I am addicted to politics and world events. I am paying for it this morning. I remained awake most of the night watching the Singapore Summit. Trump’s press conference was 4 am.

My first thought is I should have gone to sleep. I am dead! Laid in bed till 9. Here it is after 11 and I am just beginning the blog. Still have to prepare for tonight’s podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Be awake and sharp while I do the show.

What a day it’s going to be!

Talk is better than fury and fire. Trump and Kim agreed on nothing significant. The joint agreement said nothing. Denuclearization danced around.

However, the two met. They are now friends. Trump invited Kim to Washington. The world’s worst dictator has come front stage. They will engage in telephone chats. Things kumbaya. At least for a while.

Not enough for Trump to win the Nuclear Peace Prize. A meet and greet insufficient. A promise to denuclearize was required. The man who deserves the Prize is Moon Je, President of South Korea. He is the person who got the ball rolling resulting in the Summit.

One final thought. Trump was not ready. He has to prepare for these meetings. He requires a knowledgeable staff to guide him. Trump’s personality, good or bad, insufficient when it comes to the details.

So no misunderstanding exists, I consider the Summit a failure, except that now two leaders have come to know each other and will communicate.

Success may come re nuclear weapons. Down the road, however.

History tells us of a major success that began as a failure.

Reagan and Gorbachev met in Reykjavik, Iceland in 1987. They were unable to agree on anything of importance. Nothing was signed. The Summit was considered a failure.

Reagan and Gorbachev however began to talk informally. They now knew each other. Those talks paved the way to the eventual end of the Cold War and at that time the threat of nuclear war.

My KONK Life column several weeks ago was titled: I’m The President, Aren’t I?” Concerned Reagan’s speech at the Berlin Wall. In front of Brandenburg Gate.

Reagan and aides had worked on the speech for several weeks. Reagan wrote what he considered a strong line in the speech: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” His top advisers thought the sentence too strong. Wanted it out. It came out. Reagan would put it back in. This back and forth continued.

It was the morning of the speech. Reagan in a quandary. The line out. He still wanted it in.

He had a conversation with Deputy Chief of Staff Duberstein.

Reagan: I’m the President, aren’t I?

Duberstein: Yes, sir, Mr. President. We’re clear about that.

Reagan: So I get to decide whether the line about tearing the wall                       down stays in?

Duberstein: That’s right, sir. It’s your decision.

Reagan: Then it stays in.

A dramatic moment. I recall watching Reagan on TV. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

Two and a half years later, the wall came down.

Big trees from little acorns grow. The Singapore Summit could result in good. Or, not. Time will tell. One thing certain. Trump and Kim must continue to talk if good is to be accomplished.

My podcast tonight. Join me. Nine o’clock.  A quick half hour of my ramblings, sharing thoughts, etc.

The show must be good. Or at least, interesting. My numbers keep going up. The show has acquired national advertisers.

Enjoy your day!




My sunday afternoon was spent writing this week’s KONK Life column Rudy Giuliani Sexcapades. I had researched the article friday.

Took me 2 hours longer to write than it should have.

I could not indent paragraphs. Could not figure out why. Contacted Sloan. She was on the 18 mile connection returning from a trip. She worked me through it.

Another problem was limiting the column to 500 words. Giuliano’s background provided enough material for well over a thousand words. I had to rewrite several times to get the article down to 578 words.

I wrote Sexcapades after listening to Giuliani’s tirade this past week re Stormy Daniels. He was not nice in talking about her. Disparaged her porn background.

Bothered me. It was the pot calling the kettle black. However, in this instanced the kettle was gray. Not black in comparison.

Giuliani has a track record when it comes to sex. Not in the porn industry. Rather as a husband of three wives who publicly played around on each.

KONK Life hits the stands wednesday evening.

It was too late and I was a bit tired to go to the Gardens. I especially had wanted to go. Terri was singing.

Donna telephoned…..Where are you? An hour later, Jean Thornton called…..Everyone is asking where you are?

I begged off with both ladies.

The Keys History section of this morning’s Citizen notes that on this day in 1982, the Harris High School closed its doors. After 74 years.

The building is located at 822 Southard Street. Close to Mangia Mangia and Michael’s.

A beautiful building. Large and impressive. A huge lot surrounding it.

It has remained empty all these years.

The former Harris is perfect for condominiums or a hotel.

I suspect it remains empty because of environmental problems. A building as old as Harris would be full of all kinds of hazardous substances. Extremely expensive to remove.

BOB time. Bob wrote BOB back in the mid 1990’s. Louie’s Backyard was referred to as Louie’s Restaurant then.

Bob was a one man woman. Annie, his wife. Bob never known to stray. Therefore what is about to be reported from BOB contains made up material. Figments of Bob’s imagination: “Annie had dropped me off at the big guys’ day-care center behind Louie’s Restaurant while she went shopping and I seated myself with a view of the ocean and Dog Beach…..She was gorgeous, with a figure right out of my imagination. She sat down next to me, and we chatted for a while…..The effect of her feminine attention finally got to me, and I leaned over and with all the lechery at my command, looked directly into my companion’s eyes and asked if she could find it in her heart to make an old man die happy…..I have still not yet recovered from her reply, “What do you want me to do, take care of your dog?”

Tony Awards last night. A politically charged audience. Robert De Nero spoke a few extra words in introducing someone: “Fuck Trump!”

De Nero received a standing ovation.

Playwrite Tony Kushner in a backstage interview denounced Trump’s Presidency as “the Hitler mistake” that put a “borderline psychotic narcissist in the White House.”

Today on Morning Joe, De Nero’s words were severely criticized. Mika says anti-Trump persons should remember Michelle Obama’s admonition that when they go low, you go high.

I disagree with Morning Joe and Michelle in this instance. We are in a war for the heart and soul of our country. The opposition hits hard, lies, plays dirty. Too much is at stake. Those who are anti-Trump must fight fire with fire. Not a time to be polite. Otherwise, the U.S. as we know it will be gone forever.

Venezuela continues to present a bad situation. I have been following Maduro and Venezuela for more than six years. Life in Venezuela has gotten worse by the day during that time.

An example, food. Food scarce. Big time scarce. Family pets eaten years ago. Children without food. Trained to eat every other day.

Women in general, especially young ones, do not wish to get pregnant. They already have children and do not wish any more that they cannot feed.

Birth control options, when available, are expensive. The cost of a box of contraceptive pills cost 10 months salary at minimum wage. A joke cost wise. A tragedy as few have jobs.

Women have come up with two alternatives. Sterilization and abortion. Many opting for sterilization. Abortion illegal.

Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. Hard to understand why living conditions are not better. Further difficult to understand why the people have not revolted.

Enjoy your day!



Sam Rayburn was Speaker of the House of Representatives back when. A smart fox. Understood people. Trumanesque in the way he described things.

A quote that has followed him through the ages comes to mind today: “A jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one.”

This is an if the shoe fits, wear it situation. I view Trump as a jackass. A man who lacks the political talents to build on the good of his predecessors in making America greater.

Trump continually destroys American programs developed over the years which have made lives better. He favors corporations to the detriment of people.

Trump also is destroying relationships developed since World War II which have inured to the benefit of the U.S. and its friends. He seems to want to sleep with what heretofore has been considered the enemy. He forgets if you go to bed with a dog who has fleas, you wake up with fleas.

Our world everyday becomes more and more like world of the late 1930’s and 1940. Hitler the bully. The free world attempting to avoid war. McMillan and his “peace in our lifetime” tirade ever in our memories.

Trump may be leading us to war. Look at what he has accomplished in only 1.5 years. With 2.5 years remaining in his term, who knows what will occur.

Trump fails to understand the world will only be defecated upon so long. Then don’t tread on me will come into play. War perhaps to follow.

Trump has surrounded himself with a limited number of advisers, most of whom can only be described as scum. Larry Kudlow the most recent. I heard him earlier this morning lambasting Canada’s Trudeau. It was sickening. I find it inconceivable the U.S. could have any significant problems with Canada. But, it is happening.

Yesterday afternoon a joy! I watched Robert play in a tennis competition. The last time I saw Robert with a racquet in his hand was 5 years ago when he first took up the sport.

He has come a long way. I was impressed with him yesterday. He beat his opponent 6-2 and 6-0.

Off to Forest Hills a few years from now?

It was hot watching the match. Sitting in the sun. The humidity heavy. I was exhausted at the end. As if I had played. I returned home and went to bed. Slept for 3 hours. Which means I never got to writing this week’s KONK Life column. I begged off with the publisher. Must get it done today.

I had no plan to go out. Donna called. Come over for dinner. I went.

Oh, what a cook she is! Chicken prepared in a non fat oil and greens. Soft rolls. Perfect for dunking in the oil.

Bear loves me. Does not leave me alone. He is growing. Six months old today.

Fresh water always a problem in the Keys. Makes sense. Dig down and soon hit sea water.

The Key West Citizen in its Keys History section reported fresh water was a problem for Key West resident S.O. Johnson in 1909. He contracted to have a well dug to 1,000 feet in hopes of finding fresh water. He found none.

Trump is pushing the U.S. into isolationism. Screw everyone! We need no one! We are the strongest nation in the world!

His friends other authoritarian figures. Like Putin and Duterte. Bad guys. He is rapidly walking away from our friends of more than 50 years.

President Eisenhower in a speech he gave this day in 1953 rejected calls for U.S. “isolationism.” Some political leaders were pushing such an agenda.

Eisenhower said all free nations should stand together.

He also suggested Communism should be battled worldwide.

Trump should take heed. Probably won’t. He is not a student of history. Especially, U.S. history.

Enjoy your Sunday!







Finally met Barb last night. Iowa Barb. A devout blog reader. She had written she would be visiting Key West and wanted to meet. Also wanted me to sign her copy of Irma and Me.

We finally got together last night at the Chart Room.

Barb a charming woman. She has been a librarian for 39 years at the Iowa State University Library. Has visited Key West 9 times in the past 10 years. Loves Key West! Knows her way around.

Interested in politics. Dislikes Trump. Understandable. Her father was a Teamster for years.

Her sister Debbie with her. Debbie’s first Key West visit. She is the Cambridge, Iowa City Clerk. Made sure to tell me her politics were different from her sister’s. Debbie a black hearted Republican.

I had not planned on going out last night. Spent the afternoon researching for this week’s KONK Life column. Rudy Giuliani’s recent comments about Stormy Daniels motivated me to look up Giuliani’s sex history. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

My intent was to write the column last night. It has to be to the publisher today.

John called and said a Barb was looking for me. Would I come down? Ergo, I will not be writing about Giuliani and his sexcapades till this afternoon.

My today a busy one. Have to finish the blog. Watch Robert in a tennis competition at one. Write the Giuliani column.

I definitely will not be going out tonight.

Dorothy Downs was at the bar. I have not seen her in a couple of years. Her husband was a dentist. He had an office in Miami and one in the Keys. They frequented the Chart Room often.

Dorothy told he her husband had passed away last year. Sad.

We talked at length. I learned more about her last night than in all the times we had met previously.

She is a writer. Five books. Dorothy is an art historian, specialist in American art, wrote and produced the PBS documentary Pillars of Power about Seminole and Miccosukee women.

Dorothy’s most recent book is Canoe Back In Time. The story of a special Miccosukee girl who was given the gift of being an artist.

The book is selling.

My handwriting is poor. Dorothy’s worse. She wrote down her e-mail address for me. Impossible to read. Dorothy, you have mine. Write me soon so I will have yours.

Three pirates came in. Two men and a woman. One of the guys was soon asleep head down on a table. They had been doing the Duval Crawl.

I spoke with the two sober ones. Explained I had recently written about the pirate Black Caesar and also the pirates of Port Royal.

The three were part of a pirate group. A nightly thing in Key West. Called Eat Drink Discover Key West. An eat and drink venture.

Sounds interesting. If you are, the group can be booked online at

Everyone was gone, except for Kevin and me. We chatted a while. He is recovering well from his horrendous accident.

Needed to eat. Stopped at Hogfish on the way home. Sat at the bar and enjoyed hogfish. What else!

It began pouring on the way to Hogfish. Continued raining when I left. Fortunately, I am always prepared for rain. Two umbrellas. One at home and one in the car. Large black ones.

A BOB comment about waking in Key West: “A cat fight has set off the dogs. The dogs have set off the roosters. The din moves back and forth across the island in waves. Human sounds join in. There is no way anyone is sleeping through this, that’s it, I’m awake… looks like a nice day. Another beautiful day in Paradise.”

The Belmont later today. Hope Justify wins.

Trump’s words yesterday re his summit meeting with Kim and the degree of his preparation: “I’ve prepared my entire life for the North Korea summit.”

I worry.

Trump is on a high. He has screwed up G7. He is on his way to meet with Kim. He figures the world and the Nobel Peace Prize are his if he succeeds with Kim.

I do not see it happening.

Weather around 90 this past week. Heavy humidity. Weather man says some thunder today. Describes it as “rock ‘n’ roll thunder.”

As Porky Pig was wont to say at the end of his cartoons of yesteryear…..That’s all folks!

Enjoy your day!



Trump’s weak knowledge of American history has generated a lot of comment. One of the best appeared in the Justice Building Blog: “Neither Canada nor Ethiopia invaded and burned the White House.”

If not Canada, why not Ethiopia?

Visited Dr. Norris yesterday. He thinks I may be too old for the surgery contemplated. My primary care physician. My hear doctor said no problem. The endoscopy doctor was concerned that my age might be a problem.

I feel the best I have in 20 years and I am being told that at 82 I am too old for a relatively simple surgery.

My next stop Cleveland Clinic strictly for a consultation. To determine if my age is a concern to them.

Last night the Chart Room. Better than a doctor visit.

John bartending. Not that many people. Those who did stop in interesting.

Sheila arrived with her house guest Sandra. Sandra a nurse from Roanoke, Virginia. Loved Sandra the moment we met. She reads my blog every day!

A terrific couple from Marathon sitting to my right. Robert and Angela. In Key West to celebrate their anniversary. Thirty three years today.


They live up the road a bit. Marathon. Visit Key West a few days here and there. Marathon a great place to live. However, its night life leaves something to be desired.

They have a 54 foot power boat. Showed me a photo. Magnificent! Generally come down with the boat for a one month stay in March.

Originally from San Antonio, Robert was a CPA. Today works part time/as little as possible as a private equity investor.

Angela a retired elementary teacher. Once owned a lower Keys taxi company.

Excellent conversationalists. Hope to run into them again.

David came in. Good to see him. We do not run into each other often these days.

Steve and Cindy arrived. Enjoy their company.

Cindy brought me Bob Smith’s book. Titled: BOB. He wrote it in 1990, 1997, or during the years in between. Cannot be sure.

The cover of the book is Bob in drag. He was straight with a warped sense of humor.

Married to Annie. A better woman does not exist.

Bob died several years ago. He is one of those whose ashes lie in the Chart Room Bar. A distinction!

He was a friend.

Bob’s book is a collection of Key West antidotes told from Bob’s perspective. I have decided to share some with you in the coming days. Probably months. There are that many.

How is this: “There are only two kinds of people in this world: assholes and the rest of us. Race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, you name it, doesn’t matter. You’re either an asshole or you’re not…..problem is you can’t easily tell who is and who isn’t…..Here’s what we need to do. When we come across a true asshole we need to brand them square in the forehead: A.H. Our proclivity for prejudice will finally be well placed and justified. The whole world will be better off.”

The G7 meeting today and tomorrow. Tensions will be great. Heated words may be exchanged, the calm shattered.

I wish I could watch the exchanges.

We as a Nation should be ashamed. I refer to the detention of immigrant children.

A few years ago, several Walmarts closed down. They are now being used to house the children. Reportedly in cages on concrete floors. The cages described as big. Fencing. Wire and nets stretched along the top to prevent escape.

The situation as reported described by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Or). Although he is a U.S. Senator, he was denied entry at one of the Walmarts. Police called. He was almost arrested. He did gain entry to another apparently without permission.

The White House has accused Merkley of spreading lies.

Bet he isn’t!

CNN’s gifted story teller Anthony Bourdain dead at 61. A suicide.

Suicides dramatically up in recent years. Locally, nationally, and internationally.

Tomorrow at 5 on Duval, the 15th annual Key West Pride Parade. Key West’s Sea-To-Sea Rainbow Flag extending the length of Duval carried on the hands of many with pride.

Enjoy your day!


Robots are taking over the world. With a shocking quickness. Silently, however. Sneaking up on us.

Robots are working assembly lines, in warehouses, cleaning homes, even making love.

Now comes the hugging robot. Five years in development. The goal to design robots to give hugs humans will love.

Makes sense. People love to give and receive hugs.

Success almost here. Hugging robots being fine tuned at this stage.

Yesterday busy. Especially during the day. Many errands to run.

Squeezed in lunch at Sandy’s Cafe.

Last night, the Chart Room.

Packed. Surprising. Key West is into off season.

Jean Thornton’s birthday was being celebrated. Many celebrating with her.

Barb, whoever you are, where were you? You wrote and asked to meet me and if I would sign your copy of Irma and Me. I replied ok. Chart Room wednesday at 6. I was there. Apparently you were not. I asked several women if they were Barb. No Barbs. Bartender John was asked to look out for you also.

What happened?

On the way home, remembered I had not eaten. Stopped at Five Guys. Two cheeseburgers lettuce wrapped. No fries. A diet meal.

Another doctor visit this afternoon. Part of getting ready for my Cleveland Clinic visit. Following the doctor visit, I will be stopping by Liz’s for a drink and some interesting conversation.

My KONK Life column a couple of weeks ago concerned Black Caesar the Keys Pirate. Today Port Royal, a Caribbean pirate haven.

Port Royal was a small island off Jamaica. Six thousand five hundred residents. All one way or another involved with piracy.

The island headquarters not only for piracy, but also smuggling and debauchery. It has been described as the “most wicked and sinful city in the world… of the lewdest in the Christian world.” In other words, a fun place.

On this day in 1692, 3 powerful quakes hit Port Royal. A large tsunami, also. At one point, half the island was under 40 feet of water.

Port Royal’s population 6,500. Three thousand died that day. Thousands more in the days following the quakes.

Port Royal could not be rebuilt. People thought it was built on coral like Key West. Turned out not to be. Strictly dirt. The mud remaining prohibited rebuilding.

Undaunted, the pirates moved operations to Jamaica itself. Built a new city. Called it Kingston. Today, Jamaica’s largest city.

Trump is a historian of note. Written with tongue in cheek, of course.

Yesterday, he did it again. While he and Trudeau were having a heated telephone conference re the tariff issue, Trudeau asked how Canada could be a security threat to the United States. Trump’s reply was to the effect that Canada had burned down the White House.

Canada did not put the White House to the torch. It was the British. During the War of 1812. At a time when Canada was not even a nation. It did not become one till 1867. During the War of 1812, it was a British colony.

A year earlier, the U.S. had invaded Canada and burned down York. York today Toronto. The British were burning down the White House in retaliation for the Americans having burned the British colony of York.

The interesting and generally unmentioned story of the White House and its burning involves Dolley Madison. Dolley was the wife of then President James Madison. The White House had been evacuated. Dolley remained with a handful of workers.

Her concern was the portrait of George Washington. She did not want it to fall into the hands of the British.

The painting was screwed into the wall. The screws would not come out. Dolley ordered the frame broken and the canvas removed.

It was only then that she swiftly departed to avoid capture.

When word got out of her courage and the saving of Washington’s painting, Dolley became a national heroine.

A hundred years later, some historians claimed Dolley was not the person who saved the painting. She had long fled. It was some house slaves led by a Frenchman overseer type.

The Dolley Madison heroine story is considered more reputable.

Before I receive a ton of e-mails, Dolley is spelled correctly. The “e” is part of her name.

I sometimes wonder what Trump studied in college. It is obvious he did not read history books.

Enjoy your day!



June 6, 1944 was a dark ominous day on the beaches of northern France. The precise location, Normandy.

Allied troops landed on the beaches. One hundred seventy six thousand. Accompanied by 14,000 aircraft. The invasion of Europe had begun.

Ships involved constituted the largest armada ever. The largest amphibious military operation in history.

June 6 is considered by many as the most important day of the 20th century. The first step on the road to Germany. To a victory of good over evil.

Americans fought side by side with Canadians, British, and French. Among the same people Trump is defecating on today.

The admonishment to keep enemies close does not mean disregarding friends.

Were it not that today is D-Day, the lead topic would have been: I LOST 41 POUNDS! Wow. Took 7 months and 1 week.

I have been stuck at 38 pounds for a month. Previously, I have gone 2-3 weeks without losing a pound. Then 3-4 in one day. The scale does not lie. Today, the elusive 3 pounds.

Tuesdays generally a stay at home day. My podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou is in the evening. I spend the afternoon fine tuning the show. So it was yesterday.

Two topics especially interested me as I thought they would those listening. The turmoil of 1968 and Bayer buying Monsanto.

Nineteen sixty eight found Robert  Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. being killed. The Vietnam War was at it speak. Ripping our Nation. Riots in the streets. Johnson opted not to run for a second elected term. The Vietnam War would have made his reelection impossible.

Monsanto not the best of companies. Its pesticide Round Up and certain of its products grown unhealthy. Monsanto opposed world wide. While the U.S. was welcoming and protecting Monsanto with legislation, many countries were throwing them out. Even Russia. Putin told them to go do their thing in the U.S. who apparently did not care if its people were killed.

The news this week is that Bayer is buying Monsanto. The closing tomorrow. Bayer has advised the name Monsanto will never be used or uttered by it. Also that certain of Monsanto products would be reevaluated for safety.

We shall see.

What have we become? Who are we? Presently, 11,000 children taken from their parents by immigration authorities. To temporary detention and then something a bit better. Too many, however. No where enough places to send them. Not even enough beds and blankets to comfort them.

Children involved run from babies to teenagers.

Attorney General Sessions is pleased. His plan. To discourage people from attempting to enter the U.S. Even those trying to enter legally.

The program cruel. Appears the children are being caused to suffer because of the sins of their parents. Trying to find a better life for themselves and their children.

Sessions has 3 children, 10 grandchildren. How would he and his wife have felt if his 3 children were taken away when young. Or, any of their 10 grandchildren today under authority of some asinine stupid mandate.

Paul Butler had a right on article in today’s Vanity Fair. Its title: “The Policing of Black Americans Is Racial Harassment Funded By The State.”

Many things bother me. Most difficult to understand. Today’s involves Trump/Putin and war with Russia.

Trump said yesterday he speaks regularly with Putin by phone. Sounds like the two are buddies. Everything kumbaya.

Yesterday, Secretary of Defense Mattis advised NATO to prepare for a Russian attack with planes, ships and troops.

A happy recollection. On this day in 1933, the first drive in movie opened. Called a Park-In Theater at the time.

Drive ins enjoyed their hey day in the late 1950’s into the mid 1960’s.

Drive ins during high school and college were a good place to neck. Loved it! Half the parking area were teenagers and young adults kissing.

As the young people got older, they became parents. The drive in still a good place to go. Young Moms and Dads had an evening out. The kids in the back seat with pillows and blankets sleeping. Parents in the front seat. Watching the movie, not necking.

So it was.

Enjoy your day!




This day in 1956 a big one in the entertainment industry. Elvis Presley appeared on the Milton Berle Show.

First time Presley’s entire body was shown. No guitar to cover his pelvic area. His infamous gyrating pelvis finally visible to the whole world. Prior to that evening, Presley’s hip action was considered scandalous. Tight assed America decried his stage actions.

Presley exhibiting full body form sang Hound Dog.

The song as well as Presley were both more popular after the Milton Berle Show. America had seen all of Presley. Loved his voice. Loved his gyrations. The country turned around. Presley was on his way!

Last night began at Aqua. Dueling Bartenders.

Tom Luna and Rick Dery their usual outstanding selves. Destiny the guest performer. Destiny is this year’s Fantasy Fest Queen. A lovely face and a lovely voice.

The bar pretty well packed. Spoke with Edie and Julia for the first time. Regulars at Dueling Bartenders. We had a nodding acquaintance. Jean Thornton formally introduced me to them last night.

Edie and Julia warmed my heart. They read this blog every day! Love them!

Also singing away with everyone else were Liz, Mary, Josefina, Linda and Don.

Time to eat. Where to go? An easy choice. Antonia’s. Not only for the good food. Nicolle the bartender an attraction in herself. A very hospitable person.

The yellowtail was delicious. Perfect for my diet.

Nicolle’s love of her life is Darragh. He bartends at Blue Heaven. Met him for the first time at my book signing a couple of months ago.

Marsha was sitting to my left at the bar. She has been a Key West resident 7 years. Works at Key West Bait & Tackle.

Mother of three, grandmother of 3.

Marsha was especially proud she has no need for a car. She lives in Old Town and gets around easily on her bicycle.

Good for her! No car payment, no insurance bill.

To my right at the far end of the bar sat another lovely lady. Jenn Stefanacci. I asked if I could join her. She said yes and I moved down. I had coffee while she was finishing a pasta dish.

Jenn works at 223 & Co. and TBD Bar.

One trait women possess. They dislike a cheating husband. History teaches men to beware a woman scorned.

This morning’s Blue Paper reported A Key West story containing such elements.

A husband was napping sunday on a couch. His wife got into his cell phone. Came across a message on his cell phone from an ex-lover. The message was three years old.

She lost it.

Hit him repeatedly with her fists. Turned on the burners and threw a towel in the oven in an apparent effort to burn down their abode. Worst of all, she chased her husband with a kitchen knife threatening to “gut” him.

She has been charged with battery and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

A teaching comment in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice. The solution to kicking poverty and becoming rich: “We were so tired of being poor we went down and registered as Republicans, then bought a house on Shark Key and a yacht. Never thought it would be that easy.”

Brought a smile to my face.

Monsanto has to be one of the  most hated corporations in the world. Some countries will neither permit Monsanto to plant nor sell their products.

Putin threw them out of Russia about 5 years ago. The U.S. has been in bed big time with Monsanto. Primarily made possible by our Congress which has passed a ton of laws favorable to the company.

After thursday, there will be no more Monsanto. The U.K.’s Bayer is buying/merging with Monsanto. Bayer has assured the name Monsanto will never be used again. Bayer has further assured the European Union it would neither produce nor sell Monsanto type products in Union countries.

European comment has been big re the sale/merger. Some have described the coming together as a “deadly wedding.” Others, “diabolical.”

The Philadelphia Eagles were invited to the White House. Most players declined the invitation. Trump retaliated. After being informed of their not coming, he withdrew the invitation. Sort of after the fact.

Instead, Trump claims a group of 1,000 will visit the White House in the place and stead of the Eagles. They and Trump will stand for the National Anthem which Trump assures will be played loud and clear.

Trump fails to understand the issue is not paying honor to the flag and National Anthem. It has to do with black discrimination and the many falsehoods the President speaks. Some people are getting fed up.

A further example is Giuliani. One of the President’s attorneys. He has been all over the media lying and exaggerating various issues of the case. Giuliani appeared at Yankee Stadium last week. He is often there. His seat is front row behind home plate.

Giuliani was booed when the public address system announced his presence.

The public is slowly waking up.

Tuesday again. Love tuesdays! I get to do my podcast show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Wild! I say what I want. Offer opinions many do not agree with. Whatever, the show is a fast moving half hour full of all kinds of issues affecting us.

Join me. I guarantee you will enjoy. Nine o’clock my time.

Enjoy your day!








Donald Trump is Pinocchio. He only lacks the growing nose. If it were possible, his would be 10 feet long by this time and require a crane to hold it up.

Trump’s problem is he has no Mr. Geppetto to counsel him, to guide him.

Trump loves notoriety. He seeks glorification. History will remember him. Not for a Noble Peace Price. Rather for being the biggest Presidential liar of all time. Perhaps simply the greatest liar of all time.

Ally’s birthday dinner last night.

As suspected, Ally was beat. The whole family was.

Ally had a total of 5 girl friends for a sleepover. They fell asleep around midnight. Robert said they were loud. I told him women generally are when they get together.

The family and the sleepovers were up at 6. The sleepovers left at 3:30. Lisa prepared breakfast and lunch. One of the young ladies was gluten free. Lisa had to be concerned with that factor. She was not  pre-warned.

The group to Higgs Beach early in the afternoon.

My family was beat. Everyone quiet by the time I arrived.

Lisa had not had time to shop. She threw together a carb dinner. Pasta! Great for my diet! I was not concerned. Figured it would shake up my diet a bit and cause me to lose a pound. It did not nor did it cause me to gain a pound.

A brother/sister discussion ensued while we were at the cake stage. Not an agreeable one. Adult, however. Robert wanted Ally to do something for him. Nothing of consequence. Ally said no. He should do it for himself.

The two went at it for a few minutes. I was enjoying the give and take. Excellent.

Then the parents got involved. Supported Ally’s position. I would have supported Robert’s. Kept quiet, however.

Robert was slowly getting hot under the collar. Finally told his family they could expect nothing from him in the future.

All amusing. Impressive on the part of Ally and Robert. They are growing up well.

Watched the Warriors/Cavaliers game last night. Warriors won big 122-103. The last quarter crucial. Stephen Curry led the Warriors with 33 points.

I knew it was going to be the Warriors night when Curry, with the clock running down, threw a one handed shot at the basket while standing sideways. He never expected the ball to go in. No one did. It did. Clean.

It’s monday. Dueling Bartenders tonight.

Today an important one in American history. On this day in 1942, the Battle of Midway began. A 4 day encounter. A naval battle. The U.S. decisively defeated Japan.

It was the first American victory of the U.S./Japan conflict.

The Japanese lost 4 carriers, the U.S. 1. The Japanese lost 292 aircraft, the U.S. 145. The Japanese suffered 2,500 casualties, the U.S. 300.

Guadalcanal was next on the path to victory.

North Korea’s Kim a strange duck. A careful suspicious man.

Next week, he will be in Singapore for several days for the Summit. The farthest he has been from home ever. He fired his top 3 generals. Did not think he could trust them in his absence.

Drinking and driving not a wise combination. We know it!

Pot becoming popular in the U.S. Several states have legalized its use.

I have noticed the past couple of weeks TV ads decrying the use of marijuana while driving. Too soon, perhaps. Insufficient evidence.

I would agree in any event, people should not smoke pot and drive.

The TV ad decrying pot and driving was funded by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association. The Association has nothing to do with Governors. The organization is a front for the alcohol industry. Regarded as the alcohol industry’s voice.

Trump has become an expert in pissing off our Allies and sucking up to our enemies. The steel/aluminum tariff imposed on Canada, Mexico and the European Union the best example.

His numbers also wrong. The U.S. will lose significantly more jobs over the next two years from lay offs in the peripheral industries.

Recall that similar onerous type tariffs were imposed by the U.S. in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. Many economists believe such the cause of the great Depression and additionally an action giving impetus to Hitler’s rise.

Forty one million Americans live in poverty. One third or 14 million of them children.

Trump not responsible. The numbers calculated to the end of Obama’s time. No numbers yet re Trump. However, Trump is grossly aggravating the situation.

The UN issued a report recently claiming Trump was making life harder for the poor. He seems to be deliberately designing programs to remove basic protections for the poorest, to punish those not employed, and to make basic health care a privilege to be earned rather than a right of citizenship.

I agree with the UN observations.

Harvard’s recent report setting forth what it believes are the correct number of deaths in Puerto Rico mind blowing. Harvard says the actual number is 4,645. Contrast that with the U.S. government’s claim of 64 and the New York Times number of 1,052.

The Harvard study was a hands on, on the ground, doors knocked on, inquiry. Houses were randomly chosen. The deaths recorded began on the day of Maria September 20 and extended to December 31.

The New York Times arrived at its number by comparing previous deaths in certain areas, etc. A mathematically arrived at decision.

No one knows how ICE came up with 64.

Shame on Trump! He failed to help our fellow Americans. Our people. Why?

I suspect two reasons.

First, Puerto Ricans are tan. People of color. Trump is a racist.

Second, Trump years ago failed in an economic venture in Puerto Rico. He walked away with a pretty dollar. However, the project went nowhere.

Maybe Trump bears ill will because of his failed Puerto Rico efforts.

I was viewing TV yesterday. The Mayor of San Juan was interviewed. Pictures were shown of the devastation as it exists today. Horrible! Living conditions disgusting. No electricity and water in certain areas.

So much going on in the world. Trump the initiator of most of the events.

Enjoy your day!






An important thing in life. Children’s birthdays! Today, my granddaughter Ally’s is being celebrated.

Thirteen years old. Definitely a young lady. The flower is blossoming.

Ally’s birthday was Friday. Conflicted with Robert’s graduation. Ally wanted her own day. It began Saturday. She had her hair striped.

Terrible! Too young! I am merely a voice in the wilderness, however. Not the parent, not my decision.

What I really was expressing is it pains me to think she is maturing. Not a little girl any longer.

Last night, a sleep over. Which means Ally will be beat this evening for the family birthday dinner, cake, etc. Perhaps a bit grouchy.

Can’t win them all!

In any event, I love you Ally. A big Happy Birthday to you!

My yesterday began with a manicure. Tammy and her husband Rick are entrepreneurs. Mid-thirties at best. Tammy in the U.S. about 14 years. From Vietnam. Became a citizen last year. Rick of Vietnamese extraction. Born in the U.S.

They have a great business. Employ many. Work hard. Achieving the American dream. I doubt they are the type people Trump would praise and acknowledge. They do not rape, kill, pillage, rob, do drugs. Why not?

Chart Room last night. Quiet. Enjoyed a couple of drinks and moved on to the Beach Bar. John was working the Beach Bar last night.

Glad I stopped by. Ran into Dan and Stephanie from Ohio. Never met them before this week. Have enjoyed their company three evenings, however.

Their time in Paradise coming to an end. Leave Tuesday for home. Expect to return some time this summer.

Dan and Stephanie were heading to the Pride Follies. Good choice, I advised. Mentioned that Rick Dery of Dueling Bartenders was the director. Recommended Dueling Bartenders on Monday nights to them.

A quiet Saturday evening. I was home in bed before 9.

The Key West Citizen’s weekend edition ran a major article re Mallory Square and the homeless. The homeless becoming a problem.

Mallory Square is where the sunset is watched every evening. Hundreds of people. All ages. A cat through a wheel of fire, a man swallowing a sword, etc.

A growing group of homeless are getting drunk, argumentative, threaten each other, harass customers and vendors for money, sleep illegally, etc.

Key West is a great venue for the homeless. Many are snowbirds. Visit our island for the season. Then drift off till next Fall because the humidity becomes heavy and uncomfortable. A size able group remains, however.

Key West takes care of its homeless. Two very huge air conditioned tents, showers, cots with clean sheets each night, food at several locations, etc. No reason for them to camp at Mallory Square. A business place for vendors and tourists.

One thing sure in our country, the rich are getting richer while the poor poorer. Corporate America is not and has not for a number of years shared its successes.

An example is Toys R Us. Filed for bankruptcy. One week before the filing voted top echelon people $8 million in bonuses. The 30,000 workers who will be without jobs, nothing. No severance pay. Not a penny.

To compound the wrong, in the year before the filing the CEO was paid $11.2 million.

Much federal legislation has been blocked by a handful of far rights who were elected to Congress. Some, not all, appear a bit wacky when on television.

There appears to be a larger number of crazies running for Congress this year. This group’s ideologies different from the far righters. Some will be elected. It is the way of elections in recent years.

Three examples.

Nathan Larson. A Virginia Libertarian. Running as an independent. Supports abolishing age restrictions for marriage (a nice way of saying pedophilia is ok), supports abolishing laws opposed to marital rape, believes women should be under the control of men, is a white supremacist, believes Hitler was a good thing for Germany, believes incest should be legalized.

Patrick Little. A Republican candidate for the Senate representing California. Denies the Holocaust and calls for a country “free from Jews.”

Little is popular. He is running second in polls to Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein. California’s strange election laws could result in him being elected.

Arthur Jones. Chicago area. A candidate for Congress. Denies the Holocaust, a former leader of the American Nazi Party, believes people of color are mentally inferior to whites.

Jones is the official Republican candidate. He is running in a very strong Democratic district where no other Republican wanted to waste time running.

Some things are hard to understand. The Kim/Trump Summit is scheduled to begin in Singapore June 12. Kim will be staying at the 5 star Fullerton Hotel. The Presidential suite costs $6,000 a night. Kim’s staff has to be housed also.

Kim/North Korea refuse to pay the bill. The U.S. looking for a means to legally pay the bill.

Sung-Yoon Lee is a Tufts University Korean expert. He says re the payment quandary, “North Korea can build nukes and ICBMs, but claim they are too poor to pay for foreign travel costs.”

Trump apparently considers himself the summit king now that the meeting with North Korea is locked in. Trump indicated yesterday he wants a summit with Putin arranged.

Putin will eat him up.

Enjoy your Sunday!