The best part of my yesterday was dinner last night with Mike and Tina. Key West friends I have not seen in several months. We had dinner at Deuces Off The Hook Grill.

Mike and Tina are world travelers. They fly worldwide doing business for their clients. They related to me a recent family trip to Italy. Tina was born in Italy. They went back to visit her Mom. Mike took his parents along. A good time was had by all! They did some traveling. Visited Switzerland. They were away a whole month.

Tina told an interesting story. They were somewhere in Italy and there was a traffic screw up. The Italians were blaming the Americans….They did not know how to drive. The mob was unaware Tina was born Italian and understood the language. She got out of the car and ripped them new butt holes.

An ugly american? I think not.

I was hurt. They have not ordered my book The World Upside Down. I hope they will now. Speaking of buying the book, Billy Schott wrote that he and Cindy received their copy from yesterday.

On the way home, I stopped at Don’s Place. Good company. Stan, Clara, Hershel, Erika, and Stan and Hershel’s sister who has just moved to Key West.

I spent most of my day at the computer. Researching further the farm bill. I will be writing the KONK Life column later this morning. Read the article! It is revealing! You will be shocked at who eats off the law.

Tonight, tonight…..Syracuse basketball. At 6, Syracuse plays Clemson. Syracuse is undefeated, Clemson has lost 6 games. I will be watching the game at Lukas’ Sports Pub. Syracuse fans join me!

I worry about every game at this point. Someone is going to beat Syracuse. Could be any team on the right night.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Key West has many beautiful, intelligent, today women. Two of the very best are Amy Culver and Jenna Stauffer. Both celebrated birthdays yesterday.

Amy’s bash was at Salute’s during cocktail hour. Jenna’s a dinner party later on at Tavern ‘n Town. I intended to go to both. Made it to neither. My apologies to the  ladies.

Amy and I have known of each other for many years. It is only recently we have become personally acquainted.

Amy’s background is dramatic. The only way to describe it.

Mangoes on Duval was her baby. She made it what it is. She sold the restaurant several years ago.

Amy is big into Africa. Somewhere along the way, she discovered Africa. Not the civilized portion. The deep dark jungles and the poor natives who reside in them. She visits Africa yearly. I fear some day she may not return. Her trips are somewhat dangerous because of the areas she visits. Amy is Director of the Busara Project, a not for profit to help Africans. Her African connection has also resulted in a business venture. She designs and organizes customized African safaris.

My friendship with Amy really developed with my interest in Dominique D’Ermo. I have been researching a book about him for more than a year. Amy knew D’Ermo well. So well that she was one of those asked to eulogize him at his funeral service in New York City.

Jenna, my love! Strikingly beautiful. Talented. The world her oyster.

Jenna is relatively young. She has accomplished much. Television her forte. She presently is General Manager of WEYW-TV in Key West, where she also hosts the Good Morning Florida Keys talk show. Prior to her time in Key West, Jenna was the sports anchor at WNCT-TV in Greenville, North Carolina. She always reminds me she wore heels while running up and down the football field interviewing people. No flats for her. She was woman!

Jenna and I became friends about the time she first arrived in Key west. She worked with me on the Key West Lou Legal Hour at KONK Broadcasting. Taught me some of the tricks of the trade. Later, she produced my television show at WEYW-TV.

One of you who follow my blog wrote and recommended a new restaurant on Duval for the best burger ever! Your name escapes me. I apologize. I went back through the multitudinous comments and could not locate yours. Thank you for suggesting it, however. I tried the restaurant yesterday.

Go! Run! Do not miss it! Once you go, you will return on a frequent basis. I intend to.

The place is called Burger Fi. A burger joint with a touch of class. Inside and out dining. A great place outside in the back. A bar. A full bar. Hard stuff, beer and wine.

The place could be a shack. Though it is not. The important thing is the quality of the burger. The best I have ever eaten! Puts 5 Guys to shame. I had a double Angus cheeseburger with American cheese, lettuce, tomato and Burger Fi sauce. Delicious! Plus a diet coke.

There is a 20 per cent locals discount. Big! My total bill was $7.47. You cannot eat cheaper and better!

I met Dougie. The bartender. He has been returning to Key West for ten years during the winter. He comes to Key West by way of California.

Burger Fi is located at 221 Duval. The same block and on the same side as Sloppy Joe’s. Across the street from the Bull.

Burger Fi also has several TV sets. I may do a Syracuse basketball game there.

Tonight, I am having dinner with friends I have not seen in months. Mike and Tina Mazzorana. Their Key West home is by the cemetery. Tina picked the place to dine. She says it has become her favorite. New. It is a small place on Simonton, near Gary the Plumber. Dueces Off the Hook. I look forward to the experience.

Forget not my book! The World Upside Down is available on and

Enjoy your day!




I was surprised when I walked into the Chart Room last night and Emily asked me about the earthquake. What earthquake? Turns out there was another one about 8 miles off the coast of Cuba wednesday night at 10:20. About  seven miles below the water’s surface. I who read the newspapers all the time had failed to read yesterday’s Key West Citizen. I was unaware.

The earthquake was a 5.1 on the Rector scale. Apparently no damage anywhere. I did not feel it in Key West. Nor did Emily and others at the Chart Room last night.

I have a concern. Earthquakes in this area are uncommon. Now there have been two off the coast of Cuba in a month. Do these two earthquakes portend something? Is there a big one in the making? Should we be concerned about a tsunami?

Don’t laugh! So far the weather media has not discussed this aspect. I am not overly concerned. Such thoughts occur to me, however.

Conch Republic Admiral Frankie was part of our bar discussion last night. Besides the earthquake, the discussion involved the Olympics and skiing. Turns out Emily was/is a skier and a pretty proficient one at that. I thought she was born and raised in Key West. Not so. She was born in Indiana, spent time in Virginia and elsewhere. She developed her skiing prowess in those places.

Before heading to the Chart Room, I stopped at Christine’s opening night of her art exhibit. Christine Cordone has risen to a new level. She now has people in her paintings. I was impressed. Her water colors warm the heart and brighten a room!

Ralph Kiner died yesterday. A baseball great! Played many years with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Then spent even more years as the Mets broadcaster. He is a Hall of Famer.

My recollection goes back to the mid to late 1940s. Baseball was everything. My buddies and I used to spend some summer afternoons sitting around on the floor in someone’s living room listening to major league baseball games. One of our heroes was Ralph Kiner.

Listening is the operative word in the previous paragraph. There was no television back then. It was radio!

Enjoy your day!


I ate last night at the Beachside Cafe. It is part of the Southernmost complex. Sits on the Atlantic. I could taste the salt in the air.

Ordered a cheeseburger. As I devoured it, my mind went back to the Dennis Drug Store. Corner of United and Siminton. Gone several years now. A bank in its place.

I occasionally stopped by for lunch. A cheeseburger, of course. Bar stools at the counter and oil cloth covers on the tables. A from yesterday place.

Dennis had gained notoriety because of Jimmy Buffett’s Cheeseburger in Paradise. He wrote the song with Dennis in mind. He was a customer.

Don’s Place first last night.

Met Hershel’s sister. An attractive woman. Apparently here visiting. Chatted with Don. Talked with Jimmy. Said my hellos to Grant, Clara, Stan, Tony, and more.

While I was talking with Don at the bar, Dan showed up. My Skaneateles/Syracuse friend. He stopped in to say hello. Saw my car in the parking lot. Was on his way to the gym next door. As I was leaving Don’s, I decided to walk over and see how hard Dan was working out. I caught him seated at a table reading a magazine. His back was to me. I said…..Uh, uh, caught you doing nothing! Dan turned around. He was soaking wet. Sweaty as could be. Water running down off his forehead. He had just finished some machine. He was working out!

The Chart Room was relatively quiet. Emily, Che, Sean, and I talked. We agreed we all missed Peter. We are concerned about his well being.

I spent yesterday afternoon researching next week’s KONK Life column. It is going to be about the recently passed farm bill which is on its way to the President to sign. There is no question the President will sign it.

I consider the bill a rip off in many respects. A disgrace. Devious. You will find my thoughts interesting.

Christine Cordone has an exhibition this evening of her water colors. In her senior years, she has become a Key West fixture in the art field. Her exhibit is at the gallery next door to Harpoon Harry’s on Caroline. I will be there.

My recently published book continues to be on sale. The World Upside Down can be ordered from or

Enjoy your day!




I have a problem and can use some feed back. It involves my blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Three weeks running, the audio appears to be screwed up. Some told me last night was ok the first 15 minutes and then started jumping from high to low and back to high again.

If any of you listened in, send me a comment/contact here to tell me of your experience. If you were unable to hear the show live and listen archived, let me know your experience, also.

Many thanks.

My day started with a haircut by/with Lori. She has been cutting my hair for 15 years. Whereas I have decidedly aged, Lori looks the same as she did 15 years ago. A lovely woman!

Spent some time afterwards reading the newspapers at the Plantation Coffee House. Such a relaxing place!

Dinner at Roostica. Lasagna. It has become a tuesday night pre-blog show event.

I noticed Duval was quiet yesterday. Lori’s was quiet. So too was Roostica. I asked Patty where the people were. She said this was an expected slow week.

It was not slow on the roadways with the bikers! This you will not believe. I was driving up one of the one way streets toward Duval. Came to an intersection. I had the right of way. Cross traffic had stop signs.

About 20-25 bicyclers were on the side street. I kid you not. That many! They ran the stop sign and made a left turn into my street. They were riding against me. Fortunately, I was able to stop as they rode by me on both sides of the car. Laughing, of course. Enjoying themselves.

Idiots! Said respectfully. I love  tourists!

Burmese pythons are in the news again. A true Florida problem. Especially in the Everglades. A bit in the Keys. The actual number is unknown. Quite high, however. The experts say there are so many that it is impossible to eradicate them. They eat people. Last year, one slid into a house and baby crib and devoured the baby.

A Miami Herald article said that in addition to the Burmese python, there are eight other invasive constrictor species. The article suggested something has to be done. The experts have not been able to come up with a solution. A present questionable solution involves banning their importation into Florida. A drop of water in the ocean, a grain of sand on a beach.

I question the judgment of some activist groups. In this instance, an animal rights group.

We all know Lolita. Many of us have seen her perform. Lolita is the giant whale at the Sea Acquarium in Miami. She has been there for 43 years. An animal rights group wants her freed into the ocean, returned to her natural habitat. After 43 years of being cared for like a baby, I question how long she would survive. Sometimes people carry their “good desires” too far.

Enjoy your day!


No one can deny Syracuse basketball is big in my life. So how did I miss that Arizona lost saturday?

When I walked into the Sports Pub last night to watch Syracuse/Notre Dame, John Lukas yelled out a Congratulations! For what, I asked. Syracuse is #1. How? Syracuse was voted in #1 ahead of Arizona because of the Duke win?

No, Arizona lost to California saturday night.

I live on the internet. Including the sports sites. I read the newspapers. Sundays, the Key West Citizen and New York Times. This past weekend, I failed to read the Times. The Citizen rarely carries little of national importance. There was no Arizona lost in the sunday paper.

I felt like an ass. I thought…..Louis, you are really slipping!

Then Skaneateles Dan showed up to watch the Syracuse/Notre Dame game with me. I told him how I did not know about Arizona losing. He said I should not feel bad. He had just learned that morning (monday).

Maybe its the weather in Key West.

I did not expect a Syracuse blow out last night. Syracuse had to be dragging after Duke. In addition, it is hard to get up for the next game after a big one. Syracuse won. That was all that was important.

It was a big night at the Sports Pub for Syracuse fans. Met a whole new bunch. Bob from Rochester. Shawn originally from Saquoit which is like one mile from Utica. He also was either a Town of Paris legislator or County legislator or both. Steve and Lynn from Sidney, Ohio. Snowbirds. Six months in Sidney, six months in Key West. Finally, Kathy from Ohio. She proudly showed me a picture of her and Boeheim which was taken during the Big East last year in New York.

Turns out Steve reads this blog religiously. Thank you, Steve. Hope to get to know you and Lynn better since you spend so much time in Key West.

Tonight, my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine o’clock. An interesting and revealing half hour of current event chatter.

Topics tonight will include Iceland’s 4 per cent unemployment, Mexico surpassing Japan as an auto exporter to the United States (thank General Motors for one), sport commissioner salaries similar to those of bank presidents, increasing police brutality, and more. The more is always interesting. Things will happen today that will tickle me and I will discuss them in the evening. The show evolves till show time!

Enjoy your day!



It was Super Bowl Sunday. Key West rose in anticipation of watching the game early in the evening. For many, it was not to be. Comcast was down. TV and internet wi-fi connection.

For me it meant I had to get over to Lisa’s to do this week’s KONK Life column which was due yesterday. The game did not bother me. I could watch it at Don’s Place. He has all those extra expensive hook ups.

To further compound the disaster, my cell phone would not work.

I piled my computer, phone, and electric hookups into the car and headed to Lisa’s. I could do my column there.

As I walked in the door carrying all my communication equipment, Lisa said forget it. Our Comoast is down. It stayed down till I left around 4. Lisa was on the phone with Comcast. They said that everything was ok. Lisa said not here! A repair man is coming today.

I suspect many, if not all, in Key West were affected to some degree by the Comcast shut down.

I went home. I was gong to shower again and head back to Don’s Place. Lo and behold, my computer was working. So too was my TV. Plus my phone which had nothing to do with Comcast. I called Lisa. She still was without.

By the time I finished the KONK column, it was Super Bowl time. I decided to watch the game from the comfort of my bed.

The game was a shocker! I thought Denver would win. Peyton Manning would not be denied. What a beating! Seattle is to be complimented.

The KONK Life column is about the flu epidemic of 1918. Affected 500 million worldwide, killed 50 million. Bad! A noteworthy comment I read was that the 1918 flu bug killed more people in 24 days than AIDS did in 24 years!

Before Lisa’s, I stopped at the Plantation Coffee House. Skip was there.  Met him a couple of weeks ago at the Chart Room. I did not recognize him. Sorry, Skip. He is now living in Key West and doing a radio show.

Syracuse basketball again tonight! I have yet to recover from the Duke victory. Syracuse plays Notre Dame at the Carrier Dome at 7 this evening. Syracuse is a 15 point favorite. I plan on watching the game and eating at Lukas’ Sports Pub.

Tomorrow night my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 for a fast moving half hour.

The Key West Citizen in it’s This Day in History section this morning made mention of Willie Shoemaker. Shoemaker was a great jockey. Perhaps the best of all time. On this day in history, he rode race number 40,350. His final one.

I make mention of Willie Shoemaker because I knew him. Back in the early 1970s, I had a condominium at Miami’s Jockey Club. One of the members and residents was Willie Shoemaker. Many the evening we shared a drink at the bar.

Enjoy your day!





The Syracuse / Duke game was everything last night. While I watching it, Don and Herschel were in a french fry cook off. Cutting the potatoes, cooking them and sampling them all around.

Who won? Don cut his larger and cooked them in peanut oil. Herschel’s were a bit smaller. He cooked them crispy. He cooked them in lard.

The lard made the difference. Anything bad has to taste good! Congratulations Herschel! Don, you live to fight another day.

Now for the game.

We were watching the game outside behind the outside bar. Skaneateles Dan and Lisa were with us. They own a restaurant. They paid special attention to the way the fries were cooked.

Don is a gentleman. He knew how important the game was to me. He had all four TV sets tuned into the Syracuse game. Together with audio!

It was a game of games! Syracuse by 2 points. 91-89. You had the feeling you were viewing a Final Four Championship game. Two different basketball styles. Two different ways of playing. Two big time coaches. A WOW!!!

Even Dick Vitale spoke well of Syracuse last night.

We play Duke in two weeks again at Duke. Another knock out game in the making.

Syracuse is now 21-0.

I am in a hurry this morning. I have to get out of the house. The realtor is having an open house.

If you have not bought my book yet, please consider doing so. I know you will enjoy it. The World Upside Down. The title alone should be enough to tweak your curiosity. The book is available on and

Enjoy your Sunday! Enjoy the Super Bowl tonight!


There is nothing more important today than the Syracuse / Duke basketball game. Big time! Syracuse undefeated. Duke has lost 4. However, Duke has played strong in its last six games.

The morning line is Syracuse by 4 1/2 points.

I have no prediction. My heart will be in my throat the entire game.

Change of venue! I will not be at the Sports Pub watching the game. I will be at the outside bar at Don’s Place.

I enjoyed an early afternoon manicure at Tammy’s. Love that girl! Yesterday was the Asian New Year. We exchanged Happy New Years. She explained to me the celebration (7 days), what people do, etc. A big party! Male oriented, however. The men do much of the partying, eating, and drinking. The women stay home. She and her husband are Vietnamese. Sounds like the husbands are southern Republicans!

Researched a bit for my next book Growing Up Italian. You will love it!

I am doing some minor house repairs. Things I have let go too long. Jimmy and John were over yesterday painting. Keith and Jennifer working, also. I have the house up for sale. No, I am not leaving Key West. Would like to move into town, however. Tomorrow there is an open house. I have some further things to clean up on my own today. Getting ready for the open house is a pain in the ass!

Stopped at Don’s Place first last night. I was late. Usually I am out around 5. It was after 7. I had a good time. Enjoyed the company of Don, David, Jimmy, Hershel, Erika, Tom, Nancy, Tony, and Rob. Don convinced me to watch the Syracuse game tonight at his place.

The Chart Room was next. Emily noted it was not my usual arrival time. Lots of tourists. They came in and out in droves. Met Mike and Kathy. Never met them before. They live in Key West. Mike is one of John Lukas’ partners in the Big Ten Sports Pub. A couple came in. Only to buy drinks and run off with them in hand. In plastic, of course. They were all excited. Properly so. They were having dinner at L’Attitudes.

On the way home, I stopped at Publix to pick up a few things. Met a very nice lady. At the cold cut counter. She was working behind it.

Her name is Ann. She kept looking at me. Do I know you, she asked. What is your name? We finally figured it out. She reads KONK Life and my columns. Not religiously, but frequently. She was also aware of my book The World Upside Down.

I liked Ann. Not because she read my column, though it probably contributed. I may be buying cold cuts more frequently just so I can talk with her.

I have to move my ass. Sloan will be here soon. We are having audio problems with the blog talk radio show and are speaking directly with blog talk and doing test runs this morning.

Enjoy your day!