It is the same of every year. Key West dies for the month of September. Multi number of reasons. Excessive humidity/heat, people blew their vacation monies over the summer, parents tapped out buying clothes, etc. for children returning to school.

When I first began visiting Key West 30 years ago, it was said you could throw a bowling ball down Duval in September and hit no one. A bit better. Now, a few tourists. Not enough however to economically support local businesses.

It is the quiet time.

Actually, I enjoy it. Sidewalks empty to walk on. No bumping into people. Little traffic. Parking spots all over. No restaurant reservations required. Cheap prices. Just about everything half price.

Terri was singing last night. So I stopped into Blue Macaw. Bar and restaurant only half full. An example of this time of the year.

Earlier in the day, I enjoyed a manicure and pedicure with Tammy. Her place deserted. Only 3-4 customers while I was there.

Fortunately, Tammy and her husband Ricky have a booming business the other months of the year. I walked into their salon yesterday and was greeted with tons of new equipment. New pedicure set-ups, seats for workers, etc. Money spent. Place looked terrific.

I am regularly impressed with veteran recognition/appreciation in Key West. Tomorrow night an example. A POW/MIA Recognition Day ceremony scheduled for 6 at the Veterans Memorial Garden in Bayview Park.

Many vets and their families will be in attendance. Most of the vets wearing their veteran caps. All serious. Proud to be there.

The crowd will be huge.

Key West has some of the finest chicken anywhere. Dion’s. The best!

A new chicken operation is coming to town. Popeye’s. I enjoy Popeye’s whenever I can get it. Strange. In Key West, I get my chicken at Dion’s. Outside Key West, Popeye’s. Now both available at one time. Wow!

The new Popeye’s will replace the Burger King on the Boulevard that was beat up by Irma. Renovations underway. Expected to open in 6-12 months.

The price of everything astronomical today. I can recall gasoline $.16 a gallon. A loaf of bread $.05. A good sized ice cream cone $.05. Double dip $.10. On and on. Salaries the same size. I recall working in a supermarket in high school for $.16 1/2 an hour.

There was a motel war in Key West in September 1955. Motels near South Street. One motel charging $2 per room double occupancy.

One of the motel owners called a meeting of his fellow motel owners. Lets stop this before we are all out of business.

Today, you can’t even park your car in Key West for $2 an hour!

The Kavanaugh/Ford situation a mess. I think the Senators are acting like asses. Be that as it may, both will probably be listened to monday. Listened the operative word. Ford will not be heard. The outcome a fait accompli.

The only thing that could change the outcome were if 1 or 2 other women came forth claiming sexual abuse by Kavanaugh.

I have written and spoken re Syria the past week. Russia and the U.S. are brushing up against each other. The world is divided in Syria. Russia and Iran on Assad’s side. Saudi Arabia and Israel on the U.S.’s.

Forces on each side building up. The U.S. and the Syrian rebels (al-Qaeda) the U.S. supporting engaged last week in live fire and ground assault drills. The message to Syria, Russia and Iran…..Don’t screw with us!

Came across an interesting piece of American history. There have been 2 occasions where the U.S. had 3 different Presidents served in the same year. Completed terms, deaths, elections contributing.

In 1841, it was Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, and John Tyler. In 1881, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, and Chester Arthur.

Syracuse/Connecticut saturday. Syracuse a 27 1/2 point favorite. Expected. Syracuse will be 4-0 following the victory.

It is the following week that is of concern. Syracuse plays mighty Clemson. Going to be interesting.

Have to hustle. A haircut with Lori later in the morning.

Enjoy your day!


I read Christina Oxenberg’s latest KONK column in E-Blast this morning. Her writing continues to amaze! Outstanding! She does with a keyboard what an artist does with a brush. The written words descriptive.

She wrote in today’s E-Blast about a recent visit to Big Pine. Irma struck in early September. Its mark on Big Pine still visible.

Christina’s description of the area speaks for itself. Support my position re her unique talent.

An “apocalyptic scene…..blocks with nothing but the innards of homes… house stands and his neighbor is obliterated…..twisters snapping tree trunks and hurling them like javelins.”

Today and tomorrow good times to visit Bayview Park. The Annual Seafood Festival sponsored by the Florida Keys Commercial Fishermen’s Association.

Great eating! Do not miss!

The State of Florida went with the Confederacy, except for one small part. Key West. Key West remained with the Union. Strategically important because of Fort Taylor’s location near Key West.

The Union retained Fort Taylor because of the prompt action by one man. Captain James M. Brannan, Commandant of the Army Barracks. He marched his men to Fort Taylor and took command of the Fort.

Fluctuating weather these days in Key West. The cold spell last week. The beginning of a new cold spell today. The high today will be 71, tonight 56 (cold!). Tomorrow, worse. Sixty five by day and 58 at night. It will remain cold for several days.

Whenever it is unusually cold up north, it is cold in Key West.

There was a time I enjoyed having a woman next to me in bed for sex. These days I would be happy to have one for body heat.

I continue to believe Trump poorly treated Puerto Rico because the people are of color. Puerto Rico still trying to get out from under. It will take years.

Trump never seems to be aware of incidental ramifications that could develop because of his failures.

U.S. hospitals have an insufficient supply of medically filled bags. Saline bags, nutrient solution bags and the like. Why? Because Puerto Rican plants produced the items. Irma and Maria put the bag plants almost totally out of business. The production situation remains fragile.

The end result is American hospitals and emergency rooms are suffering. Especially in the heavy flu season being experienced. A crisis situation. There are those that will die because of the lack of the bags.

I am a fallen away Catholic. Believe in an Almighty. Question and despair at actions of the Catholic Church.

Priests and pedophilia was earth shattering for this product of a Catholic grammar school, high school, and college.

I was taught in grammar and high schools by nuns. Brown Franciscans (robes brown) and Sisters of Charity. It never dawned on me that none were black.

There were no Whoopi Goldbergs. Recall Sister Act and Sister Act 2.

A recent study reflects of the intentional failure to admit those of color to the nunnery. The Catholic Church was discriminatory.

It’s amazing. The older I get, the more I live and learn. The Church discriminating against black women before and patient dumping which follows. Also known as hospital dumping. Patients are being thrown out of hospitals because they cannot pay. I am not referring to emergency room care.

The situation came to my attention because of a patient “dumped” at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. The weather cold. Thirty degrees. A 22 year old black woman wheel chaired by four security personnel to a bus stop and left. Attired only in a flimsy hospital gown and socks.

Were it not for a psychotherapist leaving his office building across the street, this incident might never have come to light. He tried to help, get the hospital personnel to take her back inside. They refused. Smartly, he recorded everything on his cell phone and then went viral with it on Facebook.

The accidental guardian angel called 911. The police came. They got the hospital to take the woman back in.

The hospital administrator accepted responsibility for the hospital. Described the incident as a failure and isolated incident.

The story initiated a series of internet stories revealing patient dumping somewhat commonplace in the United States.

An in your face reason for the U.S. adopting universal health care. Medicare for all!

Enjoy your day!




Syracuse University continues to be a part of my life. As the saying goes, I bleed orange!

I remained in to watch Syracuse play East Michigan last night. Syracuse has been playing poorly so far this season. In spite of its 10-2 record going into last night’s game.

I did not expect much from my beloved team. Was I surprised!

The first half sucked. The score 24-24 at halftime.

The second half was another story. Syracuse dominated big time. Won 62-47.

The difference…..Syracuse scored in the second half. Put the ball in the basket.

The team is excellent defensively. Their problem has been scoring. Long or short, the team keeps missing. All season. Till the second half last night.

Syracuse’s scoring ability continue must continue. Last night cannot be a flash in the pan. It is the only way Syracuse will survive the ACC season.

Yesterday began with an early morning visit with the optician. More tests. Think we finally have a prescription that will work. My third! Two with an eye doctor and yesterday’s with an optician.

My day today begins with a haircut. Lori and me. It takes Lori less than two minutes to cut my hair. She puts the electric razor on 1 and goes for it! Always embarrassed to charge me. I leave her a $20 bill.

Thursday is Farmers Market day. At Bayview Park. Many tents. Tons of goodies. I will go following my haircut and walk around.

I will buy nothing. Everything I like loaded with carbs. A no no on my diet. Russian bread, honey, vegetables, etc. Yet I will enjoy the walk through experience. And to be frank, the saliva experience.

Tonight, I am out on the town. Probably only the Chart Room. But, out! Other than Roostica for a quick dinner tuesday night, I have not been out evenings in several days.

The weather continues to be perfect. Eighty by day, 70 by night. No humidity. The weather report says cooler weather for the weekend. As low as 65.

Laugh my northern friends! I know you are suffering in cold weather. The announcer during the Syracuse game last night said it was 9 degrees outside the Carrier Dome.

The rich get richer. The poor, poorer.

A recent study revealed the richest persons on earth became $1 trillion richer in 2017. The gain four times more than in 2016. The primary reason being the stock market at an all time high.

Wait till Trump’s new tax law becomes effective. The rich will become significantly richer!

For years, I have been critical of the pharmaceutical houses. The cost of drugs being unreasonably high! To no avail. No administration seems to care. Democrat or Republican.

A new example of the thievery permitted.

Bristol-Myers Squib produced Lomustine for years. A vital cancer drug. Sold the drug for about $50 a capsule.

In 2013, Bristol-Myers sold the drug rights to a Miami start up company NextSource. NextSource has increased the price 9 times since the purchase. Renamed Gleostine by NextSource, the drug now sells for about $768 a pill.

Which leads me to conclude there is no question…..Your life is worth every penny you have!

Easier for college kids to get a higher education today. They can borrow the money via financial aid. Such did not exist when I was going through college in the 1950’s. Needed money, your parents could not afford, you worked and went to school at the same time.

Most recent studies indicate that colleges have raised tuitions over the past 30 plus years because of the availability of students to borrow. Colleges placed themselves in a position to make more money.

I bring this scenario to your attention to make you aware colleges operate like a business. There is a need to gross more dollars. New buildings, higher faculty salaries, etc.

In the end, the students suffer. Burdened for years with debts difficult to pay. Forced to put off major life events such as marriage, home ownership, and children.

Lori awaits.

Enjoy your day!




Dance the Tango! The Argentine Tango!


Key West Theater on Eaton Street. Part of the Key West World of Culture Dance Series. Learn or watch. Your choice.

Trump on the receiving end. The tide is turning. It does not seem he can take it as well as he can give it out.

Liberty University a major Trump supporter. Liberty’s President Jerry Falwell, Jr. at the forefront. A few graduates are unhappy with Falwell’s support of Trump following Trump’s Nazi and alt right comments. So far, one hundred. They are returning their diplomas.

I have become a fan of the Justice Building Blog. Sometimes bland, sometimes humorous. Today’s on the funny side.

Trump on frequent occasion makes statements that are historically incorrect, nonsensical, just plain stupid. Some quotes attributable to Trump listed today. None said by Trump. Could have been, however.

Like…..”Nazis are people too. Americans.” How about…..”We spend all the money on nuclear weapons and don’t use them. What good are they? Or…..”Lincoln did not believe in global warming. Neither did Patton. Neither do I.”

Confederate statues and memorials being removed. Some in the dark of night. My thoughts move back and forth.

At first, I did not agree. Like it or not, the Civil War is part of American history. The Nation united following the war. Southern peoples have the right to honor their heroes of that moment in American history.

Then I heard the voices of today’s African-Americans. Most of the statues/memorials were constructed during the 1920’s by and in support of the Klu Klux Klan or in support of southern States during the 1960’s civil rights disturbances.

Their voices loud and clear. Whether a statue, monument or flag, we are reminded of our slavery heritage. These items represent a time when our people suffered.

I understood. Or, thought I did. Tear them down became part of my thought process.

Now, I find myself swaying back and forth between both conclusions.

Which brings me to Key West and the issue.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reveals three Confederate statues/memorials. One in Bayview Park. Another, Clinton Square. The third, Mallory square itself. There is a fourth I discovered myself.

The Confederate memorial in Bayview Park was constructed in 1924 by the Stephen Mallory chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Dedicated to the soldiers and sailors of the Confederacy.

The one in Clinton Square erected in honor of Confederate veteran and Judge J.V. Harris.

Mallory Square the best of the best or outrageous based on one’s perspective.

The huge expanse known as Mallory Square is named after Stephen R. Mallory. Mallory was raised in Key West. A United States Senator representing Florida prior to the Civil War. Served as Confederate Secretary of the Navy during the Civil War. Charged with treason following the war. Imprisoned for a time. Then paroled by President Andrew Johnson.

When a U.S. Senator, his first speech was for a return to flogging on U.S. Navy vessels. The nature of the man reflected?

I am unaware if he continued to live in Key West during his Senatorial years or any time thereafter. He died not in Key West, but at his home in Pensacola.

Well my fellow residents of Key West, do we tear down the Bayview Park memorial, the Clinton Square statue, and rename Mallory Square? No thought given so far. I doubt that Key Westers really care.

One more example. Asa Forseyth Tift.

Tift was the first owner of what today is the Hemingway House. He built it in 1851. Tift owned 14 slaves. They constituted the labor force used.

Tift’s bust is located in the Memorial Sculpture Garden at the edge of Mallory Square.

Should the Hemingway House be torn down? Should Tift’s bust be removed from the Memorial Sculpture Garden?

All food for thought. What is good for Charlottesville, Baltimore and other cities, should be good for Key West. Lets have a universal application. Or, cease and desist with the removal of these historical representations.

A confusing issue for those with no ax to grind. Like me.

Enjoy your day!



Till recently, Stock Island has been the key most forgotten. Step-sister to Key West.

In recent months, construction of two new hotels has been completed. Two more in the planning stage. A Stock Island boom in the making!

One of the hotels is the Ocean Edge Hotel and Marina. At the end of MacDonald Ave.

I have visited Ocean Edge several times. Lunch one time. Drinks another. The others to sit in a contemplative mood viewing the ocean.

As  mentioned in an earlier blog, Ocean Edge is magnificent! A different hotel. A new taste. I described it as a winner in the making.

One of Key West’s premier builders Pritam Singh created the concept, did the construction and operated the facility.

Till a few days ago.

It was announced Singh had sold Ocean Edge to Sunset Hotel Investors for $175 million. God bless America! In addition, he still has a hand in its operation. Singh Hospitality will continue operating Ocean Edge.

Ran a few errands yesterday.

My evening began with the Chart Room at 6:30. John said I was his first customer. A slow start to the evening. The place eventually started filling up.

Then to Don’s Place. Enjoyed a drink with Stan and Claire.

Claire is having less than a good year. She already has had a major surgery. Followed by an infection. Another surgery awaits. Had to be cancelled.

Claire was sitting at the bar with her left arm from wrist to elbow heavily bandaged. A hot cup of tea was spilled on her at work. Third degree burns.

The operation will follow when the arm heals.

David came in. Good to see him. It had been a while.

My dinner was a late one. At Tavern ‘n Town. Their 9-11 Happy Hour. Tapas $7 and drinks 2 for 1. I enjoyed wings, 2 gins and a cup of coffee. The manager picked up the drinks. I paid for the wings, coffee and tax. $11.83. Could I go wrong!

The Sheriff’s Department and U.S. Coast Guard have been dealing with the derelict abandoned vessel problem of late. Concededly, a danger to navigation. On occasion, a life saver.

Yesterday, a diver was reported missing off Bahia Honda. The Sheriff’s Department and Coast Guard were notified. Within 20 minutes, the diver was found 5 miles off shore sitting on an abandoned derelict boat.

Everyone loves Mark Watson! Singer, drag queen bartender, former Fantasy Fest King, etc. Mark frequently comments on Facebook. Yesterday, he came up with a gem: “…..a Republican President has a Republican controlled Congress, and the only thing he’s managed to pass in 6 months is gas.”

John Kelly is Trump’s new Chief of Staff. A retired Marine General, he is known to be a disciplinarian. It has been said he “…..won’t suffer idiots and fools.”

I hope so. Beginning with the President.

The 2020 Presidential race has begun.

John Delaney is a three term Maryland Congressman. He announced yesterday he is a candidate for the Democratic nomination. He said he is starting early because no one knows him.

Delaney a self made millionaire. Claims he will throw some of his money into the campaign. Sound familiar?

Farmers Market. I love Farmers Market! Generally buy bread, tomatoes and honey. The Market has been running saturdays during the summer. Thursdays the rest of the year. At Bayview Park.

Enjoy your day!


Two events have occurred in my lifetime which I consider momentous. Man on the moon and the Berlin Wall coming down. No other event excels.

Man walking on the moon blew my mind. A real WOW! Inconceivable.

The Berlin Wall went up in 1969. Communist Russia and the United states were at each other’s throats for years. Fear of war overwhelmed us.

On this day in 1987, President Ronald Reagan stood before the Berlin wall and said to Secretary Gorbachev, “Take down this wall!”

Reagan had brass balls.

The Wall came down two years later. The Berlin people themselves knocked it down. Brick by brick, stone by stone.

Absolutely amazing!

The Soviet Union would dissolve two years later. Who would have thought?

Pride and Women’s Equality Parades yesterday. Both successful events. Crowds on the sidewalk cheering. Pride floats magnificent. Everyone happy!

One hundred feet of the Rainbow Flag was carried the length of the Parade.

The group on one of the floats kept repeating : Love, not hate, that’s what makes America great. A fitting slogan. A better variation on anything Trump has said thus far.

Today in Bayview Park, 49 Rainbow Flags are flying to commemorate the 49 lives lost one year ago today at Orlando’s Pulse Club.  In addition, a one hundred foot section of the Rainbow Flag flies in Orlando today.

Love one another!

William Hackley’s diary entry of yesterday in 1856 noted that his daughter Lucia had the chicken pox.

I recall the chicken pox when I had them at 3 or 4 years of age. My father dabbing me with calamine lotion to ease the itching.

Then came my four children. All close in age. We had 4 in 5 years.

They all came down with chicken pox the same summer. Not all at once, however. One every two weeks. A long summer!

I did as my father. Dabbed the sores with calamine lotion.

Qatar a problem place. For a short time, I hope. Muscle flexing by Saudi Arabia and a few other Arab states.

Qatar is small. Very small. Very rich. It has huge supplies of natural gas. Qatar and Iran have shared the benefits of the natural gas together for years.

Qatar has hired former Attorney General John Ashcroft and his law firm to represent Qatar in its problems with Saudi Arabia and others. Ashcroft was Attorney General under Bush 2.

The pay is good. A retainer of $2.5 million. For only the first 90 days of work.

Terri sings tonight with the Dueling Bartenders at Aqua.

Enjoy your day!




I attended the Vietnam Living Memorial event at Bayview Park yesterday.

I especially feel an attachment to the veterans of the Vietnam War. I did not serve. However, those who did are close in age to me. Probably why I feel a kindership.

It took a long time for our country to honor the Vietnam vets. They are a sight to behold at any ceremony involving them. Pride. Their faces reflect it.

Picked up Terri at 5. She was to sing as part of Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. Donna working. I played chauffeur.

Dropped Terri off. Did not go in. Instead drove down to the Chart Room.

Met the new bartender Shaun. He was a manager at Rum Barrel. Rum Barrel closed a couple of weeks ago.

A young couple came in. Both worked at Casa Marina. I sipped and listened to their conversation with Shaun. One of them was a bartender at Casa Marina. Bartending the primary topic of their conversation.

Returned to Aqua.

Tom Luna and Terri singing up a storm.Terri starred tree months on Broadway playing the jail matron Mama Morton in Chicago. She sang All That Jazz last night. Wild!

Some of the nicest people live in Key West. Try us and you will understand. Many at Dueling Bartenders are locals. Comradeship exists.

My Facebook video is three months old. Seems I did the right thing. Many people watching. As to locals, four came up to me to comment on the video show, how much they liked it, etc.

Made me feel good.

I am losing friends frequently. Persons who were close to me. Most recently, a judge and police lieutenant. Contemporaries.

Death abounds. A certainty. I do not think about it. The thought would diminish the fun I am having.

Watched Trump lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery on TV yesterday. His words warm. He was Presidential.

What bothered me was the roaring welcome he received. Had to be a selected crowd. The enthusiasm for him overwhelming.

A little Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial.

On this day in 1922, former President William Howard Taft dedicated the Lincoln Memorial. Construction began in 1914 and was completed in 1922. The Memorial impressive.

The Jefferson Memorial was completed in a shorter time. Construction began in 1939 and was completed in 1947. Bronzed in 1947. Equally impressive.

I have always favored the Jefferson Memorial. A tall standing Jefferson. If I recall correctly, 18 feet. Majestic.

William Hackley’s diary interesting this morning. Today’s date in 1856. Hackley noted a man was convicted of larceny. He was sentenced to one hour in a pillory. To expose him to public abuse.

I was surprised the pillory was still in use in 1856. I thought it had disappeared as a punishment instrument years earlier.

Every now and then someone makes a statement in Citizens’ Voice that has no basis in fact. Some ill informed individual wrote that Key West needs to “charge more for the scads of underpriced free parking we have in Old Town.”

The writer knows nothing of that which was written.

Private parking is expensive. Public parking, generally more so.

Municipal lots charge from $3 to $4 an hour. Multiply the numbers by 3-4 or more hours. The dollars add up.

As to free parking, none exists.

It costs me roughly $100 a week to park. I live three islands up, 5 miles from downtown Key West. I drive in at least 5 mornings a week. Three to 4 evenings, also. Morning parking generally 4 hours. Evenings, 4-6.

Do the math. The lots where I park generally in the $4 range. The closer to the action, the more the City charges.

I mentioned an only in Key West occurrence yesterday. Two women fighting because one had failed to give the other an orgasm.

Today, a similar happening reported.

The man was using the men’s room at Bayview Park. Upon leaving, he ran into a former girl friend. She started shouting and grabbed him by the balls. Squeezing hard. He claimed he “experienced immediate pain and discomfort.”

The police were called.

She must have thought she was Donald Trump…..Once you grab them by the crotch, you’ve got them.

My podcast show tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. So many happenings this week, I have a wide range of topics to choose from.

Join me at 9.

Enjoy your day!





Finally, Don and Chris are engaged. It only took 11 years for Don to bend a knee and ask…..Will you marry me? With a 2.5 carat engagement ring in hand.

Chris burst out crying and exclaimed…..Yes!

Chris should not have been so quick to accept. I would have made Don sweat a while for making Chris wait 11 years.

The couple happy. The wedding next year in Key West.

I met Don and Chris several years ago at the Chart Room. They visit Key West 3-4 times a year. Don is part owner of a South Korea company. He spends the better part of the year in South Korea. Chris travels for her employer. Marketing. Most recently in Germany.

Home is Syracuse.

Larry and Peggy…..I am proud of your son for finally doing the right thing. Chris is a wonderful person. Devoted to your Don. Don equally wonderful and devoted to Chris.

The perfect couple.

Don and Chris joined me at Aqua last night. Tom Luna and Heather Mae performing.

We parted company after Aqua. Don wanted to watch a football game. I wanted to go to bed. Stopped at Roostica on the way home for lemoncello wings.

Big night for the kids! Christmas tree lighting and Santa Claus at Bayview Park last night. Santa arrived on a fire truck, horn blaring all the way.

My podcast show this evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.

A different show tonight. My plan is to discuss one topic. A topic which the media fails to give proper attention. Actions taking place which bring shame to our Nation.

Standing Rock, North Dakota. Native Americans, a pipeline, and excessive police activity.

An interesting, fast moving, informative show. Again, join me.

Syracuse/Wisconsin tonight in basketball. Wisconsin a 6 point favorite.

My show interferes with watching. Game at 7. I will get in the first half and probably last 5 minutes. It will be the first time this season I will see Syracuse play.

Installment 25 of my rendition of the Key West Rotary history by Wright Langley. Today, years 1986-88.

Tomorrow, the final installment. Will center around Key West Rotary’s 75th anniversary.

Rotary’s budget in its infant years beginning in 1915 had to be a pittance. Not that way by the time 1986 came around. The projected income budget for the year was $68,415.

Rotary’s 1988 Annual Report noted the Club had 100 members.

Major accomplishments for the year included raising funds for Polio Plus, sponsoring Key West’s only Fourth of July fireworks (a tradition which began in 1979), sponsoring the Sunrise Rotary Club, continued the annual $4,000 scholarship, and established the Key West Rotary Foundation.

Tomorrow, Rotary’s 75th anniversary.

Enjoy your day!


An interesting sports afternoon! I did not view much of it. The results astounding.

First, Syracuse.

Football. Syracuse lost as anticipated. Finally the football season is over. The score of the game unusual. Syracuse beaten by Pitt 76-61. The numbers reflect a basketball score. I am pleased that Syracuse kept it close. Only lost by roughly two touchdowns.

Basketball. Here I thought success would be ours. It was not. Syracuse lost to South Carolina 64-50.

No excuse. However…..Seems South Carolina’s defense was unique. New to college basketball. Syracuse could not handle it.

Boeheim will overcome.

Finally, the Ohio State/Michigan game. #s 2 and 3. Went to two overtimes. Ohio State finally won 30-27.

I only got to watch the overtimes. Fantastic football!

Last night with Liz. A lady. Charming. Her two deanships at law schools make Liz an extra interesting dinner companion.

I picked Cafe. The vegetarian restaurant. A funky appearing place. Reminds me of a college hang out. Food excellent. Business, likewise excellent.

I enjoyed a spinach-artichoke dip and mussels. Liz had some type veggie dish described as a pepper steak. No steak, of course.

Pie at Liz’s home afterwards. Potato pie made with rum. Never had potato pie before. Taste close to pumpkin pie. Made from canned sweet potatoes.

Fidel Castro has died.

A tyrant. Dictator. People forget that he replaced a despot. Batista. Initially, Castro was viewed as a hero.

Somewhere along the way, he ended up on Russia’s side. I have always wondered why not on the side of the U.S.

Batista was a whore. He and his associates became rich. Organized crime and international corporations paved their way in Cuba with bribery dollars.

Key West, the State of Florida and the U.S. have constantly guarded against Castro actions and influences as they might affect each.

An Emergency Management organization exists. Its primary purpose to guard against any large scale immigration. Also to observe any unusual happenings.

Monroe County’s Emergency Management has kicked in. As has Florida’s. Monitoring Cuban activities.

Santa Claus is coming to town! Monday evening at 6. Bayview Park. Key West’s Christmas tree lighting. Santa’s first public appearance.

This morning’s KONK Life E-Blast has an elderly health article. The article notes that 1/3 of people over 65 fall. I am one of them!

Pope Urban II is responsible to some degree for today’s Muslim problem. On this day in 1095, he ordered the first Crusade. His speech considered the most influential of the Middle Ages.

He cried out “Deus vult!” God wills it! He even told everyone that those fighting would have a remission of all their sins. Such meant immediate entrance into Heaven. No Hell or Purgatory. Sounds sort of like the Muslim 17 or 21 or whatever number of virgins who will be waiting for those who die for the Muslim religion.

Pope Urban’s Crusade was the first movement against the Muslim world. For 461 years, the Muslims had battled and seized 2/3’s of the Christian world. Pope Urban wanted the Christian lands reclaimed.

Whatever the reason, a forever war.

The history of the Key West Rotary continues. This is Installment 23.

I have noticed that beginning with World War II, the history contents of Langley’s work have become sparse. Five years missed here and there. Cannot be nothing occurred. Whatever, this feature of my blog will see its conclusion by the end of the week.

When I started, I advised Langley’s history went to 1975. I recently discovered there was later a sort of addendum bringing it up to 1991.

April 1966 was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Key West Rotary. The Club’s golden anniversary. It was celebrated in a befitting manner.

A gala cocktail party and dinner at the Trade Winds Supper Room in the Holiday Inn. The Holiday Inn was Key West’s largest hotel/motel for years. It was torn down and replaced with what today is the Marriott Beachside.

One hundred Rotarians and guests attended. Guest speaker was Cleve Allen of Coral Gables. His thunder was stolen by Joe Pearlman, one of the Club’s pioneer members. He told stories about yesterday. Back when.

Interestingly, when the Key West Rotary was established 50 years earlier, it was only the third in Florida.

The 1960s found the U.S. heavily involved in Vietnam. The war was very unpopular. Returning soldiers and veterans were not acclaimed. Actually looked down upon.

The Key West Rotary recognized Vietnam veterans were being overlooked. At the January 26, 1967 luncheon meeting, 4 U.S. Marines were invited. They were recuperating from their wounds at the time at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Key West.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Some heavy dialogue the past couple of months with the election coming up. Time for a change of pace.

Got a haircut yesterday. While waiting for Lori, I picked up a magazine. A Thanksgiving Cook Book. A few female advertisements.


A bra. 32A – 36D.

Why not. We have one size hats and socks.

My sensitivities may be misplaced. I thought it funny.

Key West activities sometimes are off the beaten track. Two examples.

The dachshund is the official Key West dog. Key West goes to the dogs at noon New Years Eve. For the past 13 years. This year the 13th Annual Key West Dachshund Parade.

Only three blocks. Tummies a problem.

The other event is tomorrow from 11 in the morning till 2 in the afternoon. The Men In Paradise Fashion Show. Brooks Brothers it is not.

A fun event. Marriott Beachside. A fundraiser for Samuel’s House

Today is Veterans Day. Taking into account all the wars in my lifetime, the recognition is well deserved.

Key West will be celebrating the day as all other communities in our country. The parade at 4. Duval, of course.

The other recognition activity takes place  earlier at 11 in Bayview Park. At the Memorial Garden. Guaranteed, there will be several hundred veterans. Proud.

Key West is a very patriotic community.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reports there have been 8 Zika cases in Monroe County. Three of the women pregnant. No births yet. All travel infected.

Key West Rotary history. Installment 10.

The time 1931. The Overseas Highway had opened a few years earlier. Many took the train to get to Key West, however. The train operated by the Florida East Coast Railway.

If one wanted to get from Key West to Cuba, a ferry. One, the Florida.

The Cuba Rotary District Governor was Luis Machado. He and his wife had been visiting the northeast United States. They were on the way home.


The Governor had a short stop in Key West between the train and ferry. He was guests of local Rotarians Robert Spottswood, W. L. Bates, and J. Lancelot Lester. Cuban Counsel Jorge Ponce joined them.

Earlier in August, there was a band concert at Bayview Park. A Florida Army National Guard band played. Six thousand residents and visitors attended.

A few days later on August 12, officers and enlisted men of the Florida National Guard were entertained at a dance. The event was held at the Coral Isle Casino at the foot of Duval Street. Four hundred danced from 9 pm to 12:45 am. Lovely, vivacious, young Key West ladies contributed to the evening’s success.

The event was chaired by Rotarians W. L. Bates, Sebastian Cabrera, and B. Curry.

Recall that the Rotary began in 1905. Key West formed a club in 1915. Rotary had grown dramatically world wide in a short period of time.

Nineteen thirty one found Rotary with its first European as International President. England’s Sydney Paschall.

Rotary’s impact locally and internationally was reflected by the Key West Citizen’s front page headline re Paschall’s pending visit: KEY WEST TO SEE FIRST EUROPEAN AS HEAD OF ROTARIES.

Paschall was to arrive November 30. A committee of Rotarians was selected to prepare for Paschall’s visit.

Enjoy your day!