Meryl Streep and Antonio Banderas in Key West for a few days. Filming a movie. The Laundromat.

Movie stars Gary Oldman, also. Do not think he is here. Actual filming in Key West only 2 days. 12/5 & 12/6.

Filming taking place on Caroline Street. Caroline already Christmas decorated. Decorations had to be removed for the filming.

Locals hired as extras. $125 for a 12 hour day.

The Laundromat is the story of a group of journalists who took part in unearthing 11.5 million files linking the world’s most powerful figures to secret banking accounts to avoid taxes. The film chronicles how a Panamanian law firm allowed the wealthy and connected to funnel money illegally via tax havens.

Last night, a colorful one. The Lighted Bike Ride. Christmas decorated  bicycles and riders. Hundreds participated. The Ride ended at Mary Ellen’s on Applerouth. Applerouth one block long. Closed. A block party held for the bike riders.

Love Mary Ellen’s! Not 2 years old yet. A popular spot. Inexpensive. The best tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Funky decorated. Funky games. Like tuesday evenings at 9 for the Dildo Races.

Stopped at Blue Macaw. Cold! Seventy degrees. Temperature dropped to low 60’s during the evening. Heat back on!

Bar crowd skimpy. Said hello to Alisa and Stephanie. Chatted too briefly with Angie.

A bit warmer tonight. Low 70. Still heat time for locals. Our blood is thin!

I watched President Bush’s service at the Washington National Cathedral. Moving. Mourning and celebratory. More celebratory. Showed sides of the man not generally known. Bush had a sense of humor. Stories told which shared that facet of his life.

One of the more humorous involved Bush’s operation of the motorboat at his Maine home. Bush was less than a good driver. He scared the hell out of Putin!

Tears shed on occasion. By those in the Cathedral and Louis.

The eulogies personal and warm. Son George broke down and cried near the end of his. Former Senator Simpson could have had a career as a comedian. Former Canadian Prime minister Mulroney, also.

Jon Mecham articulate. Warm. Weaves words well. Described the President as Mr. Peepers who wanted to be John Wayne to the laughter of all.

Perhaps not everyone. I refer to President Trump. Perhaps Melanie, also. Both obviously uncomfortable, a strange addition to the rest in the Cathedral.

The former Presidents and their spouses sat together in the front row. Trump and Melania came in after they had been seated a while. Before their appearance, the former Presidents and wives were chatting and joking.

Trump arrived and everyone went stiff. Sat quietly staring ahead.

The Obamas were seated next to the Trumps. They briefly and respectfully greeted the Trumps. The Clintons would have nothing to do with him nor Trump they.

Trump appeared uncomfortable throughout. Scowling and arms crossed. Slouching forward. Looked like a slob compared to the other Presidents.

The thought just occurred. If you remove the T from Trump and replace wit with a G, it becomes Grump. Respectfully, what Trump appeared to be during the service.

Trump supported by the Evangelicals. A strong religious group in the United States. Trump did not appear evangelical yesterday. He did not participate in prayers or hymns. The Apostles’ Creed was recited by all. It was even printed in the program. Trump’s lips closed throughout, as were Melania’s. So too with the Lord’s Prayer.

One other Presidential observation. President Carter and Hillary. Sat next to each other. A “created” space between them. Appeared to be by choice. Never saw them talk to each other.

Family. The Bush family tight. Close. The influence of George Sr. and Barbara apparent.

It was obvious throughout that brothers Jeb and George have a close relationship.

Today ends the President’s final services. The family has to be beat. They  are in Houston for a service at the President’s personal Church. Then a 70 mile train ride to his Library where he will be buried with Barbara and Robin.

This is the first time in more than half a century a political figure worthy of note has been  train transported to his final resting place. Robert Kennedy. I clearly recall. A train took his body to Washington. The tracks along the way lined with people paying their last respects. As thousands had done a hundred years earlier for Lincoln.

God bless President Bush! God bless our having been reminded of him. It comes at a time in American history when we need to recall there have been Presidents of character, morality, empathy, humanity, etc.

Enjoy your day!


The Georgia Congressional result rang out one clear message: Trump is a force who remains acceptable to the people.

During Handel’s victory speech, the audience shouted: Trump! Trump! Trump!

Handel’s victory substantiated my fear that Trump remains strong. My listening post is the Chart Room. A crossroads. Trump supporters are not down on Trump in spite of all the bad stuff flying about concerning him. Their cry is give him time, he’s new to the job, everyone is against him, he cares for us, etc.

I get the same thing from others I speak with.

The Senate healthcare bill is supposed to come out tomorrow. It will reflect how much Trump and the Republicans care about the American people.

Busy day yesterday. I did servile work. Cleaned out the garage. In all the humidity, besides. Knocked me on my ass. Thought I never would stop sweating.

Then prepared my blog talk for the evening show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

I had a great show prepared. I was cut off after 15 minutes. Show came to its normal end, but 15 minutes early. Sloan looking into the problem.

I decided to do less Trump and more other matters. Never discussed a Trump issue in the 15 minutes I was on air.

A welcomed breather!

Tavern ‘n Town again last night. A quick bite to eat before the show.

Glad I went. Tavern ‘n Town has a new Tapas menu 1/2 price plus 2 drinks for 1 from 5-7 on tuesdays and thursdays. A bargain!

My bill was $18.

Carmen Rodriquez was singing. A lovely voice. A lovely woman.

Strange, I have seen and watched her for 20 years. I nod a polite hello each time. She has never reciprocated with a nod back or a hello.

Must have offended her way back when. Don’t recall. On the other hand, perhaps she is just not social.

The local Mosquito Control Board has had a string of unfavorable decisions. The Board decided to limit their terms as a concession to the public. Board members are elected.

The Board voted to limit their terms to 3 terms of 4 years each. a total of 12 years. Some concession! A lifetime!

Courts can be strange. Sometimes a decision comes down I find hard to accept/understand.

The U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decision yesterday in Packingham v. North Carolina. Packingham was a registered sex offender. He used/participated in social media. The Court’s decision included sites like Facebook, You Tube and Twitter.

Packingham set up a Facebook account under a false name and posted a message that praised God for the dismissal of a traffic ticket. North Carolina said it was a no no. Registered sex offenders could not use social media.

The Supreme Court in a unanimous decision said North Carolina was wrong. Its law violated first amendment free speech rights. Even a sex offender has them. They were not lost because Packingham was a registered sex offender.

Justice Kennedy wrote the primary opinion. There were two concurrent ones. Kennedy said social media is a powerful mechanism available to a private citizen to make his or her voice heard. Should be available to all.

Suppose Packingham was using Facebook for sex banter or to induce friendship with a female minor?

It seems to me the decision would encompass that situation, although not specifically spelled out in the decision.

Betsy Dietz much loved. Passed away recently. A celebration of Life is scheduled for 5 today at the Ocean Grill.

The place will be packed!

Key West humidity is a killer this year. About a month early. Heavy!

In 1902, Willis Carrier invented what might be described as modern air conditioning.  He assembled the first large scale electrical air conditioning system. Controlled both temperature and humidity.

What we enjoy today is derived from Carrier’s invention, whether in a large building, residential property or automobile.

Enjoy your day!




Good morning!

A lovely Key West day in the making.

Today is Summer Solstice. the longest day of the year. the day the sun is highest in the sky.

Happens twice a year. June 20 and December 22.

Last night began with Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. Tom Luna and Rick Dery. Lovely Heather guest performer. Heather adding a special touch.

The singing outstanding! The bar crowd mostly seniors. A lot of 50’s and 60’s tunes. A 70’s or 80’s thrown in here and there.

Met Sally. a Key Wester for 8 years. In her other life, she was a San Francisco police officer. Retired a detective.

Sally wanted a life in the law. Did a year of law school. Too subdued for her. Left law school and joined the police force.

Moved on to Tavern ‘n Town. You have no idea how thrilled I am that the season is over. I can now get a seat at the bar any time I want.

Enjoyed some good food while reading the newspapers.

George Bueno has been bartending at Tavern ‘n Town for 2 years. He had 10 plus years at two other places before Tavern ‘n Town grabbed him.

George is being recognized this week. He is Bartender of the Week. His picture and column appearing in the weekly Key West Week.

Any reason for a party! That’s Key west!

The Key Lime Festival saturday July 1. An only in Key West type event. At the Key West Lighthouse. A gravity defying key lime pie drop. From the top of the Lighthouse. Also  known as the Key Lime Drop Contest.

Pies provided. Four inches in diameter.

Goal is to drop the pie to a specified target without splattering it. Pie in the best condition wins. A trophy and a crisp $100 bill.

Contestants are permitted to create a device or container to protect the pie during its fall and impact.

Finally! Key West is getting Uber! Beginning July 1. The City Commission and Bubba system prevented Uber from operating two years ago when it wanted to begin. New state law prevents Key West from keeping Uber out as long as it meets state requirements.

The City Commission has a propensity for screwing up. Especially when erecting or remodeling a building. The cost goes up dramatically. The Commission always buys some half assed excuse and pays the additional monies.

This time it is the repair of the Frederick Douglas Gym in Bahama Village. The original estimate was $1.7 million. When the bids came in, the cost went up to $2.1 million. Now has ballooned to just under $2.3 million. And the work nowhere close to being done!

Working for the City many times is like having an open check book.

Another folly. There are three sight seeing franchises in Key West. Trolley, buses, etc. All three recently renewed their contracts with the City.

Traffic is a major problem these days. Actually, the major problem. Each of the agreements contain a clause that permits duck boats. In the event the Navy changes its mind and permits them.

Why do we need duck boats? There is not enough room for anything more on Key West streets. Previous duck boats were 39 feet long and 8 feet wide.

Permission should not have been granted. All parties should have waited till Navy approval or some remedy to make the duck boats acceptable. Then an amendment to the agreements could have been negotiated. With the traffic issue a main item of contention.

Ingenuity, mostly American, exists in our penal institutions. Contraband has been smuggled into federal and state jails in increasing numbers over the past five years. Contraband consisting of mobile phones, drugs and pornography.

Drones the method of delivery. Authorities are not equipped with the necessary technology to prevent the deliveries.

One of the finest persons I have met in Key West is Betsy Dietz. A kind charming woman. A good friend of Lisa’s. We have done Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together for over 10 years at Lisa’s.

Betsy recently passed on. A Celebration of Life will be held tomorrow at 5 at the Ocean Grill in Duval Square.

I am confident the crowd paying her honor will be overwhelming.

My podcast tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9. A quick half hour of interesting topics. Many eye opening.

Enjoy your day!


Stephen Edward Attis has passed on. Known to all as Steve. A good man. None better.

I got to know Steve here in Key west. We had somewhat of a similar background. Both born in 1935. We used to joke that I was older than him. By 2 1/2 months.

Manhattan College frequently came into our conversations. I graduated from Manhattan College. Steve attended Manhattan for a time. He used to tell me he attended several colleges before finally graduating.

Steve born and raised in the Bronx. Manhattan College is located in the Bronx. I also lived for a time at 682 E. 141 St. in the Bronx. We talked how things were then and now in the Bronx.

A bocce player. As the years added on and he had some difficulty with his legs, Larry Smith used to help him stepping on and off the court, picking up the ball for him. In spite of his problems, he shot well.

Steve’s wife, Midge. The two married 61 years. The best of wives. Always with him, always watching out for him.

Steve and Midge regulars at Don’s Place. Loved by everyone.

A New Orleans style funeral procession planned. What else for Steve? Saturday at 12:15. Begins at the Dean Lopez Funeral Home. Onward to St. Mary Star of the Sea for his funeral service.

Never been in a New Orleans type funeral procession. I will saturday.

Spent yesterday afternoon perfecting material for last night’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

As much as I disliked it, Trump took up the whole half hour. We talk about nothing else anymore.

The show went well. I am anti-Trump so it was easy.

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee is Neil Gorsuch. Appears extremely intelligent. Extremely conservative, also. I do not approve of him.

Not important what I think. His problem is getting Senate approval. The Dems are lining up against him. Properly so.

Stephen Bannon has become the ring leader in the White House. Trump relies on him. A bad move.

Bannon is a Rasputin. He will not fuck Trump as Rasputin did the Czarina. However, he will screw  the United States. Bannon seeks the destruction of government as we know it.

I have never played dominoes. I have never seen anyone playing dominoes in Key West. Nevertheless, there is a Domino Tournament this saturday at the Southernmost Hotel. The first of many to follow. Sponsored by the Sunset Key West Rotary. Named after and honors the well liked Maury Madruga who recently died.

Remember ZIKA. Hit Florida about this time last year. We were told to beware. ZIKA coming in epidemic proportions.

Where is it today?

Instant fear as with Ebola. Everyone gets excited and jumps to do something immediately. Haste rarely required.

A Sons and Daughters of Italy fundraiser 5-8 friday at Bottle Cap. Italian food, deserts, music, silent auction, etc.

Called Buonasera Venezia. Translated, Good Evening Venice.

Our home grown terrorist Harlem Suarez was convicted on terrorism charges yesterday in Federal Court. Took the jury one hour to convict. Suarez planned on burying a nail filled back pack bomb on Smathers Beach and then detonating it with a cell phone.

He is yet to be sentenced. I suspect a significant sentence. Suarez is going to be an old man when he gets out of jail.

A quote in the World Almanac section of this morning’s Key West Citizen worthy of note. Langston Hughes in Dreams wrote: “Hold fast to dreams / For if dreams die / Life is a broken-winged bird / That cannot fly.”

I enjoy doing Go Live with Key West Lou on Facebook. Every day, several times a day. For a few minutes. I can be seen as well as heard. If you have not, take a look. You might enjoy. Go to Facebook and enter Key West Lou. Voila! Me!

A big evening ahead. Dinner with Liz.

Enjoy your day!


Early Monday morning, a man threw a brick through Mangia Mangia’s window and then ran. He will not run far. The entire episode was recorded on a security video camera.

The video somehow showed up on Facebook. It was all over Facebook yesterday. It will not be difficult to catch the culprit.

The weather has turned. Finally. The days are warm as they should be this time of the year. The evenings comfortable.

Key West’s grande dame and most respected woman died recently. Edith Amsterdam. A Celebration of her Life will be held saturday from 1-4 on the Curry Mansion porch. The Curry Mansion property will not be large enough to accommodate those who attend. Edith was well loved.

Yesterday was a typical tuesday. A run to Walgreens and Publix. The afternoon spent fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

A couple of topics garnered the most interest. Bou Bou and Venezuela.

Bou Bou is the baby sleeping in a play pen in the middle of the night when a SWAT tam in Cornelia, Georgia broke into the house. Flash bang grenades were thrown as the police rushed in. One of the grenades fell on the pillow next to baby Bou Bou’s face. Disfigurement the result. Bou Bou today at 19 months looks like a waif in a war torn country walking down a street. The child’s face twisted and scarred.

A judge approved Bou Bou’s settlement against the responsible parties friday. $3.6 million. I broke down the figure to show how much actually would be left for Bou Bou after attorney fees and medical bills. I questioned whether it was enough.

Venezuela. The country that ran out of toilet paper four years ago. Still  out of toilet paper. Out of food, also. And, money. Venezuela is in the process of liquidating what is left of its gold reserve. Not to provide food and toilet paper to it citizens. To pay debt interest to banks and other countries.

Enjoy your day!




The  Key West Citizen has its pluses and minuses. As with everything. The outstanding feature of the newspaper is the Citizens’ Voice. A column on the left side of page 2. Readers write in and express their thinking re various issues. Pro and con. Simple and hard hitting.

The Citizens’ Voice is missing from this morning’s paper. Why? What happened? In its place is an Associated Press article on how to make a particular cocktail.

I cannot believe the Citizen is considering discontinuing Citizens’ Voice. It works. Needs no fixing. Not broke.

My friend Sheila Cullen is a staff member at the Citizen. Her job is to prepare Citizens’ Voice each day. She selects what should be printed from the many comments received. She takes her job seriously. As Sheila tells it, she tries to send both sides to print. Her aim is to be fair and balanced.

I tried to reach Sheila this morning to get the poop. I could not reach her. Ergo, I write this column  in the dark as to the reason why it is absent from today’s Citizen.

I researched this week’s KONK Life column yesterday afternoon. Research complete. I will be writing the column today between Meet The Press and the Syracuse basketball game and after the game.

The title: Political Sexcapades. The research off the wall. Politicians have difficulty keeping their pants and panties on.

The column zeroes in on Clinton’s impeachment. Not the impeachment itself. We all know about it. Rather the column concerns certain of those who tried to bring the President down and their secret sex lives. Sort of a people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. They all got their come uppings in due course. Proving that what goes around, comes around.

A great article! You will enjoy it.

Life returned to normal last night after the holiday. I took myself to Tavern ‘n Town. A good crowd. Locals and visitors.

Bobby Nesbitt entertaining.

Ran into Lynda and Bob Frechette. A popular and well liked Key West couple.

It is said that a successful man has a good woman behind him. The reverse true here. Bob is the man behind Lynda who helps her goals and dreams reality. We always hear about Lynda. Rarely, Bob. They are a team.

I am anti-Trump. Write accordingly. Mentioned yesterday that over the holiday I did not meet one person supporting him. Also that those supporting him are whiter, older, less educated, and more blue collar.

I received two strong comments. One from a Key West MBA who is voting for Trump. The other a strong / almost defiant comment that the writer supported Trump.

Good! I love it! This is what it is all about. Free expression, a two party system, etc. We are each other’s indispensable opposition. Think about it.

Syracuse basketball this afternoon. Playing Texas Southern. Syracuse a 17 point favorite. We shall see.

Sal Salerno is recognized as one of Key West’s artistic greats! Perhaps the greatest. A man of international acclaim. A several generation Key Wester. A true Conch.

Salerno died recently.

A Celebration of Life in his honor will take place tomorrow evening from 7-9. At the Gingerbread Square Gallery which Salerno and his husband Joe Birn owned.

I guarantee there will not be enough room in the Gallery and its Courtyard to hold the many who will be attending to pay tribute.

Enjoy your Sunday!