Key West is known for its chickens. Chickens everywhere. Tourists love them. Few locals do. The chickens are dirty and germ ridden. Not eating chickens.
Chickens properly bred and raised are ok, however. Clean healthy birds.
Bill Gates recently announced a 100,000 chicken program. One his wife Melinda is joining with him to put together. One supported also by Hefner International.
Gates wants to send 100,000 chickens world wide to poor countries. They are cheap and easy to raise. Healthy food for children.
A good idea. My anti-chicken bias is limited to Key West chickens.
We are running out of food. World population on the rise. Fish in oceans not endless.
Squid and octopus not diminishing in number, however. On the rise. Climate change, pollution and over fishing does not seem to affect them.
Most already love squid. Calamari!
As to octopus, I fear not many have had the opportunity to enjoy octopus. I did many times in Greece.
The first time I was on a small boat going nowhere. Just drifting around. We ended up on a small island. Probably had a name. I do not recall. Where we landed was only a small house and a smaller building behind it. The smaller building the outhouse. .
We were hungry. The man and woman living in the house were happy to feed us. Octopus!
The cooking was done on an outside grill. The kind used in the U.S. to cook outside.
The octopus was about two feet in diameter. He chopped a tentacle off. Threw it on the grill. Spent time cooking, turning it over.
When done, placed on my plate. About five inches long and three inches in diameter. Hollow inside. The skin a quarter inch thick.
While cooking, brush basted with oil.
I cut into my piece. Cut easy. Like a knife through soft butter. The taste. Delicious. Tender. Brought a smile to my face. A chunk of bread and octopus on a basically deserted island. What more could I ask for?
The moral of the story. Do not fear octopus. Youu will love it! Guaranteed!
Spent yesterday preparing for last night’s blog talk radio show.
Did the show at 9. Two topics excited me more than normal. I led off with them. A cashless society and carless dealerships.
A cashless society is on its way. No more paper bills or coins. A card. Sort of like a debit card. All spending, transactions done via the card.
I predict the U.S. will be a cashless society within 5 years. Banks and corporations love the idea. The Federal Reserve favors it. What can the 99 percent say?
I am against a cashless society.
Imagine going to buy a new car. No cars in the lot. No cars inside the dealership. You will be greeted and sold digitally. Earphones with a viewing screen built in. General Motors is preparing to test the process in some Cadillac dealerships next year.
A quick dinner before the show at Hogfish. Fish and chips. Hogfish fish and chips.
Debra and Patrick return to Key West! Tonight. at La Te Da. The best of the best. Do yourself a favor and go listen to Debra sing.
An observation. We are moving closer to George Orwell’s 1984 every day.
This week’s KONK Life hits the stands at 5 this afternoon. I have a special column this week. Corn Flakes…..Cure Masturbation. Humor and discomfort. Nuts involved. And I do not mean the edible ones.
Enjoy your day!