Today’s Key West Citizen editorial is out of line. Its author appears uniformed.

The subject is One human Family. The term being representative of Key West for many years. The words painting an accurate picture of Key West’s people.

I have been a part of Key West for more than a quarter century. The term has always meant to me a binding together of the heterosexual and gay communities. One loving community.

The editorial lumps every today malady into the term in an effort to portray Key West as no longer that one loving family. It applies One Human Family to bicyclists screwing up traffic, Duval bars making too much noise, and so forth. None of which in my opinion fall under the umbrella of One Human Family.

A unique morning. The wind is strong off the ocean. A bit cold, also. It carries with it a clean smell. The only way the experience can be described.

One of the wonders of Key West is that on any given day we can watch the sun rise and set over water. Very few in this world are blessed with the experience.

Yesterday was a wild one! From 10 to 2, I was running around. Six separate stops in my travels. Dealing with necessary things that somehow all got lumped into yesterday. The traffic problems caused by the boulevard construction did not help. I was exhausted when I returned home.

I enjoyed a light dinner at Roostica. Ten chicken wings covered in a lemon oil and broiled.

Last night was my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I reviewed the weekly sins of the world. Post show comments indicate two the most popular.

One had to do with the dramatic rise in the cost of gasoline the past three weeks. Thirty seven cents a gallon! Yesterday alone, twelve cents. The  station near my home was $3.95 in the morning and $4.07 in the evening.

The other with Afghanistan’s opium trade. It was next to nothing when the U.S. went to war there 13 years ago. Today, it is a thriving $68 billion a year business. Thank you, Uncle Sam.

Watched the women’s NCAA final game last night. Another Connecticut  team the winner. The ladies are the Final Four Champions. Amazing! Connecticut! Both in men’s and women’s basketball!

Chamonix is in France. I have mentioned it in recent years. Chamonix is just over the border from northern Italy. A tiny village. An international ski resort. It sits in  a small valley half way up Mont Blanc. Mont Blanc is Europe’s highest peak.

I have visited several times. Only in the summer. Each time I enjoyed sitting at an outside cafe, drink in hand, enjoying the view. The gigantic mountain surrounding me. Awesome!

The earth moved yesterday in Chamonix. An earthquake. A 4.8. No damage or injuries fortunately.

I did a little home work regarding Chamonix and earthquakes. Turns out there have been tons going back to before Christ. Many in the last five years. All I can think of is that there is going to be big time devastation if a larger earthquake hits. Portions of Mont Blanc could come tumbling down on little Chamonix.

Monday afternoon Stephanie Kaple telephoned. To invite me to join her for dinner. How nice! She even gave me my choice of three evenings. We will be dining together friday night.

Enjoy your day!


What a combination of famous names in the title! Lou Harris, the famous pollster and political columnist. Sugar Ray Robinson and Carmen Basilio, two world boxing champions.

This morning’s KONK Life E-News Blast carried a report regarding Lou Harris. Harris was for many years the leading, if not only, reliable political pollster in the United States. He also wrote political columns for the Washington Post and Chicago Tribune.

Harris is long retired. Ninety three. Lives full time in Key West.

Once or twice a year, Harris gives a talk to The Friends of the Key West Library. His talks are always well attended.

Last night Harris spoke about a danger to our government. He said, “…..the forces of government destruction are at our gates.”  There is a “…..coup to destroy U.S. government.”

Heavy words from a respected man. He blames the Republican right.

I happen to agree with Harris. I have been writing and preaching a similar message for a couple of years in this blog, my former TV show, and radio show.

I guarantee there will be an avalanche of comments tomorrow agreeing and disagreeing with me. Those who will be disagreeing, though not blind, refuse to see.

I am into a newspaper kick this morning. The Key West Citizen in its World Almanac section yesterday made mention that on March 25, 1958, Sugar Ray Robinson defeated Carmen Basilio to regain the middleweight title.

Normally, such an event would receive no attention from me. However, I used to see both during their days of glory and with Basilio, even thereafter. I knew neither man personally. Merely was able to observe them frequently. And not in the ring.

I attended Manhattan College in New York City from 1953-58. Manhattan College was located at 242nd Street and Broadway. Sugar Ray Robinson’s mother lived at 237th Street and Broadway. Robinson frequently visited his mother. We knew. Robinson drove a large sleek pink Cadillac convertible with a white top. It was always parked on Broadway under the subway el. Occasionally, we lucked out and saw Robinson. I would like to say he said hello. He never did. He was sullen appearing and usually walked by with his head down.

Carmen Basilio comes from central New York. The Canastota area. Some refer to Canastota as the onion capital of the world.

Basilio was a home town boy. During his career and after, central New York was his stomping grounds. He was frequently to be seen in Utica and Syracuse. Always a gentleman, always a warm hello and smile.

I did a first time the other day. Had lunch at the new White Street Station. It is a food truck/stand next to one of the gas stations on the corner of Truman and White.

The new establishment is owned by Dennis and the two owners of Michael’s Restaurant. Dennis was general manager of Michael’s for many years. He left several years ago to return to Chicago He is back in Key West operating the White Street Station.

Good food! Excellent food! No question about it. Gourmet sandwiches. I should not have been surprised. Less could not have been expected from people associated with Michael’s Restaurant.

A cold day in Key West! 64 degrees this morning. High will only be 71. A long pants day.

I am not complaining. Yet. My friends on Cape Cod are being buried in another severe snow storm.

Whenever it is extremely cold up north, it is colder than normal in Key West. The cold wind is blowing down from the north this morning at about 20 miles per hour.

Enjoy your day!



The sky is overcast this morning. Accompanied by a moderate breeze. The breeze is carrying the morning smell of the ocean into my kitchen. Pleasant.

It was back to bed yesterday. My back! Thought I was ok. Apparently not. The spasm takes my breath away. Not much better this morning. Been through this before. At some point, the spasm will cease. I wish it would hurry up!

The Wichita/Kentucky game last night will be remembered as one of the greats. Kentucky squeaked out the win. Coach Louis thought the difference between the teams and the reason for the Kentucky win was conditioning. Towards the end of the game, the Kentucky players were still going up and down the court as if the game had just started. Wichita began making mistakes. Mistakes that seem to have been brought on by the tired factor.

I forgot to mention in yesterday’s blog how much money Patrick raised at the fundraiser. Patrick cut his very long dreds for charity. Raised $12,000! Good for you, Patrick!

A couple of weeks ago, I told you Fuddruckers was opening up next door to Burger Fi. I was wrong. Not Fuddruckers. It is Johnny Rockets.

I have never seen a Johnny Rockets. Most people have, however. They tell me a 1950s place, waitresses on roller skates, etc. A burger joint. I look forward to trying it.

My Italian friend Antonio spent an interesting few days this past week. Antonio lives in Novara. His wife I love dearly. Mariam from Morocco. A chef, she cooked a birthday dinner for me a couple of years ago.

Antonio and two of his buddies went on what was described as a hiking trip. Into the Sila Mountain range. Still snow covered, much of the trip was made wearing whatever one wears on their feet while walking on deep snow. I am experiencing a mental block. Permit me to describe them as  like tennis rackets. Snow shoes?

Sila Mountain is in southern Italy. In Calabria. Calabria is located in the boot of Italy.

The Sila Mountain range consists of three separate mountains. One of the mountains is called New Greece or Greek Sila.

You will recall that during my first Greece trip, I realized I had to have Greek blood in me. I who thought I was pure Italian my whole life.

While in Greece and especially the small islands, I noticed the Greek food I was eating was exactly like the Italian food I had been raised on. My grandmother and mother’s cooking. Everything. Even down to the bread.

I started asking questions. Then went to the books to verify what I had been told. I wrote a blog about this three years ago and did a segment on my television show.

Greece way back when was a great commercial nation. Way back when means hundreds of years even before the birth of Christ. Greek ships conducted commerce throughout whatever the known world was at the time.

Greece was interested in doing business with southern Italy and Sicily. Hundreds of Greek citizens were sent to these two areas to settle and develop trade with Greece. The Greeks and Italians got along extremely well. The Greeks remained. Intermarriages were common.

We are all aware that northern and southern Italian cooking are radically different. The difference is a result of the Greek immigration. For whatever reason, the Greek food predominated. Ergo, the Italian food I grew up on is the same as the Greek food I ate on the tiny Greek isle of Amorgos for a month.


Enjoy your day!


Tonight is blog talk radio time! My blog talk show! Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine o’clock. A quick half hour of interesting and revealing material.

Tonight’s show will hit upon the Catholic Archbishop with a $1 million retirement home, corporations that pay no taxes, the Queen of England’s wealth, Beijing fog and Paris air pollution, the Social Security buying 174,000 hollow point bullets, Inspector General saying FBI and DOJ lied about mortgage frauds, and more.

Fun time!

Two new women entered my life last night. Carol and Ginger. Actually, Carol and I have been connected for a long time.

I was at the Chart Room enjoying a drink when this woman leaned over and said…..You’re Lou, I read your blog every day. My love for her was instantaneous!

Her name was Carol.

she has been reading this blog for years. Carol is a snow bird. She has been in Key West this year since January.

Carol is from New Hampshire. A retired State employee.

Carol introduced me to her lady friend Ginger. Ginger like wise is a snow bird. Ginger hails from Memphis. She is retired from Fed Ex.

We chatted  a bit. I enjoyed the ladies. I look forward to running into  them again.

I was at the Chart Rom with Jenna. It was “date night.” I should be so lucky! We stopped into the Chart Rome  before heading over to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner.

Don and Chris were at the Chart Room. I wanted to say good bye to them. They return to Syracuse tomorrow. Don and I lamented on the Syracuse game thursday. I am keeping my calm. I refuse to get excited over Syracuse basketball any further this season.

Dinner at Hot Tin Roof was excellent. Sheila waited on us. I had some shataki and baked vegetables. Stayed in my diet! Except, I did drink two gins. My moral fiber was weak.

We followed dinner with tea on the porch. A peaceful setting.

Jenna and I had not seen each other in more than a month. It was catch up time.

Stopped at Don’s Place on the way home. Enjoyed two glasses of water. Boomer bartending. We talked some basketball. I cannot get away from it.

Grant was shooting pool. My chef friend from Bad Boy Burrito. I told him how I was at Don’s friday night to watch  the cooking show Dives, etc. with him. Where was he? Never got the answer. Grant was a bit upset. They never ran any of the footage they took of him. Grant cannot be insulted! Guy whatever his name will be short on friends if he ever returns.

My blood pressure is out of whack. Most of my adult life, the problem has been it was too high. Now, it is too low! Like 85 over 55. No wonder I am tired periodically every day. I thought it was the steroids. Doctor now does not think so. One way or another, it will ge worked out.

My weather man credentials survived yesterday. The wind was from the south. I predicted a rain storm. With the emphasis on storm. It did not rain all day. Nor had it yet rained when I returned home at 10 last night. Did not make sense to me. I have always been correct about the south wind thing.

As I settled in bed around 11, my faith was rewarded. Bing, bang, boom! A big storm! The street in front  of my house was flooded this morning. A testament to the storm.

New York’s Senator Kristin Gillibrand was in Key West last night. The Senator is a Democrat from New York. She spoke to a group at Dan Bready’s home on Olivia Street.

I am disappointed I was not there. Democrats are rare in the Keys. The event was not well publicized as I had no knowledge of it.

In any event, welcome senator Gillibrand to Key West! She has Presidential aspirations. Perhaps some day we will have the opportunity to vote for her from Key West.

Enjoy your day!





Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Enough said. Stay sober.

I am a weather man today. The wind is from the south this morning. Rare. Whenever from the south, it rains/storms. Lovely out at the moment. Sun shinning. Nary a cloud. However, palm trees bent north from the south wind. Ripples in the pool running north, also.

The weather report says only a 10% chance of rain today. I disagree. Let’s see if I am correct.

The Greek isle of Amorgos is my Shangri-la. When there, I live as the natives. A small apartment on the waterfront. Few amenities. No airport. The boat comes in with people and supplies once a week.

Saturday’s Keynoter had a picture on the editorial page of a fishing net and well attired gentleman who apparently had been mending the net. The net was hanging  from some sort of post in the picture. The picture a 1977 photo.

My Amorgos home was about a hundred yards from Adelphos’ home. Each time I walked into the heart of the village, I had to walk by Adelpho’s place.

Most afternoons, I would find Adelphos sitting on the ground in front of his abode. About 30 feet from the water. In his lap and surrounding him was a large fishing net. He was always mending the net. Daily. Otherwise, the net would fall apart in a few days. The mending involved looking for places to repair and untangling parts of the net that had twisted together. Adelphos worked primarily with his fingers. Adeptly. Sometimes with some sort of needle. About four inches long.

Mending nets is referred to in the Bible in several places. Four of Jesus’ disciples were fisherman who joined him while mending their nets. Mending nets probably goes back to the beginnings of man.

In all the centuries, nothing has changed for Adelphos or the fisherman of Amorgos who came before him. Though it has changed here in the United States and most of the modern world. The mending is more technical and machine driven.

I had to get out of the house early due to the open house. I was at the Plantation Coffee House at 11. Stayed till 3. Would have stayed longer. However, the place closes at 3 on Sunday. I did not know. While there, I did yesterday’s blog, read some Sunday papers, had a couple of cups of coffee and a toasted bagel. Chatted a bit with owner Diana. Yesterday’s blog was unusually long. The spread of European Nazism and the failure of the American media to keep us advised is bothersome from my perspective.

I could not return home till after 4. It was only 3. I was driving along the Atlantic and passed the Key West Airport. I turned around and headed to it. My goal was the Airport’s restaurant.

I am glad I decided to go there. Only when traveling would I normally stop.

It was old home week. Victor was bartending. Several years ago, Victor was the bartender one night a week at the Chart Room. Someone came up and hugged me as Victor and I were talking. It was Jana. I enjoyed seeing her again. Big time!

Jana immigrated from one of the eastern block countries to Key West. She is presently 32. Our connection goes back to the Paradise Cafe. My daily morning haunt of years ago. My favorite place for Cuban cheese toast with tomato. The best! Never that good again!

Jana was the enterprising sort. She opened her own restaurant on Bertha Street after Paradise closed. She had a hard time. The place did not take off. She took a financial beating. I used to go frequently because she was serving the same Cuban cheese toast with tomato that I had enjoyed for so many years at Paradise Cafe.

A few years have passed. Jana looked terrific. Happy. The pressure off her face. A bad business will do that to a person. She has been a waitress at the Airport for over a year. Married, also. A retired military man.

The twenty young men have left the MTV house across the way. Yesterday. Replaced by couples and children. When I went outside this morning, a mother carrying a baby waived at me..

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is in the process of purchasing Miami’s Channel 10. South Florida’s second largest TV station. Welcome Buffett and company. Anyplace/anything he decides to buy has to be good!

Syracuse is a #3 seed in the South Region. I am surprised. I thought it might be higher. That is all I have to say. We shall see how things go as the tournament progresses. Friday is the first game.

Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day!


Don and Chris hail from the Syracuse area. They visit Key West a half dozen times a year. They have returned! Came in last night. Friend Ed is with them.

Their favorite haunt is the Chart Room. I am sure they drank with Emily last night. We are meeting tonight at 7 at The Sports Pub to watch the Syracuse/North Carolina State game. Ed, also.

I am sure Don and Chris were shocked to hear JJ was no longer at the Chart Room. When I diet, I do not drink. I try to stay away from bars.  I fear succumbing to the near occasion of sin!

I do not know why JJ is no longer at one of my favorite drinking holes. He is now at the Tiki Galleon. I have never in all my Key West years drunk there. I will now, however.

Syracuse and North Carolina State met once during the season. Syracuse won by one point 56-55. A different time, however. Yersterday’s success does not guarantee today’s. What has gone before does not count. It is the post season and some teams have improved vastly. Some just get pure lucky. Tonight’s game will be interesting.

An example of getting lucky, etc. was last night’s game between Villanova and Seton Hall. Seton Hall won. Over a Villanova team ranked #3 nationally and considered a #1 seed in the Big Dance.

Enjoyed lunch wednesday with June Hudson at Geiger Key. Fun! Two old friends chatting away!

June leaves tomorrow for her home in Delaware. She is driving back alone. Does not seem to concern her.

June is going to Italy for 10 days in June. With her 14 year old granddaughter. The two alone. June is excited. She said her granddaughter is, also.

Bocce last night. I did not go. I would have passed out bending over to pick up the balls! My cell phone is on the blink this morning so I do not know if we won or lost.

Got a tweet from a voice from the past. Kurt Lubs. One of Key’s Wests most famous bartenders, he left more than a year ago to return home to Indiana. He will be in next week. Terrific! A friend!

Strange weather the past 24 hours. Temperature dropped to 64 last night. I could have used a body next to me. Presently, 68. Will reach mid 70s in the afternoon. Tonight, high 60s.

After the Syracuse game, I will be heading over to Don’s Place. Grant from Bad Boy Burritto will be on national TV at 10. The cooking channel.

My book, my book, my book! Buy it! People are. I should not complain. However, it would be nice if more did. Trust me, you will enjoy it. The World Upside Down is available as an e book or soft back cover on and My picture on the cover alone is worth the price of the book!

Enjoy your day!



Parents of America! Be proud! Your children are well behaved while on spring break in Key West!

Key West set up a Spring Break Court to deal with the college students partying here. I wrote last week that I thought it was not needed. My perception was that the police could handle the situation. If not and some matters proceeded to the regular court, the Judge could deal with whatever occurred in a lenient manner so the student walked away with a clean record. I was also of the opinion the whole idea was a waste of money.

The Spring Break Court was open and operating for four days. Fourteen different people at different time assisting, one a Judge. In those four days, the Court had no business come before it. Not one college student was brought before the Court.

Spring Break Court is no more. The city closed it down.

Which says to me that (1) the police were doing their job and (2) the students were behaving.

I was in all day and night yesterday. My back still bothering me. I thought it was better. Apparently not. I am still getting spasms. Though not as bad.

I was supposed to meet with grandson Robert yesterday after school. Because of my back, I could not. Robert had telephoned me earlier in the week and asked if I knew what the Parthenon was. He is studying Greece.

I have put many of my Athens pics together. Robert and I are to sit down so I can relate my Parthenon/Acropolis/Athens experiences to him while showing him the pictures at the same time. We are now going to do it saturday. I am excited! Probably more so than Robert.

The weather continues to be outstanding. High 70s by day. Cool at night. Sleep with the window open. There is a touch of humidity. Some days heavier than others. Today is one of them. I am standing in the shade of the tiki hut near the water. I stand because my back hurts if I sit too long. The sweat is running off me as I compose this blog. From the humidity, not pain.

Bocce tonight. No way can I play. Bending over would kill me!

Putin continues to be in the news. He has the world balancing on the point of a pin. Two interesting things have come to light. Each occurred in the past few days.

Putin has been nominated for the Noble Peace Prize. By a Russian advocacy group. A proper nomination. His nomination is for his activities which are claimed to have brought about a peaceful resolution in the Syrian/United States dispute regarding chemical weapons.

He could win. To me it would be like Hitler receiving the award for his actions with regard to Austria and Czechoslovakia in 1938. The world is changing. Our European friends who presently are speaking out against Putin will not be there when the chips are down. They need Russia for their gas and oil.

President Clinton made an interesting observation regarding Putin. He said Putin can be trusted. “He kept his word in all deals we made.”

A few days later, Hillary blasted Putin. She said he was tough but thin skinned.

The happy couple obviously do not agree 100 per cent on all things. Which to me is a good sign if Hillary is to be President. I want our President to make the decisions, not her husband.

For the past two years, I have in effect been knocking the courts. Here, on television, on the radio and in my newspaper column. You do not have to be a former attorney to understand. The courts have changed. The people sitting as Judges have changed. Many decisions are far out and generally to the detriment of the majority of the citizenry.

On this day in history in 1857, the United States Supreme Court said slaves were property in the Dred Scott decision. It took the Civil War which started four years later to turn the decision around.

Why did it take a four year war with over a half million dead to accomplish what nine men could have done?

The Dred Scott scenario is representative of the type of wayward decisions being decided by today’s courts.

Enjoy your day!



I appreciate that most of you read this blog to share with me what I did the day before. You have to understand that there are days I never leave the house. Like everyone else.

Yesterday was one of those days.

It was lovely till around supper time. Then the weather changed. I sat at my kitchen table most of the day chopping away at the computer. I was working on one of the chapters that will be part of my next book Growing Up Italian. It had to do with how my grandmother colored Easter eggs for us.

I started getting ready for booce at 5:30. Since I was scheduled to play the third game, I did not hurry. I did not have to be at the bocce courts on time for the first game. As I was getting ready to leave around 6:30, the weather changed. Dramatically. As it frequently does. The sky darkened, thunder and lightning, and then rain like hell!

I telephoned Don at the bocce courts. Before I could even say a word he said…..Stay home! He said the rain was so bad everyone was crowded under the pavilion.

No problem at my end. By nature, I am lazy. I hauled myself off to bed and spent the evening enjoying television.

The weather is overcast and a bit cool this morning. There is a cold wind off the ocean. My home is on open water. I feel the chill. Actually, it is 68 degrees. High will be 72. Probably rain.

Dinner tonight with The Key West Shoe Girl Stephanie Kaple. Should be fun. Stephanie is very much a today woman. I am from another generation. Conflict will permeate the table talk.

Tomorrow, Syracuse basketball. This time Virginia. A major game against a ranked rival. Vegas has lost faith in Syracuse. My team is a 10.5 point underdog.

Like Porky Pig would say at the end of his  cartoons of old…..That’s all folks!

Enjoy your day!


What a winter! Key West weather has been better than usual. Spectacular!

Today, the temperature will be in the low 80s by day and low 70s by night. The days are warm with a touch of humidity. The evenings cool. Sleep with the windows open type.

It is blissfully calm at the moment. Nothing moving. No breeze. The water and palm trees still. The sun shining brightly on the multicolored MTV house across the way.

Another bad night last night! The audio for my blog talk radio show. I was advised by several it was choppy again. The past two weeks were good. I thought we had the problem licked. Apparently not. Back to the drawing board!

Some parts of the show did get through clearly. Post show comments indicate the Sandy Hook story generated the most feedback. Many concerned.There are nuts out there that are saying Sandy Hook did not occur. It was a put up job by the government and media to get better gun legislation.

If so, where did those twenty angels buried in Sandy Hook cemeteries come from?

Bad people, demented people, abound in every society.

My day was simple. A meeting downtown in the morning. The rest of the day spent at home organizing last night’s show which did not go through well. A lasagna dinner at Roostica. The show.

I have been on police enforcement’s ass of late. I believe cops have gotten too mighty (in their minds) and have deviated from proper paths. The courts too are a bit off also in that they seem to support the police when the police step out of line.

Be that as it may, something happened in Chicago last week that warrants telling. A 13 year old boy had left school with about 15 of his classmates. Lots of snow. A police car was parked nearby with the window open. The officer seated inside. One of the kids threw a snowball at the car/officer. The officer claims it hit his arm. The 13 year old says it was not him and, in any event, the snowball did not hit the police officer. It hit the car.

The 13 year old has been charged with a felony: Aggravated battery to a police officer.

Come on! The charge is heavy handed. What happened to the police officer getting out of the car and admonishing the kids. Better to have put the fear of God in them rather than arrest one with such a serious charge.

The 13 year old has never been in trouble, is a good student, has never been arrested, and is not part of a Chicago gang.

Enjoy your day!


In the present era, banks continue to be whores.

A perfect example is Capital One. Capital One is one of the largest bank distributors of credit cards world wide.

A new addition to Capital One’s contract was announced/discovered yesterday. The contract between Capital One and the card holder is all those pages one receives once a year in the mail from Capital One. Small print, both sides of a sheet. Somewhere buried is something new between Capitol One and its card holders.

It provides that Capital One can contact a cardholder anytime it wants, including “personal visits.” The personal visits are “…at your home and at your place of employment.”

Simply stated, Capital One has added to its many rights, the right to walk into your home unannounced at any time. Further, bother you at your place of employment.

The IRS and police cannot enter your home without a search warrant or some type court order. The Fourth Amendment prohibits illegal searches and seizures. The Fourth Amendment applies only to governmental interference, however. Capital One is not the government or a government agency.

Additionally, Capital One’s new rights are predicated on a contract. A civil matter. The courts have not been favorable in recent years to the public in confrontations of this nature. The court decisions generally have held the contract controls.

If Capital One can do it, I am sure the other credit card companies will follow suit. Be prepared for a new guest at the dinner table. The bill collector.

I spent yesterday afternoon finalizing last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I enjoyed doing the show last night. There were a lot of other goodies to talk about in addition to the Capital One issue.

Between final preparation and the show, I ran off to Hogfish for an early dinner. Sat at the bar and chatted with my fisherman friends. These guys are the true old time fisherman. Teeth missing, bearded, weather beaten faces.  Theirs is another world.

Syracuse basketball again tonight! This time against Boston college. Syracuse a 16 point favorite. Means nothing based on recent games.

Syracuse remains undefeated at 25-0. Boston college is 6-19. We should beat their asses! But…..who knows anymore? Syracuse seems to play to the level of its competition.

We should win.

Saturday is Duke. What a game that will be!

I will be watching the Syracuse/Boston College game at Don’s Place tonight. Join me, my Syracuse fans.

Enjoy your day!