An interesting sports afternoon! I did not view much of it. The results astounding.
First, Syracuse.
Football. Syracuse lost as anticipated. Finally the football season is over. The score of the game unusual. Syracuse beaten by Pitt 76-61. The numbers reflect a basketball score. I am pleased that Syracuse kept it close. Only lost by roughly two touchdowns.
Basketball. Here I thought success would be ours. It was not. Syracuse lost to South Carolina 64-50.
No excuse. However…..Seems South Carolina’s defense was unique. New to college basketball. Syracuse could not handle it.
Boeheim will overcome.
Finally, the Ohio State/Michigan game. #s 2 and 3. Went to two overtimes. Ohio State finally won 30-27.
I only got to watch the overtimes. Fantastic football!
Last night with Liz. A lady. Charming. Her two deanships at law schools make Liz an extra interesting dinner companion.
I picked Cafe. The vegetarian restaurant. A funky appearing place. Reminds me of a college hang out. Food excellent. Business, likewise excellent.
I enjoyed a spinach-artichoke dip and mussels. Liz had some type veggie dish described as a pepper steak. No steak, of course.
Pie at Liz’s home afterwards. Potato pie made with rum. Never had potato pie before. Taste close to pumpkin pie. Made from canned sweet potatoes.
Fidel Castro has died.
A tyrant. Dictator. People forget that he replaced a despot. Batista. Initially, Castro was viewed as a hero.
Somewhere along the way, he ended up on Russia’s side. I have always wondered why not on the side of the U.S.
Batista was a whore. He and his associates became rich. Organized crime and international corporations paved their way in Cuba with bribery dollars.
Key West, the State of Florida and the U.S. have constantly guarded against Castro actions and influences as they might affect each.
An Emergency Management organization exists. Its primary purpose to guard against any large scale immigration. Also to observe any unusual happenings.
Monroe County’s Emergency Management has kicked in. As has Florida’s. Monitoring Cuban activities.
Santa Claus is coming to town! Monday evening at 6. Bayview Park. Key West’s Christmas tree lighting. Santa’s first public appearance.
This morning’s KONK Life E-Blast has an elderly health article. The article notes that 1/3 of people over 65 fall. I am one of them!
Pope Urban II is responsible to some degree for today’s Muslim problem. On this day in 1095, he ordered the first Crusade. His speech considered the most influential of the Middle Ages.
He cried out “Deus vult!” God wills it! He even told everyone that those fighting would have a remission of all their sins. Such meant immediate entrance into Heaven. No Hell or Purgatory. Sounds sort of like the Muslim 17 or 21 or whatever number of virgins who will be waiting for those who die for the Muslim religion.
Pope Urban’s Crusade was the first movement against the Muslim world. For 461 years, the Muslims had battled and seized 2/3’s of the Christian world. Pope Urban wanted the Christian lands reclaimed.
Whatever the reason, a forever war.
The history of the Key West Rotary continues. This is Installment 23.
I have noticed that beginning with World War II, the history contents of Langley’s work have become sparse. Five years missed here and there. Cannot be nothing occurred. Whatever, this feature of my blog will see its conclusion by the end of the week.
When I started, I advised Langley’s history went to 1975. I recently discovered there was later a sort of addendum bringing it up to 1991.
April 1966 was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Key West Rotary. The Club’s golden anniversary. It was celebrated in a befitting manner.
A gala cocktail party and dinner at the Trade Winds Supper Room in the Holiday Inn. The Holiday Inn was Key West’s largest hotel/motel for years. It was torn down and replaced with what today is the Marriott Beachside.
One hundred Rotarians and guests attended. Guest speaker was Cleve Allen of Coral Gables. His thunder was stolen by Joe Pearlman, one of the Club’s pioneer members. He told stories about yesterday. Back when.
Interestingly, when the Key West Rotary was established 50 years earlier, it was only the third in Florida.
The 1960s found the U.S. heavily involved in Vietnam. The war was very unpopular. Returning soldiers and veterans were not acclaimed. Actually looked down upon.
The Key West Rotary recognized Vietnam veterans were being overlooked. At the January 26, 1967 luncheon meeting, 4 U.S. Marines were invited. They were recuperating from their wounds at the time at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Key West.
Enjoy your Sunday!