Gold, silver, bronze. Not Olympic recognition of achievement. Hitler’s.

In 1938, Hitler wanted to encourage German women to have babies. He set up a recognition/reward system. The recognition/reward to be given on August 12 each year. August 12 was his mother Karla’s birthday.

Women with seven children received a gold medal. Those with six, a silver. Those with five, a bronze. The medal was called Mother’s Cross.

Young girls were encouraged/brain washed to have children. These were girls under the age of 18. Not till they were 18, however.

Hitler had established a Youth Movement. One part was the League of German Girls. They were under 18s. They were indoctrinated into believing it was for the good of the country that they begin getting pregnant at 18.

It is Lobsterfest time in Key West. Tomorrow a big day on Duval. From the 100 through 500 blocks. street stands. Lobsters coooked in every fashion. Mouth watering.

Spent the afternoon watching the Olympics with one eye and reading World War II stories with the other.

Jane Thornton, where were you?

Last night started at Berlin’s. Years since I have been there. It is the bar portion of the A&B Lobster House. I went because I saw a Jean Thornton message on Facebook earlier in the week that she was doing Berlin’s on thursdays and fridays.

No Jean. Only me and the bartender.

Berlin’s is an attractive place. I will visit again soon. The room is dark wood. Maroon leather chairs. Even easy chairs. Reminded me of a men’s club.

Beefeaters on the rocks $8.50. The usual downtown price $10.00. The drink a third larger than other places.

Smoking permitted. A biggie. You can eat at the bar.

I had an experience that shocked me. Two women came out of the dining room. Sat three bar stools from me. Lite up. I found the cigarette smoke repulsive. I still smoke a bit.

Traffic is heavy even in Key West’s summer. I have to slow down, go faster, swing in the other lane, etc. to avoid bike riders. There ain’t enough room for cars, bikes and electric cars. A physical fact.

As I was driving in, I experienced one of those almost hit a biker episodes. The thought occurred to me after that the only way cars and bikes can safelyc exist is to make some of the streets one way. Then room for cars and bikers to traverse safely. Of course, auto congestion would increase a hundred fold. Residential parking spaces lost.

Key West has hired a Pedestrian and Bike Coordinator. I think for $40,000 a year. The problem his to solve. His few ideas thus far have not impressed me.

Left Berlin’s after one drink and headed for the Chart Room. John bartending. Always a smile and friendly hello. David and Sheila at the bar. Spent time chatting with them.

Then to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. Sat at the bar. Read for a while before ordering. A middle aged woman came in. Alone. Sat three stools away. We chatted briefly. She was from Louisiana. A four day reward trip for her and certain co-workers. Ten total. She was the only woman. The men all younger than her.

I did not know what to order. A menu becomes boring after eating at the same restaurant for years. Even though changes are periodically made to menus..

My lady friend had a very attractive dish placed before her. I asked what it was. Never heard of it. But, it appeared attractive and appetizing.

I told the ladies behind the bar I would have the same thing.

It was horrible. Terrible. My new found lady friend asked how I liked it. Without thinking, I told her I did not… was terrible!

Now, she felt bad. I felt bad. For ordering the dish and obviously having offended her.

We did not talk further. As she was leaving, she came over and apologized that I did not like my meal. Now, I was embarrassed. I did not have to order the dish. It was my choice.

I fear I am correct re the Hackley baby. Today’s diary entry has Matilda going to church two times in one day. In addition, the statement by Hackley…..The babe not very well.

Enjoy your day!


5 comments on “GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE…..

  1. I’m concerned with your obsession with hitler. If Trump ever comes out with a Mothers Cross idea then I’ll start to worry.

    • Obsession? If so, not with Hitler. With Trump. I fear the mood of the country and his approach to solving the nation’s problems are similar in many ways to Germany in the early 1930s. It could happen here.

  2. I agree it’s a logical comparison Lou but I think your fears are unwarranted as it’s become clear the past few weeks the Trump will not win this election. He has peaked in his numbers and is way behind in the polls.

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