Today is a first. A first in a long time. Two years ago, I purchased Dragon. Dragon is the system whereby you speak and the computer types. Fingers are not required. I wear headphones with a microphone.

I tried the system two years ago. I could not get adjusted to it. I put it aside. I took it out again last week. Sloan has been working with me. She understands all these things that I do not. I wrote a chapter to my new book yesterday using Dragon. This is the first time I am doing a blog.

It’s like giving birth to a child!

If I can make it work and get adept, it will save me a lot of time.

The weather started off well yesterday. The morning was warm. Then it started raining. Off and on. Poured big time. Yesterday evening was a bit cool. Today definitely will be cold. The high today will be 64°. The low tonight 59.

I spent a part of yesterday finalizing last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. The show went well. I suspect I may have to enlarge the show from a half-hour to a full hour at some point. There does not seem to be enough time to do the type of show I want in a half hour.

My only venture out of the house yesterday was dinner at Roostica. Lasagna.

I have not been to Roostica  in a couple of months. The last time there I had a sorry experience with one of the waitresses. I usually sit at a table for 4 because I enjoy spreading out my newspapers. She had me move to a small table for two where the newspapers, glasses and dishes did not fit. Ergo, I have not been back in a while.

I was prepared to do battle with the waitress last night. No more moving. If I did move, it would be out the door. Fortunately, there was no confrontation. She was not there. My waitress was Patricia. A nice lady. She remembered me. She says you always order lasagna. I was happy. I had a friend.

Guns and gun laws continue to be screwed up. Where normally we have been averaging one school shooting every 11 days in the United States, the numbers have changed in the new year. For the worse. During the first 17 days of January, there were four school shootings. Additionally in the last 72 hours, there have been two university shootings.

One of the problems as we all know are the laws. The NRA, the legislators beholden to them, and people of the United States who do not understand what is involved, contribute to the problem. Florida is a state that is pro-NRA and pro gun.

The Key West Citizen ran an article a few days ago talking about a gun problem existing in the keys. The Key West Citizen reported that it is legal to shoot guns in Florida on residential properties if not done in a reckless manner, over a public road or occupied dwelling. Someone living in the Keys built a home made gun range in the back of his home. The gun range has been used by the property owner and his friends for three weeks. The neighbors are concerned. They have safety concerns. They have complained to the police. The police can do nothing

Florida’s a concealed carry state. Additionally, there are other laws which make it easy to use handguns most anywhere. In 1987, Florida passed a preemption law. The law said that only the state could determine laws with regard to guns. It prohibited local governments from having any say or regulation with regard to the use of guns.

The 1987 law had no teeth in it whereby local governmental officials could be punished if they tried to do something which would deviate from state gun laws. In 2001, good Governor Scott signed what might be described as the teeth law. The law provided that local elected leaders and police officials could be fined $5000 and/or be removed from office if they established gun regulations. Any gun regulations.

Thank you, Governor Scott!

When will we learn.

Enjoy your day!



Big day yesterday! Ate at Harpoon Harry’s twice. First time for a business luncheon. In the evening, I was scheduled to take Robert and Ally ti dinner. I let them decide where. They wanted to go to Harpoon harry’s. I tried to dissuade them. Finally relented. They had their hearts set on Harpoon Harry’s. So it was back to Harpoon Harry’s for a second time.

There was a special reason re Harpoon Harry’s. Robert and I are on the search for the best Philly cheese sandwich. So far, it is No Name Pub. Harpoon Harry’s had recently added the sandwich to its menu. Our evaluation was that it was only fair. Too dry.

Whatever, the three of us had a good time. We sat inside next to open windows. We could hear and see the Caroline Street activity.

The public parking lot across from Harpoon Harry’s was full at lunch time. It was full again at dinner time. I had to drive around each time looking for a spot on the street. The number of tourists in town is amazing! I have never seen this many at this time of year.

Fortunately, the weather was better . It got up to 76 degrees.

I took the Southern Boulevard route home. To avoid the traffic. Out on the horizon, I could see the sails of a number of sail boats. At least twenty. A beautiful sight! I suspect they were part of Quantum Key West which has begun. A big time Key West sailing event!

Tonight is my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine o’clock. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. Join me for a fast moving half hour of interesting topics. Tonight’s program will include the Christopher Columbus lie, electric bills in Greece, White Castle burgers, increasing police brutality, and more.

Enjoy your day!




I did my blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. One of the topics was concerned with wasteful government spending. Condoms the issue.

We live in a time when the House of Representatives has voted to cut back food stamps $40 billion over ten years, $9 billion already cut this year for failure to renew a different  food stamp  program. Congress continues to fail reauthorizing the $300 per week to the long time unemployed. During the last government shut down, the milk for babies program and school lunches came to a halt. Republicans clamor to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

The federal budget is gigantic. A lot of room in its pages for small stupid things to be buried. Wasteful items. The perfect fitting condom is one of them.

Congress authorized the National Institute of Health to award a $224,000 grant to a Georgia based condom company. The purpose of the grant was to create the perfect fitting condom. Stated another way, condoms for every size and shape. The goal of the study was to come up with 95 different sized condoms. The number 95 is amusing. From shirts to pants to dresses to blouses to skirts to shoes, none has 95 different sizes. Not even close.

Part of the study included coming up with a method by which the penis could be measured. We don’t want anyone purchasing the wrong size!

For those who may be unaware, condoms presently come in two or three sizes. Regular and maxi. I am not sure if small.

Congress stated there was a legitimacy to the study. Apparently condoms are not being used enough by men. The reason alleged is that they are uncomfortable. If properly sized, the problem would disappear. A medical reason was involved, also. The greater use of condoms would result in a  reduction of STDs.

We actually pay our Congressmen to come up with such goodies! We really do!

I suspect the real reason might be that a political favor was owed to the Georgia company which resulted in the grant. Or maybe the study is a legitimate scientific one. You decide.

The weather. Getting cold. Sixty nine degrees at the present time.

It will be 62 during the night. Through sunday, the temperature will be in the 60s by day and 50s by night.


I know. I should not complain. Better than the  -20 they are experiencing up north.

Enjoy your day!



At 9 last night, I did my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. From the kitchen table in my frosty home. A Key West home. Not supposed to be cold.

Yesterday and last night it was! As were all parts of the eastern seaboard. Normally, I do the show in shorts and a tee shirt. Last night long pants and a sweat shirt. Normally with the glass sliding doors open and a bit of heat pouring in. Last night with the doors shut. A closed door did not keep the cold out, however.

I enjoy doing the blog talk radio show. I started it just a year ago. In January. The following is terrific. It took hold almost immediately.

Three topics I thought were exceptionally interesting. One was the question as to whether the U.S. is an emerging police state what with NSA surveillance and police body searches. Another involved the Chrysler bailout. Chrysler is evidencing its gratitude to the American people for saving its ass. They plan to build plants in China. The final topic concerned North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. He had his uncle executed a couple of weeks ago. One hundred twenty wild dogs were unleashed upon him. How can we do business with such a mentality?

Syracuse, my Syracuse. Beat Virginia tech last night 72-52. Syracuse now 15-0.

I never got to Lukas’ place to watch the second half of the game after my show concluded. I went upstairs to change. I had turned the heat on earlier. The room felt so comfortable. I went to bed instead and watched a movie. No local TV of the game last night.

Walked a bit yesterday. Home Depot. Since it wa around 60 degrees, I was dressed accordingly. Long pants, a shirt and my leather jacket. I walked. It was uncomfortable. The jacket was too heavy and too warm as I got into a gait. Should have left the jacket in the car.

Then to the Plantation Coffee House to read the newspapers. Followed by home to finalize my notes for last night’s show.

The weather was cold yesterday. It was cold during the night. It is cold this morning. I gave in yesterday afternoon. Turned pn the heat on the second floor where my bedroom is located. My bedroom faces the northwest. When the cold wind comes in off the ocean, you can hang meat in the bedroom.

Enjoy your day!


Key West is a tiny island. Like 1.5 x 4.0 miles. Key West sits with the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. Weather is wild and uncertain. Changes occur suddenly.

Two days ago, we had a healthy all day and part of the night rain storm. Flooding everywhere. Sun never shone.

This morning the island is at peace. Nothing moving. There is no breeze. The water flat and quiet. Sun shining. A few scattered white clouds. High today will be 80.

I find the weather changes exciting. Always a surprise.

Today is a big day in American history. On this day in 1939, Superman made his debut as a comic strip hero.

The college football game of the year tonight. The BCS Championship Game. Florida State and Auburn. The young men on both teams probably do not appreciate the life time impact the game’s result will have on them.. Those who play on the winning team will remember the night the rest of their lives. In all likelihood, it will be the biggest event in their lives. The experience hard to duplicate. These are lucky men who will be playing. Few of us have the opportunity to know such an experience.

I will watch the game at either Don’s Place or home. Depends how I feel.

Another easy Sunday yesterday. I was up early. Did my blog early. Watched the first half of the Cincinnati game with Don and David. Then to Publix. Out of food again. Sunday afternoon is not the best time to grocery shop. Publix was so packed there were only three carts available. Last night, early to bed and sleep.

I lead such an exciting life!

Tomorrow night at 9 my blog talk radio show. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. A quick half hour of interesting developments. You can call in if you like.

I plan on dwelling on the huge increase in body cavity searches by the police, the Little Sisters of the Poor’s last minute application to the Supreme Court to get rid of a portion of the section of Obamacare dealing with birth control, the Attorney General continuing to not prosecute bank officials, the perfect example being JP Morgan Chase, how we got screwed again with a bailout, the story of Chrysler, Fiat, and automobile factories to be built in China, and more.

Interesting, revealing, and fun to listen to. Join me.

Enjoy your day!




The Riordans have returned!

Dan and Lisa Riordan hail from Skaneateles, New York. They own a restaurant there. The Blue Water Grill. Normally, they rent a house for one month. This year, two! Good for them! Eventually they will buy. The pattern is the same for all of us.

Two daughters and a boy friend are with them for a few days.

I will be blessed for the next two months with Dan and Lisa watching the Syracuse games with me. Voracious fans!

One of their daughters works for the U.S. Treasury in Syracuse. She works with Michael Timpano. A name I have not heard in years. Michael grew up with my son. The best of friends back then. I knew Michael’s parents well. My contemporaries. I hope they are alive and well. Timpano was and still is a well respected name in the Utica area.

Dan and Lisa arrived in Key West Friday. They had to stock up on groceries. Went to Publix. They were shocked at the cost of food in Key West. Much higher than in upstate New York. The high price of groceries in Key West is an item of frequent discussion  amongst those who live here. A rip off!

I watched the Syracuse/Miami game with the Riordans and guest yesterday. A heart wrenching game. Nothing but pain.

Syracuse won 49-44. A football score. An ugly game. We were 20 point favorites going in. I hope this is not that type season.

What irritates me is that whenever I become a believer that this year’s Syracuse team is a great one, something screws up. Villanova made me a believer this year. Miami now makes me question my judgment. We shall see.

It was hard to believe yesterday’s weather. Rain! Rain! And then more rain! It never stopped. The type of rain that accompanies a hurricane or tropical storm. Monsoon type. Blew sideways on occasion.

I drove home from the Sports Pub immediately after the game at 4. I was fearful of flooding roads that might prevent me from making it. The streets were horrible! Water everywhere! The boulevard was especially dangerous. Because of the construction, the highway was flooded more than normal. You had to drive slow. I was concerned my car would flood.

It took me 35 minutes to get home. Normally, a 15 minute trip.

I heard from a friend in Greece this morning. Come buy an apartment he told me. Condominiums in central Athens that previously sold for several hundred euros a piece are now on the market for 14,000 euros. About $21,000 American money. A steal!

I continue to believe violence will occur in Greece. The unemployed figure continues to rise. Supermarkets are closing because people do not have the money to buy food. A bad situation.

What a difference as day makes! It is Sunday. The sun is shining. There is nary a cloud in the sky. Anticipated high today 80 degrees. However, rain is projected for this afternoon and evening.

Enjoy your day!




It is cold this morning  in Key West! 67 degrees. A 13 degree drop from yesterday. Wind gusts 30 mph. It will get no warmer today.

I know you are laughing if you are from anywhere in the northeast. Boston and the Cape are buried in a couple of feet of snow. Temperature in the minus. My hometown Utica is -7 degrees this morning.

I received an e mail from a reader in Sydney, Australia. They are enjoying the warmest summer ever.

When ever it is extremely cold up north, we feel it here in Key West. The wind outside my house is blowing in cold and big time from the northwest.

Long pants and a jacket today.

Yesterday morning was busy with a haircut and manicure. Spent a good part of the afternoon and early evening finalizing this morning’s TV/internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten my time. On TV in southeast Florida on channels Comcast 87 and U-Verse 19. Worldwide on the internet. www.weyw19.com.

More anal cavity searches. Disgusting. Thoughts whether we are heading for a police state. Whether the government is protecting JP Morgan Chase from investigation. And more.

Poor Alabama. Got their asses whipped last night. Congrats to Oklahoma. It is difficult to be #1 every year.

My condolences to Jean and Joe Thornton and to David. You win some, lose some.

Enjoy your day!



Day one. I am not looking at the words and thinking this is the first day of the rest of my life. Though it is. For you and for me. Day one refers to the fact that today will be my first time at WeBeFit with a trainer. I am taking another shot at getting healthy. I cannot seem to do it on my own. Ergo, the trainer.

Up early to get the blog done before I leave. Temperature 69. Was a bit lower in the night. Will reach mid 70s today.

Yesterday was cold! First cold one of the season. Little sun and a cold chill blowing in off the ocean. Sweatshirt time!

The cold spell is only going to last a day or two. Then low 80s again.

The mundane occupies all our lives. Yesterday afternoon  was my time. I had to run errands. Nothing important, but had to be done. Places like Office Max, Walgreen, and Sears.

Chart Room first last night. Busy. Very busy. Sat at the round table and chatted with Jean, David, Sheila, Frankie, and Peter. Robert was at the bar. I went over to say hello. Back when, Robert and Kurt shared a home in Key Haven. I met Robert through Kurt. Played golf on occasion with Robert. A long ball hitter. Robert bartends at the Tuna place off Duval. We spoke of Kurt who is now in Indianapolis.

Stopped at Don’s Place on the way home. Just briefly, I thought. Two hours before I left. Sat with Grant. We talked. about everything. It was the first time Grant and I have had the chance to chat so long. He is an interesting person.

It is Tuesday again. Time for my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine this evening. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. I will be ranting about the winds of revolt in Italy, McCain not having any business in Ukraine, the media and Iceland’s revolt, a woman who was operated on to remove a 40 year old fetus she had been carrying, some anti Saudi Arabia comments, and more.

Guaranteed you will enjoy.

Have a good day!




Happy thanksgiving!

I love family holidays. The warmth of the company, the terrific food. I am prepared to pig out at 1 when I sit down with Lisa and family.

I have a ton of comments this morning.

When I was young and into my early years of law practice, there were something called Blue Laws. These laws prohibited retail selling on Sunday. Stores were closed. It gave people a day certain for rest and an opportunity to keep holy the Sabbath.

Only a few areas today have blue Laws. I am beginning to think there should be a return of them. For Sundays and legal holidays. It bothers me the many stores that will be open today to get a jump on Black Friday. Most, if not all, should be able to kick back and enjoy a holiday.

The weather outside…..It was 60 degrees this morning. Our first really cold day. In the high 50s during the night. The high today will be 75, however. The next week in the low 80s by day and low 70s in the evening. I have come to enjoy these occasional cold days. A break from the usual.

I wrote yesterday morning about Greece and some of the poor intentionally injecting themselves with the HIV virus to obtain a government pension of 700 euros a month. The sad story of what has been going on in Greece. Turns out I was wrong. The story was false.

The scenario. In late September, the World Health Organization issued a report that a significant number of Greeks were self inflicting themselves with the HIV virus. In order to qualify for a 700 euro a month pension which they would use in turn to feed their families. Greater love hath no man…..desperate people do desperate things.

I came across the report in an article in early October. I learned long ago that you cannot believe everything on the internet. I looked for some verification/support for the story. I could find none. Ergo, I placed the tale in tha back of my mind for another day. There was uncertainty as to validity on my part.

This past Monday, the story hit the internet and media big time. Liberals and conservatists alike were reporting the story. Even Russ Limbaugh and Matt Drudge. Ugh! All of a sudden for no particular reason, the story had legs.

I reported the situation in yesterday’s blog. Even talked about it on my blog talk radio show Tuesday evening. It fit into the Greece I have come to know.

I decided to do next week’s KONK Life column about the apparent very sad situation. Around noon yesterday, I went back on the internet to verify the facts, see if anything more had developed, etc. prior to writing the column.

Shock of shocks! I discovered the story was not true. There was as much coverage as the Monday revelation.

The World Health Organization is part of the United Nations. A well respected organization. It has done much good over the years. Also known as WHO. WHO retracted their September report. The organization said it had misspoken. Instead of self inflict, the verbiage should have been inject. The increase in prostitutes from East Europe was the cause/problem. Not self infliction, though WHO admitted their were some anecdotal cases reported.  The anecdotal bothers me, however for another day perhaps.

WHO claimed an editorial error. Their error became mine and everyone else’s. Sorry.

I started last night at Don’s Place. A good crowd. Chatted with Don, Hershel, and Stan a while. Mikey was in. Mikey used to hang out at Don’s Place. An excellent golfer, we played together several times. Though I was in a totally different league. Mikey moved to Lexington, Kentucky three years ago to a new job. Likes the job and doing well in it. Mikey is in Key West for the holiday. It was good to see him again.

Toni was sitting at the bar watching Kentucky play. She is a die hard Kentucky fan. She was jumping off the stool every time Kentucky did something right. Especially when they stole the ball.

Then to the Chart Room. Chatted with Sheila, Peter, and Emily. Met Dale. He is from the Jersey shore. Sails his sailboat down every winter for a six month Key West stay. An interesting guy.

Syracuse was playing Baylor in the finals of the Maui Classic at 10. I went home to watch the game. I saw only three minutes of it. I fell asleep. I see from this morning’s news that Syracuse won 74-67. A good victory since Baylor was a ranked team. Next week, Indiana.

I wrote a couple of days ago how I could not understand why the cost of gasoline in Key West went from $3.51 a gallon to $3.69 in two weeks. This morning I read on the internet that the cost off gasoline has gone down. The average yesterday across the U.S. was $3.29 a gallon. Why then $3.69 in Key West? I will never understand. Don’t write and tell me it is the cost of driving the gasoline from Miami to Key West. Not 40 cents a gallon worth!

Tomorrow morning my TV/internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Lots of good stuff to talk about. Not including the Greece/HIV story obviously. Join me for an interesting fast moving hour.

Via television from Key West through Boca Raton on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Via the internet world wide. www.weyw19.com.

I finally got a copy of my book yesterday. The World Upside Down. I got to see it and hold it. Exciting! If you are interested, the book is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com both as an ebook and a paperback.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving!



You northerners can laugh all you want! Sixty three degrees is cold in Key West! Our blood is thin.

I will probably wear long pants tonight. It has been months since last my legs were so covered.

Hogfish for dinner last night. I had my blog talk radio show to do at 9. I like to stay close to home. Enjoyed a lobster roll and read the newspapers.

Blog talk time later. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. If you missed the show, it is archived. It is also available on You tube.

I have visited Greece twice in the last year and a half. Roughly one month each time. Traveled the islands as well as visiting Athens. I love Greece! It has everything. Yesterday, today and the scent of tomorrow. It also has problems. Big time.

The euro and Germany have devastated the Greek economy. The highest rate of unemployment in all of Europe exists in Greece. Jobs almost non-existent. Many unemployed. Begging common place. Fathers cannot feed their families. Demonstrations. The Nazi party on the rise.

I have written four articles for KONK  Life concerning today’s Greece. Two of them are in my recently published book. The World Upside Down.

Now comes an even more tragic event. You will find it hard to believe. But as I have been repeatedly saying, desperate people do desperate things.

The World Health Organization announced yesterday an HIV twist never heard before. Anywhere. Fathers and single mothers are injecting themselves with the HIV virus. Intentionally. The reason simple. The Greek government considers HIV a disabling illness. Persons so afflicted receive a 700 euro a month pension from the government. Plus free medical to help contain and control the disease.

Seven hundred euros is a lot of money in the Greek economy of today. Rent can be paid and food put on the table. Not a lot, but enough to sustain a family.

Would you believe? Have you ever heard? Desperate people do do desperate things!

The World Upside Down is available for sale. Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com. The Greek stories I have included in the book give you a taste of the book’s style. Read it. I am sure you will enjoy the essays. Consider purchasing extra copies as Christmas gifts for friends.

Syracuse beat California in the Maui Classic last night 92-81. I did not see the game. Got screwed up somehow. I thought there were only four teams in the tournament. Turns out there must be six. Syracuse plays Baylor tonight in the finals. Both teams are ranked. Syracuse #8 and Baylor #18. Should be a good game. The game will be Syracuse’s first test against a ranked team.

I will be watching the game from the comfort of my bed. It does not begin till 10 pm.

Tomorrow is turkey day! I enjoy the Thanksgiving meal. I will stuff myself. Recently lost 16 pounds so there is room to spare.

Lisa bought the turkey sunday. It has been sitting in my garage refrigerator thawing. I checked it this morning. Still hard as a rock! Lisa’s headache to resolve. I am sure she will.

Enjoy your day!