This day in 1956 a big one in the entertainment industry. Elvis Presley appeared on the Milton Berle Show.
First time Presley’s entire body was shown. No guitar to cover his pelvic area. His infamous gyrating pelvis finally visible to the whole world. Prior to that evening, Presley’s hip action was considered scandalous. Tight assed America decried his stage actions.
Presley exhibiting full body form sang Hound Dog.
The song as well as Presley were both more popular after the Milton Berle Show. America had seen all of Presley. Loved his voice. Loved his gyrations. The country turned around. Presley was on his way!
Last night began at Aqua. Dueling Bartenders.
Tom Luna and Rick Dery their usual outstanding selves. Destiny the guest performer. Destiny is this year’s Fantasy Fest Queen. A lovely face and a lovely voice.
The bar pretty well packed. Spoke with Edie and Julia for the first time. Regulars at Dueling Bartenders. We had a nodding acquaintance. Jean Thornton formally introduced me to them last night.
Edie and Julia warmed my heart. They read this blog every day! Love them!
Also singing away with everyone else were Liz, Mary, Josefina, Linda and Don.
Time to eat. Where to go? An easy choice. Antonia’s. Not only for the good food. Nicolle the bartender an attraction in herself. A very hospitable person.
The yellowtail was delicious. Perfect for my diet.
Nicolle’s love of her life is Darragh. He bartends at Blue Heaven. Met him for the first time at my book signing a couple of months ago.
Marsha was sitting to my left at the bar. She has been a Key West resident 7 years. Works at Key West Bait & Tackle.
Mother of three, grandmother of 3.
Marsha was especially proud she has no need for a car. She lives in Old Town and gets around easily on her bicycle.
Good for her! No car payment, no insurance bill.
To my right at the far end of the bar sat another lovely lady. Jenn Stefanacci. I asked if I could join her. She said yes and I moved down. I had coffee while she was finishing a pasta dish.
Jenn works at 223 & Co. and TBD Bar.
One trait women possess. They dislike a cheating husband. History teaches men to beware a woman scorned.
This morning’s Blue Paper reported A Key West story containing such elements.
A husband was napping sunday on a couch. His wife got into his cell phone. Came across a message on his cell phone from an ex-lover. The message was three years old.
She lost it.
Hit him repeatedly with her fists. Turned on the burners and threw a towel in the oven in an apparent effort to burn down their abode. Worst of all, she chased her husband with a kitchen knife threatening to “gut” him.
She has been charged with battery and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
A teaching comment in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice. The solution to kicking poverty and becoming rich: “We were so tired of being poor we went down and registered as Republicans, then bought a house on Shark Key and a yacht. Never thought it would be that easy.”
Brought a smile to my face.
Monsanto has to be one of the most hated corporations in the world. Some countries will neither permit Monsanto to plant nor sell their products.
Putin threw them out of Russia about 5 years ago. The U.S. has been in bed big time with Monsanto. Primarily made possible by our Congress which has passed a ton of laws favorable to the company.
After thursday, there will be no more Monsanto. The U.K.’s Bayer is buying/merging with Monsanto. Bayer has assured the name Monsanto will never be used again. Bayer has further assured the European Union it would neither produce nor sell Monsanto type products in Union countries.
European comment has been big re the sale/merger. Some have described the coming together as a “deadly wedding.” Others, “diabolical.”
The Philadelphia Eagles were invited to the White House. Most players declined the invitation. Trump retaliated. After being informed of their not coming, he withdrew the invitation. Sort of after the fact.
Instead, Trump claims a group of 1,000 will visit the White House in the place and stead of the Eagles. They and Trump will stand for the National Anthem which Trump assures will be played loud and clear.
Trump fails to understand the issue is not paying honor to the flag and National Anthem. It has to do with black discrimination and the many falsehoods the President speaks. Some people are getting fed up.
A further example is Giuliani. One of the President’s attorneys. He has been all over the media lying and exaggerating various issues of the case. Giuliani appeared at Yankee Stadium last week. He is often there. His seat is front row behind home plate.
Giuliani was booed when the public address system announced his presence.
The public is slowly waking up.
Tuesday again. Love tuesdays! I get to do my podcast show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Wild! I say what I want. Offer opinions many do not agree with. Whatever, the show is a fast moving half hour full of all kinds of issues affecting us.
Join me. I guarantee you will enjoy. Nine o’clock my time.
Enjoy your day!
“The public is slowly waking up”
We will know soon enough…in the mid-term.
The mid term elections will probably be labeled as “fixed.”
So Trump doesn’t even know the words to his favorite songs?
How do we know he’s not just lying about that too?
Yeah, you’re kinda of a creeper. Thanks for only describing me by my looks.
older men? they just SEEM creepy. Lou’s a sweet heart don’t be fooled. he’s no creeper!