solar lamps, and dry food.
Cuomo also sent his Homeland Security Commissioner Roger Parrino to supervise distribution of the supplies.
This is governor morning.
Governor Rick Scott. He impresses me more and more.
Florida’s Jewish community centers and day care schools have received increased bomb threats. Scott has asked the legislature to set aside $1 million in January’s budget to protect them. An increase from the $654,000 authorized this past year.
My Comments section has not been receiving comments the past several days. All comments barred. Good or bad. I became concerned and asked Sloan yesterday to look into it.
I have not spoken to Sloan this morning. However, it appears the problem has been resolved. Comment away, my friends! And adversaries, too!
Waiting for a book to finally be published is like waiting for a baby to be born. I am nervous and edgy. Hopefully Irma and Me will make its introduction to the world in the next few days.
Enjoy your day!