Jenna took me out for my birthday last night. A week late. But ok. She was in Atlanta last weekend.

Dinner at Azur. Jenna picked the place. An excellent choice. Fine food and service. A relaxing atmosphere.

We started dinner with champagne. Jenna loves champagne. We have enjoyed the bubbles several times together. The first was while watching Fourth of July fireworks some five years ago. We watched from my deck. In lounge chairs. A bottle of Dom Perignon on a small table between us..

A fine time then and a fine time last night.

Jenna has her own morning TV talk show. She interviews persons of interest. She also manages the TV studio. In between, she models in Miami and elsewhere. Her career is moving along.

I met Jenna when I started doing a TV talk show. She was my producer. I knew from nothing when I started. I learned a lot from her.

Last night, she talked to me about doing this blog once a week on video. Everything the same, except you see and hear me. I am considering trying it.

Frequently when I mention Jenna, out of towners ask that I post her pic so they could see what she looks like. Today is the day! Two Jenna photos!

A lovely lady. Inside and out.








I spent a lot of day time yesterday researching this week’s KONK Life column. Still have more research ahead today. Will write the column later today. It is due at the publisher’s.

The topic involves Margaret Sanger. Considered the founder of what today is Planned Parenthood. An outspoken woman regarding birth control and abortion.

Some interesting things have come to light this week. Her motivations re supporting birth control and abortion. Sanger shockingly was anti-black, participated in Klu Klux Klan meetings, believed only in the survival of the fittest, espoused Hitler doctrines, and more. Deeply revealing.

The revelations resulting from news this past week.  Planned Parenthood has been selling cells/parts of aborted fetuses. A revelation in and of itself!

Anna leaves for Amorgos today. I envy her. Amorgos is my favorite place.

Uber has pulled out of Key West. I do not think it final. They will be back.

Enjoy your Sunday!


The Associated Press’ Andrea Rodriguez recently wrote an excellent article re Cuba’s getting ready for business it anticipates will come. Most of what has been accomplished thus far was done prior to Cuba and the U.S. kissing and making up.

A new mega port project is under construction west of Havana. Close to completion. Already signing up business.

A 2,300 foot dock has been constructed. Along side, the Chinese built four huge off loading cranes. A nearby area the size of a football field has been graded. To provide private companies ready land to build upon. Hopefully, foreign companies. The area will be a special economic development zone.

Cuba knows it has to jump start a sluggish economy. Cuba is hopeful foreign investment will be attracted.

In the last 1.5 years, seven companies have signed up and are ready to launch. Five foreign and two domestic.

Interesting Key West weather. Typical summer weather. Yesterday afternoon, it rained. Actually poured big time. All of ten minutes. Strong winds. White caps. This morning everything is calm. Dead. Nothing moving. The tide is out. Water smooth. Appears a person could walk on it. Sky gray.

I overslept yesterday morning by one hour. Really had to move my ass to get the blog out, shower and get to the anti-gravity treadmill on time.

After the treadmill, it was the Cuban Coffee Queen. Cuban cheese toast and Cuban coffee. Read the Wall St. Journal. Not my favorite newspaper. Ultra conservative. Too far to the right. However, I periodically read it because I like to know what the right is thinking. The same reason I occasionally watch FOX TV.

Last night, it was Don’s Place first. Enjoyed a stressful conversation with Don, Stan and Claire. The subject matter immaterial. Don was wound up.

Stopped at Tavern ‘n Town on the way home for a bite to eat. Glad I did. Met a most charming woman!

We were sitting at the bar together. She extremely attractive in a conservative way. Fortyish. Tanned just enough. Long black shiny hair hanging over her shoulders. she was wearing black leggings and black flats. Her top a white blouse of sorts. Loose. A wide slit in the middle down the front. Cleavage excellent. A little extra showing. In good taste, however.

I had a most stimulating conversation with her. About everything and nothing. I am sure she did also. I could have fallen in love.

I will probably never see her again. She was to leave on the first plane this morning out of Key West. We did exchange cell phone numbers. I told her about the blog. Asked if I could write about our meeting. She said yes, except do not mention my name , the city I am from and my work. I understood.

The mystery lady I hope to meet again.

Anna will be leaving Santorini sunday. To Armogos. She finally was able to get a room in a pensione. I envy her. I would love to be with her on Amorgos. The only place I like better than Key West.

Anna was worried yesterday about money. ATM machines on Amorgos empty. Anna has an Italian credit card. Good in Santorini. She went to the ATM and loaded up with euros. A good candidate for a robbery!

Greece, Greece, Greece. Strange things are happening. I am getting lost at this stage trying to figure out who is going to do what next.

The Parliament had to approve or disapprove the Eurounion deal. I thought it would be defeated by a heavy vote. Instead, it was approved overwhelmingly. 229-64.

The demonstrations got sloppy last night for the first time. The protesters throwing molotov cocktails at the police and the police returning tear gas. The day time strike called for by the unions had some degree of success. How much, I could not determine. Civil servants, municipal workers, and pharmacy owners did not work.

The new deal will not work. I read somewhere yesterday that interest costs alone will reach $5.5 trillion over the next ten years. Impossible to pay.

A New York City police officer choked black Eric Garner to death a year ago. The City has settled with Garner’s family in a wrongful death lawsuit. $5.9 million. An expensive choke hold!

Honda admitted overcharging certain minorities’ interest charges on purchases made by them. Specifically, Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and Pacific Islanders. Honda agreed to repay $24 million to those affected.

I did not over sleep this morning. I was up at 3:30 to watch the British open.

Enjoy your day!


Key West is presently battling whether to have garbage pick ups once or twice a week. There was a time when the number of times for anything was generous.

This morning’s Key West Citizen in its History Section notes that on this day in 1901, the Post Office began making deliveries three times a day. Early morning, mid day and late afternoon.

How things change!

Love Rick Boettger. He calls them as he sees ’em. In an article in E-Blast this morning titled The Big Story / Crash or Burn, he indicates how difficult it is to do business in Key West. A tough town to get a business started. Even tougher to stay in business.

Rick had a statement I would like to share…..Key West is a place to spend money you made somewhere else.

How true!

Starbuck’s on the Boulevard finally underway. Checkers building being demolished. I look forward to the new Starbuck’s. I love to sit inside, sip coffee, and read. The new Starbuck’s will provide that convenience.

The Citizen this morning also noted that Key West will receive its share of the BP settlement. $2.7 million. Allegedly for economic damages suffered during the spill. The oil never reached Key West. For business loss during that period because people were afraid to visit. They thought the oil would reach Key West beaches.

The $2.7 million even more interesting since earlier paper work by the City indicated Key West had only lost $630,00.

BP settlements of this nature are a rip off! I can’t fault the City for taking the money. However, it should never have been available. At some distant point following the spill, by law or regulation, rules came down permitting the type of losses to be compensated out of a pool of money made available for such purpose. The law/regs were broadly drawn. Did incorporate losses as the City was paid for.

Such does not make the payment right. Either to Key West or anyone else. Even saying BP has a lot of money does not make it correct.

Dinner at Roostica last night before my blog talk radio show. Met a new waitress. Olga. A nice lady.

Did my blog talk radio show later in the evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Three topics hit. How the U.S. as a society has lost its way, a Greece update suggesting watch out for the Neo-Nazi party, and my thoughts re the Iranian agreement. All interesting! Controversial in some respects.

Anna. Greece. Anna still on Santorini. Santorini continues to be packed with tourists. This week Chinese, Japanese and English. Spending money like crazy. Everything very expensive.

She wanted to spend time on my favorite island, Amorgos. Not going. Could not get a room. Amazing! Plus, all ATM machines are bare. No cash money available on Amorgos.

The show goes on! The Greece/Eurounion conflict not concluded. The next few days will reveal much. Parliament votes today whether to accept the offer. The unions are supposedly on a 24 hour strike today. No one working. Athens shut down if the called for strike successful.

Various media sources suggest Merkel may have hurt herself big time. She exercised raw “naked power.” Germany may win today. However the Greeks and other European nations will remember Greece’s treatment. What goes around, comes around. Germany some day will stand with hat in hand. Germany’s treatment at that time may be as harsh as Greece’s this time.

Enjoy your day!


Maybe its the smoke from the weed drifting over the border from Mexico to Texas. Whatever, our southern brethren are afflicted with the crazies.

The place,  Bastrop, Texas. They believe Obama is going to invade Texas. On July 15. There is a U.S. Army field maneuver planned for that day. Near Bastrop. One of the biggest military training exercises ever.

Bastrop believes the maneuver is really a plot to spy on Texans, confiscate their guns, and establish martial law.


I am not surprised. After all, former Texas Governor Perry said three years ago that Texas was considering seceding from the Union. The same Perry seeking the Republican Presidential nomination today.

I am going to address this Texas craziness in more detail on my blog talk radio show tonight. Join me. Guaranteed interesting. The details shocking.

My yesterday went as I thought, with one addition.

Started with the anti-gravity treadmill. Love it! My new friend!

Then Tammy for a manicure and pedicure. Tammy looked tired. Very. Asked her if she got to bed late last night. Yes. The family drove to Sea World in Orlando for the weekend. Left friday night after work, returned late sunday night.

They had fun! I could see it in Tammy’s eyes as she told me. The 6.5 hour drive each way was worth it. The one negative were the fireworks on the Fourth. Did not begin till 11. The parents tired. The children not.

The most interesting item re the trip is that Tammy and her husband took two days off for the trip. They generally only close on sunday. They closed saturday and sunday. First time ever. An example of success be falling Tammy and family. Good for them!

It was 1:30. I was heading to Publix. My stomach growling. Was I hungry! I decided I would stop somewhere for lunch first. The somewhere turned out to be 5 Guys. I figured what the hell, it was my birthday and I was entitled. A large cheeseburger with lots of extras on it and fries. Filling. Better described as bloating. Felt good, however.

Then to Publix. Glad I was delayed in arriving because of lunch. Saw a wonder of wonders! Maybe a special present?

Walking down the aisle before me was what had to be a lovely lady. I could not tell initially. Her back was to me. She was wearing pink shorts. Could have been undies. Did little to cover her butt. Only about the top two thirds. Forgive me friends, but I have to say it. Lovely cheeks hanging out!

I stayed behind her a couple of aisles. Why give up a good thing! Eventually, I was not the only one. The line behind me got long.

Got to see all of her. Clothed, of course. A lovely young lady. Late 20s perhaps. Very little food in her basket. All I could think was she had to be a performer at Bare Assets or one of the other Key West gentlemen’s clubs.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Spent the balance of yesterday afternoon fine tuning the show.

Topics include the crazy Texans story described briefly before, Eric Holder and the banks, a Greece update, Congress and GMOs, and a further example of China not sitting on its ass.

Should be a good show.

Last night was Happy Birthday dinner with Lisa and the family. Always fun. Robert and Ally gave me home made cards. Ally wrote on hers….You are the best Poppa ever! Anything better?

I thank one and all for the many birthday greetings received. From four continents. Amazing!

Tropic Cinema announced it is not going to be part of the 2015 Key West Film Festival. Too bad. The Festival was getting off the ground. Primarily due to the efforts of the many who support Tropic Cinema. Apparently a money issue. A contract could not be agreed to with the outside organizers.

Anna reports. Greeks happy with the vote. Though the moneyed ones still concerned. Anna is on Santorini. Town of Oia. Oia top of the line. She says most of the cave hotels redone. As was the one she normally stays in. And is staying at this season also. Tons of money spent over the winter remodeling hotel lodgings. Her cave apartment cost 220 euro a night last year. Five hundred fifty euros this summer. What a jump! Restaurant prices way up also.

She reports many Japanese visiting. Younger. 20s-40s. Spending money.

Anna needed money. She brought several hundred euros with her. She went to an ATM yesterday. Took out 500 euros. No problem. She was using a foreign credit card.

Greece is winning the battle with the Eurounion. The Eurounion will blink first. Perhaps today when they meet. If Greece were to depart the Eurounion, all of Europe could face a deep recession. Including the prosperous Germany.

Enjoy your day!


Fourth of July. Independence Day. Happy July 4th everyone!

Tonight big in Key West. Fireworks at the White Street Pier. A huge party at the Casa Marina. People everywhere watching the fireworks. Easy to watch from most places on the island. Standing on street corners and sitting on porches. Fun time!

The day has historical aspects, also. In addition to being celebrated as the birth of the United States.

Technically, Independence Day is not July 4. It is July 2. On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence. Whereas, July 4 was the day the Declaration began to be signed. It was not signed by all that day. It took a month to get everyone’s signature.

The Founding Fathers thought July 2 would be forever celebrated as Independence Day. Somehow July 4 took on the honor.

Three Presidents in a row died on July 4.  John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were two who signed the document. They both died on the same day. July 4, 1826. James Monroe is considered a Founding Father, though not a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He died on July 4, 1831.

Fantastic music and July 4 go together. Great patriotic songs. John Sousa type music. For years, it was the Boston Pops Orchestra. I looked forward to watching. The Boston Pops was knocked off national TV after 2012. The claim viewing was down 20 percent. The Boston Pops is still carried locally on TV in the Boston area, however.

The big musical TV event now is the Capitol Fourth. Full name, A Capitol Fourth. On the lawn of the Capitol. Five hundred thousand in attendance. Followed by  the best fireworks in the land.

I will be viewing the Washington show on TV. I gave up going to the scene of the Key West fireworks several years ago. Merely a mood change. I miss saying hello to friends. However, I enjoy the comfort of laying back and watching on TV from home and listening to some great music beforehand.

Dave was 65 years old yesterday. Happy birthday, Dave!

We partied at the Hot Tin Roof last night in his honor. David, his son Keith, grandson Justin, Jennifer, Don, Stan, Claire, and me. Fun time!

Ran into Rick Boettger and Cynthia Edwards at the bar earlier. Two great people. Their home the first of three places where I fell on three consecutive days. Rick and Cynthia speak out publicly re issues of public concern. Always correct. Enjoy them both!

Anna reports. Demonstrations every day in downtown Athens. Not just in front of Parliament. On the adjoining streets also. Bigger numbers than the first night. Last night 25,000 listened to Tsipras speak. A few blocks away, the other side was demonstrating. Fifteen thousand. The vote Sunday important.

Italy’s President came out the other day in favor of the Eurounion. Yesterday, leaders of the Italian far left were in Athens to support Tsipras’ government, which is a far left one also.

It was tee shirt time. Black tee shirts with OXI printed on them. OXI means No. Vote No to accepting the Eurounion’s plan.

Greek’s Nazi Party is known as Golden Dawn. Represents the far right. Golden Dawn has been quiet during the demonstrations. Beware, these neo Nazis are standing in the shadows in the event an opportunity arises to take control. Anna says that members of the Italian Nazi Party were in Athens wandering around. Known as Alba Dorata, which means Golden Door. They are in Athens supporting their Greek brothers.

Anna is presently on the plane to Santorini. I am interested to learn her observations of the situation as it exists on Santorini. Santorini is a prosperous island. I suspect its citizens will be in support of the euro and Eurounion.

Enjoy your Fourth!



My yesterday. Typical.

Started late morning with the anti-gravity treadmill. A wonder! Then to the Cuban Coffee House for lunch. Cuban toast and a large Cuban coffee.

Walked Duval a bit. New Gap Factory Store open. Good size. Homey. Missed the phony hostage/guest house scenario which closed two blocks of Duval. Stopped at Tucker’s. On Duval near Antonio’s. Great sports attire for men and women. Pricey. Will go well with tourists who might not care about price. Doubt many locals will buy there.

Summer definitely here. I could feel the humidity big time as I walked Duval. This is only the beginning. Wait till August and September!

Last night, Don’s Place early. Don. Stan and Claire. Jeneane and Mary from the Pier House at the bar. Sisters. Lovely ladies.

Dinner at Tavern ‘n Town. Mood music. Put me in the mood. Mellowed me right out. Did not get the name of singer. He was busy talking with others when I left.

Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill into law in the 1960s. He said it would “…..bring peace to our land.” Unfortunately, he was wrong. The black church burning in Georgia a few days ago proof.

The Charleston shooting was June 17. Since then, a mere two weeks, there have been seven black church fires in the South. All but two have already been declared not arson. The two, hate crimes.

I do not buy the results. The non arson ones. The judgment in each case was made by a local fire chief and department. Like the early cops shooting blacks. A Chief and Prosecutor evaluating whether the police shooting was justified.

These cases should all be investigated by top notch experienced arson people. They exist in one place. Insurance companies. They should be on the job immediately together with some expert federal officers to determine cause. The goal being an untainted report.

I wonder, how many white churches had fires during the same two week period.

Anna reports. Credit cards no good in Athens. Most merchants want cash. Will not sell without cash payment. ATM machines busy this morning. Nowhere near the crowds of yesterday morning.

Everyone is at fault to differing degrees re the Greece situation. The consensus is developing that Germany’s Merkel has contributed greatly. She has been labeled as self righteous. Also as having pushed too hard.

Would you believe…..Another Rocky film coming out. Rocky VII. Sylvester Stallone managing , not fighting. Managing Apollo Creed’s son.

Oregon legalized marijuana for personal use. Limited amounts, of course. The fourth State to do so. If anyone had told me in the 1970s and 1980s that this was going to happen, I would have thought them crazy. Similar to same sex marriage. Who would have believed?

Enjoy your day!



Today’s blog will be short. I developed a dental problem last night. I have a very early appointment this morning.

I told Anna not to go to Greece. She is going. Leaves today.

She spoke with friends yesterday in Athens and Santorini. They all said come. Everything normal, except for the demonstrations. No one will bother you. Life normal.

We shall see. I hope she received good advice.

I would love to be in Greece these days. Has to be exciting. History in the making! The demonstrations should not be a problem if they are similar to those I experienced. Yesterday, 10,000 were protesting in front of Parliament. Where I stood with 4,000-5,000 demonstrators on three occasions several years ago.

I have been watching news reports re Greece on TV. I question if we are being provided with the true picture. We see the protests. We do not see lives outside the protests. Lives going on as usual.

A warning. A Louis one. The Eurounion/Greece problem is opening the door for a Greece, Russia, China deal. Watch. Putin at work again.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. An interesting show.

Topics include the President’s eulogy, the two Supreme Court decisions of import last week, the U.S. Navy short of ships, a new way to sneak cocaine out of Columbia, and a Greece update.

I will have heard from Anna by show time tonight with her first impressions of Athens. I will share them.

Enjoy your day!


Another beautiful Key West morning! A calm one. Nothing moving. Water still. No breeze. Birds chirping. I stepped out on the deck. I felt the whole world was mine.

President Obama’s eulogy at Reverend Pinckney’s service moved me. My emotions got involved. Tears filled my eyes. I thought it was one of man’s great orations. The feeling apparently mutual. Media persons over the weekend have expressed themselves in a similar fashion.

Amazing Great was part and parcel of the eulogy. In fact, part and parcel of the service.

Several years ago, I wrote an article for Amazon Kindle titled Amazing Grace. The story/history behind the Amazing Grace of today. Several times I have reprinted the article. I did again yesterday. Called it Amazing Grace Revisited.

I was motivated by President Obama’s singing of the classic during the eulogy.

Amazing Grace Revisited is this week’s column in KONK Life. Publishes wednesday.

Love Publix! The crossroads of Key West!

Yesterday afternoon ran into Albert and his family. Albert was my trainer at WeBeFit. A terrific guy. Special. Albert was pushing his cart accompanied by his wife. Inside sat Angelina. Their eight month old daughter.

First time I had seen her. A beauty! The face, the hair, the eyes. The eyes especially. Reminded me of the Gerber baby.

God bless!

A week ago on June 23, this blog was titled Cuban Hemingway House. Hemingway’s Cuban home called Finca Vigia. Run down. Filled with Hemingway books, letters and photos. Beat up from the humidity over the years. The home is closed. No tours, etc. as here in Key West.

My article was motivated by the news that an American foundation was providing a not for profit Cuban group with just under $900,000 to save the items. An example of little things beginning to happen because of warming relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

This morning’s Key West Citizen retold the story. With much more detail and photographs.

The Citizen article revealing. Dink Bruce is a local. Everyone knows Dink. A warm sociable guy. The article reveals that Dink’s father Bruce was a good friend of Hemingway. Bruce did the renovations to Finca Vigia when Hemingway acquired the property. Dink still has some of the renovation drawings.

A small world. One way or another, we all seem to be connected.

Lest I forget, two of Hemingway’s greatest works were written while he lived at Finca Vigia. For Whom The Bells Toll and The Old Man And The Sea.

Greece. WOW days ahead! Greece and the Eurounion are split. Greece is on its own. Unbelievable money problems ahead for Greece. Perhaps also the Eurounion.

Greece has already announced that banks will be closed for six days. Only 60 euros a day may be removed from ATM accounts. The problem is that there are only enough euros left to supply the ATM machines for 3 days. Then, what? Will the drachma return? Or as far fetched as it sounds, will Greece adopt the American dollar as its currency?

My friend Anna telephoned from Novara yesterday. She is scheduled to fly to Greece for a month’s vacation tomorrow. She is fearful of going. I e-mailed her this morning and told her to go somewhere else. Greece will be uncertain for a while.

I would love to be in Greece at this time. Athens and the islands. It will be exciting! Protests, demonstrations. Who knows what else. A moment in history. Not in my plans however.

Have to hustle. Anti-gravity treadmill later this morning.

Enjoy your day!



Happy Father’s Day!

Always nice to see the day come around again. Unfortunately, I do not think fathers are treated and revered as in days’ past. Something is different today. I hear it from every father/parent who has grown children.

I believe the cause is the way my generation raised our children. We gave them too much. We gave them everything. We wanted the better life for them we had not experienced.

We raised a generation who believe they are entitled to everything. The Age of Entitlement! Which means most care not as they should for their parents.

Another thought. Society is becoming fatherless. Many one parent families. When first one parent families came upon us, we cheered. Generally, it was the mother. What a great job the ladies were doing!

Not so great from my perspective. I admire them. I also feel sorry for them. And the children.

It has been said we live in a fatherless society today. True. Think about it.

I am old school. I believe there must be a return to old school. Two parent families. Whether straight or same sex. It does not take a village to raise a child. It takes two parents!

I am going to be bombed with comments tomorrow! No question. I have scraped the scab off a festering wound.

Lucky are we who live in Key West and the Florida keys. The weather generally great. Scenery always beautiful. Peaceful. Nothing like seeing water every day.

I am fortunate to live on the ocean. The slight blast of hot air that hit my face this morning as I stepped onto the deck irreplaceable. A great feeling. You just know it is going to be a great day.

Key West’s pace is invigorating. Invigorating a strange word to use. Everything is slow paced. Easy going.

Most happy, even those that have little reason to be.

All kumbaya!

I finally decided yesterday what this week’s KONK Life column will be. I spent yesterday researching. I have a bit more today and then the writing itself. Charleston motivated me. I intend to show the black problem from three perspectives. World War I, World War II and Charleston.

Anna has been my housekeeper for more than 10 years. A fancy description for cleaning lady. Whatever the title, I state it with the utmost respect.

Anna leaves me for two months every two years. She returns to Poland, her land of birth. The whole family goes. God bless them!

Anna and her husband work hard. They do not waste money. Ergo, they can afford the trip. They are received in Poland as rich Americans. Anna laughs when she tells me.

Key West is a conglomeration of those born in foreign lands. Some come and stay. Others have green card problems and move on. Most become citizens. Others save a few dollars and return from whence they came.

I have always had an interest in those who go back. It appears that if they have a few bucks in their pockets earned here, they can live better in the old country than here. They initially came for economic reasons. They return because the problem has been solved to some degree. They can now live cheaper back home.

I share the Anna and other immigrants story because most of us believe those from another country come to stay. Not necessarily so.

Another police shooting last night. Los Angeles. The neighborhood a safe one. The incident took place in broad daylight.

A man was standing by his car with a white cloth rapped around his hand. He was yelling…..Stop! Stop!… the police car as it approached. The police car stopped. They told him to “drop it” as he was raising his wrapped hand. He did not. There was nothing to drop. They shot him in the head.

The police claim they thought he had a gun. He did not.

The man is in critical condition. A resident videoed part of the happening. Sick to see!

The two officers are nonchalantly saying as the man lies on the ground something to the effect….Oh, how sickning…..his brains are coming out.

The man is lying on his stomach. While this discourse took place. At the same time, the video shows one of the officers handcuffing the unconscious brain oozing victim.

He is a victim!

Enjoy your Sunday/Father’s Day!


Dancing and frivolity of old will exist once again tomorrow evening in Key West. At East Martello. Midsummer’s Night Dream & Spectacle. In its ninth year.

The show, though proper in every respect, is a throwback to pagan days when the beginning of summer was celebrated with  big time partying. Way before Shakespeare’s time.

The show is Michael Shield’s baby. The originator nine years ago, he has continued to produce the event every year. Co-producer is the Key West Art & Historical Society.

My dear friend Jenna Stauffer is the emcee. I can visualize her in days of old. Prancing around in her fairy wings, tip toeing through the tulips. Orchestration by Skipper Kripitz. Perhaps the most honorable man in Key West. Singers include Larry Smith and Kathleen Peace. I love Kathleen! I love her singing! The walls of the East Martello Fort will shake during her performance.

My day yesterday began with a noon walk along the Atlantic Ocean. In the heat of the day. Not the best time. However, I did it. Then to the Cuban Coffee Queen for Cuban cheese toast and Cuban coffee.

Steve Braddock is a care giving Key Wester. He is a Catholic priest. He is active in assisting the homeless. A Saint Francis.

He is pissed off. The Lower Keys Medical Center claims he owes a balance for a hospital stay. $1,975. The hospital has sued in Small Claims Court. Before suit and since, Braddock has asked for an itemized bill. No itemized bill has been forthcoming.

The good priest is aware from prior assistance to the homeless that hospitals have a tendency to overcharge. Dramatically. He is defending himself in court. I would not want to have him as an opponent under the circumstances.

We have genocide in the United States. I refer to it as American genocide. The killing of blacks by whites. It has been going on since the earliest days of our country. It has to stop. Will it ever? I do not know.

The last 48 hours have brought the story of nine blacks in a church bible class shot by a white 21 year old. The place, Charleston, South Carolina. The 21 year old, Dylan Storm Roof. The killings in cold blood.

During the shootings, he said…..I have to do it… rape our women and you’ve taken over our country, and you have to go.

Roof has a history evidencing a drug problem. His father gave him a gun for his 21st birthday.

Roof was obviously misinformed as to the black conduct he described during the shootings. Probably heard it at the dinner table from his father.

These shootings are what they are. Racial hatred expressed with a gun. It must end! Otherwise as I have been saying on my blog talk radio show, the battle will not be between police and blacks. It will be blacks against whites. A people will take abuse only so long. There is a new generation of blacks and they will not be as patient and forbearing as their forefathers.

Anna is in Camogli. She has a beach front apartment. Camogli is part of the Italian Riviera. Next door is Portofino. Home of the renown Silvio Berlusconi. His close friend Putin has built a home nearby.

Tomorrow night’s emcee Jenna Stauffer is my date tonight. We are going to dinner. Love Jenna!

Enjoy your day!