It was dinner last night with Jenna Stauffer. At the bar at Berlin’s.
It had been a while since we were last together. A lot of catching up to do. Re her life. Mine boring in comparison. Jenna is 30. Her career progressing well. She bubbles with enthusiasm when talking about it.
Gage was bartending. Originally from New Hampshire. Settled in Key West in 1998, the same year I bought my home here. He has been working at Berlin’s nine years. A great gig!
Tom the Sous Chef came out to say hello.
Janine and Meri, two Pier House Beach Bar bartenders, had dinner next to us at the bar. Sisters. Wonderful people. Janine was at Berlin’s last week also when I was there.
Berlin’s is on the second floor. A staircase involved. As Jenna and I were walking down the stairs leaving, Jenna asked if I had fallen recently. I proudly said no. I watch where I am stepping.
At that moment, I went flying. I missed the last step. Jenna caught me on the way down. Saved me from some damage.
I told Jenna it was her fault. I was looking at her instead of the step. Somewhat like the line from an Affair to Remember. Deborah Kerr telling Cary Grant that her injury was no one’s fault…..she was looking up… were there.
One of Fantasy Fest events yesterday was the Zombie Bike Ride. Eight thousand people dressed and made up to look like the walking dead. One uglier and scarier than the other. Took place last night.
I did not see the Ride. Avoided the Ride by twisting and turning and taking different streets to get to Berlin’s. When I was driving home, the Ride was over. The zombies had time to hit the bars. Many were all over the streets riding randomly on their bicycles. Some a bit drunk. Some more than a bit. Weaving from side to side in the lanes.
An accident waiting to happen.
Spent yesterday afternoon working on tomorrow night’s podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My normal time to prepare had to be rearranged. I have two days of tests re my heart beginning today. Four hours today. I do not know how many tomorrow.
Have to squeeze in some more prep before tomorrow night.
Topics will include a Maduro update. A coup was attempted this weekend. It failed. It signifies the beginning of the end, however.
Other topics involve the Monsanto/Bayer merger, Duterte bad mouthing the U.S. again, and special treatment by the government to John Kerry’s daughter to the tune of $9 million.
Terri White is in the hospital. She went in yesterday. Not her heart. She will be in 3-4 days. Donna spent the night with her. I will be visiting the ladies while in the hospital today.
Reading William Hackley, I have concluded in his time men rented slaves to one another. Hackley wrote this day in 1855 that he “hired a negro woman of William Dennis at $12 per month…..”
I intended to start the History of the Key West Rotary today. In installments. Some interesting items to share.
It will not begin today. Others matters interfered. Hopefully, I will have it started by the end of the week.
Enjoy your day!