There is a blog I have followed for several months. Posts several times a week. The Justice Building Blog.
The blog appears to be written by a Miami attorney. Pin points court house gossip and fact. Sometimes hits out at Trump and things happening not consistent with our democratic way of life.
The blog always signs off the same way: From Occupied America…..Fight The Power.
The ending apropos.
A pleasant few minutes with Lori yesterday. Before she began, she took me by the hand and led me outside. To show me her business sign: Blown Away.
Lori has been in her new quarters almost two years. Her husband the busiest sign maker in Key West. He never had time to make a sign for wife Lori and put it up.
He finally did as a Christmas present this year. At a time when he is additionally busy because of Irma.
He did the right thing. He now has a happy wife! She has been bothered by not having a sign up.
Spent my time in the Chart Room last night. John bartending. Business so so. People wandering in and out.
Spoke with a 72 year old man. He had a heart problem similar to mine. Aortic Stenosis. The aortic artery as it passes through the heart narrows. Narrows too much and you’re gone!
He had the surgery 6 months ago. Done through the ribs. Bovine used. A vein or artery from a cow, I assume. Previously, a pig.
He claims he is energized since the surgery.
My problem was discovered seven years ago. Surgery much more complicated at the time. Surgery four or more hours. Lengthy hospitalization. Six month recovery period.
The man was out of the hospital in five days.
Modern medicine advances swiftly.
I was aware the procedure was much simpler at this time. I asked my heart doctor recently why we didn’t do it now. I am getting older. Lets get it done before I get any older and might not be able to handle the surgery.
He was against it. Told me about the movie star Bill Paxton. He had it done when discovered. His philosophy do me when I am young and strong.
He died as a result of the surgery.
My doctor says wait. Tells me I am not ready yet, does not want me to be another Bill Paxton.
I have changed my New Year’s Eve plans. The game plan was to be with Donna and Terri and several others for the evening. Abandozza for dinner at 7. Aqua at 9 for the drag show. The street in front of Bourbon Street at midnight to watch Sushi come down in a shoe.
I thought I could handle it. Upon further consideration, decided the evening too much for me. Spoke with Donna last night. Told her to take me off the list.
The evening not a total failure. Syracuse plays Virginia Tech at 6.
Christmas week is the busiest week of the year in Key West. How busy? I observed last night more bicycles on the streets than cars. And more people crossing the street at intersections without looking.
Every evening a disaster waiting to occur. Rarely does one, however.
Friend Kevin Malloy was in a scooter accident December 13. Just found out. He was helicoptered immediately to Miami. Still in the hospital.
Hurt pretty bad. Broke 8 ribs. Four had to be plated. Badly road burned his face. Required plastic surgery.
He is on the mend. God bless! I look forward to sharing his company again soon.
Think Trump is crazy? The world is crazy!
Yemen has been involved in a three year war. Soldiers needed. Children have been recruited for three years. Two thousand one hundred twenty two so far, not including 2017. Ages generally 12-16. Some as young as 7.
Recruiting/compelling the young to fight who are under the age of 15 is a war crime under International Law.
Who can do anything about it? Can anything be accomplished?
Arab countries in western Asia are exploding. Yemen one example.
Trump is unaware of many things. One, the limits of his Presidential power. He thinks he is omnipotent. A king rather that an elected officer of the people. Acts autocratically all the time.
In an impromptu interview by Michael Schmidt of the New York Times yesterday afternoon, one of the revelations was Trump being of the opinion because he is President he could do anything he wanted with the Justice Department.
The last President who thought that way was Richard Nixon.
Forget not Irma and Me. Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and KoboBooks.
Enjoy your day!