My taste buds were in for a treat last night.

Irish Kevin’s serves a hot Reuben corned beef sandwich. Continued hearing good things about it. Decided last night to enjoy one.

I love corned beef! Like my mother used to make. Boil the meat forever. Arrived at the table juicy and moist. Fat important. We probably ate the cheap cut so there was a lot of fat. Added big time to the taste.

Difficult to get a good corned beef sandwich these days. The meat tough, cold and without fat.

Not last night! Warm, juicy, tender and with a touch of fat.

Do yourself a favor. Go to Irish Kevin’s and enjoy one!

In addition to the great sandwich, you can enjoy the young ladies stepping on stage and exhibiting their breasts.

A perfect evening!

My night began at the Blue Macaw. Crowded. A group of seniors in a long congo line. Either from the cruise ship staying overnight or they were Parrotheads. I could not tell. They were having a good time!

Philadelphia Phil and Montana bartending. Chatted at the bar with Alica, John and Fiona.

Alica was doing her grocery shopping. On the computer. Walmart. Says she saves $500 a month. Buys everything but meat and items that melt. Primarily canned goods, some fruits, paper products and make up. Delivered to her front door, no charge. Of course being from Walmart, everything significantly discounted.

Drove over to the Chart Room. Crowded, also. Standing room only. No one I knew. Nodded at John, turned around and left. It was then I decided to try the corn beef at Irish Kevin’s.

My afternoon was spent watching Syracuse/Wake Forest. Syracuse won 41-24. Now, 7-2. Fantastic! It has been years since we had such a record.

The rankings are not out till tomorrow. I suspect we will go down to around #13.

Jimmy Buffett highlighted a Democratic rally last night in West Palm Beach. Gillum, Nelson and other candidates present of course. Many Parrotheads in the crowd. Some drove great distances to be there. I would not be surprised if some drove up from the Parrothead Convention here in Key West.

Buffett changed the lyrics to Come Monday to fit the occasion. The lyrics sung last night: “Come Tuesday, things will change. Come Tuesday, we’re making a change. Its been two insane years and its time to really switch gears.”

Staying with politics, it was on this day in 2008 that Obama was elected President. The first black person to be so elected.

With the election a few days away, a few random thoughts.

As a society, we are hemorrhaging in violence. Especially gun violence. The remedy is not to arm teachers, priests and rabbis.

Universal health care required/needed. The U.S. is the only industrialized nation to be without it. Universal health care would assure everyone receiving proper treatment and at the same time stop the multitude of personal bankruptcies the result of health care costs.

Immigrants from Guatemala and Honduras have heard the call of the words on the Statue of Liberty. They are looking to the place Reagan called a “shining city on a hill.” It is so inconsistent with our values to send the military to shoot them dead at the border.

Kill someone and that person’s family and friends will not forget. Trump has broken the deal with Iran. Additional sanctions will be imposed today.

Iranian people are dying from shortages of certain necessary items. Insulin being one.

Trump’s actions an abuse of power?

A President cannot unilaterally break a treaty. The Senate approved it initially. Such is the law. The Senate must vote to break it. I also believe Trump broke the treaty to show the world how tough he is. A bully!

There is another reason. Trump and Netanyahu are birds of a feather. Authoritarians. Even before Trump’s election, Netanyahu was crying for war against Iran. He wants the U.S. and other nations to join him against Iran. Especially the U.S.

Netanyahu’s real reason is not that Iran is going to blow up the world. It is that he wants it firmly established that Israel is the power in the Middle East. Neither Iran nor anyone else.

Enjoy your Sunday!