A strange title. Apropos, however.
Yesterday was heart catherization day. My fourth. I am accustomed to the procedure.
Brought a book with me to pass the time away waiting. Crazy Shit Presidents Said. An interesting comment by President Johnson……Making a speech on economics is like pissing down your leg. It seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else.
Fits President Trump and Speaker Ryan perfectly.
My second encounter with urination involved me personally. Two arm incisions made to perform the procedure. The one in the wrist was for artery entry.
The arteries pump blood rapidly. Much faster than the veins. The artery incision was made in my right wrist. A lot of pressure following the procedure to close the incision. A big bandage. Part of the bandage was a sort of cellophane surrounding the gauze. Cellophane 2 inches wide.
They had been pumping fluids into me for two hours before the procedure and then an hour after. To rid my kidneys of whatever else was pumped into me. Came a time I had to piss.
I was wearing the usual hospital gown. Open in back.
A nurse escorted me to the bathroom. Admonished me not to bend my wrist.
Good luck! I lifted the front of the gown with my left hand. Took hold of my penis with my right. Had to bend the wrist to get at it.
It happened! Opened the incision. Blood spurting. Over me and the gown.
Panicsville by the nurse. Told her I did nothing but go for my penis. Whatever, she laughed. Told the other nurses. They laughed. Even I laughed. I was not concerned.
The wrist was rewrapped. This time a 10 inch splint was placed on my wrist guaranteeing I would not bend it.
The procedure was done at the Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood. Very impressive. A campus of buildings. I was in the Outpatient one. Several stories high. Each floor thousands of feet.
Everyone appeared to enjoy being employed there. I never have seen such a happy group of workers anywhere.
I was instructed to arrive at the hospital at 7:30. Stayed overnight at a hotel. Received a call the afternoon before. Time moved up. Be here at 6:30. Ok. Received another call later. New time, 5:30. I was afraid the front desk would not wake me at 4. I woke at 1 and remained awake till 4.
On the way to Hollywood, stopped at Costco in Homestead. My first Costco visit. I was impressed! Food prices so cheap. Bought a lot. Also saw a computer monitor for sale. Tim Reynolds suggested I get one. I need larger print. No matter how good the glasses, eyes do not function well in old age.
Found one on sale. $50 off. Cost now $150. Bought it. I have not set it up yet. Going to be wild. It is like a huge TV screen.
Still the night before. Did not want to lay around in my room. Went to Billy’s Stone Crab Restaurant. Great stone crabs! Like Joe’s. With a side of hash browns, three gins and a piece of key lime pie.
Another first. Took Uber from the hotel and back. Fantastic! Cheap!
Today a sad day in history. John Kennedy was assassinated this date in 1963. The end of Camelot.
A Key West friend has died. Joan Povel Cornell.
Joan lived through the London blitz. While in Paris following the war, she met her love of 63 years, Woody. An obviously loving couple. Woody especially attentive to Joan.
We saw much of each other 15-20 years ago. Then for whatever reason, rarely. I would run into Joan and Woody in Publix every two years. Always agreed to call each other for dinner. Sadly, never happened.
I knew Joan had been sick the past several years. She and Woody’s name came up at my eye Doctor visit last week. Dr. Douville reminded me that he and I had first met at a sunday brunch at the Cornell’s 18 years earlier.
A good woman gone! A new bright star in the sky! Poor Woody, alone.
Local Alabama Evangelistic ministers supporting Roy Moore. To an extreme. His personal minister said yesterday…..More women are sexual predators than men.
Trump indicated support of Moore yesterday. Proves politics is more important than the election of a pedophile and woman abuser.
Staying with Trump a moment, he is lacking in sympathy. He has no heart.
Haiti suffered a powerful earthquake in 2010. Haiti before and since, the poorest nation in the Americas. Obama took in 60,000 refugees on temporary residency permits. The 60,000 have become acclimated to the U.S. Hard workers. Some became college educated. Many had children. The children automatically U.S. citizens.
The parents will be deported back to Haiti. What of the children? The word is most will remain to be raised in American homes.
No reason to return anyone to Haiti after almost 8 years. Typical Trump cruelty.
Irma and me. Heard from the publisher. Irma and Me is available at more that Amazon. It is also available from Barnes and Noble and KoboBooks. Also at the Absolutely Amazing eBooks website.
Consider Irma and Me as a Xmas gift or stocking stuffer.
Driving back from Hollywood yesterday, the trip took me through Marathon south to Cudjoe. Irma still evident. In certain parts, like a war zone.
Enjoy your day!
Tomorrow the turkey!