We are in a new era, a new day!
Dishwashers are noisy. No more. They now are quiet. It is called sound damping.
My dishwasher is about 10 years old. I only run it at night when I go upstairs to bed. The racket drives me crazy. I research and write at the kitchen counter. I have difficulty doing so with the clatter from the dishwasher.
Lisa’s dishwasher died. Just like that. Not fixable. It was off to Sears for a new one. Nothing fancy. Actually, the cheapest on the floor.
Got it to Lisa’s and installed. Ran it. Something was wrong. No noise! Not a peep. Wow! A major advancement as far as I am concerned.
Stopped at Walgreens yesterday for a prescription drug pick up. My pills seem to be more expensive. Even the generics. Not my imagination. I read yesterday that insurance companies are raising the price of prescription drugs to make up for what they claim they are losing under the hospital and medical portions of Obamacare. I plan on researching this issue further.
The gentleman ahead of me in line was there to pick up drugs for Nancy Robinson. I know Nancy. Many of you do as well. A Key West icon. Now 90. Effervescent and charming. Mother of Martha and a son. It was her son I met yesterday.
Nancy is ill. Martha mentioned recently that her brother had come to Key West to assist in caring for Nancy. I asked him to say hello and extend my best wishes to his Mom.
Nancy, I believe you occasionally read my blog. I know you read my book The World Upside Down. I hope you are reading me today. All of Key west wishes you well. Get better soon. I miss seeing you around town. The world misses seeing you around town.
It was humid. I wanted a cool place to read. I headed to the Marriott Beachside. Spent an hour sitting in the lobby reading the various newspapers and sipping the free lemon water the hotel provides.
The Marriott Beachside is a touch of New York in Key West. Love the atmosphere, love the flavor.
Lisa was 50 yesterday. We celebrated with a family dinner at home. The in laws were in to join the festivities. The grandkids all excited. Robert and Ally had done paintings on canvas for their Mom. Great paintings! Lisa was pleased.
Lisa did not want to go out. She wanted to cook. The compromise was we sent out for pizzas.
Lisa did make the desert, however. A sponge cake sliced down the center and filled with lemon creme. The whole thing buried in whipped cream.
Ally was in charge as usual with the lights, singing, etc. A good time was had by all!
My blog talk radio show later last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Great fun for me once again. Hope you enjoyed listening. Those who may have missed, the show is archived and available on Facebook and Twitter also.
There is always a particular topic or two that tickles the fancy of listeners. Last night it was the one involving banks de-risking. A new game banks are playing. The word whorish might describe it best. I plan to write next week’s KONK Life column concerning the issue.
Enjoy your day!