A great Sunday out there! Sun shinning, nary a cloud. Wind unusually strong. Has been for a few days. Blowing down from the north. Makes the 80 degree temperature not feel warm. Comfortable.

Hula hoops hit the U.S. big time in 1963. Appeared in the market place for the first time this date in 1963.

A round plastic hoop. Hip swiveling and gyrating.

Within 4 months, 25 million had been sold.

My older children got into it. Tried to teach Dad. No way. I could not do it.

About five years ago, there was a hula hoop revival. Ally was six years old. She was an expert. could even do it around her neck.

She tried to teach Poppa. Again, I was a failure.

Sue Cassell worked at Don’s Place at the time of the revival. A young lady. Twentyish. A pro with the hula hoop. Amazing. Blinking lights wrapped around the hoop.

I took Ally to watch Sue.

The hula hoop had a part in Key West’s Annual Conch Shell Blowing Contest yesterday. Christie King of Big Pine hula hooped while blowing a large conch shell.

My intent was to watch Syracuse/Georgia Tech yesterday afternoon at Jack Flats with Dee. Followed by dinner some where.

Dee begged off. Experiencing dizzy spells. I decided to stay home and watch. Then skip out to dinner somewhere.

A mistake.

The game was not televised in Florida.

In any event, Syracuse won. Big! 90-61. Should help Syracuse get an invitation to the big tournament.

After the game, Dee telephoned. Dizziness gone. Let’s go to dinner.

We dined at Hot Tin Roof. The place packed. As are the streets of Key West. It is season!

Aristotle said …..Friendship is the chiefest good.

Dee and I have been friends for a quarter century. We see each other frequently for a while. Then not see each other for several years.

The Key West City Commission continues its perverted ways. They are eliminating parking spaces in residential areas to create bicycle lanes.

We need parking! The parking situation is desperate!

Harry Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman.

On this date in 1948, Truman left Key West to return to Washington. Exactly one year later in 1949, he returned to Key West for a vacation.

William Hackley had the dentist Dr. Walton back at his home this day in 1856. Dr. Walton pulled two teeth from Hatty and six from Charlotte.

Don’t know if Hatty and Charlotte children or help. Sounds rough. Six teeth at one time.

There was a time when dentistry was a trade and not a profession. A side line practiced by barbers and blacksmiths. I suspect a profession by Hackley’s time as the title Doctor used.

By 1946, World War II was over. It had become evident that the Soviet Union was no longer a friend. Of the United States and other Allies who fought together to defeat Germany.

Winston Churchill on this date in 1946 spoke at Missouri’s Westminster College. President Truman on the stage.

Churchill’s eloquent words were delivered. Words never to be forgotten. Even to today. “An iron curtain has descended across the continent.” He described it as a Cold War.

Stalin responded from Moscow that the speech was “war mongering.”

Sound familiar?

Putin suggests the same when actions are taken by other nations which he considers not in the best interests of Russia.

We are in a new Cold War.

Sadness takes many forms. As does pain and suffering.

A picture appears on page 9A of this morning’s Key West Citizen. A picture of a 9 month old Somalian baby. Ali Hassan. Malnourished. Starving. Body bones clearly defined. Arms strange. Eyes bright.

Starvation has been an ongoing problem in Somalia. Now, a drought also. The article set forth that 110 had died in a 48 hour period ending yesterday.

Enjoy your Sunday! I suspect a pause at this point before you do. The thought of Ali and Somalian starving touching. Leaves one with an empty feeling.


Happy Sunday!

There once existed a marriage bar to employment. One sided. Only applied to women. A married women was not permitted to work at most jobs.

The reason was that men needed available jobs to support their families. A working woman was taking a much needed job from a man.

Employment inequality at its worst.

The issue came to my attention this morning as a result of an item which appeared in the History Section of the Key West Citizen. On this day in 1902, the Board of Education requested the resignation of Sarah Ann Roberts.

Sarah was a teacher. Proper to work as one while single. Once married however a no no. A couple/family did not need two bread earners to survive.

Everything changes with time. In most families today, the wife/mother is required to work. The family could not survive economically if she did not.

The Chart Room first last night. A sparse crowd. John bartending.

Kevin and Holly were there when I arrived. Key Westers/snowbirds. Own a home in Key West. Rent it out during season. We are into season.

They also own an RV. They have been traveling the country. As far west as Las Vegas recently.

Crossed the street to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. Ate alone at the bar.

Ordered rack of lamb. First time for me at Hot Tin Roof. Absolutely delicious! Best lamb I have eaten in ages. Potatoes and vegetables likewise. The flavoring to die for.

I mentioned to the bartender that the lamb was fantastic, etc. Before I knew it, the chef was standing next to me. He was thrilled I enjoyed the meal as much as I had.

I was sincere. Perhaps people do not compliment the cooking when eating out. I rarely do. If last night had not been exceptional, I would not have. Good tasting food is expected.

In spite of the fanfare, I still had to pay for my dinner!

Watched the President at his rally in Melbourne in the afternoon. A campaign rally. Basically the same as he gave many times during the campaign. I do not think he realizes play time is over. He is in the real world.

Nine thousand in attendance. Many middle aged and senior citizens. Some were interviewed before Trump arrived.

I was impressed with their loyalty. They loved Trump! Were on his side. Not concerned with the first month foul ups. Confident he would come through.

Syracuse/Georgia Tech 6:30 tonight. Syracuse a three point favorite. Syracuse must win 3 of its last 4 games to be guaranteed a spot in the NCAA tournament. If only 2, maybe.

Enjoy your Sunday!


I was chatting at the Hot Tin Roof bar last night with a couple from Montana. Trump supporters.

A congenial conversation. Opposing views expressed.

At one poin,t they were expressing their disgust with the Democrats having failed to turn up for one or two committee hearings yesterday. Hearings scheduled for votes re two cabinet picks.

I smiled. Then shared with them a story I wrote in this blog 4-5 years ago.

It was 1840. The actual date December 5. Abraham Lincoln was a member of the Illinois Legislature. He was a Whig at the time.

The Democrats the opposing party.

The Democrats needed a quorum to vote on a piece of legislation they wanted passed. They suspected the Whigs might leave the Chamber so there would not be a quorum. The Democrats had the door locked.

Lincoln was no fool. The Chamber was on the second floor. He walked over and opened a window. Jumped out and ran off. Thereby denying the opposition for the moment the quorum required.

I told my friends, denying a quorum is All American. If Lincoln could do it, so too today’s Democrats.

Sex seems to affect children at an earlier age these days. You show me yours, I’ll show you mine has graduated to sexually explicit classmate photos.

Horace O’Bryant is a Key West school. Kindergarten through 8th grade. An investigation is underway. Sexual photos being shared. The pics taken off campus. Transmitted initially via social media. The pics of middle school students.

Parents, pull your hair out!

A haircut at noon yesterday with Lori. She told me about her recent long weekend Caribbean cruise. Fun. She recommends it.

At one point, the water got rough. Her stomach began to flutter. The remedy was to drink more, she said. The alcohol balanced out the woozy stomach.

Stopped at Farmers Market afterwards. To buy bread. A young immigrant couple sells their home made bread under one of the tents. I who ask everyone everything have never asked them where they came from. The bread is delicious. I bought 15 small loaves. I freeze the bread.

Ran into Boomer at Farmers Market.

The Chart Room and Hot Tin Roof last night. Both places relatively quiet. The Montana couple sat at the bar near me.

The Sons and Daughters of Italy present Buonasera Venezia tonight from 5-8 at the Bottlecap.
A charity fundraiser. I will be there. With Liz. She called yesterday and said she wanted to go. Venice her favorite place. She and her now deceased husband spent many happy days in Venice.

I have been visiting or living in Key West more than 25 years. When first I came, the men did not wear jackets. Dress jackets. Sport jackets. Then one could be noticed every few months. We locals would look at each other and quietly whisper…..Tourists.

I see more and more men wearing jackets the past couple of years. Especially the past few months. Especially when cold. Even however when it is merely part of the dress costume for the evening.

Includes locals.

Key West is changing.

Poet John Keats died in February 1821. Twenty five years old. One of the world’s best romantic sonnet writers.

Keats died in his bedroom in Rome. A four story narrow building at 26 Piazza di Spagna. Immediately next to the Spanish Steps.

I was in Rome 35 years ago with my family for a  month. My wife and daughters deserted me one day to shop. The American dollar was strong. Everything cost one-third of what it did back home.

I was walking around. Sat a while on the Spanish Steps and watched the world go by. Took a walk. Passed the building described. A small brass sign on the side of the door read The Keats Shelley House.

I went in. Explored the four floors. The top floor was the important one.

Keats’ bedroom had been preserved as it was at the time of his death. An outer room had some of his first edition books and manuscripts of his writings. All under glass.

I came across one writing that moved me emotionally.

Recall first that Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg  Address on a brown paper bag. The bag that had carried his lunch.

Keats wrote the opening stanzas of one of his most famous poems on a piece of crumbled paper. The opening lines to Endymion. A several volume work.

Few know Endymion. Most know its opening lines as penciled in on that piece of crumbled paper: “A thing of beauty is a joy forever…..”

Tomorrow at noon Syracuse/Virginia. Tough game. Virginia ranked #9 nationally. I refuse to get excited in spite of Syracuse’s spectacular victory over North Carolina State earlier this week.

I just remembered! I will not be watching the game. At noon, I will be marching in Steve Attis’ New Orleans funeral parade. Followed by mass at St. Mary’s Church.

Enjoy your day!



“I’m happy for a change!”

Not my words. Jim Boeheim’s. Properly so.

Boeheim spoke at a press conference following yesterday’s Syracuse/Pitt game. Syracuse has played poorly till the past few days. Horribly!

They beat Miami handily a few days ago. Yesterday, destroyed Pitt! I could not believe my eyes watching the game.

Two times in the first half Syracuse lead by 28 points. Threes were dropping in with ease. Long ones. The defense was what it should be. Pitt went something like 14 minutes in the first half without scoring a basket.

The final score 77-66. Not indicative of the size of the victory. The last few minutes Pitt was on a scoring spree. Syracuse subdued by that point.

Is Syracuse back? I think so. I hope so. If so, it is going to be a hell of a season!

I am most happy for Boeheim. A gentleman. A class act. It had to be killing him he could not get the team together the first half of the season.

The weather outside is frightful…..

When it is cold up north, the cold extends to Key West. In a different fashion, of course. No snow. The temperature not as low.

It does get cold, however. It has been in the 80s and humid for a couple of weeks. All of a sudden yesterday around noon, the cold front hit. Just like that. Huge winds. Temperature dropped 15 degrees. Heavy rain.

Stayed cold. Still cold. The temperature was a low of 57 during the night. Fifty seven at 8 this morning. Weather Channel said it felt like 52. High today 60. Will be 60 during the night, also.

I turned the heat on last night. It will remain on till the cold spell leaves.

First stop last night was Tavern ‘n Town. Went early hoping to get a bar seat. No way. I left. Sad because I wanted to hear Bobby Nesbitt sing.

Next stop was the Chart Room. Cold walking in from the parking lot. The Pier House sits on open water. The wind blowing in.

Victor bartending. Sat next to a gent from Lansing, Michigan. Max. Retired. In his other life, he put conglomerates together.

Max older than me. By one year. Eighty two. Much in common to discuss.

Too bad Liz was not with us. The conversation would have been interesting. Liz and Max both supported Trump.

Fighting the cold wind, walked over to the Hot Tin Roof. I was dressed for the cold. A heavy winter jacket.

Nevertheless, needed body heating and soul satisfying food. Lobster bisque and lobster mac and cheese.

Ran into Buffalo’s Tom and Fran at the Hot Tin Roof. They were having dinner with his brother. Tonight, they will be having dinner with me.

Tom missed the Syracuse game earlier in the day. He could not believe the story I told him. He is a die hard Syracuse fan, also.

United Airlines first non-stop flight from Chicago arrived saturday.

The airport is relatively new. Followed by an update a couple of years ago to accommodate additional arriving and departing flights. The update outgrown already.

The season is in full swing. No break in January any more. People all over. Restaurants and bars packed. Hotels getting top dollar. Tourists not complaining.

I worry. Key West is going to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Goose or chicken?

The Citizen’s Today In Keys History listed two interesting events which occurred on this date. The City of Key West was incorporated in 1828. The first traffic light was installed in Key West in 1935.

I did a search to determine where the first light was installed. Could not come up with the information. However in reading a Key West history, the year of incorporation was listed as May 1889. Don’t know which is correct.

In the last 24 hours, I read somewhere that Obama has played 333 rounds of golf while President. Sounded like…..When did he work?

I did some digging re the issue of Presidential golf. Turns out Obama is a piker as far as number of rounds of golf. Woodrow Wilson played 1,200 rounds. Dwight Eisenhower 800.

Some more robot information.

An Australian mining company is mining with robots 24 hours a day. The Rio Tinto Mining Company. Four mines located in Australia’s northwest in an area called Mars-red.

Robots are used for rock drilling. They are described as robotic drilling rigs. Autonomous (driverless) trucks and trains also used. Driverless trains haul the ore hundreds of miles to a port. The trains load and unload themselves automatically.

Rio Tinto is in the forefront re robotic/autonomous mining. The need for human miners reduced to almost nothing.

I obtained the information from an MIT article. The article failed to mention what happened to the human employees let go. An issue requiring serious attention.

Enjoy your sunday!


Finally! Goombay! Last night!

Goombay is of Haitian or some other Caribbean derivation. Goombay is a round goat skin drawn over a round or square wood or metal bottomless pail. Played with the hands. There were a lot of palms slapping on goat skin tops last night.

Goombay has become an annual event for some. Don entertains a group from his bar. He has been doing this for years.

We met last night at Don’s Place. A drink or two. Eleven of us in a cab ride to 801. 801 is one of the most popular Key West gay bars. It sits on Duval at the beginning of Goombay.

After a few more drinks, we headed out. First a group picture. We take one every year. No one has ever seen the finished product.

For some  of us, the initial walk is short. One block to the outside bar of Bourbon Street. Another premier gay bar. It has become a habit to stop there to listen to Blue. A singer. A long time friend of Don and David.

We sat enjoying a few more drinks. Some of the group danced. On soft sand.

The group at this point consisted of Don, David and Billie, Stan and Clare, Dan and Betty, and Louis. Don was my date.

Now came the walk up Petronia Street. Booths/stands on each side of the street. Music coming from everywhere. All kinds of Caribbean type food. The street crowded.

Similar to New York’s San Gennaro Feast, except San Gennaro is Italian in nature.

I had to eat. Opted for a sausage sandwich.

Once we left Bourbon St., we separated. Impossible for a large group to move together. The goal Blue Heaven.

I got there last.

Blue Heaven is a large outdoor restaurant. Packed.

I stayed for one drink. Exhausted. It was time to leave. I snuck off with no good byes.

As I was leaving, I heard Louis! Turned and it was Jean Thornton. She has been back two weeks and it was the first time we have seen each other. A big hug and kiss.

I will see Jean again this afternoon at a retirement party for Joe Lyles.

My car was at Don’s Place. A big walk. Especially with how my heart has been behaving recently. I took it slow and made it. No adverse physical feelings.

Today busy.

Syracuse/Boston College at noon. Will watch at home.

Then to the Hot Tin Roof for Joseph Lyles’ retirement party. Well deserved!

Tonight became a problem. I had a date scheduled with lovely Jenna for dinner. Does my heart good to be out with a beautiful 30 year old woman.

Then I found out that there was a bocce make-up game tonight. Don’s Place/Hell’s Rangers. Big time game between two big time teams this season. Don’s is alone in first place. Hell’s Rangers in third. Hell’s Rangers generally in first place most seasons.

The match has turned into a party. Hell’s Rangers bringing the food and Don’s the drinks. A cook out!

I wanted to see the bocce match. I gave up Jenna for a bocce game! A sure sign I have gotten old.

Jenna understood. We are going out together tomorrow night.

I mentioned the Rick Pitino situation yesterday. David Taylor wrote me a long in depth review of the situation from his perspective. David now lives in St. Louis. However, spent many years in Kentucky. He was aware first hand of facts I knew not. Will share them with you as the Pitino matter develops.

Enjoy your day!




The Presidential Debate this evening is going to be fantastic! West Side Story’s classic song words have been running through my head all morning: Tonight, tonight won’t be just any night…..

The shame of it all is that the subject matter won’t be what it should be. Sex should not form the basis of one’s vote. We have heard extremely little in this campaign re issues.

A corporate America type activity took place yesterday that could have had disastrous consequences. I refer to the Notre Dame/North Carolina State football game. Played in Raleigh, North Carolina. In the midst of Hurricane Matthew.

The bottom line the motivation for the game to proceed. Money. Not the health and safety of the players.

I watched the game awhile in the afternoon. The field in most places was covered in water. Appeared at least six inches in many places. Heavy rain off and on. Players falling and sliding all over the place. A broken leg or arm possible. Fortunately, one did not occur.

The young men on the field had talent. Some big time talent. Notre Dame’s quarterback DeShone Kizer is expected to be the #1 pick in the draft. A serious injury could have negated his professional career.

Universities are run like corporations. Been this way for at least 40 years. The schools playing yesterday receive hefty pay from TV for performing. Reschedule the game and who knows to when, whether advertising fees will be the same, etc.

So everyone from TV to league officials to university leadership opted to play.

Sports writer Keith Arnold said it best, “An act of God is no place for a football game.”

The final score was North Carolina State 10, Notre Dame 3. The game  not representative of the talents of either team.

Another great dinner with Liz! Hot Tin Roof.

The Hot Tin roof is different without Joseph. Probably just me. I sensed his not being there.

Amazes me. In spite of every negative thing impacting Trump this past week, Liz is still voting for Trump. My sense is not because he is the better of the two. Rather because she is a die hard Republican.

Oh Syracuse, my Syracuse. Another bad football day. Syracuse lost to Wake Forest 28-9. Fortunately, the basketball season is less than two months away.

I watched the Syracuse game when I got home last night. Caught the last quarter.

Key deer continue to be in the news. The screwworm problem. A killer. The disease easily transferable from one animal to another.

Key deer are small deer. Tiny. A subspecies of white tailed deer. Only found in the mid Florida keys. In the area of Big Pine, No Name Key and a few small islands off the keys. No where else in the world.

In the 195o’s, Key deer were close to extinction. Only 25-50 left. The federal government considered them an endangered species. The National Key Deer Refuge was established in 1957. Key deer were protected.

Today, there are more than 1,000 Key deer. A far cry from the 25-50 of the 1950’s.

The screwworm has invaded the Key deer refuge. Already 50 euthanized. Eight since last Sunday.

There is a cure. Sterilized male screwworm flies. Successfully tested and used over the years to rid an area of the problem. Safe for humans, other animals and anything that grows in the earth. Planes will start dropping the flies this week. 2.5 million of them. Then 1,000 more a week for several weeks.

I wrote about the screwworm problem a couple of days ago. Repeat it today.

With an additional observation. The sterilized male screwworm flies are not genetically modified. Merely radiated. Nothing added. The male flies shoot blanks.

Enjoy your Sunday!




“Nobody respects women more.” So says Donald Trump.

From the heart the mouth speaks. Trump’s words opens his heart for viewing. Clear viewing. Gropping/debasing women ok.

“I did try to fuck her.”

“I moved on her like a bitch.”

“”Just start kissing them.”

“Grab them by the pussy.”

The last statement and especially the last word of the sentence reveal most clearly what we knew about the man: He is not Presidential timber.

Trump has already advised that he will attack Hillary tomorrow night re Bill’s misdeeds. Won’t fly. Yesterday’s news. No one is interested.

He will further attack because Hillary spoke poorly re some of the women who claimed sexual affairs with her husband. I thought then and think now that she was a woman defending her husband against attacks that at the time she considered false.

Few marriages are perfect. Hillary opted to make hers work. Apparently it did. Trump is in his third marriage. He bailed out of the first two when his prick led him in different directions.

In the meantime…..Last night after the Trump revelations had become public, Wikipedia came out with some more e-mails. Some of Hillary’s speeches to Wall Street and corporate America.

Hillary obviously has changed her position on things said 3-4 years ago. Hell, Trump changes his position on things he said last week.

A wonderful evening last night. The Chart Room. John back from his Puerto Rico vacation. It was exciting!

Sheila and Cori at the bar. Spent my time with the ladies. Sheila is at the Key West Citizen. Cori is Curator at The Key West Art and Historical Society aka The Custom House.

Good conversation. We got into everything. Interestingly, little Trump. More of what is going on in the world. The Middle East, Euro Union, London, afterlife, etc.

Tonight special. Dinner at the Hot Tin Roof with Lizabeth. Love talking with her. Liz’s former life included the Deanship at two law schools. Stetson and Cleveland State.

The Key West Airport has an unusual problem.

There is an all glass cross walk from the second floor of the garage to the second floor of the main airport building. Birds are flying into it and either being killed or injured. Especially warblers. The County has allocated $25,000 to tint the windows in a horizontal pattern to warn the birds.

Screwworms. The federal government this coming week will drop 2.5 million radiated male flies over Big Pine and No Name Key. A proven tested method used for years to eradicate a screwworm problem. For several weeks following, an additional 1 million per week will be dropped.

Matthew still out there. Now a category 1. Beating the hell out of Georgia and the Carolinas.

Key West has been advised not to be concerned about Matthew looping back. If it does hit, it will be sufficiently dissipated so as to do no damage.

I loved Great Balls of Fire. Jerry Lee Lewis standing up at a piano keyboard bellowing the song out. One of his best sellers.

Raised in the southern Assembly of God Church. At first, Lewis did not want to record the tune. Said it was anti-religious, contrary to his upbringing, etc. Finally gave in.

He was the new Elvis Presley. Not for long, however. His reputation went downhill after he married his 13 year old cousin. Apparently not contrary to his religious upbringing.

This evening at 7, Syracuse/Wake Forest. Dinner with Liz will be more fun than watching the game.

Enjoy your day!


Local elected boards and the citizenry have one thing in common for sure. They are neighbors.

It appears the mosquito control board forgot that last night.

A meeting was held. Chaired by the board. Citizens welcome. A main issue the GM mosquito/Ozitec/Key Haven issue.

The board must have expected a Normandy invasion. Three sheriff deputies present. A first. The board defensive. The crowd respectful.

Guy de Boer is publisher of KONK Life. I write a weekly column that is run in KONK Life.

Until this morning, I was not aware that Guy had worked for 14 years for the mosquito control board.

He attended the meeting last night. Wrote a column that appears in this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast. Read the article. Interesting and shocking.

Guy’s article made mention of a FOIL request that has gone some time with the materials not provided. Barriers appear to have been set up to foil the FOIL request.

Money was first an issue. Cost of copying $20,000. Crazy! Last night announced to be $8,000. A check was offered in the amount. Payment refused.

The board says the District’s attorney must review the materials first to see if any “classified information” is contained.

Arrogance of the highest degree by a local elected board. Especially a mosquito one. The board is acting like a Federal Agency or Congressional Committee. An example of being out of control.

On the way to my car last night, I walked by the Chart Room. Saw Ollie inside. Stopped briefly to chat with him. Ollie is into the GM mosquito thing big time. He updated me on things happening from the Key Haven residents’ end.

My day yesterday started with a noon haircut with Lori at Blown Away. She was excited. Leaving on a three day Bahamas cruise today. A bachelorette party.

Lunch afterwards around the corner at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Ruby working the counter. Cheese toast and cold Cuban coffee.

Hot Tin Roof for dinner last night. Dined with Adam. Adam took care of my house for several years.

An interesting person. Adam born and raised in Poland. Lived a few years in Italy. Now in the U.S. many years.

My freezer is busted. Waiting to see if it can be fixed. Frozen food lost.

My freezer is in the garage. The room for a refrigerator/freezer in the kitchen has a large refrigerator.

The garage not a healthy place for a freezer. Garages not permitted to be air conditioned in the Keys. Only a window one. No matter the size, could never do the job.

Generally the heat only inflicts damage on the outside of the freezer. Paint cracks, peels, rusts and occasionally molds.

The freezer is 10 years old. Could be time for a new one.

My KONK column this week Mommy, I’m Hungry was linked to my Key West Lou website this morning. It is easily available there. I ask my far to the right and Republican friends to read it. You may be surprised  by what you read.

Enjoy your day!





Gold, silver, bronze. Not Olympic recognition of achievement. Hitler’s.

In 1938, Hitler wanted to encourage German women to have babies. He set up a recognition/reward system. The recognition/reward to be given on August 12 each year. August 12 was his mother Karla’s birthday.

Women with seven children received a gold medal. Those with six, a silver. Those with five, a bronze. The medal was called Mother’s Cross.

Young girls were encouraged/brain washed to have children. These were girls under the age of 18. Not till they were 18, however.

Hitler had established a Youth Movement. One part was the League of German Girls. They were under 18s. They were indoctrinated into believing it was for the good of the country that they begin getting pregnant at 18.

It is Lobsterfest time in Key West. Tomorrow a big day on Duval. From the 100 through 500 blocks. street stands. Lobsters coooked in every fashion. Mouth watering.

Spent the afternoon watching the Olympics with one eye and reading World War II stories with the other.

Jane Thornton, where were you?

Last night started at Berlin’s. Years since I have been there. It is the bar portion of the A&B Lobster House. I went because I saw a Jean Thornton message on Facebook earlier in the week that she was doing Berlin’s on thursdays and fridays.

No Jean. Only me and the bartender.

Berlin’s is an attractive place. I will visit again soon. The room is dark wood. Maroon leather chairs. Even easy chairs. Reminded me of a men’s club.

Beefeaters on the rocks $8.50. The usual downtown price $10.00. The drink a third larger than other places.

Smoking permitted. A biggie. You can eat at the bar.

I had an experience that shocked me. Two women came out of the dining room. Sat three bar stools from me. Lite up. I found the cigarette smoke repulsive. I still smoke a bit.

Traffic is heavy even in Key West’s summer. I have to slow down, go faster, swing in the other lane, etc. to avoid bike riders. There ain’t enough room for cars, bikes and electric cars. A physical fact.

As I was driving in, I experienced one of those almost hit a biker episodes. The thought occurred to me after that the only way cars and bikes can safelyc exist is to make some of the streets one way. Then room for cars and bikers to traverse safely. Of course, auto congestion would increase a hundred fold. Residential parking spaces lost.

Key West has hired a Pedestrian and Bike Coordinator. I think for $40,000 a year. The problem his to solve. His few ideas thus far have not impressed me.

Left Berlin’s after one drink and headed for the Chart Room. John bartending. Always a smile and friendly hello. David and Sheila at the bar. Spent time chatting with them.

Then to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. Sat at the bar. Read for a while before ordering. A middle aged woman came in. Alone. Sat three stools away. We chatted briefly. She was from Louisiana. A four day reward trip for her and certain co-workers. Ten total. She was the only woman. The men all younger than her.

I did not know what to order. A menu becomes boring after eating at the same restaurant for years. Even though changes are periodically made to menus..

My lady friend had a very attractive dish placed before her. I asked what it was. Never heard of it. But, it appeared attractive and appetizing.

I told the ladies behind the bar I would have the same thing.

It was horrible. Terrible. My new found lady friend asked how I liked it. Without thinking, I told her I did not… was terrible!

Now, she felt bad. I felt bad. For ordering the dish and obviously having offended her.

We did not talk further. As she was leaving, she came over and apologized that I did not like my meal. Now, I was embarrassed. I did not have to order the dish. It was my choice.

I fear I am correct re the Hackley baby. Today’s diary entry has Matilda going to church two times in one day. In addition, the statement by Hackley…..The babe not very well.

Enjoy your day!



Busy yesterday. Did nothing out of the ordinary, however.

Started with a noon haircut appointment with Lori. Always a pleasure to spend time with Lori. Fifteen plus years now.

The Cuban Coffee Queen is around the corner from Blown Away. The heat/humidity too heavy to eat outside. Decided to pick up some things at Publix and feed myself at home.

Driving the Publix motivation was the fact that I had been dreaming for a couple of days of a home prepared chicken sandwich.

Bought a lemon pepper chicken.

Lunch was the desired chicken sandwich. A large soft roll. A thick slice of white chicken breast. Covered with a slice of tomato. A bit of salt and pepper. Then mayonnaise.

A dream come true!

Screwed around on the computer in the afternoon searching for a KONK column topic to do. Came up with nothing that excited me.

The Chart Room first last night. John told me Tom and Fran had been in earlier looking for me. Telephoned them. They were at Kermit’s enjoying key lime pie. Told me they would shortly join me.

Spent some time with Tom and Fran enjoying a couple of drinks. Then they were off to do sunset. Knew one of the entertainers and wanted to visit with him. The man with the cats jumping through hoops of fire.

I went across the street to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. Enjoyed lamb chops again.

Joseph still on the mend. There is a new general manager. JP. We were introduced.

The Noble Group is not screwing Joseph. As I understand, there is an office job awaiting him when he returns.

Joseph has graduated from a walker to two canes. Progress slow.

Hello Jim Wenzel! Close friend of Tom Dixon. Both Buffalo bred. Jim now resides in Tampa. Tom told me he turned Jim on to the blog and he now reads it daily.

Welcome and thank you, Jim!

On the way back to my car, I passed the Chart Room. Ollie was at the bar. One of the heroes of the Zika test spraying fight. I stopped in to congratulate him. He believes Key Haven will defeat the test spraying proposal.

This week’s KONK Life column is German Persecution of Jews. It was carried this morning on E-Blast and also linked to my Key West Lou column.

My conscience Patrick posted a comment yesterday morning. He wanted to know why I had not commented on the $4 million/Iran/hostage situation. Simple. I only had the first blast of news. Accusatory. Did not make sense. Thought I should wait a day to see how the story played out.

Glad I delayed. Nothing wrong occurred.

Better safe than sorry. I concede I occasionally jump the gun. Rarely however. Sorry when I do.

Trump was terrific. Claimed he saw the whole thing on video. There was no video. He still kept saying he saw it on video.

Ronald Reagan was a tough guy.

On this day in 1981, he fired 11,359 air controllers. None to ever be rehired. When they struck and walked out two days earlier, he gave them 48 hours to return to work.

The union thought it was calling Reagan’s bluff. no way. He called theirs.

Reagan’s action was the beginning of the fall of union dominance in the United States.

Enjoy your day!