Once we were not concerned enough, did not care, did not believe what was happening in Europe was bad. The Atlantic would protect us from the evils of Germany. America slept. The result, we ended up in a World War.

It is happening again. A World War may not be the result. However, something bad inevitably will occur.

The problem is President Trump.

Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury published last week has aroused Trump and his troops to the heights. They have come out battling. Cabinet members and White House aides were on national TV talk shows yesterday morning. Denying the accuracy of Wolff’s comments and supporting the mental well being, etc. of their leader.

One was Steve Miller. He appeared on CNN.

Miller was a speech writer for Trump during the campaign. Thirty two. Maybe thirty three now. Knows everything. In reality, nothing. He is a nationalist, white supremacist. Student of Steve Banner, till Banner’s refutation by Trump last week.

I have compared Miller to Hitler’s Joseph Goebbels. Adolph’s propaganda minister. Lie, lie, lie. Eventually the people will believe.

During the interview, Miller was basically non-responsive to questions. Talked about that which he wanted. Finally, the interviewer called an end to the interview of Miller.

Amusingly or sadly, Miller had to be escorted out of the CNN building. Apparently he did not want to leave. What occurred specifically, I do not know. No one is talking about it in any detail as yet.

Our President is mentally incapable of being President. A nut case. He has turned his back on our friends and sucks up to those who have been our enemies for years. Wants to destroy the FBI. Wants Hillary Clinton in jail.

Addressing the last point. We have never thrown a political opponent in jail. Banana republics do it. Totalitarian states, also.

Wake up Republican legislators, wake up America! Trump is trouble. He is dramatically harming the nation.

Spent yesterday lounging around the house. Watched the Golden Globes last night.

Gary Oldman won for Best Actor. The Darkest Hour.

Kirk Douglas appeared. Ninety one. Looks it, unfortunately. In a wheel chair, the results of his stroke remain on his face, speech slurred.

Oprah Winfrey was honored. She won the Humanitarian Award. A special person. A special speaker.

Missed Chicken Dog Church and the Gardens yesterday by giving into my laziness. Tonight, I will be out. Definitely. Dueling Bartenders and then home to watch the Alabama/Georgia game. Alabama favored by four points. Going to be close. Never can tell who the winner will be in a national championship game.

Papua, New Guinea in trouble. The volcano on Kadovar Island is erupting for the first time in history. A tsunami and landslides feared. People evacuating.

I mention Papua because there are a few Papuans who read this blog. Almost from its inception.

I wish everyone on the island good luck.

Christmas is Christmas. However certain portions are celebrated differently in other places.

Italy, for example.

Christian. Roman in origin. Celebrate all of Christmas on December 25, except for gift giving. Gift giving occurs on January 6. January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany. The day the three Wise Men paid homage to baby Jesus.

The Italians do not celebrate the Epiphany as such. Rather the day belongs to pagan folklore. An old hag dressed in black with a black witch’s hat riding on a broom. Her name, Befana. She brings gifts during the night as Santa Claus does elsewhere at Christmas. If a person was bad, no gift. Coal in the stocking!

Accompanying the gifts are sweets. Cookies and candy.

I am not an economist. Nor would I consider myself a stock market expert. Except in one regard.

My eighty two years has taught me that when the market is flying high, as it has been for quite a while, it will crash. No question. What goes up, comes down. Faster. The crash dramatic. Unexpected. Assets diminished big time, fortunes wiped out.

I have been predicting a crash for more than a year. I suspect later this year or sometime next year.

The experts call the crash an “adjustment.” The market does it on its own. It regurgitates hundreds and thousand of points at a time.

Enjoy your day!





Our President lies.

Yesterday, I set forth Proverb 17:7 to show from a religious perspective it was wrong for a leader to lie. Today, reference is made to American history.

All of us learned about George Washington and cutting down the cherry tree. Children still learn from it.

It never happened. The story is a myth. However one that has taught most of us that people should speak the truth, not lie.

The verbiage has variations. “Father, I cannot tell a lie…..I cut down the cherry tree.” “Father, I cannot tell a lie…..I barked the cherry tree.” “Father, I cannot tell a lie…..I damaged the cherry tree.”

Mason Locke Weems was a writer. Not very successful. In 1800, he wrote a book which was followed by multiple editions. He made things up. To make his works interesting and sell.

The 1806 edition contained the cherry tree story. Weems had Washington 6 years old at the time.

Though Weems’ tale is a fabrication, it continues to teach that everyone should speak the truth. Even Trump.

Stephen Miller is an aide to Trump. His office near the President’s in the White House.

I have spoken poorly of Miller in the past. Deservedly so. He is a propagandist. I have likened him to Joseph Goebbels.

Miller took questions today at the White House before the press corps. He was pitching Trump’s new proposed immigration law. It would cut immigration in half from its present level. It would also require immigrants to speak English before they could be admitted.

CNN’s Jim Acosta asked several piercing questions about the English requirement. His father immigrated from Cuba in the 1960’s unable to speak English.Things got heated. At Miller’s end. He apparently did not like Acosta’s questions. Raised his voice. Implied Acosta was ignorant.

My grandfather came from Italy at the age of 12 in the very early 1900’s. He could not speak English. My grandmother came over later as a teenager. Sixteen. She did not speak English.

My grandparents had eight children. One died. They raised them to be good honest citizens. My grandfather worked his way up in a knitting mill to a supervisory position. His English in due course beautiful. Smooth. Articulate.

My grandmother never learned to speak English. She did not care. Her responsibility was to take care of her husband, children and home. Later, to help care for her grandchildren.

My grandmother raised me in my early years. I spoke Italian before English.

She was a loving woman. Exuded warmth. To be hugged by her was everything.

Lived every day the same way. Her husband, the young ones and her home.

She was up at 5 each morning. Made her husband’s breakfast and got him off to work. Still early. The kids not yet up.

She cleaned her whole house every morning. The kitchen always amused me. She would wrap a clothe around a broom and do the ceilings first. When she was done washing the floor and it had dried, she covered the floor with newspapers.

Neither of my grandparents would be allowed into the United States under the proposed law. I might have ended up a lawyer in Italy instead of here.

My point. They were good people, good citizens. Made their contribution. Their children and grandchildren, also.

I spent a quiet day reading. Waiting for my ankles to go down. Nothing yet.

I will be out of here early this morning. I have to take Terri to chemotherapy.

Enjoy your day!





An interesting comment kept popping up yesterday on Facebook. Anonymous. However, many were sharing it with their friends.

The comment was right on. I paraphrased and used it on my Facebook video later in the day. About 2 minutes worth.

I titled my video: Crocodile Tears…..Hypocrisy.

The shooting at the ball field where the Republicans were practicing was horrific and touching. I shed a few tears watching the occurrence on TV. The Republican Congressmen were my people. Americans. An attack/injury to one is an attack/injury to all.

Additionally emotional were the Republican Congressmen weeping , swelling up, choking on their words.

The Facebook comment referred to earlier tragic occurrences. Asked where were Congress’ tears for the 20 children killed at Sandy Hook, the 49 people killed in a night club, the 9 people killed at a church service.

Even more to the point, where were Congress’ tears when Gabby Giffords was shot in the head. Gabby being one of their own.

The comment an excellent observation.

Though hopeful, I do not believe this most recent tragedy will bring the two parties together. Sincere talk. Results elusive, however. I doubt the love and roses talk will last more than a few weeks. Kumbaya not for Republicans and Democrats in these times.

Decided to visit Donna and Terri yesterday afternoon. Terri had been under the weather the past few days.

Picked a perfect time to go. Dry in Key Haven. As soon as I was two blocks from Donna and Terri’s, all hell broke loose rain wise. I got soaking wet in the 20 feet from my car to their porch.

Stopped at the French Croissant next to Roostica to pick up some pastries for the sick visit. Croissant’s pastries are the best! Bare none! Expensive also. Worth it, however.

One problem. Donna has sworn off carbs. Since her heart attack, Terri avoids fats. Only Louis enjoyed a pastry. I took the rest home with me.

Ended up staying for dinner. Donna continues to be an excellent cook. Fine restaurant dining.

Got home around 9.

Citizens’ Voice carried an interesting comment this morning: “Key West is a traffic jam.” Truer words cannot be written.

Accidents happen even on the high seas. The one in Tokyo harbor this week. There was another naval one in 1942 in waters off Key West.

The US Navy had mined the waters to the northwest of Key West. The steamship Bosiljka was on its way from New Orleans to Key West. It accidently sailed into the minefield. The Bosiljka was sunk.

Hitler was a master liar. He believed in the Big Lie. The bigger the lie, the more who would believe it.

Joseph Goebbels believed his Fuhrer’s words. He repeated the thought in his form and style. Orally and in writing. “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.”

Yesterday’s talk shows had one of Trump’s new attorneys on. His message: Trump is not under investigation.

The Hitler/Goebbels approach at work.

My home town is Utica. Central New York located.

A small village to the west is Frankfurt. Less than 10 miles away. I cannot recall the population. I would guess around 5,000, if that many.

As far back as I can recall, there was a sign on the highway where cars  entered Frankfurt. The sign: Frankfurt…..Watch Us Grow.

The sign is still there. Never replaced. Worn by the more than 70 years of its existence.

Frankfurt never grew.

Frankfurt achieved notoriety this past saturday. Made the news big time. Illegal bird fighting. Chickens primarily.

A barn on farm land. A bird fighting ring inside. Fights going on. Close to 40 spectators.

Police had been investigating. They raided the place. Forty two persons arrested. Fifty five birds captured. Sixty eight thousand dollars seized.

There was another barn on the property. The barn was used as a game bird breeding and training facility. One hundred eighty more birds were captured.  And last but not least, 100 grams of heroin.

Frankfurt finally made it!

I doubt most of the residents were pleased by the gaming. Assuming they knew. Frankfurt is small town America. People provincial. Honest, good folk.

It’s still raining.

Enjoy your day!




A lot to cover this morning.

The eve of every Memorial Day, PBS holds a concert on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol. Patriotic.

Last night’s was extremely emotional, as well as patriotic. I shed many a tear. We need more events like last night to remind us what our men and women are going through in Afghanistan and Iraq. What has and is happening to their minds, bodies and families.

The 30th Annual Minimal Regatta at Schooner Wharf yesterday afternoon. I missed it this year. However, this morning’s Key West Citizen carries many photos of the boats and participants.

The boats all looked fantastic. Evidencing the degree of work that went into preparing the vessels.

Only in Key West. Two women fighting because one could not give an orgasm to the other.

For real. Reported in this morning’s Crime Report. Two reunited female lovers staying at Margaritaville. Four in the afternoon. In their room. One of the women told the police her girl friend was inept at helping her to achieve an orgasm.

No arrests were made.

Sloppy Joe’s. On this day in 1937, Sloppy Joe’s celebrated its grand opening at Joe’s newly acquired bar on the corner of Duval and Greene Streets. Had to be a hell of a party! Can you imagine…..Hemingway one of the participants!

The Key West City Commission continues to have their heads up their asses! One of the worst bunch of civil servants I have seen in my lifetime.

Mel Fisher Museum is part and parcel of Key West. Funded originally by Mel Fisher himself after he struck gold. Now dependent on a small souvenir operation and donations.

The Museum applied for a zoning change so it could add some minimal fund raising activities. The City Commission unanimously voted no.

I do not understand. New construction and remodeling is being permitted all over Key West contrary to existing codes and laws. Yet the City Commission does not oppose. An outdoor amphitheater is under construction. Approved by the City Commission quickly and without sufficient analysis. A disaster in the making when finished.

Strangers/outsiders get more favorable attention from the Commission than locals.

I could go on ad infinitum.

These oracles of wisdom decided to blunt the Museum’s request. One that was no big deal in comparison to others approved by the Commission.

Remember Roy Schneider in Jaws when he said, “We’re going to need a bigger boat.” A similar situation confronted a 73 year old fisherman in Australia.

He was in a small boat. Very small. Without warning, a 9 foot 440 pound white shark jumped in the boat. Knocked the fisherman over. Caused injury to one arm. A lot of bleeding.

The fisherman was on his knees eye ball to eye ball with the shark. He scurried to the front of the boat. Not much room in the boat.

Modest, the fisherman described the event as “just a mundane thing.”

The fisherman survived. The shark died.

Merkel can be a pain in the ass. A tough woman. An even tougher political leader. Many the time I have disagreed with her. Not however with regard to her recent comments re Trump at the NATO meeting.

Merkel said yesterday that Europe is basically on its own. The U.S. cannot be depended upon. She said, Europe “must take our fate into our own hands.” Europe cannot rely on “others.”

The result of Trump continuing to suck up to our enemies and defecating on our friends. You do not turn your back on nations that have stood with us and we with them for more than 50 years. A relationship that has insured neither a European war nor world war during that time.

Evangelicals have become big Trump supporters. Lance Wallnau is an evangelist who is an author and preacher. He says he has some Jewish blood running in him from a long distant relative.

Wallnau compares Trump to King Cyrus. A leader found in the Biblical Book of Isaiah. Cyrus was in power during the 500s BC. He was supportive of Jews. A Moses, in effect. History claims he delivered the Jews. Questioned by some historians.

Wallnau refers to Trump as “King Cyrus under siege.” Also, as the “anointed one.”

Wallnau met with Trump last year. He claims he “heard from the Lord” while meeting with Trump.

He views Trump as “a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness.”

Wallnau is popular in evangelistic circles.

God help us!

Enjoy your day!



CLEMSON 54 Syracuse 0…..OH, THE PAIN!

Syracuse had played well the two games before Clemson. Sure, Syracuse was 4-4. Clemson 9-0 and #3 in the country.

Just maybe…..I wrote yesterday. Hope springs eternal.

We took a beating. 54-0.

Syracuse basketball on the roll. An exhibition game played already. Colgate this coming weekend.

Should be a good season. Syracuse has a new 7′ 2″ center. He’s rough. In the learning stage. If Boeheim can bring him around, it could be a spectacular season.

Saw my heart doctor yesterday. Got the results of all the tests I have taken the past two weeks. All negative. Everything ok.

I still tire and gasp, however.

The only thing left is my weight. I have gained 30 pounds over the past 1.5 years. I start the diet tomorrow.

I intended to early vote today. Had a feeling the polls might be closed on Sunday. They are closed. In fact, early voting ended yesterday.

No problem, I will vote Tuesday.

The quality of the man. Trump showed what he is made of again yesterday. Note that I do not say Hillary is without sin.

There was an altercation in the audience at a Trump rally in Reno. Someone shouted “gun!” The secret Service jumped on Trump and pulled him off the stage. Trump returned a few minutes later.

There was no gun. There was yelling between a non Trump person and Trump supporters that appeared could get out of hand. No one was arrested.

At Trump’s next rally, Trump people claimed it was an assassination attempt…..that Trump had survived an assassination attempt.

Pure fantasy.

Trump many times reminds me of Hitler in the 1930s. With regard to the phoney assassination attempt, Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels was Hitler’s Propaganda Minister. Goebbels used to say if you tell a lie enough times, the people will believe it.

Back to the Key West Rotary History. What follows is installment 7.

My retelling of the Rotary’s history is a rendition of Key West history. Rotarians where community persons. Involved. The two histories run parallel.

Still 1925.

At the December 3 weekly Rotary meeting, developer Malcolm Meacham spoke. Meacham had recently purchased a large portion of Key West, including the airport.

Meacham developed Key West’s first airport. Meacham Field. Today, Key West International Airport.

Passenger service between Key West and Havana has been in the news recently. Pan American World Airways began passenger service from Meacham Field to Havana on January 16, 1928.

The next Rotary meeting was a week later on December 10. Guests were the Monroe County High School football team and their coach Peter Christiansen. Floyd “Diz” Roberts was team captain.

The team had only recently been organized. Rotary members George Perpall and Captain John Maher were leaders in organizing the team.

The Christmas Eve day meeting was not special. The regular meeting fell on that date. The smallest attendance ever at a meeting was noted. Understandably.

The primary topic discussed was the opening of the Overseas Highway. What we take for granted opened January 25, 1928.

Recall how the impact of the Overseas Highway was stressed in an earlier installment. The cry was plan for that which the highway would bring.

Florida was experiencing a land boom in the 1920s. The concept of a highway from Miami to Key West introduced. Since its 1928 formal opening, much has occurred. Including the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935.

Today’s U.S. 1 has been redeveloped and refurbished. Including the wood bridges left after Flagler’s Railroad failed which were replaced in the 1980s with modern bridges. Ferry connections eliminated.

The Christmas Eve meeting ended with the members exchanging Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greetings.

Enjoy your Sunday!