I have not felt well the past few days. It all started three weeks ago with the sciatica attack. Doctor put me on steroids. Worked! Pain disappeared almost immediately.
The problem is I have a few heart problems. One is edema. Water around the heart on occasion which eventually reflects the problem in enlarged water filled ankles. Steroids have a large sodium residue. It happened! My ankles swelled.
The doctor had me on a water pill. One week later, the ankles were still swollen. Would not even go down at night. Doctor put me on a super dooper water pill. In addition to the regular one. One week later, the ankles are down and this morning I feel fine. I pissed my brains out, got rid of the water.
I got rid of so much water that I became dehydrated. Which affected my mind. It was difficult to think. Especially the last three days. I could not do next week’s KONK Life column because of it yesterday.
Whatever, it is a new day and my mind appears to be functioning this morning.
Toga Party was last night. This morning’s Key West Citizen had a couple of pictures of toga at Sloppy Joe’s. Mild. Extremely so. Few people. Had to be taken early in the evening. A hurricane itself would not have resulted in poor attendance. Toga people do not miss the party!
A major Fantasy Fest event is Masquerade Parade. It is today. This is an event that many locals come out for also. People dress. The parade starts at the cemetery. Initially, the parade went up Fleming to Duval. Several years ago, another street was added.
Participants walk up the streets in mass. All costumed. Most drinking. Everyone carries their own.
Observers watch from parties held on porches of homes along the routes. I have never marched. However, I have done a number of porch parties. Fun!
Several years ago, a new party was established. The Pimp and Ho Party. The title is self explanatory. The party tonight at the Bottlecap.
A star attraction is Ron Jeremy. Amazing! The guy is a porn star whose career started in the 1960s. He is not very attractive. However, his male member is purportedly large.
Jeremy has to be old! My age. Around 80. Apparently still going strong. I admire him! No, I envy him!
Sissy Spacek’s new TV show has completed filming here in the Keys. The title is Bloodline. A Netflix presentation. Thirteen episodes can be seen on TV beginning March 15. Sam Shepard co-stars.
Enjoy your day!